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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 81 KB, 780x585, 12782211959332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1675121 No.1675121 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ways you have used science to be alpha.

>Doing physics in highschool
>working on escape velocity
>work out earths escape velocity
>Decide to use it on other things aside from planets.
>go up to fat kid in school with friends.
>in front of him we begin to estimate his weight based on his width hight and composition
>proceed to calculate his escape velocity (it wasn't very high)
>laugh our asses off
>some girls see the whole thing
>they laugh with us
>fuck one a year later
>science, fuck yeah.

Looking back on it, it's the greatest moment of highschool.

>> No.1675126

>a year later

yeah, no

>> No.1675129

yo mamma is so fat the escape velocity at her surface exceeds 300,000km/s

>> No.1675133

Alpha? What is that? As in alpha male?

That's retarded, did you come here from /r9k/ to troll us or what?

I don't give a fuck about my masculinity or the conquest of females.

>> No.1675134

you don't sound like typical scifag but a typical pseudo sci-fag that gets C+ in their normal physics class and starts talking about >escape velocity and crap.

>> No.1675131

>projecting himself into his bullies

>> No.1675144


>dumb cunt won't shut the fuck up, everything we go over in science class she has to interject her retarded psuedo-science bullshit
>nobody in class has the nuts to tell her to shut up because she's seriously retarded
>make a mobius strip
>ask her how many sides it has
>"uhm, 2 obviously."
>Class tells her to shut the fuck up and that she's retarded, I apparently broke the taboo that kept people from telling her off
>She never mentions her bio-crystals or Wiccan shit ever again
>4 months later she tries to kill herself and fails

Alright so it wasn't the most alpha thing ever, but like some sort of collective alpha-zation of the class.

>> No.1675146

>but a typical pseudo sci-fag that gets C+ in their normal physics class and starts talking about >escape velocity and crap.
That would be /sci/.

>> No.1675154

OP's pic is fugly, I wouldn't brag about hitting that, hell I wouldn't tell anyone except maybe my therapist.

quatch terrifying

>> No.1675217
File: 50 KB, 370x499, 1277453645761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>science to be alpha
>implying its possible

used the math & practice to get a good job
wallow in cash
get laid

>> No.1675242

> alpha
> fuck one a year later

Heaps alpha, bro.

>> No.1675276
File: 15 KB, 262x228, 1280347796458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when the escape velocity at the fat kid's surface is actually probably lower than most normal people due to his lower density.

>> No.1675283
File: 34 KB, 231x231, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I read this post and tilted my head back to laugh and noticed a mosquito that would piss me the fuck off later tonight and was able to kill it because it was resting on the ceiling thinking I wouldn't see

Thanks bro.

>> No.1675285
File: 45 KB, 479x350, 1276232065548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cool story bro.

smoking is bad 4 u though...

also good job picking on a fat kid with your friends.

>> No.1675321 [DELETED] 

Escape velocity doesnt depend on objects mass, but the energy required does.

>> No.1675340
File: 142 KB, 964x829, gaotsestar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey, is the spot on my southern hemisphere noticeable?

>> No.1675343

escape velocity doesn't depend on the objects mass, the energy required does though.

>> No.1675464

That Ukrainian/Cheyenne girl is hot as fuck.

I mean, if I were that camera guy, I would've offered her good and nutritional food along with a cozy and suitable shelter, should she want to go back to my country along with me.

But no... the cameraman was there only to take pictures of the impoverished nation that's in the middle of a conflict.

Too bad she fucking died. I would've loved to spend my life taking care of her. (after I'm rollin' in dough doing science)

>> No.1675471

I never knew the pedophiles were on every board of 4chan.

>> No.1675495

good thing you didn't see the picture of her teeth

>> No.1675500

> alpha

back to r9k please

>> No.1675504

Doesn't matter. Nothing the dentists can't fix.

>implying you don't like children
>implying you know dick shit about biology

Also, I'm no pedophile. She's at least 13.

>> No.1675512

Hebephiliac then.

>> No.1675521

Well happy fourth-day anniversary to your being in 4chan. How do you like it so far?

>> No.1675523

>ITT: Ways you have used science to be alpha.
Noticing that there is no such thing as an "alpha male" in human terms, because humans are not wolves and people who buy into this probably have a lot of useless self help manuals.

>> No.1675544

Real /sci/entists don't give a shit about bitches or whores. Or sex, much, for that matter.

Sluts hinder science. And I put science in front of everything. Yes, sometimes in the pursuit, I forget that I'm hungry.

>> No.1675549

That's dedication, bro.

>> No.1675557

I love science as I ain't love no otha.
Treat him like my homie and shit, like he's my only brutha.
Love 'im so much, I'd step over my one true motha.

>> No.1675568

>sometimes in the pursuit, I forget that I'm hungry
thanks for the reminder, I think I'll go ingest some plant and animal matter, digest it and be nourished

>> No.1675571

Never stop studying. Your future comes now. Food can come later.

Enjoy your snack.

>> No.1675574
File: 122 KB, 600x603, Doing science..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1675582

I don't think I've ever met a girl that liked bullies.
All the asshats would behave very nicely around the girls they liked. And girls were the first to speak out when someone was being a dick to someone else.

>> No.1675598

Not for me.

They laugh when I get my shit kicked in.


>> No.1675608

That, of course, never happened.

But girls don't give a shit about people getting bullied. Not the sluts, anyways. Sluts love big, strong, abusive cunts. They're the ones that spend their whole life with a guy while getting beaten half to death almost every single day. Yet, they stay, and have kids with them, only to be abandoned and left to take care of them as a single mother.



>> No.1675621 [DELETED] 

Bitches and whores.

>> No.1675636

Beeches and horse.

>> No.1675641

Leeches and coarse

>> No.1675644

Bitches and whores.

>> No.1675648

Teaches and boars.

>> No.1675650

Niches and shores.

>> No.1675654

Screeches and Smores.

>> No.1675658

Leashes and floors

>> No.1675665

Switchings and chores.

>> No.1675666

Fishes and Coors.

>> No.1675670

Dishes and lores.

>> No.1675672

Ringers and doors

>CAPTCHA: Technology, einaasky

>> No.1675676

Quiches and doors.

>> No.1675685 [DELETED] 

Way to fuck up, cunt. There's no "ch".

Richness and pores.

>> No.1675679

This thread has certainly changed, and I can't yet decide if its for the better or worse.

PS: Ditches and pores

>> No.1675686

Pisses and snores.

>> No.1675693

Way to fuck up, nigger. You forgot the "ches" sound.

Riches and soars.

>> No.1675697

Snitches and oars.

>> No.1675702

Itches and fours.

>> No.1675704
File: 234 KB, 592x400, bitches_and_horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches and horse.

CAPTCHA: rehast for

>> No.1675707

Peaches and norse.

>> No.1675708

Quidditches and yours.

>> No.1675711

Mitch's and ours.

>> No.1675714

Hitches and oars.

>> No.1675717

Finches and worse.

>> No.1675736

Cochise and hours.

>> No.1675758

Spice's sand worms.