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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1682041 No.1682041 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1682051

lol, interesting hierarchy.

>> No.1682061

Graduating mechanical engineering this year, fairly talented, didn't pay a cent, went through on scholarships; considering abandoning it and taking up photography full-time.

>> No.1682065


Meh, Econ is Top tier so I'm not complaining

>> No.1682066

>god tier

ahahahahahahahahahahah, no.

>> No.1682068

Yeah. Nice.

I'd put maths in super-God tier.

>> No.1682069
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>> No.1682072
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>> No.1682077
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>> No.1682083
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>> No.1682092

Psychology needs to be moved down one, and so does philosophy

>> No.1682126
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>EDIT: whoops wrong board

>> No.1682131

They're both right where they should be.

This is probably the best tier list I've seen.

>> No.1682151


>Philosophy on par with Biology
>Chemistry two full tiers above Biology


>> No.1682195
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mfw when medicine and biology are two tiers apart.

>> No.1682206


>Takes AP courses in high school
>"I'm a scientist now!"
>According to /sci/, scientists believe in tiers
>Guess I better believe that too

>> No.1682232

you ugly, nigga

>> No.1682248

>God Tier: Engineering (except Mech)

bitches don't know bout my rocket science and computational fluid dynamics

>> No.1682254

astronomy should be top tier

>> No.1682332

internet nerds hate mechanical engineering because it's got this bro aura surrounding it

>> No.1682370

well, i guess there are a disproportionately high number of bros and low number of asians in mech eng compared to the other disciplines. and haters are gonna hate.

>> No.1682430
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>> No.1682431

What about finance? The closest one on there is economics.

>> No.1682514
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>> No.1682527

do like.

>> No.1682530

>Philosophy in mid-tier

Just so you know, statistically, EVERY person who has taken Philosophy scored higher on GRE's, MCAT's and GMAT's than the people who were actually majoring in their respectable field.

>> No.1682533

>neuroscience is a subspecialty in biology; it is above biology

>medicine is applied biology; it is above biology

>astronomy is an observational science; it is god tier

>economics makes poor predictions; it is top tier

>PT is a subfield of chem; it is below chem

Good job, OP. You have made a thread that has expanded and helped /sci/'s collective mind.

>> No.1682545


These things make me laugh.

Science is a shit tier career all round. We produce far more scientists than we have jobs for every year. Unless you are a citizen of a third world country who can get a postdoc in the west NEVER study science with the expectation of making a career from it.

Engineering is even worse. As a new graduate you can expect to earn good money until you reach your early 30's... then you'll get eased out. Oh and the 'by the time you reach 30 you should be a manager' concept is bullshit as well. You can become a manager in a tech firm without a engineering degree... in fact most managers just have a MBA.

>> No.1682562


This is even more hilarious.

Let me explain how these colleges work. Rich people send their children to them. When the kids graduate the rich parents get then jobs with friends or family which they can use to become rich themselves.

A poor kid going to one of these colleges doesn't magically get the familly wealth or connections that translate into success in later life.

>> No.1682572

Biology belongs one or two tiers up.

Otherwise I pretty much completely agree.

Also add theology and women's studies to Flippin' Burgers Tier.

>> No.1682581

only decent one on here

>> No.1682591



>> No.1682620

I am lolling that the only science that combines astronomy, physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and biology is three tiers down.

mineralogy, seismology, geomorphology, sedimentology, paleontology, hydrology are all subsets of geology.

>> No.1682631

>than the people who were actually majoring in their respectable field.
I bet you feel pretty stupid for posting that. I hope philosophy plummets into shit tier just for that.

>> No.1682633

Rocks are boring as fuck, dude.

Only thing they're useful for is dating shit.

>> No.1682647

It won't. No matter how much you want it to, it won't.

>> No.1682660

ITT: People who aren't capable of understanding or appreciating literature thus they equate it to a 'waste of life'.

Ah you guys.

>> No.1682661

and finding useful materials, predicting earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, sustainable water usage, climate change modeling, carbon sequestration, fossils are awesome if not useful, and deep mines are a favorite hangout for physicists.

>> No.1682688

Litfag alert.

STFU and make me a bigmac.

>> No.1682697

Plebeian alert. Go keep my accounts in order while I contribute to the real developments in human intelligence.

>> No.1682703

Go tell a best selling author to make you a big mac and see if they do.

>> No.1682722
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>> No.1682724

>>top tier

I lol'd

>> No.1682730

A good psych degree can get you into a doctorate programme. Why so low?

>> No.1682738

Allow me to explain faggot.
People that MCAT, GRE, etc.
Someone majoring in blah blah takes test, does well.
Someone majoring in blah blah and took Philosophy does better.
This is because Philosophy encourages thinking.
cause - www.lclark.edu/~phil/gre.html

>> No.1682747


I'd like some iced tea with it too (large).

>> No.1682754

Doesn't seem to have encouraged you to think about your future.

>> No.1682755

Guess what? You aren't getting any. You can act smug and superior all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that people in "shit tier" jobs make more money in a month than you make in a year.

>> No.1682762
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Actually people majoring in liberal arts have the highest unemployment, lowest starting salaries, all while contributing nothing to humanity (EXCEPT of course the 0.0001% that become major authors/artists).

>> No.1682764
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ETS supplies the data for GRE scores. Look them up; they are in PDF format.

They give means, sample size, and standard deviations. If you knew some statistics, you could run a two sample test of means and see if anything significant is going on.

PROTIP: nothing significant (p > .05). Philosophy students do score well on the GRE, but nothing statistically special.

Pic related: my GRE scores from a year ago. I majored in biology.

>> No.1682767

All the dumb kids in high school major in liberal arts.

>> No.1682768

And yet they still earn more than you ever will. Funny thing, that.

>> No.1682769

Dumb kids don't get into university. Or if they do, they fail out of it.

>> No.1682779

Do you even know what I do for a living?
I like how you're blindly implying my future has been derailed because I backed up Philosophy.

>> No.1682782

No they don't.
Liberal Arts is the biggest fucking cop out ever.
It's high school repeated.

>> No.1682783

He's an idiot. What do you expect from him? He probably thinks science proves things instead of just supporting theories.

>> No.1682785

Have you even seen what getting a first class honours degree in a subject such as English or History entails? You certainly couldn't achieve it the way you're thinking.

>> No.1682786

Samefag alert.

>> No.1682787


Contributing nothing to the advancement of humanity?

>> No.1682788

They earn more than you ever will. Because they actually have jobs. Enjoy your unemployment.

>> No.1682789

>philosophy, the GODSCIENCE OF ALL SCIENCES in Mid Tier

meh, at least you're better than the hipster wannabe scientists that rank it in Shit Tier

>> No.1682793
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>he thinks science contributes to humanity, rather than simply providing it with new and amusing ways of destroying itself

>> No.1682799

>don't go to college
>making $4,800 a month after taxes
>living comfortably with job I enjoy
>decide to take college since it's free
>due to several schools accounting I already have 52 credits

Yeah I sure fucked up that one didn't I?

>> No.1682801

It probably entails writing some bullshit paper on a few lines from a play and their significance to the play. Fucking. Worthless.
Who cares about the past? Only useful if you go to law or business school after.

>> No.1682802

Please stop using your computer, medicine, doctors, cars, TV, phone, house, heater, fridge, stove, bus, road, building, etc.

>> No.1682807

>implying the military would accept someone as fat as you

Wow, they must be getting desperate.

>> No.1682810


Hmm. I am on the every branch's website looking at paygrades for E carriers.

Seems like you're lying about your pay.

But then again, you're a troll.

>> No.1682811


Almost had me there.

>> No.1682813



>> No.1682814


Seriously /b/ro how else can I contradict what you're saying?
Would you like my Facebook to hack and/or zilch off of?
Would that make you feel better and /sci/worthy?

>> No.1682816

>who cares about the past
>ignore anything that didn't happen today
>forget the intellectual foundation upon which science has been built

>> No.1682819


They accept midgets now?

>> No.1682820

>I'm a fat piece of shit, therefore everyone on the internet is

>> No.1682824

Not Army but this I can't deny.
There are fat people but it's a lot less than this article implies.
And standards have been raised to breed them out, so to speak.

>> No.1682826

Yeah, you are pretty fat, kid. Maybe if you didn't eat so many big macs you'd be thinner.

>> No.1682827

Here's a funfact: SOLDIER = MURDERER

>> No.1682830

Of all things to try and shoot back with this is what you resort to?
You're REALLY reaching now.

>> No.1682832

comparing a:
partial derivative
partial derivative

so a derivative is better than a flux is better than a other way to write a derivative is better than a partial derivative is better that a other way to write a partial derivative?

and the person obviously does not know what he is talking about if you look at the "What the fuck is this shit" comment.

>> No.1682834

>Can't provide valid counter-point
>"HURR 2/10"
Reality sucks. No one needs to know what you think about some play, and what the fuck is the point in dwelling on the past so much? It alreayd happened, deal with it. At least business majors try to make money for the future. I know this place supports business and econ, so they know why people like me study business.

>> No.1682836


I am 5'8'' and 163 pounds and feel small.

You're a dwarf.

>> No.1682837


You sound fat.

>> No.1682843

>implying army
Nice unadulterated opinion there.
How is Ann Coulter these days?

>> No.1682844


>> No.1682845

I'm reaching. Much like you when you try to flip a light switch.

>> No.1682848

Maybe stop getting fucked by guys taller than you?
That could help your ego boost.

>> No.1682849

>No one needs to know what you think

You should try listening to your fat, short, stupid self some time.

>> No.1682851

not the guy your responding to but they get way more than that. Thats just base pay, then you get housing allowance, food allowance, clothing allowance, overseas cost of living allowance, and sometimes hazard duty pay. I used to make 5k a month as an E-3 in Italy because of the little extras.

>> No.1682856


I'll work on that. Thanks for the advice, dwarf.

>> No.1682857

San Diego BAH is the shit.
Plus incentives.

>> No.1682858

>Implying /sci/ supports business majors
Good one! We give social sciences like history a hard time, but I will GLADLY take a history major over a drone like you any day of the week.

>> No.1682873

What does "E-5" mean? Is that Navy code?

>> No.1682882



I am a grad student. If I include "all the little stuff" I am 60k a year. But that's bullshit; I pull home 20k.

Link related: it's how much you take home.

>> No.1682883

History is an awesome subject, and I would have majored in that if it wasn't for my need to not be a mattress warehouse salesman. Actually thinking about minoring in the subject.

>> No.1682886

E-5 is every branch

Enlisted 5th rank up is the best I can describe it.
You got E1 - E9 on the enlisted side and O1 - O10? I don't know I don't pay attention to those fags.

Then there's the Warrant Officer ranks.

>> No.1682892

Physicist here.
>mfw I'm always on God Tier
Just a side note, why does /sci/ hate biology so much? Biology is a very important science. I don't understand how you can have medicine god tier and biology mid tier. I also don't understand why Computer Science is God Tier. It isn't computers or science

>> No.1682893

Try looking at your LES retard.

>> No.1682900

Give me the gif. You know which one.

>> No.1682901

E-5 is the fifth enlisted rank for all branches. For the army it is sergeant, for the airforce it is staff sergeant, for the navy and marines it is something else.

Those extras are added to your paycheck in cash and are not intangibles.

>> No.1682905


E4 here. you are bullshitting your way into a corner. stop being a faggot.

>> No.1682912

Does /sci/...hate poli /sci/? We're not that bad.

>> No.1682916

Petty Officer 2nd Class and Sergeant.

>> No.1682917
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>my face when as a medifag, I think biology needs to be moved to the same level as pharmacology.

also: computer science, in MY tier.

cool story bro.

>> No.1682918

I don't know which one. The one where the guy crosses out "computer" and "science"

>> No.1682921


>> No.1682926

Same E5 here, been in for six years.
Don't go off of base pay charts, if you do you're new and retarded.
Look at your fucking LES and then do the math to see how much you're entitled too.
If you notice, I said how much I made AFTER taxes.
You apparently saw that chart in your recruiters office and figured easy money.

>> No.1682929

Economics and Pharmacology on the same tier? Not sure I would... Pharmacology requires knowledge of human biostasis and management of disease states through the use of chemicals. Hemodynamics and shit. Ha.

>> No.1682931

Artfag here. Good thing I like burgers.

>> No.1682936

>Join military
>Die for Israel
How about no.

>> No.1682938

hate is kind of a strong word but you should not have science after political. What you do is not science, it is social science at best.

>> No.1682951

Ok, so physics here.

I have my reservations about history being in low tier, as it is a highly intresting and sometimes very difficult subject.

I have absolutely no idea what jobs it yields though, only ever considered sciences as a degree.

>> No.1682956


you need computer science more than medicine

>> No.1682957

Why is econ top tier, chemistry on god tier, and biology only on mid tier?

>> No.1682958

Statistics+Economics+Anthropology = Evil Genius Tier.

>> No.1682961
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>> No.1682965

>Mid tier

As a physics fag I've never understood this.

>> No.1682969

yeah, bio should be much much lower

>> No.1682973

Not even, than astronomy and comp sci should too.

>> No.1682974

CEO of a big international corporation here: Looks like I need to hire some "burger flippers", because I need a small team from your department to put together a huge presentation for some foreign investors and their board of directors. Got foreign language, cultural knowledge, historical background, technical savvy, etc. in order to come down off your brain cloud?

Some of you math majors forget that you live in meat-space, and need to communicate.

>> No.1682975

Agreed. I don't understand why we can't just drop the science and call the subject "Politics" but I bet it has to do with some butthurt professors who want to feel like scientists.
I think poli sci and history are in the same boat, drifting dangerously between useful and useless. With linguistic or technical skills, as well as a perfectly clean background, you could easily land a job in the intelligence community with either degree.

Outside of that, you need a graduate education in business or law to make decent money. I'm sure people have made it with just their bachelor's, but they're few and far between.

>> No.1682976
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business major here.

sciencefags mad as fuckkkkk

>> No.1682979
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>mfw /sci/ tier makers look down on biology related subjects, before they get cancer or lose a limb and change their tune.

inb4 medicine in god tier, medfags get all their anatomy help from biologists.

>> No.1682987


fuck yeah classics major

>> No.1682989
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>> No.1682990

Oh, you can also be a teacher. I think that's an honorable profession, but they seem to be disregarded by many as "failures" in some other career path. That's unfortunate.

>> No.1682998

Chemistry major here. The fact that I went to a good school and am getting a good degree from a uni who don't admit mouth-breathers shows I have ample communication skills.

>> No.1683001

I wouldn't say...failures but...they sure don't get paid shit.
I would think of a coach as more of a failure.
Like Uncle Rico.

>> No.1683003


[Citation needed]

>> No.1683009


>> No.1683010

Astronomy is easier an less useful than biology, your hierarchy is flawed.

>> No.1683014

mouth breathers make the best scientists. Women can be so distracting.

>> No.1683015

Agreed. Like I said, it's unfortunate. You would think that an intellectually developed society would put teachers on a pedestal, but the reality is that they're thought of, especially by their students, as rejects.

>> No.1683025

Do these charts describe the entire field or just a specific level of degree? Because a psych undergrad or even mastery is worth shit, but with a doctorate you have several guaranteed positions in numerous different avenues (I'm thinking of going into forensic psych) with a great, if not medical/engineering level, salary.

>> No.1683034
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We would've been state champions, no doubt. No doubt in my mind.

>> No.1683061
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>my face when no geologist / biologist on /sci/ and geology in mid-tier.
>physics / mathematics majors think they're better than everyone else.
>computer science in god tier
Geology should be at least Top Tier. It intertwines with basically every other science.
Also, Dinosaurs, need I say more?

>> No.1683066

What are you, eight? It's the study of rocks.


>> No.1683096
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>Is clearly ignorant in regards to the topic of geology or has never taken a geology course.

Perhaps if you just took a basic intro course to geology you would learn something.

Geology involves a lot more than "just rocks," Plate Tectonics, planetary formation, meteorites, asteroids, geology of other planets, geochemistry, geomorphology, volcanoes, hydrology, some biology, etc.

Yes, it does involve paleontology (dinosaurs and other extinct organisms), it is a subset of geology. You clearly are talking out your ass. You do realize that Dinosaur and other fossils are found inside rock bodies, correct?

>> No.1683098


rocks and sediments deserve no respect

what mysterious does a rock harbor?
what can we learn about ourselves and the universe by talking to rocks? nothing.

>> No.1683102
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>You do realize that Dinosaur and other fossils are found inside rock bodies

>Thinks rocks have bodies

>> No.1683108
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>> No.1683109
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Nice try.

>> No.1683115


kinda loled

>> No.1683119
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>mfw OP is a faggot who doesn't appreciate anything other than science
>mfw he enjoys no food due to no other form education being veing viable from Agriculture to Zoology
>mfw I fuck OP's mother

>> No.1683138

God tier: A Major you enjoy
Shit tier: A Major you do not enjoy

>> No.1683140

Hey guys, how do the engineering disciplines rank with eachother in terms of difficulty? Like which disciplines are the most difficult, and such. Most people I've heard from generally say chemical and electrical are the most difficult, while apparently mech and civil are the easiest.

>> No.1683150
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Nigga, you just went full retard.
Prolly a troll so I'm not going to bother with your ignorance.

>> No.1683169
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>> No.1683189

God tier: science, medicine and engineering
Top tier: law and economics
Flippin' burgers tier: the other social sciences
Shit tier: humanities and liberal arts

>> No.1683196
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Tom Hanks approves of this post.

>> No.1683209

whoops forgot
Supreme god tier: mathematics

>> No.1683210
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So people who enjoy art should become art majors?
pic related

>> No.1683213

whats the difference between a geologist and a construction worker?

>construction workers get laid.

>> No.1683227
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Fuuuuuuuuuck, I was thinking of becoming a Chem Engineer

>> No.1683228
File: 40 KB, 343x205, 1276357776281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between a physics major and a construction worker?

>construction workers get laid

What's the difference between a mathmatics major and a construction worker?

>construction workers get laid

What's the difference between chemistry majors and construction workers?

>construction workers get laid

What's the difference between Comp Sci majors and construction workers?

>construction workers get laid

What's the difference between virtually any science / engineering major and construction workers?

>construction workers get laid

>> No.1683240

How come you guys don't like Mech?
We build rockets and don't afraid of anything.

>> No.1683244

Does anyone have anything to add to this?

>> No.1683251

I don't know either. And I'm not even mech.
Mechanical engineering seems pretty interesting. If I wasn't nuclear, I'd surely study mech.

>> No.1683257

ITT: mathfags try to pretend their specialty is the best while in reality no-one else besides mathematicians care about them and it's just a big massive circlejerk

>> No.1683265

I've been considering either Chem or Nuclear. What would you say about it?

>> No.1683271

What tier would Bio-Chem be as a major?

>> No.1683344

law should always be top tier. I really enjoy the work and the pay is fucking great. But its in no means godly.

also, more scientists in politics etc

>> No.1683684
