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1680001 No.1680001 [Reply] [Original]

Artificial wombs. Why don't we have them yet?

I suppose ethics is the major reason, but awareness is likely the next one. Not enough people realize the role artificial wombs will play in humanity. Here are a few highlights:

- No pregnancy.
- Complete genetic control
- Proper controlled study availability
- Cloning
- Stem cell research
- Human material harvesting(Fluids, cells, organs, etc.)

No matter how you look at it, artificial wombs can/will spike medical science/technology a great deal. If/when we develop artificial wombs to an appropriate level, it's not outlandish to say we will be able to increase the average human's lifespan by hundreds of years in a very short amount of time.

Discuss artificial wombs.

>> No.1680017

That is one of the thing I want to do later in my life. I want to develop a cheap ($3,000-$5,000) fully functional artificial womb.

>> No.1680019

and get into a war with a populous race

>> No.1680015

No need, nobody is going to adopt them and we don't need more humans at this moment. Wait until we've colonized tens of planets.

>> No.1680023

Watch Gattaca.

>> No.1680028

Unless it's to treat infertility in women, then there's no real need.

>> No.1680034

Providing an alternative to pregnancy is not the only purpose. In fact, it's a very small one. We don't need to even create humans to keep them alive. Just to harvest their parts, and study them.

>> No.1680038

There's no need in the sense that if we don't make them, we'll cease to exist. But it will give up control over our gene pool, which is getting dirtier and dirtier as medicine progresses.

Ethics will kill it with fire, though.

>> No.1680040


Artificial wombs will be key in advancing medical technology.

Unless you can give me a reason why they're not necessary?

>> No.1680043

Cue ethicfags complaining about this shit.

>> No.1680054

>Ethics will kill it with fire, though.
I wish people would keep ethics out of science.

It's like you have someone preforming this incredibly delicate, complicated operation on a person. Really tough brain surgery or something. Suddenly! An autist bursts through the door!
"STOP!" he shouts, throwing a partially deflated football into the opening in their brain, forcing a scalpel into the tissue, killing the patient.

"Dammit!" shouts Tenma. "I gave up my career for this, and you just destroyed everything!"

.. And Johann was such a nice name.

>> No.1680080


...brb war on terror"

>> No.1680081

i lold

>> No.1680079

I don't know if that's a reference to something, and I don't want to know. I can live my life hoping I stumble across a book or movie containing that scene. I'm hiding this thread now.

>> No.1680083

Really, I think if it's approached the right way, ethics won't have a problem with it. Let's be honest here: "Ethical" people are not very bright. So long as intelligent people control the media(Maybe we could start with that..) science will have control over what "ethical" people know about artificial wombs, and thus control them.

I can't think of any news organization that wouldn't accept a bribe to call artificial wombs something cutesy like "Baby bubbles" to change public view of them. It worked for fi- I mean "Sea Kittens."

Anyway, Artificial wombs aren't very well known. If handled right, we could get this done. From an optimistic point of view, anyway.

>> No.1680093

Monster. Anime/manga. It's pretty good.

>> No.1680101

I also want to create an artificial womb. It's better than getting involved with some 3dpd, am I right?

>> No.1680160

Artificial wombs would be an interesting technical challenge and I doubt they are beyond medical science at this point, if we /really wanted/ to create them.

Thing is, they're not really a priority. Hell, they would probably be detrimental to the species. We've got plenty of dead babies and live animals to harvest for stem cells already, and we're already bypassing a part of natural selection with test tube babies and other various fertility treatments as it is.

They'd just end up as a way for the privileged to spawn catholic-grade families with little to no physical discomfort or effort in general.

>> No.1680191

You have no clue what ethics is, why ethics in experimentation or even in general is important, or what constitutes a valuable scientific experiment.

Being a tripfag doesn't help your credibility either.

>> No.1680386

>You have no clue what ethics is, why ethics in experimentation or even in general is important, or what constitutes a valuable scientific experiment.
Why, thank you for your insight. I have learned so much from your baseless, unhelpful criticism. I guess that's to be expected from uneducated riff-raff like yourself.

>Being a tripfag doesn't help your credibility either.
Criticizing someone for something petty like that, in turn, does not help your own credibility. Maybe you'll mature a bit after you get potty-trained and don't spill juice all over the place when you try to pour yourself a glass, you baby.

Being condescending is fun, right?

I don't care what rich people do with their lives. The effort is to advance humanity - not bitch about it.

>> No.1680404

Ethics, lack of funds, lack of awareness, possible consequences (one virus to rape us all, even less genetic variation in the population), all the sociocultural issues, etc.

>> No.1680977
File: 46 KB, 580x341, yeahrightkidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying our burgeoning population needs any help

>> No.1681268

for the human race to keep up with the increasing levels of stuff that you will need to learn in the next few years, a bigger brain will be necessary, and for that we need artificial wombs, or large vaginas, but i think the wombs are easier to do

>> No.1681275

Hi OP. Please do not pull shit out of your ass and present it as fact.
