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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 528x384, spiderman cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1671848 No.1671848 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/

So it's my understanding that we will not see a cure for cancer in our lifetime. I believe Big Pharma stands to gain more from selling treatments than by selling a cure.

What do you guys know about cancer research? I read that we've invested something like 200 billion over the past 30 years and havent accomplished much.

>> No.1671871

Anyone? Should I go to the brilliant minds of /r9k/?

>> No.1671880
File: 356 KB, 600x1431, 1269274769817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1671881

We probably won't cure cancer in the same sense that we haven't cured the flu - but instead of it being a major killer, it'll become just another disease you eat pills for until it goes away in a few weeks.

>> No.1671883


Shit's a hard problem. It's like the Riemann Hypothesis, you can invest billions for the next thirty years, but that does not guarantee a solution.

I honestly think we'll only have a cure for cancer when we're routinely and simply manipulating cellular biology.

>> No.1671889


THAT'S what i was looking for!

Thank you sir!

/sci/ delivers!

>> No.1671900


np dude

>> No.1671906

Raptor Jesus will return and purge the inter webs of cancer.

>> No.1671926

I'm gonna come right out and say it.
Cancer is fantastic for keeping a population cap below it's maximum.

>> No.1671933

Cancer survivability is probably better than it was back then.

>> No.1671944

Dont worry Anon,

I will cure Cancer or die trying..

>> No.1671994


My hate for that webcomic has solidified with that one image. It is ALWAYS depressing. The damn thing wants to remove all meaning, all worth from its readers lives.

Fuck it.

>> No.1672027

Of course the pharmacy companies are making more with treatments. Of course they're going to continue this for as long as they can...

Unless we give the CEOs cancer. Let's fucking do it /sci/.

>> No.1672047


Give CEOs of the richest corporations cancer.
Find cure within weeks.

>> No.1672060
File: 63 KB, 508x595, 1282923700424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/sci/ Cancer Taskforce assemble.

You're leader Obama reporting in.

>> No.1672061


There's more to treating cancer than pills so raging against "big pharma" isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.1672073


Cutting off the blood supply to tumors.

>> No.1672074

Nope. CEOs already die of cancer.

>> No.1672098

see image:

they'll probably find a cure for HIS OWN cancer

>> No.1672113

CEO's not having cancer is not the reason alot of people die from it. CEO's get cancer, they just get the treatments instead of having their insurance company deny their claims to save a few bucks.

>> No.1672119


I realize that it has happened already and that funneling money into research doesn't guarantee a cure.

>> No.1672122

>insurance company
You and your private healthcare industry

>> No.1672127

You all know there are bigger powers behind CEOs, right? CEOs are just the name holders. Just like presidents.

>> No.1672133

And that changes what?

>> No.1672154

Spoken like someone who knows absolutely nothing about population size whatsoever.

The birth rate is by far more important than the death rate will ever be. It's not people living longer than is causing overpopulation, it's people breeding so much.

>> No.1672181


Which means giving CEOs cancer would change nothing anyways, even if finding the cure was within reach but stopped because corporation, blah blah, etc.

>> No.1672206

there are many interesting supposed holistic cancer cures. there's one involving intermittent fasting while consuming a ton of concord grapes, the basic idea being concord grapes supposed contain compounds that kill cancer sells, and while you fast you starve the cancer cells of nourishment and when the grapes or grape juice is consumed the cancer cells absorb it and die

i know ayurveda (traditional indian medicine) has it's own ways of dealing with cancer but i haven't done any reading on them

also, about american cancer society, from wikipedia "In 1995, the Arizona chapter of the American Cancer Society was targeted for its extremely high overhead. Two economists, James Bennett and Thomas DiLorenzo, issued a report analyzing the chapter's own financial statements and demonstrating that it uses about 95% of its donations for paying salaries and other overhead costs, resulting in a 22 to 1 ratio of overhead to actual money spent on the cause. The report also found that the Arizona chapter's annual report had grossly misrepresented the amount of money spent on patient services, inflating it by more than a factor of 10. The American Cancer Society responded by alleging that the two economists issuing the report were working for and receiving pay-offs from the tobacco industry, but did not offer any evidence to support these claims.[14]"

>> No.1672222

>CEOs cancer would change nothing anyways,
Even the most powerful men on Earth get cancer.

>if finding the cure was within reach but stopped because corporation, blah blah, etc.
No they couldn't. They could delay a cure but it's impossible to hide knowledge forever. You could no more hide the Moon than you could keep something like that buried.

>> No.1672225

I don't think people are breeding any more than they used to. It's just that the fetuses/babies aren't dying.

>> No.1672228

No scientist capable of coming up with a cure could be convinced to sit on it forever.

>> No.1672236

We already have cures. They're called surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It's easier to focus on improving those rather than looking for a silver bullet.

>> No.1672286
