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1657821 No.1657821 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else angry at the fact that everyone is focusing on sustainability and "green technology," instead of investing all that time and energy in space tech, so that we can pillage other planets?

It seems the hippies have won, man

>> No.1657838

what are you, 12?
we have to do shit right on this planet waaay before we can plunder others.

lrn2preservation of resources

>> No.1657836

I wouldn't quite say angry, but green tech is a waste of time.

>> No.1657841
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The Egyptians did.

They own all the flying saucers.

>> No.1657840

i read the unabomer manifesto at work the other day

>> No.1657842

It's not like we'll need those resources to get to other planets anyway.

>> No.1657851



Green tech saves money, produces significantly less negative effects on the environment, is much less dangerous, and can be expected to stably produce much more energy over a period of time than fossil fuels or natural gas.

>> No.1657852

As if humanity has ever done shit right

>> No.1657853

And what, pray, would we "pillage" from other planets?
Also, how exactly do you propose that we send a ship to another planet, land, mine these "precious resources", load them onto the ship in USEFUL AMOUNTS, and return them to earth with (and here is the tough part) this whole process being cost effective.

>> No.1657858

You're ... angry that we're producing more efficient technology? What?

>> No.1657866

We live on a bed of finite resources; No matter how much we try and preserve them, they're still being depleted. Why not just roll the dice?

>> No.1657888

You guys are a long ways off. You are going to have to figure out how to travel inside and maintain complex 'plasma' fields so that you can maintain your physics where you want to travel and warp around the universe at apparent superluminal speeds.

>> No.1657892

You're an idiot. Learn to read and comprehend.

>> No.1657893

But then again, the technology required for planet exploration as I describe them to you actually give you the ability to manufacture resources from thin air.

This is most of the reason why aliens don't invade you... they are transcendent beings. This is a different topic for a different time though.

>> No.1657895
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Cephalopods...they can help us with our problems..

>> No.1657920

>but green tech is a waste of time.

Anyone have that comic where the guy goes 'What if it's all a big hoax and we create a btter world for nothing'?

Because that's what you sound like. How is Green Technology a waste of time?

>> No.1657931

Well there's a flaw in your plan, planets in our solar system are light years away, so it would take years to fly there IF we could fly at the speed of light. So we would never get to other solar systems that are hundreds of light years away unless we could cyrogenicly freeze them. Also, we would need a planet with water and some food source, so we need the Earth as much as we can.

>> No.1657933

You realize that it's going to be quite a while before we'll find another planet that can sustain human life and even longer for us to get there, right? This planet needs to last us if we ever want to venture to other worlds. Efficient and environmentally friendly technology is a *good* thing.

I can't believe I even have to argue this. Com'on, /sci/.

>> No.1657955
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>planets in our solar system
>light years away

>> No.1657964

Are you retarded?

>> No.1657969


Our solar system is 10 light minutes across.

>> No.1657977

green tech can't even compete with Nuclear. Its a waste of fucking time idiots.

>> No.1658002
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>> No.1658017

How about we create a wormhole? Then we just lay some train tracks across it, and truck in a million tons a day without even using spaceships.

>> No.1658022
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Space exploration is cool, useful at times, generates knowledge, and benefits future generations, but "green" tech is pretty much a necessity at this point and benefits future generations much more. We need to start thinking about how we've going to avoid shit like this.

>> No.1658047

What would come first? Finding a planet capable of sustaining humans? Or developing the technology to terraform one of our plantary neighbors to support us?

>> No.1658049


>can't even compete with Nuclear

Moar liek, nuclear can't compete with coal without massive government assistance

Not to say I don't think nuclear is useful to some capacity, but the up-front construction costs are ginormous. That was what killed nuclear investment in the early 1970s and well before Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. NIMBY and anti-nuclear scares was just icing on the cake.

>> No.1658054

sustainability is tremendously important. nucular energy is fine for energy problems, but you've got degradation of water and land on the ass of more than half of the world's population, meaningwhile, the single most retarded shit in the world called the ethanol industry is happening in america.

>> No.1658055

Terraforming. We could already terraform mars if we cared enough.

>> No.1658061


>> No.1658064
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Sounds doable.

>> No.1658088

Somebody give this man a Nobel prize.

>> No.1658095

No, we can't. Mars can't hold enough of an atmosphere to be terraformed. Claiming that we can terraform mars is nothing but ignorance and/or wishful thinking.

>> No.1658176

You jackasses have no vision.

Basically, you have to use a lot of nukes. This is ok, because nothing lives on mars.

The first step is to push mars closer to the sun. Its currently a little bit outside the "Goldilocks Zone" for liquid water. We need to send nukes, lots of them, to detonate on the side of mars facing away from the sun. This will be a massive, massive explosion that knocks mars into a lower orbit.

The next step is to bulk up mars. You need to push all kinds of asteroids and other crap into mars to make it heavier. Mars is currently 2/3 the mass of earth, so you have to give it that other third. So you use the same nuke plan as before to push objects so that they collide with mars. Push a good chunk of the asteroid belt into mars. Push pluto into mars. It doesnt really matter, it just needs more mass.

Once this is done, mars will have an orbit and mass similar to earth. Since it is now closer to the sun, the ice caps will melt and form liquid water. Since the atmosphere is thicker (due to increased mass) it will be able to retain that water.

Then, we send a few probes loaded with seeds and lichen and things. We need to convert all that co2 into oxygen. Lichen would probably be best for this, they are very resilient and are good at breaking rocks into soil. Eventually you send seeds and finally animals.

>> No.1658223

Could it affect the orbit of Earth since it would be closer and denser?

>> No.1658232

Maybe a little. I really doubt it would affect it much. Im sure the scientists at nasa can work out the fine details.

>> No.1658237


Bullshit, it just needs an atmosphere.

>> No.1658249

instead of nuking mars, just throw space rocks at the moon or something and then collect the debris

>> No.1658250

It needs to be in a place where it can sustain its atmosphere. If we give it an atmosphere like it is, it wouldn't stay.

>> No.1658255

it wont be able to hang on that that atmosphere without some extra mass. Thats the entire reason it doesnt already have a thick atmosphere.

>> No.1658259

Why did it lose its atmosphere in the first place?

>> No.1658262

What about Mars's weak magnetic field?

>> No.1658271

Not the guy your asking, but what exactly does the magnetic field around Earth do?

>> No.1658272

Is that important? Cant it exist without a strong magnetic field?

I suppose we could select for asteroids with high iron content to add to mars. That might help.

>> No.1658275

i been thinking lately why humans can't create a time machine !!! it is because if we create a time machine we can go back to year 6000BC & teach em math & physics & informatics ..... so when year 35 comes !! jesus will have his own spaceship !! & i couldn't think what could ve happened when 21st century could happen !! anyways !! i think that there will be no life outside planet earth :P simply because it is impossible !! life on earth wasn't created in 100 years ! it was created in billions of years ! so maybe after 5 billion years !! we can have the same conditions :P ofcourse taht won't happen because we ll all die in 2012

>> No.1658278

Protects us from being bombarded by intense solar radiation

>> No.1658283

Ahh, ok
How is it there? It has something to do with our core, right?

>> No.1658285


It repels solar radiation. Without it, we would be quite cancerous.

>> No.1658289

Atmosphere is the least dense part of a planet. If the gravity is not strong enough, the lightest molecules just fly off the planet. Heavier parts of the atmosphere can remain in lighter gravity.

On a related note, earths gravity is too weak to retain helium atoms. All the helium we get is mined from underground pockets. Once a balloon is popped all that helium is lost forever.

>> No.1658297

Anybody else angry that every attempt sustainability will be undermined by the ham handedness of the people making the changes?

>> No.1658300

I know, but why did it have an atmosphere then just lose it?
Also I did not know that about helium, pretty interesting.

>> No.1658303

Let me rephrase that, what caused Mars to have significantly decreased gravity?

>> No.1658307

Well, mars still has an atmosphere. Its just not thick enough for our purposes. It doesnt retain heat well, doesnt block solar radiation well, etc.

I dont think mars ever had a "thick" atmosphere.

>> No.1658315

Ah, alright. Thanks

>> No.1658325

The fuck do you people care about green technology? The government has climate changing weaponry in the form of high powered radio beams that obliterate the ionosphere and release energy back into Earth.

Wanna know whats causing global warming? Your damn radio signals.

Stupid idiots.

>> No.1658342
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We all know it's you Colonel.

Now get off the 4chan and get back to doing your god damn job.

>> No.1658390
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>> No.1658575

better than sending another dollar to saudi arabia

>> No.1658620


thankyou. but its bigger than 10 light minutes. we are 8 light minutes from the sun

>> No.1658638

Green tech will be useful when we can use it to power space ships.

>> No.1658639

6/10, I typed out two sentences before i realized you were a troll.

>> No.1658700


and then the atmospheric build up takes hundreds of thousands of years.

>> No.1658763

Yes, because if we weren't investing in green technology, we would be investing in space exploration instead. That's why before we started investing in green technology, we put so much time and energy into the space program.

Oh wait, we didn't. I think there's a flaw in your reasoning.

>> No.1658772

Don't worry OP. Nobody in the higher tiers of science takes the green movement seriously. It is too expensive and education is the only way to resolve our current tragedy in the commons, not technology. Because green will fail we will move on to more geoengineering concepts which means a giant evolution in the field of terraforming which means we will be closer and closer to making other hospitable planets livable since ours is on the way to being inhospitable.

>> No.1659305

earth first! (we'll fuck up the other planet's later)