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16575702 No.16575702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Cures your ADHD
>Gives you cancer
make it make sense God/Evolution

>> No.16575711

See the semen retention thread. Ejaculation wastes choline, which leads to low acetylcholine, which reduces dopamine signaling. Nicotine is a bug poison and it only acts of some acetylcholine receptors, not touching the strong muscarinic ones. No excuse to be addicted to it.

>> No.16575716

>Gives you cancer
nonsense. Even statistics show those who smoke live up to 90+, especially Cubans and West Indians, who smoke huge cigars

>> No.16575725

e-vape, it's that simple

>> No.16576227

but im schizo and i dont want to take xanomeline trospium

>> No.16576593

ADHD is a made up condition used by pseudoscientists to push drugs on children and to bully men into fitting into a feminized education system.

>> No.16576594

>grouping people by characteristics is not real

>> No.16576599

Does it really work?

>> No.16576628

If they lie about tobacco, imagine how much they lie about crystal meth.

>> No.16577979

>>Cures your ADHD
>have ADHD
>have severe anxiety
smoking just help me cope and leave work to have a break from it all. No effects on my focus

>> No.16577980

based doctors figuring out a way for me to get speed legally