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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1678876 No.1678876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's time for me to get work done /sci/. I need a ban, and I need it tonight. The longer the ban the better. So, what is the most efficient way to get banned? Preferably a way that doesn't involve CP.

Give me ideas. If I don't post back about your idea, then it worked.

>> No.1678888

Put Jim Profit in name field for a 30 day ban. Don't try to evade it or you'll get permabanned.

>> No.1678910

WELL? Did it work? Was it worth it? Put your thing down flip it and reverse is?

>> No.1678912

Permabanned you say?

>> No.1678922

Let me try it. If I don't post back, it worked.

>> No.1678921

I do say. Proxies don't work.

>> No.1678924

If you can see this post, I'm not banned.

>> No.1678925


>> No.1678926

Well, I'm still here.

>> No.1678930

Come on people, I need ideas, not trolls.

>> No.1678932

Well...it worked when I did it a while back. And then one day my ban was magically gone. But seriously, fuck you OP, if you don't have enough willpower to leave 4chan you shouldn't be doing science in the first place.

>> No.1678936

Post something about a(n)ontolk.org, but spell it right. Used to be a lot of spam from that site before the captchas

>> No.1678938

Post some banned urls or just type b0xxe e, of course, without the crazy spelling.

The second may only apply to some boards...

>> No.1678950

On second thought, it was on /v/. So try posting on /v/ with that name and come back if it didn't work.

>> No.1678969

Harsh dude, harsh.

If I post again, it didn't work.

>> No.1678974

Guess who is still here, Jim Profit.

>> No.1678978

Where is Snacks when you need him.

>> No.1678985

>you must do ten pushups every time you open a new thread or board on 4chan
>stop when you can't go on

>> No.1679024

Guess I'll have to do the tried and true method of posting piccolo_dick.gif on /v/. I was hoping it wouldn't come to that.

>> No.1679040
