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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1686339 No.1686339 [Reply] [Original]

Prepare for some rage/lulz /sci/.


"Like when you fall down a bottomless pit?"

"Kinda, but it's more like when you put two ice cubes next to each other, and they'll never melt because they'll just keep each other cold forever."

"What if you put two ice cubes next to each other and dropped them down a bottomless pit?"

"Well they'd drift apart and melt, unless you glued them, but then they wouldn't really be touching."

"Oh, right."

>> No.1686345
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"Every year they say it's global warming, but then like three months later it gets cold again."

"Yeah, you're right, because at first I'm noticing this change where it's warmer and the days are longer, and I think they're on to something, but then I realize the days aren't getting longer and warmer, they're actually getting shorter and colder, and I'm just like 'this is bullshit.'"

"I know, it's like every September they're like 'close call guys, we almost got global warming but we JUST missed it!' and that's why science can blow me."

>> No.1686342

I personally believe that us americans are unable to do so because um some people out there in our nation don't have that and
uh i believe that our education like such that as in south africa and uh the iraq everywhere like such as and i believe that
they should our education over here in the US should help the US or should help south africa and should help the iraq and the
asian countries so we will be able to build up our future.

>> No.1686351
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"Shit dude, I like having an extra day, why can't we have them every year?"

"Well there's a reason you only have the once every four years."


"It's like chocolate. If you have it too often you get too used to eat, then you need to eat more. Then we've got years that like right years."

"Wouldn't we live longer then?"

"...I think you're right."

>> No.1686354
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"So, like, sometimes the ocean water is high, but sometimes it's low."

"Cause why?"

"Cause the moon is like a magnet and it attracts the water."

"I thought magnets only attracted metal."

"Water's a type of metal."

"Oh, cool."

"Also it's one of the noble gasses."

>> No.1686356
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"You can put stuff other than gas in your cars?"

"Only certain cars."

"What cars?"

"Well Hydrogen is 2/3 of water, so, like, cars that are 1/3 water."


"Yeah, cause like human are 80% water so we use hydrogen and not gasoline, and most cars are like 8%, but if the car is 20% or more water then it can run on hydrogen."

"Like boats?"

"Not at all like boats."

>> No.1686361
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"The Butterfly Effect is what happens when a small insignificant event causes other, more major events to occur."

"Why's it called that?"

"It's like when a teenage girl gets lost in a foreign country, and as a result hundreds of reporters and thousands of hours of news reports result, and like the teenage girl, butterflies are pretty."

>> No.1686363
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"Isn't absolute zero like when it can't get any colder?"

"At all?"

"At all."


"I know."

"So like, even if it got colder..."

"It could get infinitely colder, but it wouldn't be anymore cold."


"I know."

"Me too."

>> No.1686366
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"So, like, nothing can be known or communicated?"

"Yeah, because language isn't definite and is open to interpretation."

"So you might say 'boat' and I might hear 'boat' but I might interpret as 'banana.'"

"Yeah, so I say 'do you want to go fishing on my boat?' and I'd say 'fishing on a fruit? No chance, sir.' but it's not really a banana, it's a boat?"

"It's more like 'fishing on a fruit? hell yeah' because in your world you go fishing on bananas."

"But if I went fishing on a banana, I'd drown."

"Yeah, so your inferior reality doesn't get passed on to future generations."


>> No.1686367

I would like to point out that perpetual motion is possible in a perfect vacuum when no outside forces are acting on the object.

Half of /sci/ probably doesn't know.

And even the deepest parts of space are not a perfect vacuum, so this is only theoretical.

>> No.1686372
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"So, like, water dies, right?"


"Then decomposers break it down into organic matter."

"Yeah, decomposers are very important in nature."

"Definitely. Then it rains water seeds, and when the water seeds mix up with the decomposed water, lakes grow."

>> No.1686374

>>So for this art project I need to find a piece of glass that blue and yellow light can pass through, but green cannot.

Such a piece of glass does not exist.

>> I imagined it, so it must be able to exist

Fuck I hate arts majors.

>> No.1686377
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"Einstein's theory of relativity is really complicated, and it can be almost impossible to understand what it means."

"That's E=MC2, right? What does it mean?"

"When you go really fast, time goes slower..."

"...Because you get there earlier!"

"You're catching on, buddy!"

"Thanks, and if you were to go faster than the speed of light..."


"..and you were in a MONSTER TRUCK."


>> No.1686383

Also even the deepest parts of space, outside forces would still act on the system.

>> No.1686384


>> No.1686388
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"You know when you reach absolute zero?"

"Man I went to this football game last year it was like absolute -3, absolute -14 with the wind chill."

"Yeah, anyway, when you get there you DIE, but you don't really die, you just stay dead until they figure out a way to make you alive again."

"How do they do that?"

"They don't know."

"How do they know they CAN do it?"

"I think it was on the news that you can do it so that's prolly where they got it from."

>> No.1686391
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"A black hole is this thing in space where light falls."

"Light falls?"

"Yeah, space is like a bathtub, and you fill it with light, and black holes are where the light drains out."

"Where does the light go?"

"It goes back into space as lightvapor, and when it condensates, that's how a sun is formed."

"So then suns are really clouds of light?"

"Yes, and then they rain sunshine."

>> No.1686393
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"When you flush a toilet in the United States, it flushes clockwise."

"Just in the United States?"

"Just in the United States."

"Oh, right, because one time I went to China, and when I flushed the toilet, it did like this star-shaped maneuver..."

"I think that's what Animal Farm was about."

"Yeah, it's like an allegory for geographical toilet flushing."

>> No.1686395

I lol'd like a motherfucker

>> No.1686402
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"It's like we don't REALLY vote, we just tell the people who do the actual voting how they're supposed to vote."

"So they're undecided voters, and we tell them how to vote?"

"Yeah, except they don't HAVE to vote how we tell them to, they can actually vote however they want."

"That's fucking retarded."

"I disagree wholeheartedly."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

>> No.1686408
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"So the whole idea is people will do good, because good will happen to them?"

"Yeah, and if you do bad, you get bad stuff right back."

"Who decides who gets what though?"

"No one decides, no one votes, it's just decided, like, automatically."

"Like midterm House elections?"

"Like most elections."

>> No.1686420

where do you people find all these retards to troll IRL!?

>> No.1686460


>> No.1686462

Srsly, you must contribute.

>> No.1686472
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>> No.1686475
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>> No.1686488

That's the dumbest thing I ever read.

If the Big Bang Theory is correct, then the matter that makes up the universe is expanding into SOMETHING, which would be a perfect vacuum.

>> No.1686499
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"So, If you jump in the air, you'll eventually fall back down due to gravity"

"Well, what if you grabbed your feet and forced yourself back upwards."

"Yeah, but then your head would start falling."

"So you do a backflip and grab your head really quickly, and then you do another flip and grab your feet."

"So you end up in an endless, floating flip?"

"Yeah, and since you're generating free energy, you stop the corporations from keeping you down with their taxing ways."

"I suppose that makes sense."

>> No.1686503

>Deepest parts of space
As in, what space has already expanded into.

>> No.1686511

Space exists outside of where matter has expanded to

>> No.1686518


That's the dumbest things I'VE ever read.

Space didn't expanded before the big bang, so there was no vacuum.

>> No.1686530


>> No.1686533

Carl Sagan.

>> No.1686559
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/sci/ cannot into metamaterials

>> No.1686571

hahaha, oh Ellis

>> No.1686576 [DELETED] 


Are you saying that all that would be required to filter out yellow and blue but leave in green is revolutionary production techniques? Because if so I believe you are not grasping the root of the matter.

blue 631–668 THz 450–475 nm

cyan 606–630 THz 476–495 nm

green 526–606 THz 495–570 nm

yellow 508–526 THz 570–590 nm

green is what you see when the frequencies for both blue and yellow are present. It's like trying to make a filter that take away all the dirt and water but leaves the mud.

>> No.1686581

I actually have these dreams from time to time where I jump and then strain not to fall back down AND IT WORKS. In the dream it feels completely natural.

>> No.1686585

Wouldn't that just be a green piece of glass? Green would be absorbed and everything else would pass through

>> No.1686590

no, the space itself is expanding

>> No.1686608

If the piece of glass appears to be green, then green is not being absorbed. Green light is reaching your eyes, from the glass. Everything NOT green is being absorbed.

>> No.1686609

Except if you have ever held a flashlight up to any piece of colored glass you will notice that the light coming out the other side of the glass is the same color.

>> No.1686666

go somewhere that the lower middle class gather

>> No.1686803

actually it is plausible

just make it unpenetrable by wavelengths between what those considered blue and yellow but penetrable to yellow and blue themselves

green light indepedent of blue and yellow do real

>> No.1686832

Reflected light =/= filtered light

Every time you see green, you are seeing light that has traveled through the glass, not reflected light.

>> No.1686847

The natural world is not an artist's palette. Light's color is determined by it's frequency, and that value exists on a spectrum.

>> No.1686855

so you say that blue and yellow wavelengths don't look green to the human eye when mixed?

>> No.1686860

everyone knows you get perpetual motion from tying a slice of toast on the back of a cat, buttered side up to the cat's feet down, and dropping it on the floor.

>> No.1686874
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>> No.1686909


>"I think that's what Animal Farm was about."
my lord, i read animal farm and this comment made me mymindisfulloffuck.jpg

>> No.1686916

That was the whole point, dildo.

>> No.1686924

okey guys?

are you quoting someone or are you making shit up?