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File: 379 KB, 966x959, Harvard-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1661483 No.1661483 [Reply] [Original]

>> Major in business from harvard
>>Fucking your secretary 3 times a week
>>no math needed
>> 1m $ starting

>> No.1661485

Live the rest of your life spending money on fancy things to impress people who don't care about you, die miserably, after contributing nothing to society.

>> No.1661492

That's the American dream actually...

>> No.1661494

Pretty much this. The best things in life are not physical. Why buy 6 yachts when I can take a trip to rural China and do some backpacking trips for a few weeks at a time? You don't need 1 million a year for that.

>> No.1661498

>Get a less-well payed job that I truly enjoy, wake up in the morning looking forward to work.

Of course, not many people manage to do that, but money doesn't buy happiness.

>> No.1661508

>mfw you make 1 millidollar anually.

>> No.1661541


>> No.1661548

> Major in business from harvard
> World war 3 starts 2015
> Realize you are useless in the postapocalyptic wasteland.
> Survivors capture you, hear your degree, realize you're the cause of the pre-war economic disaster that landed us in this shit. They keep you as human fleshlight.

Me? I'm in the field of motherfucking medicine. People will pay me in food and vagina.

>> No.1661568

>implying that there's going to be another world war when we have the UN.

>> No.1661571


>implying UN isn't powerless, pointless organisation

>> No.1661572

>implying the islamic middle east isnt going to team up to conquer the world, china isn't going to raid the world with its shitty chink army, the usa won't jump at the chance to SAVE DER WORLD!, and europe will end up getting dragged into it?

>> No.1661579


America Fuck Ya

>> No.1661591
File: 8 KB, 185x272, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1661494 The best things in life are not phsyical

>crush your enemies
>see them driven before you
>hear the lamentations of their women
>5,000 coin starting

>> No.1661601


>> No.1661602

>Implying the Islamic Middle East could do shit to the USA or Europe

>> No.1661606

they don't have a business major in the college. it's not some retarded vocational school.

>> No.1661611

>implying the UN is competent enough to stop a war.

>> No.1661612
File: 8 KB, 182x195, 1261718706051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying the countries of the middle east have the ability or desire to unite.

>Implying China has any force-projection capability whatsoever, that their economy isn't based on fragile money-lending methods that can blow up at the drop of a hat, and that their nation isn't prone to fragmentation.

>Implying the US actually cares about saving anybody from anything, other than from things that threaten the US's superpower status.

>Implying that Europe matters in geopolitics anymore.

>Greentext, greentext everywhere.

>> No.1661625

There is no business major at Harvard, retard.

>> No.1661645

Srsly, why need a million dollars / year when I can have Jennie instead and be happy with her?

>> No.1661679

>Implying an implication.

>> No.1661689

>implying that china's threat to the middle east doesn't spurr up some retard claiming to be a new prophet who unites the middle east as their evil religious dictator prophet guy
>implying china isn't communist and can't build guns with their own supplies
>implying russia won't team up as communist buddies with china and threaten europe
>implying that the newly formed Muslim MiddleEastern country won't jump in on the bandwagon and help fight the EU
>implying that the united states won't see any of this as a threat to their super power status
>implying i'm not describing the plot to several Command & Conquer games

>> No.1661707
File: 51 KB, 367x451, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know your fagget-asses would do anything for a $1m salary, so shut the fuck up.

>Money can't buy happiness.
You know goddamn well they do. I don't have to do shit and can enjoy life the way I want.

>But you won't contribute anything to society.
Actually, I can make donations that will change more lives then your worthless selfs will ever dream of.

>> No.1661730

>I can make donations that will change more lives then your worthless selfs will ever dream of.
>I can

Oh, cool story, brih.

>> No.1661760

Sure they do you stupid dumb uneducated mexican negro

>> No.1661768

>Actually, I can make donations that will change more lives then your worthless selfs will ever dream of.

You think donating funds to Africa is contributing to society? Where is the progress in that? I don't see you curing a disease or making it possible to go into space.

>> No.1661771



I'm not going to correct you. I just want you to look at it. Just take a look. And think about it.

>> No.1661793


Grad school ≠ major

>> No.1661877
File: 13 KB, 480x428, 1282229432279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
