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File: 71 KB, 700x589, metastasizing_cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1658000 No.1658000 [Reply] [Original]

/Sci/, I was thinking...
Once we've wiped out cancer and heart disease as the top causes of death, what will take the place as the leading killer of humans?

inb4 zombies or over 9000 years of life

>> No.1658021

bump for knowledge

>> No.1658026

Other humans

>> No.1658027

over population

>> No.1658035

Once you reach 160, robots come and take you away and you never return.

>> No.1658037

that's funny, because malnutrition is the leading cause of death

>> No.1658040
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>> No.1658043
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>> No.1658048

Well for children it wont change; Household products lLike bleach and washing powder.

>> No.1658053

I really cant figure on any one thing because we've taken care of semi-acute illness with vaccines. I would say it would be more along the lines of a super quick killing epidemic. (andromeda strain)

>> No.1658056


If nanomachines pan out, that's not a danger either. They're practically magic.

>> No.1658057

not in america. therefore I dont give a fuck. go take your hippie bullshit elsewhere, Bono

>> No.1658059

We aren't talking about niggers in 3rd world countries. We are talking about more advanced civilizations.

>> No.1658072

I really don't know much about nanomachines. elaborate my good man.

also, >>1658037 go Oprah somewhere else queer

>> No.1658078

This man is a true thinker.

>> No.1658082

In America? Them the leading killer of humans will be other humans!

>> No.1658096

humans will certainly rank higher after these two have been eliminated, but definitely not number one.

It's probably going to be some crazy super virus. Thanks for washing your hands with antibacterial soap assholes

>> No.1658109


Nanomachines are very, very small robots that are pretty much the holy grail of hardware. They have applications in pretty much everything, from medicine to construction.

If you have a stroke, paramedics could inject you with a dose of them to clear out any blockages (if that's the cause) or to repair a hemorrhage from the inside. Alternatively, you could have a suite of them installed within you at all times to constantly clean out any diseases, blockages, etc. and generally care for your body.

That is, if they pan out. At present, they're still largely in development as tiny tinker-toys.

>> No.1658116


>> No.1658113


I don't wash my hands unless I'm taking a shower.

My immune system is that of an opossum.


>> No.1658122
File: 3 KB, 224x168, clarence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow how could this possibly go wrong...

>> No.1658125

how tiny are we talking here? Last I heard they are still a pipe dream, like we arent even close to working nanites.

>> No.1658131


>mfw all nanobots in the year 2054 are "Upgraded" to Windows15.

>> No.1658133

have fun getting pink eye and eating shit particles weirdo.

>> No.1658140
File: 63 KB, 653x679, 1282350558009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting pic i stumbled upon, hope it helps

>> No.1658145


I'm 30.

No pinkeye yet, think I'm in the clear.

>Feels good, man.

>> No.1658161

OP here,
That chart is pretty cool. My whole point was that now that we're beyond acute illness and are now working on cures for most chronic illnesses, I couldn't think of what could possibly be our next hurdle. By the look of this graph, our odds of stupid accidents killing us goes way up

>> No.1658172


Couldn't, really. Grey Goo scenario's not very likely.


I've not looked into it in a while but in 2005, a group of scientists created a nanocar that had buckyball wheels 60 atoms in size that rode along a road made of gold. In the same year, there was also a tiny controllable, untethered robot 250 micrometres long (about 4 times the width of a human hair) and 60 wide.

I'm not sure of anything more recent but I'm sure a Google Search could bring it up quickly.

>> No.1658198
File: 28 KB, 640x331, gooterm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couldn't really

pic related

>> No.1658218

bump for more brains

>> No.1658233


If we developed fully intelligent AI war machines, we'd more likely have either perfected human immortality or downloaded ourselves into robotic forms by that point.

>> No.1658242
File: 35 KB, 344x500, Old guy wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downloaded ourselves into robotic forms


>> No.1658245

Actually, the thing that will kill you all is pretending to be God and eliminating those things. You cannot eliminate suffering. You need it.

You will devolve into a useless mass that does nothing and experiences mass death.

You are simply postponing the inevitable and make things worse. Look around you at the mass stupidity, oncoming wars, and massive destruction you are causing to your Mother.

>> No.1658264
File: 22 KB, 191x215, Putin ecstatic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attn those who read this thread: please ignore troll bait and continue

>> No.1658290


I think the Jesus freak - Hippie hybrid will be the death of us all

>> No.1658291


You read it. There's not many ways to interpret that statement, really. If we can create an artificial intelligence like our own, there's no reason we couldn't enjoy a form of digital immortality. The only question is the maintenance of personal continuity.

>> No.1658305
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I really do not know what the fuck to say to that.

>> No.1658317

>>Once we've wiped out cancer and heart disease as the top causes of death, what will take the place as the leading killer of humans?
Chuck Norris

>> No.1658318

If you remove your environmental pressures, the things that cause you to evolve a certain way, then you will go back to unguided evolution.

I am not a hippy. The Earth is the Mother of all beings here. Please stop pretending that if you don't know it, you are so fucking smart that its impossible. You will learn nothing new and will become a distracted hopeless machine like the rest of society producing things that just slow down progress.

None of you are that smart. You are suffering from wikipedia syndrome.

Intelligence is creation -- not reiteration.

>> No.1658320


If you can emulate a human brain in a computer (which, for the moment, you cannot but it's only a matter of computing power and knowledge in brain mechanics, not possibility), you can create a copy of any brain in the machine. Memories, personality, etc. can all be placed within this emulation by scanning their real-world components.

The only issue is in ensuring that the being that exists in this digital state is you and not just a copy of you.

>> No.1658339

>what will take the place as the leading killer of humans?

Answer: death

>> No.1658340

You can't download yourself. You occupy a body through mechanisms we don't understand.

Existence and observation of all that you see is separate from life.

>> No.1658344

Virus don't work that way!
but bacterias do...

>> No.1658345

please sir, explain unguided evolution further. Methinks your repeating mindless bullshit that you don't actually know much about

>> No.1658362

If you could emulate a brain "you" would hold little importance. It's not possible though, so whatevs.

>> No.1658366


>You can't do X
>I don't understand the mechanism behind it.

Forgive me, I hate when people use Green Text like this, but it seems appropriate. Saying that the mechanism of something is currently beyond our knowledge means we cannot emulate it or transfer it seems... Faulty logic.

I don't know how X works. Y is proposed in regards to X. Y must therefore be impossible.

It very well might be impossible, but your logic for why is flawed.

>> No.1658368

eliminating chronic illness and leading killers of humans doesnt leave evolution "unguided" fucktard. They're not the only things that give direction to evolution. Read On the Origin of Species

>> No.1658374

This. Bacteria will likely be our #1 enemy come 2050. Tuberculosis for all.

>> No.1658375


Not yet. That may change. However, I'd say I hold a lot of importance to myself, so I'd very much like to ensure that whatever would end up existing would be me and not just a copy.

>> No.1658391

Michio Kaku says we'll have printers with human cells as the ink, allowing us to "print" new organs by 2050.

>> No.1658395

It would by definition be a copy. Do you think there's some magical fairy dust in your head that makes "you" you? Sprinkle that on your 500THz laptop and all of a sudden your body is gone and you're literally surfing the web?

If you could emulate a brain, you'd simply make a copy of yourself in... a computer. The computer version of you would probably think you're a douche, because you are.

>> No.1658435


If you copied me down to the molecule and created a perfect duplicate of me, then shot me, I am still dead. The copied being is not me. We are separate entities. To an outside observer, we are identical and there is no fundamental physical difference between us, but I am still me and it is still it.

Individual perspectives do not shift with a copy-paste (as far as we know).

This is precisely the issue I wonder about solving in such a case. The quintessential me involved here, the soul if you will, is the precise problem that needs to be solved in the idea of mental uploading.

>> No.1658453


>> No.1658458

Okay so you believe in fairy dust. Glad we settled that.

protip: if you copied yourself you would be you and the copy would be you.

>> No.1658516


In every sense that matters from an outsider perspective, yes, we would. However, I do not experience what another human being experiences. I am not them. If they are cut, I do not bleed. If they have an idea, I do not think it. If they perceive something, it is not certain that I do as well.

They are not me. I am not them.

To make it simpler and more amusing: It's like one of those old cheesy sci-fi spoofs where the villain has a beard but is otherwise identical to the hero, and then has this beard torn off. They look, sound, and act like each other, know the same things (for the sake of this thought experiment, at least)... But only one of them is the hero and only one of them is the villain. Just because they can answer every question you ask, are physically indistinguishable, etc., they are two distinct and separate beings.

Or to put it another way, if that didn't get through, if you had an "amnesia button" that wiped someone's memories and personality and left them tabula rasa, they'd still be the same person, even if they didn't think or act in any way like they did before.

>> No.1658530


Slight error.

>physically indistinguishable, etc., they are two distinct and separate beings.

should be

>physically indistinguishable, etc., doesn't stop them from being two distinct and separate beings.

>> No.1658531
File: 225 KB, 400x300, thumbnail_10499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the food is poison

>> No.1658544


>> No.1658600


which will just give the social rejects another reason not to get out of the house

>> No.1658619

I'd say we're due for another plague. Let's see how modern medicine handles that.

>> No.1658650

You could just say "yes, I believe in fairy dust in my head that makes me me". Same effect.

You are just your sensory and storage organs. Create exact copies of such and there's another you. Of course the new you could not possible experience the exact sensory experiences that the other you experiences after the copy - thus you would become different, however both the original and the copy would still believe they are "the real" you.

This is some serious sci-fi bullshit though.

>> No.1658680


If two beings can have divergent experiences, it stands to reason that they are two separate beings, doesn't it?

>> No.1658688

To solve the whole Identity problem with emulated bodies we would need to figure out how to rewire the things the emulate body feels to the actual brain stored somewhere safe, kept alive by simple technology. As long as the brain is maintained one could live significantly longer in the emulate body

> captcha : Animeland arsera

>> No.1658697


>> No.1658718

probably some form of neurological, or muscular degeneration.

>> No.1658743

They are two separate beings in either case, it's just that there's no differentiation between the two until their experiences diverge.

>> No.1660819
