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1661887 No.1661887 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people have hairy ass cracks?

All ass hair does is cause dingle berries. You would think that evolution would do away with ass crack hair since it becomes an unsanitary breeding ground for bacteria that could endanger a human's life.

>> No.1661893

Asian master race reporting in.

I have no hair on my body except my scalp and my penis. I am more evolved than you.

>> No.1661898

Its probably for sweating
All the sweating hot spots seem to be hairy

>> No.1661900

That's east asian only faggot. Indians are the hairiest people on earth.

>> No.1661904

>implying there aren't hairy Japanese people

>> No.1661908

We have hair in those areas to reduce friction between the skin surfaces.

It's also preforms a number of other minor functions, such as trapping sweat and bacteria for pheremone production.

>> No.1661909

>implying there are

>> No.1661912

Women have less body hair than men.
Are you implying they are "more evolved" (only creationists consider things more or less evolved) than men?

>> No.1661914

are those suppose to be talking trees or something in op's pic?

>> No.1661918

Why do women have hairy vaginas?

All it does is cause urine droplets to collect. You would think evolution would do away with vaginal hair since it becomes an unsanitary breeding ground for bacteria that could endanger a human's life. Not to mention it makes it harder to reproduce.

>> No.1661928
File: 79 KB, 400x365, coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only creationists consider things more or less evolved

>implying creationists believe in evolution
>implying animals aren't more evolved than bacteria
>implying the human brain isn't more evolved than any other animal's brain
>implying I am not more evolved than you

>> No.1661929

Bacteria are vital for us, you're already infested with them and you'd die if they were taken away.

Remember that russian informer who got poisoned with polonium? He died eventually simply because his entire digestive tract was cleared of all bacteria and he starved.

Even the ones inhabiting your skin have a multitude of uses.

>> No.1661935

>implying animals aren't more evolved than bacteria

The average animal will reproduce in about a year, by the time you read this bacteria already has.
bacterial evolution speed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>animal evolution speed

>> No.1661938

You'd die, but your body wouldn't decompose because bacteria do that too. So yes, life would suck if not for micro-organisms. A cold every so often is a small price to pay for a world that's not full of corpses and dead plants.

>> No.1661949

That is exactly how fossil fuels came to be.

>> No.1661951


Bacteria reproduce asexually, therefore they have no genetic variation. They don't "evolve", they stay the fucking same.

>> No.1661956

Unless there's a mutation.

>> No.1661958

>Does not understand random mutations and copying errors

>> No.1661960
File: 297 KB, 460x500, bacterial conjugation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying bacteria don't rape each other

>> No.1661965

MRSA was here, go fuck yourself

>> No.1661970


>implying they are not sharing DNA

>> No.1661974

Wait. If micro-organisms don't evolve, answer these questions three:

1. How did multicellular life-forms come about?
2. Why can we not cure certain ailments, e.g. the common cold?
3. How can micro-organisms develop resistance to certain drugs?

>> No.1661983

>implying I wasn't using rape as a metaphor

>> No.1661987
File: 30 KB, 492x341, 1282143976589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw bacteria can actually increase their mutation rate

>> No.1661988

Who let you out of /b/?

>> No.1661990

loli is more evolved than woman

>> No.1661992


>implying rape isn't sharing DNA

>> No.1662001

The reason we have genital hair, ass hair, armpit hair, etc. is because they function as scent-traps for our scent glands. But we only have scent glands in our armpits now. The only reason I can think of why we might still have scent-trapping hair is because it produces a visual sexual signal rather than a scent. I hate having ass hair though, it's fucking annoying,