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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1687265 No.1687265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of "Pope", doesn't believe in the phraze: "Ad maiorem Dei gloriam"?

>> No.1687271
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How can you call yourself "human", let alone a believer in "God", if you do not believe in the phraze: "Ad maiorem Dei gloriam"

>> No.1687276 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 666x500, nospoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you knowing kill your Mother, and Father?

>> No.1687282


Phrase is spelled with an s.

>> No.1687284
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>> No.1687285
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How can you live knowing that you are killing your Mother, and Father?

>> No.1687289



>> No.1687290

You are weak,
You are soul-less,
You will burn in hell,

>> No.1687295

You have the power to bring peace, and instead you infect the world with media; the pope himself is a pawn in your games. You decieve everyone so you can continue with your own weakness and greed.

>> No.1687301

"Ad maiorem Dei gloriam"
- For the greater glory of God,
- For the greater glory of Good,
- For the greater glory of The World
- For the greater glory of Peace
- For the greater glory of Love

>> No.1687306
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>> No.1687308

"I will die for my beliefs"
Which also means,
"You will die for my beliefs"

>> No.1687318

why would I be mad when the troll is so stupid he cannot even be considered a human

>> No.1687319
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You killed millions to prevent peace, why? Cause you're power-hungry, weak, and you believe that you are above others. A teacher believes that he/she is more 'intelligent' than others, and loves being able to teach, which is GREED; you do not teach the truth, purely because you want a false sense of POWER, you're fucking evil and deluded and I fucking hate you.

>> No.1687327

Continue suppressing as much as you like, all I have to do is mention the word: Jesuit or Society of Jesus and I'm already sending people the right way. I could also post videos from youtube, and immediately people start to THINK, do you believe you have more POWER than GOD?

>> No.1687332

>PhD in truth
>Eternal life and peace starting
>Anything I want

>> No.1687335

For those homosexuals reading this who ejaculate then proceed to eat their semen, which is expected due to the education, you are not only eating your children, you are eating your mother AND father.

>> No.1687346
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Uhh, no.

>> No.1687348

There is no entropy, there is Hot and Cold; and we came from the poles, "coming in from the cold," our mother is cold, and our father is hot, and through both bonding our mother created NATURE, and the heat allows it to grow. When you kill nature, you are KILLING YOUR MOTHER. How can you allow yourself to kill your own mother? You're not human if you do; and you will burn in hell, no matter how strong your blind-faith is.

>> No.1687379

If you believe in the media presented Religion with spirituality you are AGAINST LIFE, if you are AGAINST LIFE, you will SURELY BURN IN HELL. You need, and I mean NEED to REPENT these fucking lies they inject you with and start looking for the TRUTH.

Jews were not killed in the holocaust, how are they a burden to the advancement of the human race (science)? Explain that one for me, and don't get mad or sad about it, cause I'm fucking mad that you believe it. The Jesuits were killed in the holocaust, as they were spreading the message I am right now. The Jesuits are a burden to science; If everything I say is true, and I'm a Jesuit, I'm hindering science's destructive ways. So think, who died in the holocaust? Jesuits did. NOT JEWS.

Modern Day Religions:
Jewish, Christianty, Islam, Buddism, Taosim, Etc.

All believe in God or Spirituality, blindly.

"Ad maiorem Dei gloriam"

Believes in the GREATER GLORY of GOD.

For there to be true beliefs all around the world, for there to be peace, and the government HATE this, because they're power-hungry.

How can you call yourself a TRUE BELIEVER IN GOD, if you don't believe in the words, "Ad maiorem Dei gloriam"?

>> No.1687383
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>> No.1687386

Furthermore, how can your call yourself a scientist, if you destroy life?

>> No.1687387

I wonder what kind of a mental illness aether has..

>> No.1687429

"Whoever desires to serve as a soldier of God beneath the banner of the Cross in our Society, which we desire to be designated by the Name of Jesus, and to serve the Lord alone and the Church, his spouse, under the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ on earth, should, after a solemn vow of perpetual chastity, poverty and obedience, keep what follows in mind. He is a member of a Society founded chiefly for this purpose: to strive especially for the defence and propagation of the faith and for the progress of souls in Christian life and doctrine, by means of public preaching, lectures and any other ministration whatsoever of the Word of God, and further by means of retreats, the education of children and unlettered persons in Christianity, and the spiritual consolation of Christ's faithful through hearing confessions and administering the other sacraments. Moreover, he should show himself ready to reconcile the estranged, compassionately assist and serve those who are in prisons or hospitals, and indeed, to perform any other works of charity, according to what will seem expedient for the glory of God and the common good"

>> No.1687446

His main principle became the unofficial Jesuit motto: Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam ("For the greater glory of God"). This phrase is designed to reflect the idea that any work that is not evil can be meritorious for the spiritual life if it is performed with this intention, even things considered normally indifferent.

Ignatius and the early Jesuits did recognize, though, that the hierarchical Church was in dire need of reform. Some of their greatest struggles were against corruption, venality, and spiritual lassitude within the Roman Catholic Church. Ignatius's insistence on an extremely high level of academic preparation for ministry, for instance, was a deliberate response to the relatively poor education of much of the clergy of his time. The Jesuit vow against "ambitioning prelacies" was a deliberate effort to prevent greed for money or power invading Jesuit circles.

>> No.1687457

In addition to teaching faith, the Ratio Studiorum emphasized the study of Latin, Greek, classical literature, poetry, and philosophy as well as non-European languages, sciences and the arts. Furthermore, Jesuit schools encouraged the study of vernacular literature and rhetoric, and thereby became important centers for the training of lawyers and public officials.

The Jesuit schools played an important part in winning back to Catholicism a number of European countries which had for a time been predominantly Protestant, notably Poland and Lithuania. Today, Jesuit colleges and universities are located in over one hundred nations around the world. Under the notion that God can be encountered through created things and especially art, they encouraged the use of ceremony and decoration in Catholic ritual and devotion. Perhaps as a result of this appreciation for art, coupled with their spiritual practice of "finding God in all things", many early Jesuits distinguished themselves in the visual and performing arts as well as in music.

>> No.1687466

blah blah blabbity blah

>> No.1687469

Famous Jesuits;

Damien Marley,
Jay Z,
Leonardo Da Vinchi, (Priory of Sion)

>> No.1687473

I will help bump this because /sci/ is mad lol

>> No.1687475
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These people think Peace and saving Nature is stupid,

>> No.1687477

the one who doesn't speak Latin?

>> No.1687481

Most living things kill other living things in order to survive, humans are no worse.