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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1672131 No.1672131 [Reply] [Original]

>Phd in Econometrics
>300-400k starting (adjusted for inflation)
>any Armani suit I want

u mad?

>> No.1672143

Congratulations, mate.

>> No.1672142

lower range is 300? that's pretty shit bro

>> No.1672155

Understanding of the cosmos vs. buying new clothes...
It's literally a no-brainer.

>> No.1672158


>Implying OP actually has a Phd and isn't an undergrad trolling u

>> No.1672152
File: 34 KB, 225x309, bania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A brand new Armani suit?!

>> No.1672163

econ majors get a lot of shit on this board I wish we had our own...

>> No.1672174
File: 13 KB, 284x275, bro fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend you just won the internet.

>> No.1672186

>implying that economics has no worth.

>> No.1672216


>> No.1672226

Oh please, all this 300-400k starting is such fucking bullshit.

>> No.1672227
File: 66 KB, 500x363, lol_bye_bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1672229


Except it's completely true if you work at an Investment Bank or at the trading floor.

>> No.1672230

1) unlikely,
2) divide it by 7-8, at least
3) try getting one of the protodesigns off the catwalk.

i fucking hate liars

>> No.1672232
File: 48 KB, 438x431, 1241243265586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1672233


Also, OP, explain:

1. Money 1 vs Money 2.

2. What causes changes in potential GDP. Diff between potential and real GDP.

3. How the game theory relates to oligopolies.

4. Keynisian cycle theory vs new classical cycle theory vs new keynisian.

This is all undergrad shit. Let's see it in your own words.

>> No.1672234


No, really, it has 300k-400k starting.
The problem is that 40 companies in the whole world will recruit 100 of those guys, and we already have something like 10k, and 99,9% of them have previous experience.

>> No.1672239

> Ph.D. in cybernetics
> Any borg cube I want
> Picard starting

>> No.1672242


I am a CFA and have a masters in finance and undergrad in econ and accounting. Shit just isn't happening unless you come from a top Ivy League with a 4.0, your daddy knows people, and you have work experience from daddy knowing people.

I make well under 100k, some of my friends can't get jobs other than book keeping.

>> No.1672262

may I ask what state you live in?

>> No.1672266


M2 is a definition of money supply that is more inclusive than M1, bank reserves aren't in m1 for instance

natural gdp is highest level u can sustain without causing inflation over long period, real gdp is just gdp (cignx) adjusted for deflation/inflation lol

game theory applies to oligops for lots of reasons./problems, like : The Monty Hall problem and prisoners dilemma, its used by companies for pricing of products, and also how much money to invest in research and development spending, etc

fuck keynes, austrian school ftw

>> No.1672278

This is definetely not making me feel better about my econ degree.
Also, /new/ is one of the worst boards on the whole fucking site, stupid hippies trolling right-wing faggots, right-wing faggots trolling everyone else, and the rest of the posts are just worthless. Sure /sci/ is spammed with religion threads every 2nd minute but at least it's easy to see what to ignore.

>> No.1672279


why so mediocre?

go apply to a real firm that will actually pay you, u might as well just teach at a college and make like 100k

>> No.1672284


Ohio - I know that's a huge part of the problem. I can't move at the moment for some bullshit reasons. Will soon.


Meh, I can't say for sure that you didn't look it up, but I am inclined to believe you that you know the basics.

>> No.1672290


Econ is worse than finance if you don't do a phd. Much worse.

>> No.1672296


u should diversify your portfolia more

>> No.1672303

>wearing suits to work

If I ever had to do that, I'd shoot myself.

>> No.1672314

Yea its better if you live in New York and New York is a great place to be starving poor while you wait to find a better job. Plus its a welfare state so you won't actually starve to death.

>> No.1672315


suits are awesome as long as you have air conditioning and aren't a fat pig (like yourself)

>> No.1672324

Lmao you sound like my father.
He ask me if I really wanna wear a suit all the time and I was all like.... thats the plan.

>> No.1672328


I absolutely hate ironing dress shirts and pants. I fucking can't stand it.

>> No.1672341

Doing a double Honours undergrad in Economics and Mathematics here.

Thinking about doing Actuarial Science afterwards. Good idea Y/N?

>> No.1672356


I have no idea. Ask someone outside of 4chan. Imo, my finance/econ/accouting/stats education was an utter waste of life that I will regret forever.

>> No.1672373

Why what happened? what job do you have now?

>> No.1672412

I'm doing applied math in systems biology (to try to go to grad school in cybernetics/relatedfield/synthetic bio), but will switching to actural/economics be better? Or is an econ phd the most soul training phd on the planet?

tl;dr what is the best way i can create organic resin statue monster armies to take over the planet

>> No.1672422


Financial analyst. Aka, make projections to pretend you did work and then go get insider info from execs. Adjust "projections."

>> No.1672444

also i'm doing a double major in computaional bioengineering. this is pretty boring stuff. i wish i did biomaterials instead, but i'm better in the systems theory field, which doesn't really relate to biomaterials

>> No.1672447

How much do your guys' parents make? Just curious. No way in hell someone with a partial scholarship is getting two masters degrees, let alone a phd.

>> No.1672455

If this board is supposed to be smart why are there so many retards that take OP seriously? Is it your low self-esteem?

>> No.1672812

Why do you say it's a waste of time? What about the money? Is it good at least? Any other info would be appreciated because I'll probs be getting into that type of stuff in a year or 2

>> No.1672837
File: 21 KB, 320x320, 29_rza_lgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversify yo bonds nigga

>> No.1672847

Is it good advice to get an PhD in Eco if you want to go into business? I always thought that was something for people who want to go towards research and education? I mean, do years of (mostly pointless) research really make you more interesting for big businesses?

Biochemist here, I don't know jack about economics, but in my field you don't necessarily need a PhD to go into the industry.

>> No.1672849


nobody in /new/ understands economics, lol

>> No.1672879


yes if you focus on econometrics, microeconomics, math, statistics, that kind of thing. Big businesses, banks, governments, all have uses for those skills.

>> No.1672951


I would most of your skill points into bullshit, dressing well, and networking though. That's why I hate jobs.

>> No.1672957


enjoy being a labrat with your bachelors in biochem lol

>> No.1672965


y u mad bro? just cuz you're unlucky and unambitious doesn't mean everyone will be

deal with it

>> No.1672992


I am sure a lot of other people have their CFA at 23. Nigga please - being a corporate drone isn't the only way to make money, nor is it the best. I make more money investing on my own than my boss makes at work. Fundamental analysis is just bullshit, that's all there is to it.