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16575653 No.16575653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Society is healing

>> No.16575658

>one consooms junk food
>the other consooms steroids and roadkill
There will be no change.

>> No.16575660

Is America literally a reality television show

>> No.16575666

One of them is a scientist, which primarily requires people to study and learn so weight is irrelevant. The other is a science denying faggot who believes 250 years of vaccine science is fake.

>> No.16575678
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>replaced the fat troon with a literal brain worm mad hatter who will cancel vaccines and kill everyone with raw milk
no, it's f'n doomed.

>> No.16575704

Zased... So fucking zased...

>> No.16575714

RFK had his brain eaten out by worms, I don't think he's a canidate for running the department of health when he can't even think right anymore. Also, who the fuck just steal whales carcasses from the beach anyway?