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File: 18 KB, 333x500, THE_GOD_DELUSION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1659998 No.1659998 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for good athiest books to read.
I read the god delusion now looking for another book.
Just want more information to own dirty christians

>> No.1660006

The Holy Bible

>> No.1660011

You'll just repeat the same tired tripe as the other Dawkinites. This contributes nothing.

>> No.1660012

This. Not only will you have plenty of examples of where their religion is just wrong, it's one more book you'll have read that Christians have not.

>> No.1660015

If he reads that he'll become a Christian. Keep reading Dawkins.

>> No.1660047

>implying you can own christians

>> No.1660084

It does if the person you're talking to hasn't heard the arguments. I don't know many Christians who go out of their way to read Dawkins.

>> No.1660086

>>lolderp im 15 years old

Fuck I hate you fags.

>> No.1660097


>> No.1660099

I'm 40 actually. I hate you too.

>> No.1660102
File: 31 KB, 400x382, sam harris the end of faith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Sam Harris. He is considered one of the "Four Horsemen" by the religious crowd (one of the 4 Scientists who present strong arguments against Religion.)

I am not sure that I could consider Christians to be "Dirty". I would call them "Hopeful". SO hopeful in fact that they are willing to trade Science and logic for the hope that their life will not end and will continue on in a Magical Afterlife with all their friends and relatives.

>> No.1660103

>dirty christians
Fuck man, leave now. This is a /sci/ - Science, Math and Related Homework, not /sci/ - Judgement and Teenage Wannabe Coolness.

On-topic, the bible.

>> No.1660125

Who said? u? and who are you to me?
fuck off u religios faggot

>> No.1660134

You will never "own" the christian mind. Why is this? It's because christians and religion in general responds to authority rather than logic and reason. If their favorite sports star, musician or politician started posing logical reasons to abandon religious views, they would respond to it (slowly perhaps, but they would in the long run start questioning).

You're nobody. They can simply brush you aside ("oh it's a faith thing", "there's nothing inherently wrong with religion and you can't disprove it")

>> No.1660136

You carry the burden of proof. therefore u prove
"there's nothing inherently wrong with religion "

>> No.1660141

Where do you get this crap that religion/atheism and science have anything to do with each other? Is that what's in these books? Why do atheists need books telling them how to be atheists?

>> No.1660143

Prove you have a penis.

>> No.1660150

You really understand nothing about the typical Christian mind.

>> No.1660152

Feel free to tell me where I'm going wrong, otherwise I'll have to conclude your accusation is empty. What do you think describes best the christian mind, then?

>> No.1660163
File: 28 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1660164

The typical christian believes what they do because of an intuitive response to the subject matter (not logic or reason, but also not authority). No logical reasonings by a celebrity, sports star, or authority figure would have any effect.

>> No.1660166

looks more like a vagina

>> No.1660171

prove it

>> No.1660177


Watch Zeitgiest (the first one)

Its free, and has some pretty good stuff to own Christians with

>> No.1660178

If you don't mind getting laughed out of the room for claiming stuff that is trivially demonstrated to be factually false.

>> No.1660183


Fine, it may be pretty "iffy" and coincidental, but its still good for trolling Christians with

>> No.1660212

You can troll just about anyone if you tell them you believe the stuff in Zeitgeist.

>> No.1660243



>> No.1660268

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold
The God Hypothesis
God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

>> No.1660284

I want to see an intelligent atheist/agnostic try to debate dawkins just for the sheer troll value. I wonder how much of a case for religion they could make?

>> No.1660341
File: 24 KB, 450x351, Dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Selfish Gene.

>> No.1660491

Your life as a fish is pretty fun.