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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 640x480, cannabis-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1678755 No.1678755 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1678761

looks shopped. is it really that bad? sauce?

>> No.1678768

I wouldn't trust any anti-weed information you find, seeing as how the government has been on a dedicated anti-information and lie campaign about the stuff for decades

non smoker here

>> No.1678778

Honestly, are those pictures accurate detailings of actual fleshy brain tissue or what?

>> No.1678785

What is substantially different? What features should I be noticing?

>> No.1678793

The one on the right looks like an angry face. I can't unsee it :(

>> No.1678795

Neurotoxicological studies have found that Cannabis does make the acubens shrink however, the rest of the mass of the brain is unaltered, no scarring nor lesions were found with the CT and MRI scans either.

>> No.1678797
File: 516 KB, 947x1043, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1678798

what does every pothead think that weed can somehow make you feel like it does with 0 side effects...

EVERYTHING has a fucking side effect

>> No.1678800

you don't notice the differnece? just try looking at the corpus maximalis for example, the size is very.. wtf man, just look at it. this guy doesn't have much time left, it looks like it's the brain of a heroin addict.

>> No.1678809

It's fake. Your brain will never look this broken just from canaboids.

>> No.1678833

>corpus maximalis
I think you're making this up.

>you don't notice the differnece?
No. I imagine every brain is going to look slightly different. I see no substantial difference between these two. Perhaps if I saw a bunch of normal and affected brains I'd be able to pick up on a pattern.

>> No.1678837

Corpus callosum maybe?

>> No.1678844

Would you believe the side effects are not always negative?
I have been ripping for many years, and have quit multiple times to try and determine SCIENTIFICALLY through formulation of testable HYPOTHESIS and I can tellyou WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that you are paying too much for your shit, obv

>> No.1678856 [DELETED] 

Is cannabis use suppose to make your cranium and brain rounder than non-users? The brain in the right somehow seems more "normal" than the one on the right. I am however just basing this on pictures of brains that I have seen in the past.

>> No.1678862

Is cannabis use suppose to make your cranium and brain rounder than non-users? The brain in the right somehow seems more "normal" than the one on the left. I am however just basing this on pictures of brains that I have seen in the past.

>> No.1678891

Last I heard there are measurable long-term differences in brain activity between marijuana users and non-users, but nobody really knew what the significance of it was.

Of course, I don't have a source to present and could just be talking out of my ass.

>> No.1678899

>my face when cannabis users in this thread can't understand the diagram

>> No.1679176


Wheres your face? I'm freakin out!

>> No.1679190
File: 117 KB, 640x480, encephalectomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1679208

>different heads
>different angles
>text added in MS Paint

>> No.1679227


>> No.1679245
File: 93 KB, 640x400, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1679265

holy shit. Either I am having a sensation of deja vu or this is some elaborate copy pasta I have only seen twice on 4chan.

>> No.1679530

A scientific experience told us that chimpazees had irreversible lesions from cannabis they smoked
(but not all chimpazees of the experience!)
Chimpanzee is near from human :/ ...
And I would like to say that they are people who are more sensitive to neurosis than others.. those should just don't smoke

>> No.1679547

You had a dream about this...

How are those chills you are feeling right now?

>> No.1679604

what about carl sagan?
Smoke weed eryday?

>> No.1679623

different sections of the same brain, derp

you'd also have to measure the whole area and not just one slice to determine whether there is a statistical difference.


>> No.1680473

Hmm, you know, the cannabis user has significantly more surface area.

>> No.1680483

I'll just leave this here:

>> No.1680498

no source or citation = troll

>> No.1680528

Why are people trying to post lab results that marijuana doesn't affect your brain when it so obviously does? Remember your friend who suddenly couldn't remember shit, or the guy who smoked himself into retardation? I mean I could see why you would post false results for cannabis but wouldn't you much rather have the truth out?

>> No.1680672


weed definatly fucks with your hyperthalamus, but i dont know if it makes you retarded because there is a physical reaction,as far as i can see it sbecause those people stop caring/stop learning/stop even trying to figure shit out and work their brain, plus most people are dumb as fuck when they arent on drugs,let alone after not smoking for years

>> No.1680683

Wow! Brains of different people look different! Amazing!

>> No.1680690

wasn't it established in the first few of these trolls threads that those are actually two different slices of the same brain?

if that is so, it seems cannabis only effects the brain in a thin layer

>> No.1680692

I'd hate to break it to you trolls but the picture in the OP looks like it's the same person, but with a different slice in the coronal plane. The part that's colored is the hippocampus (critical for short term memory) and that happens to decrease in thickness as you move along it's anterior to posterior axis. The slice taken as "cannabis user" is slightly more posterior.

Anyway, both look healthy.

>> No.1680701

fukken samebrainmind!

>> No.1680734

There are differences between long- and short term effects. One is permanent while the other is not. Unless you're under a certain age (before which some neural systems haven't fully developed yet) which is 18 on average there are no long term health effects from THC alone. There are negative effects associated with smoking however, like bronchitis and general lung damage, but those are present for tobacco as well and should not be considered a determining argument for banning cannabis use.

>> No.1680749

Weed thread? In my /sci/?

Why not. Too bad I'm completely dry, blowed off all my cash on a new graphics card and there is still at least two months until harvest.


>> No.1680756


there are no real long-term permanent health effects from moderate use of the active ingredients of cocaine or heroin either. should we legalize them too?

>> No.1680757



>> No.1680763
File: 3 KB, 160x160, 1282477306863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looky me using big words

If you're gonna try at least do it correctly.

>> No.1680764

Is this a troll?

>> No.1680765


Not him but yes. Prohibition never worked and never will.

I mean hell, you can get cocain and heroine in jails and these are pretty much completely controlled by the government.

Legalisation is the only way to controll it and take the money away from drug cartels.

If you have any other ideas please share.

>> No.1680771

PROTIP: Different brains of different people aren't SUPPOSED to look different. It's not like there's varying alleles for brain shape.

>> No.1680769


Meth too bro, it is still prescribed as an ADHD med although mixes of several amphetamines of varying half-lives generally are prescribed instead.

>> No.1680768

>smokes weed
>can't maintain a basic personal budget

>> No.1680767


its bad logic to take someones arguement to the extreme while ignoring other obvious features,

what about the short term effects,douche?

>> No.1680766


Best troll on radio.

>> No.1680772


What are you talking about? I'm a student that just got his first payout from my summer job and I prioritized a new graphics card over drugs. What else is there to say? I never had much money to begin with.

>> No.1680776


i spelled a number of words wrongly there,but you seem to be picking at that as opposed to picking at the real content expressed,which is that the hypothalamus does get smaller after constant prolonged THC use (if there is also no CBD)

i can barely spell necessary some times,i still know what it means,patronisingfag

>> No.1680780

>there are no real long-term permanent health effects from moderate use of the active ingredients of cocaine or heroin either.
Yes there are
accumulates around the pace-maker neurons in the heart causing all kinds of rhythm abnormalities in the long run. Even with moderate usage.
Is very strongly physically addictive which means it causes withdrawal symptoms. It also severely dehydrates users causing them to become constipated and loose apatite. When they quit cold turkey they get severe diarrhea worsening the dehydration.

No such effects from the active ingredients alone exist for marijuana.

>should we legalize them too?
Maybe we should. Banning it doesn't stop people from using it. The percentage of people who have ever tried marijuana in the Netherlands (where it is semi-legal) is lower than in the US. Legislation allows government regulation.

>> No.1680781

So... how high are you right now /sci/?

>> No.1680786

>the hypothalamus does get smaller after constant prolonged THC use
Before I respond to that I'd like to see a source, because I question the validity of that statement. Make sure it's a proper scientific one. No news articles.

>> No.1680787

I smoked weed a few times and my brain fucking bubbled up, died and sent me through space.

Still fucked up to this day.

>> No.1680789


I'm at 0. At work right now. And I'm completely dry.

I might try to get some in a few days though.

>> No.1680790

>cocain and heroine in jails

I actually did a month in jail one time when I was younger in the king county jail (downtown Seattle, crazy crowded etc)

When you get booked there for non drug-related charges they just search you and throw away drugs because the courts and jails are too busy to do all the paperwork involved with another charge and trial etc.

But turns out that garbage is emptied by inmate workers lol, I was in the block where they put middle class white dudes and one of us would a couple grams of coke every week or so. Guards didn't care because they didn't want to do the paperwork involved with charging 12 inmates with drug possession.

So we would just stay up all night blowing lines, talking shit and playing cards. Was actually some of the most memorable times of my life so far.

>> No.1680792


That's... pretty cool actually. Too bad jails in europe don't work like that.

Also, don't you have any problems with getting a job for example now because of the time in jail?

>> No.1680803

I think we should legalize all drugs for the good of mankind.
The idiots will smoke, drink or whatever them to death and some cash could be made with this.

>> No.1680806



I never understood the idea of protesting idiots from their own stupidity.

Let natural selection takie it's course.

>> No.1680808

libertarian fuckwit children

>> No.1680810


What a compelling argument you have presented my good sir.

You have ane more of these?

>> No.1680817


nah it was for a DUI when I was 19 which normally doesn't give jail time but I was a retard and blew off all the probation etc and they ended up giving me 30 days.

Employers can only see that I got a misdemeanor dui when I was younger and dumber 5 years ago, not that I violated probation 5 times and did time for it. They don't really care all that much.

Its when you get a felony and do time in prison that it really sucks.

>> No.1680816


Yes, because the right sollution to problem is destroying innocent people's lifes by putting them in jails while they need help.

You fucking idiot.

>> No.1680815


pot smokers are not the kind of people we need to lock up at the cost of $100k for each stoner busted with a dimebag to the taxpayer.

>> No.1680814


Yes, seriously. All these prohibitions, who do they protect? The people who do drugs will get them anyway and without any restrictions normal people wouldn't touch them anyway. Helping is obviously futile as such people now even think drugs make them healthy. Legalization would be the only way to help both sides.

>> No.1680818

Dear other countries,

Suck it.

Best regards,
The Netherlands.

>> No.1680824


And it would take away the stigma which now prevents a lot of people from seeking actual help.

Besides, drugs are fun in moderation. It's my body and I'm going to put whatever I want in it.

What next? The government forcing me to eat at least two types of vegetables under the threat of jail? Prohibiting me from eating too much fast food? Fuck that shit.

>> No.1680831


I wish I could, i wish I really could.

In here you can ge 2 years for less than a gram of weed. Fuck this country.

>> No.1680837

That... is insane... I feel for you bro.

>> No.1680853



>> No.1680867

That's not what I want. Your motives are basically hurr durr I watch south park let stupid ppl die lol. I don't think people should be locked up for drugs. Drugs should be decriminalized but not legalized and sold in shops. It's ridiculous enough that we sell tobacco and to a lesser extent alcohol which kill thousands. legalizing drugs that can screw up certain people's mental health is a bad idea, people aren't "idiots" for trying a drug and then having a bad reaction.

Source: used to be a weed and rock dealer

>> No.1680881


is that the maximum sentence though? what is the minimum sentence?

In the US pretty much any crime has a sentence of a year or more but, for example, they suspend 364 days of that so you do a day in jail and then just have probation for the remainder of the year.

So when you see on the news that someone "faces up to 20 years in prison" they usually get a year or two or whatever. Its mostly just to scare the public into not committing crimes because they never do news reports when the suspect is actually sentenced.

>> No.1680892


The maximum is 5 years for small drug posession from what I know. Most people get 2 years.