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1681490 No.1681490 [Reply] [Original]

hello, /sci/, My digital sound professor showed us a frequency that can make people faint in 30 secs. he only used it for 10 and my head almost explode. when we asked how to reproduce it, he didn't want to tell us and he also said that we cannot find it on the internet. help me prove him wrong.

>> No.1681500

I know this frequency. It's the frequency of my wife's voice. JUST KIDDING LOVE YOU BABE (not kidding)

>> No.1681499


>> No.1681501
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Bump for epic lulz.

>> No.1681502
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>> No.1681506

bump for answer

>> No.1681507

You said he showed it to you. Did you actually see an image from this sound in frequency or time space? Was it really a harmonic sinus curve or a superposition of many sinus curves?

>> No.1681509

OP here. my professor said it's the same sound some home alarms make. they make burglars faint.

>> No.1681514

no, sorry. i mean he played it for us. excuse my bad english.

>> No.1681516

I think most alarms are a combination of frequencies. Did it sound like a combination rather than a pure sine wave? If it's used in alarms, it's probably mentioned in a patent somewhere.

>> No.1681517

>home alarms make. they make burglars faint.


>> No.1681518

Was the professor affected by the sound?

>> No.1681527

high or low?

>> No.1681533

it sounded like an alarm, but there was this tiny sound that pierced my ears repeatedly
yes. that's why he turned it off. if everyone faints in the classroom, no one will know how to turn the shit off.

>> No.1681541

there was a normal pitched sound alarm and a high pitched one. the high pitched was the ear piercing one

>> No.1681553

im betting it was a combination of 2 soundwaves and it created a 3rd binural wave beat,now to find the right frequencies


>> No.1681558

maybe he used it to force an exploding head syndrome,lets see if theirs a link

>> No.1681563

and did he play the brown tone too ?

>> No.1681570

how many speakers did he use,was the sound in stereo?

>> No.1681581
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>> No.1681583

The frequency of the tones must be below about 1,000 to 1,500 hertz for the beating to be heard. The difference between the two frequencies must be small (below about 30 Hz) for the effect to occur; otherwise, the two tones will be heard separately and no beat will be perceived.

>> No.1681584

Oh lawd, I've found it!

(at lesat 1/4 thousand million view for this shit oO... Armageddon is near...)

>> No.1681585


Well then it was more than one frequency.

>> No.1681590

>The frequency of the tones must be below about 1,000 to 1,500 hertz for the beating to be heard.

>> No.1681591

I didn't faint, but I lost part of my soul.

>> No.1681593


just quoting wiki

should have know



i loled

>> No.1681599
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I hate my country for things like this.

>> No.1681602

If you have matlab, try the following lines of code at the prompt:
(Also, turn your speakers down a bit for the second one. It's a bit irritating.)
>Low frequency:
fs=44100; t=2*pi*(0:1/fs:2); soundsc(sin(220*t)+sin(224*t),fs);

>High frequency:
fs=44100; t=2*pi*(0:1/fs:2); soundsc(sin(8000*t)+sin(8003*t),fs);

>> No.1681603

it wont let you watch a lady gaga video? be GRATEFUL!

>> No.1681604


trust me you're better off,LADY GAGA

>> No.1681610
File: 239 KB, 140x139, swarzeneggar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i hear this

>> No.1681612

Also, that "30Hz difference" part is also bullshit.
These differ by 217Hz and you'll still hear a phantom tone.
fs=44100; t=2*pi*(0:1/fs:2); soundsc(sin(200*t)+sin(417*t)/1.8,fs);

>> No.1681641


fuck you, lady gaga music is cool

>> No.1681650


then by definition you are a faggot


>> No.1681661
File: 201 KB, 480x366, haters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1681662

Don't suppose you know the soundsc replacement command for QToctave?

>> No.1681668
File: 72 KB, 424x309, son_i_am_disappoint_trollcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again and again and again... trolltraindetected.jpg

>> No.1681676

anyone found the 2 frequencies then?

>> No.1681688


protip: they don't exist.

>> No.1681691

>Don't suppose you know the soundsc replacement command for QToctave?
Ehhh... I haven't had too much luck getting octave to work consistently for me.

Try the info posted here:

I think these are for unix systems. Try tossing these files in a folder that happens to be pointed to by octave's path variable.

>> No.1681694

can't find anything on burgular alarms that do this. You're either bullshitting, or he's telling you things he shouldn't be making public. If he leaves within the next 6 months, you know why

>> No.1681707

If you play a subsonic sound at high enough volume you can collapse the human skull. You won't hear anything, though.

>> No.1681709

Cheers but that seems like way to much work just to dick around and try to make my self pass out. Maybe if you do find it I'll try it out.

>> No.1681711

Consider this info too. You should be able write to an audio file and then play it after with your favorite music player.

>> No.1681713

Subsonic sound?!

What the fuck am I reading?!

>> No.1681721

Sound is vibration, not necessarily audible to humans.

>> No.1681728

You could probably even just put those files in the same folder as your own *.m instead of fucking with the standard 'includes.'

I doubt I'll be able to find OP's sound. I have no idea what it's properties are. Maybe with a little more info, I could recreate it.

>> No.1681729


No shit.

Subsonic implies slower than sound.

>> No.1681731

He means sub audible range, and he's wrong

any frequency loud enough to collapse the skull would be powerful enough to make noise by interacting with other objects (inb4 resonance, human heads don't resonate)

>> No.1681737

>mfw people believe this shit

>> No.1681742

To be sound, the vibration has to be audible to something. Otherwise it's just a vibration.

>> No.1681772


although my first conclusion was this is a pile of bullshit

i tried to remind myself that time and time again our ideas of how things work can be underminded by one special case that we have yet to encounter,

but saying that,i still doubt this is real,the only thing that makes me even slightly think it could be is the huge amounts of money being pumped into no lethal weaponry over the last 2 decades

>> No.1682309

no one found how this works? my professor is an asshole. he said using this sound is illegal. i thought you guys could help me.

it's a sound that makes you faint!

>> No.1682328

Go in there with a pocket recorder and record it next time.

Also there is nothing "Illegal" about it if your not using it against peoples will, except for self defense.

>> No.1682339

i doubt my professor will play it again for us but i'll try.

>> No.1682346

Somebody fucking compile the shit and post it

>> No.1682360

./sound.sh: line 36: syntax error near unexpected token `data,'
./sound.sh: line 36: `function sound(data, rate)'

>> No.1682367

OP here
can someone try a 7 hz frequency, please? if you feel unease, turn it off or you'll probably faint. also, don't use earphones, if you are exposed too long to this frequency ( which is the same as your brain), you'll probably die.

>> No.1682407

OP here i found the sound!


can someone reproduce it?
i heard the frequency is 7 hz

>> No.1682438

I'll give it a try in 10ish minutes.

>> No.1682452

That is NOT 7 hertz. The human ear can't even hear seven hertz.

>> No.1682472


>> No.1682540


That was shitty. Is at through that with the volume up with no problem.

>> No.1682663

Okay, I'm back after lots of distractions.
Is there any easy way to get the sound from that youtube video into a *.wav format so I can do a frequency analysis?

>> No.1682698


>> No.1682710

Just kidding I turned it off as soon as I heard this shit.