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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 85 KB, 500x366, stewartexterior500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1667963 No.1667963 [Reply] [Original]

Want to know where the $150 you spent on your calculus textbook went?

<== It went to buying its author, James Stewart, this $24 million house.

By the way, how are you enjoying your tiny dorm room?


>> No.1667983

meh, house looks like shit

>> No.1667982
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>> No.1667985


>> No.1667995
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I think you meant to post in >>1667843

>> No.1667999


>> No.1668004

That's why you download the pdf versions of textbooks instead of giving people like Stewart and his publishers $150-200.
I'm reading Early Transcendentals for Calc I right now.

>> No.1668010
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>> No.1668011

Earn money through mathematics. Use it to buy art and architecture.

Of course becoming an artist or architect is stupid, the world doesn't need art or architecture, right?

>> No.1668023

phd in mathematics
any job you want
any house you want
300k starting

>> No.1668038

>Earn money through an educational system that forces students to buy worthless, vastly overpriced textbooks.


I guarantee that almost noone who ever wrote a math textbook aimed at math majors ever bought a mansion with the money.

>> No.1668039

I believe Courant's is free. My brother has to use Stewart's book this year. I looked through it and didn't think it looked like a very enjoyable book.

>> No.1668042

>phd in mathematics
>tackiest house i want
>violin recital starting

>> No.1668047

Excuse me, $150?! What the fuck. I mean it seems like a standard book for calculus in the USA, and I've never heard of such a book over 50 euros in Europe. The most expensive one I own is a really special one, and that's 85 euros.

>> No.1668051

I fucking wish my books only cost $150.

So far this semester it's been physics - $212, chemistry - $180, biology - $331

>> No.1668057

Norwayfag here. Most expensive I've bought is for 130 USD, but then again we only buy American written books with slight modifications (such as removing the horrible horrible imperial unit system)

Knowledge be expensive

>> No.1668059

Anyone who can't learn calc from Silvanus Thompson's old timey "Calculus Made Easy" is a busta of the highest degree.

>> No.1668061

I bought mine used from someone. He technically didn't see a dime from me, personally.

>> No.1668065

American textbooks don't use the imperial system. Ever.

>> No.1668068

>Knowledge be expensive

The fuck it is. The privilege of sitting in a cramped lecture hall and having a disinterested, 60 year old professor read to you out of a useless, overpriced textbook is fucking ridiculously expensive, OTOH.

Here's the same "knowledge" for $13: http://www.amazon.com/Schaums-Outline-Calculus-5th-ed/dp/0071508619/

>> No.1668071

University bookstores mark there books up, I always by used and online. Still books are expesive here. I was able to get the international edition of baby rudin for $20 compared to $80.

>> No.1668072

we used spivak. didn't even use a textbook in high school

>> No.1668082

"Baby Rudin"? Is that like Stoke's theoremle is to Stoke's theorem?

>> No.1668083
File: 48 KB, 475x251, duh-duh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's why you download the pdf versions of textbooks instead of giving people like Stewart and his publishers $150-200.

>> No.1668094

Baby Rudin = Principles of Mathematical Analysis.
Big Rudin = Real and Complex Analysis

>> No.1668103

Ph.D in Mathematics.
Any book I want.
$24,000,000 starting.

>> No.1668123

>stupidly expensive textbooks written 60 years ago

I recommend Lang's analysis textbooks. Actually, I recommend Lang for almost anything. He writes with a good, no-nonsense, "I know you're not a moron, so I'm not going to waste your time with two pages of algebra here. You're more than capable of doing it yourself if you really want to see it."-type attitude.

>> No.1668136

$20 is expensive? I'll look into it. I enjoyed his algebra book.

>> No.1668156

Books that have been around along time are generally the good ones. And in general the books that have gone through a lot of revisions(especially in a short amount of time) aren't very good books.

>> No.1668170

>$20 is expensive?

well, no. but the prices on amazon are.

>> No.1668185

Hmm, now that i look, Lang's books aren't all that much cheaper I guess.

>> No.1668203

I don't know why you faggots are talking about how expensive textbooks are.

You spend $1200 minimum to sit in probably crappy lectures you could watch on MIT open course ware, or watch Khanacademy, and you complain about the textbook, which is where you actually learn stuff?

>> No.1668214

Nice try.

>> No.1668225

What? It is.

Any intelligent and motivated student could learn things just as well if not better by studying on his own and asking questions when needed.

The whole idea of a lecture class is just a holdover from back when it wasn't possible for every student to have his own book, so the only choice was to have someone stand up and read it to everyone.

>> No.1668234
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>> No.1668241

Enjoy being not taken seriously.

But seriously, I personally believe education tend to be a fucking scam when your major is all about watching lectures and shitting essays. Still, majors based around projects (i.e. engineering) and internships (coop programs) are in my opinion worth a lot more than studying by yourself in your basement, or even regular programs.

Not all universities follow the exact same "watch lectures, grind textbooks, shit essays, pass exams" formulas. If you ever do a master or PHD it's usually not the same shit too.

>> No.1668245


>> No.1668269

but the important point is, is the lecture worth $1200-$4000?

and the unequivocal answer is FUCK NO!

>> No.1668267 [DELETED] 

Nice job conflating college and lecture.

>> No.1668271
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>insulting spikedmath


>> No.1668273

Is that high paying job you want worth the price of the degree required to apply for it?

Because if it isn't, you can always work at McDonald's, jackass.

>> No.1668280

>implying quality of the education and the value of the degree are the same thing.

>> No.1668283

Typical engineer, equating his drone work to serious research performed in the REAL sciences.

>> No.1668304

The funniest thing is he has around 5 different versions of essentially the same book.

Maybe he makes more that way.

>> No.1668351

No. I'm saying that you need to stop whining. You don't get a job without a degree, and you don't get a degree without some cash. You can bitch about the "quality" of your education all you want, but I like to bitch on a full stomach, so I need money to purchase food. End of story.

>> No.1668384

Typical scientist, making a quarter of my salary and living a miserable life doing postdocs his entire "career".

brb I have corvettes to purchase

>> No.1668387

so, university's claimed purpose is to educate people, while it's real purpose is to rake in tens of thousands of dollars and hand out degrees in exchange for sitting in expensive lectures for 4 years so students can get a job.

sounds like a scam to me...

>> No.1668393
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>being able to afford a corvette and actually BUYING a corvette.

gb2 /o/ and lrn2 sports cars.

>> No.1668421 [DELETED] 

goddamn it
I told my dad we were getting ripped off by book prices but he went like "no, books costs a lot of money to produce"
Amen. Fuck you guys

>> No.1668438

I'm with this. The guy you're quoting is an insufferable faggot. Let him get his shitty business degree and work his shitty management job for mediocre pay for the rest of his miserable life.
People like >>1668351 are everything wrong with academia today.
>HERP You're bred to work, not to be a creative and erudite human being DERP.
You're beyond saving, but there's still time for others. Thankfully, so many online services are available now that bring the curriculum to you, but it's going to take some time for employers to notice the value of "non-traditional" applicants.

>> No.1668446

The Corvette is an excellent sports car. Jeremy Clarkson hates then, and even he loves them.

>inb4 you confuse composite transverse and steel longitudinal

>> No.1668473

>I like to bitch on a full stomach, so I need money to purchase food.

what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? are you saying that you are going to college so that you can get a job, so that you can buy food and eat, so that you can bitch on a full stomach?

so basically you want to be a fatass yelling at their tv? and this is why you are going to college?

>> No.1668490 [DELETED] 

well being a fatass who yells at the tv is a luxury you know

>> No.1668515
File: 21 KB, 284x300, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't need it for my course, but I found it on rapidshare and had it in my ebooks folder in about 15 seconds just to prove a point...

>> No.1668525


you must've missed the one where he took back every nice thing he ever said about the corvette when they finally got a ZR1 in england.

anyway, corvettes are for bald 45 year olds with tiny dicks hitting their midlife crisis HARD.

>> No.1668536
File: 56 KB, 597x473, 1280122738821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you just wasted 50 mb of HD space that could've better been spent on lesbian anal porn just to make a point.

>> No.1668551

>your pic = mfw you think 50 mb of hard drive space is a lot.

you still using a 1990's computer bro?

>> No.1668564


any size HD is too small for the amount of pr0nz i dl. >:3

that 50 mb could be the diff between a huge, slow torrent finishing overnight or some stupid "You're running out of space on drive c:" errors that fuck everything up.

>> No.1668569

"Lesbian & anal porn is better than calculus."

This board needs to be deleted. It's just all the people from all the other boards pretending to be intellectual when their idea of intellectual is like that of an ant. The same people arguing whether xbox or ps3 is better are arguing on here just about a different subject.

>> No.1668573
File: 25 KB, 395x594, v17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you're a poor-as-shit wellfare nigger who can't afford a HDD with a capacity larger than 51mb.

you be foaming, bro.

>> No.1668578

i have 225 GB of HD space, all but 2 GB of which is currently filled with pr0nz and my OS (and not much else).

>> No.1668584
File: 32 KB, 425x500, Stewart_Calculus6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this book for $50 with the solutions manual. I used it for calc 1 and 2 so it's a pretty good buy.

>> No.1668589

i got really mad when they started preventing students from using last years books. its one thing to recommend the recent edition to keep up with the class and exercises but this is just capitalist/elitist bs. it's just another barrier to entry for the lower class. but they deserve it, they give the elitists all their power then idolize them and aspire to be among them, which will never fukin happen.

college education is overrated
well rounded my ass, 60% of my courses are unrelated to wtf i wanna do, this is my biggest gripe with higher learning.

>> No.1668602

that's true. but this of course implies, that you are not any sort of scientist either. and me writing this implies that I am not. (which I am not)

however whenever there is a "post your major" thread, there is always like 50 responses from people claiming (probably correctly) that they are engineering or science majors.

engineering is a common major in universities.

4chan is probably populated primarily by college students.

therefore, it is not unbelivable that /sci/ would in fact be full of mainly engineering and science majors since they are in fact quite common. who else would come here? management majors? no. they are at frat parties.

so what does this all imply?

it implies that typical engineering majors today are a bunch of weeboo faggots who arent actually very smart and are only interested in science after they saw Carl Sagan's cosmos.

even though us people in /sci/ are probably smarter than average, (average is pretty stupid) we are nowhere near Einstein or anyone who will make a major impact on science.

>> No.1668613
File: 61 KB, 481x300, Implications_everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1668615

I agree totally with you. But I do not take any joy in your point and I have been trying to change for quite some time. It is hard to grow out of the mediocrity of a middle class suburban upbringing because it paints your entire world view a certain way and I am not the person I was years ago, gladly.

>> No.1668619

>implying i'm not smarter than einstein
>implying notoriety is indicative of intelligence

>> No.1668664

>trying to climb the social ladder just because other people told you that you should while trying to deny that you're actually more comfortable and happy being middle class.

>> No.1668680

yeah, because that's what life is about




just like a cow, comfortable and happy being right in the middle of the herd.

in the middle of the herd right up until the moment they humanley shoot an air pistol into your brain and painlessly slaughter you, and feed you to fat little 12 year olds.

>> No.1668678

Dude, you can get a new terabyte HDD for $50 if you look for sales.

>> No.1668709

way to contradict yourself

>> No.1668757

>implying I'm not 30 years old and living in a house I built myself

>> No.1668763

alright d00d, i hope you enjoy your money and success for the rest of your miserable life lol. just remember how much better you are than everyone else when you die of a brain aneurysm at 50.

i'll take poor and happy over rich and miserable, tyvm.

>> No.1668817

>implying dedicating your life to the pursuit of money and success isn't EXACTLY the kind of thing that would make one a "cow"

Yeah! Rebel against the system by getting a degree and having a good career and building a house in the suburbs! Fight the power!

>> No.1668847

cows don't pursue money and success. they just do the mimimum they need to be comfortable. it doesnt matter to them that they only reason they are comfortable is because they are going to be slaughtered. they don't plan and try to escape, they just go with the flow and be a part of the herd.

if you are living in a suburb, then you aren't very successful.

>> No.1668883


idk where you live bro, but noone's "slaughtering" the middle class where i live. sounds like someone's been fed a little too much elitist propoganda in his life imo.

>> No.1668919
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CAPTCHA: left evantam

>> No.1668920

Goddamn textbooks. I got 3 this semester and it came to the a grand total of $400... and one of them was used. FUCK TEXTBOOKS AND THE SYSTEM FOR FORCING US TO ACQUIRE THEM

>> No.1668981

$850 tuition online with the university of utah

Calculus text $25 used

Yall enjoy your debt.

>> No.1668990


The final cost: $24 million, nearly every penny the man had saved over 60-odd years.

A former violinist for the Hamilton Philharmonic, Mr. Stewart wanted a concert hall so he could lend it out for musical events.

He estimates he worked 355 days last year.

An hour before five friends arrived for dinner, Mr. Stewart ambled around his kitchen, marinating some pork tenderloin chunks and tossing chopped leeks, red peppers and corn into a deep soup pot to simmer.

>sounds like an extremely talented, successful individual spending his heard-earned money on a legacy that can be enjoyed by anyone for decades to come.

You mad op?

>> No.1669014

heh =p

not complaining, dorm living just takes some getting used to

>> No.1669017

whats a good site for downloading textbooks?
I havent found a decent one that doesn't require invites etc

>> No.1669019

Did anybody else read the article and have it have a line break in "house-cum-concert" so that it just said "cum-concert"?

Because i lol'd pretty fucking hard when i was skimming the article and saw cum-concert. Sounds like something he would have at a house like that.

>> No.1669022


Hey you guys
I, >>1668615 am not >>1668680 nor any of those posts

>> No.1669028
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lol "cum"

>> No.1669042

>anonomous website
>telling people "he" is not another anomomous poster.
>over an hour after the posts


>> No.1669150

>Textbook author made enough money to buy a $24 million house
Note to self: Write a college level intro science textbook ASAP once I get a PhD

Also, captcha was "HOUSE berame"

>> No.1669159

What the fuck is a "cum-house-concert".

I googled it and it turned up nothing.

>> No.1669161

>Jim Stewart, who will only say he is in his 60s, is a top-shelf classical violinist who earned his millions writing calculus textbooks.

D'oh, that explains why there are violins on the cover. I always thought it was because the f-holes look like integral signs!

Cool house, he seems like a cool guy... buy shit that's kinda sad.

And I own several of his books, got them all used at booksales for a few bucks, and I have some pirated e-books.

Now that I know about the house, I don't feel very bad about it.