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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1664955 No.1664955 [Reply] [Original]

What's /sci/'s opinion on proposition 8?
Is there any reason at all to ban gay marriage, from a facts based point of view?
Forget the constitution for a second, is there any real reason?

>> No.1664963

>Is there any reason at all to ban gay marriage, from a facts based point of view?

This isn't science.

>> No.1664961



>> No.1664969


marriage and politics are not science.

>> No.1664972

>a religious institution
>asking /sci/ if it gives a fuck

>> No.1664992

gay is gay and therefore gay marriage is the union of two gay things that are gay making gay marriage doubly as gay as a single gay person, so yes, it is wrong.

>> No.1665024

Being gay in itself isn't bad. It's only bad if it causes you to be an engineer.

>> No.1665031

Gays are fine.

Transexuals are ill.

>> No.1665034

There's no scientific reason for marriage of any kind. It just evolved from the idea of creating a family, instead of fucking a woman and running to the next one.

>> No.1665053



>> No.1665057

Not /sci/ related. Back to /b/ with you.

>> No.1665088

Why should gays miss out on all the horror?

>ridley for
gay marriage? Really?

>> No.1665100
File: 63 KB, 508x595, obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already proved over and over that God is time; and that the "holy spirit" is space/time - what this means is homosexuality is not hated by God, in-fact God is the reason we recieved the punishment. God fucking hates society, because we're sinning by breaking the rules, destroying nature and poisoning minds with knowledge which is educated to be the 'way forward'. If we disobey the 'way of God/nature' then we will be punished; several punishments can occur:

depletion of resourses

All are through our own ignorence and sins; therefore homosexuality should not be discriminated, but rather controlled - you are all fucking stuck up idiots, and I wonder what path you took to become so 'self-absorbed'.

>> No.1665106


>> No.1665121

That's a real neat theory. (a geuass)

>> No.1665123

how am i ill? :/

>> No.1665124

If we're forced to marry irritating bitches and be miserable for the rest of our lives, they should have to get married too. Then let's see how "gay" they are after having to listen to stupid, inane arguments about socks and House and napkin rings for hours on end for the rest of their shitty existence on this spinning ball of shit.

>> No.1665127


Oh boy, here we go...

>> No.1665128

There's no reason for "marriage" to be anything recognized by a government in the first place, and there ESPECIALLY is no reason to distinguish straight couples that arbitrarily decide to be "married" from gay couples.

>> No.1665129

>Forget the constitution for a second, is there any real reason?
>Forget the constitution for a second
>Forget the constitution
Ok, no

>> No.1665133

Does a heterosexual couple get more heterosexual when they get married?

>> No.1665134
File: 51 KB, 320x282, minus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage and minus

>> No.1665135

>to stupid, inane arguments about socks and House and napkin rings for hours on end for the rest of their shitty existence on this spinning ball of shit.
But how will gay men have to hear about those things if there's no women involved?

>> No.1665136

The only argument put forward by Proposition 8 supporters in the court case is this:
>"Marriage as the union between one man and one woman has been the universally-recognized understanding of marriage not only since America's founding but for millennia.”
Read about why that's totally bullshit here:

Additionally, claiming that "A mother and a father have been recognized for centuries as the ideal way to raise a child" is equally lacking in support for similar reasons.

Summary: So far, every claim of "Gay marriage is bad for humanity/society/morals" is bullshit. There is, as yet, no reason to forbid it.

FORTUNATELY this is a legal matter, not a scientific one. And, like the interracial marriage precedent of the past, equal protection under the laws must grant the right to marry whoever you want - and another well-known part of the constitution ought to kick the government out of regulating a religious ceremony altogether.

>> No.1665137

>But how will gay men have to hear about those things if there's no women involved?
They'll have their own versions.

>> No.1665140

True. Instead they'll probably have to hear stupid inane arguments about interior decorating and xbox vs ps3 and facial moisturizers or whatever it is that gay people argue about amongst themselves. I'm guessing decorating. I don't know.

>> No.1665317

