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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16575564 No.16575564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did science get invaded by a bunch of sois who treat it like a religion?

>> No.16575567

Reactivity to snake oil salesmen. Back and forth knee-jerk responses. You're part of it. We're all part of it.

>> No.16575569

>Why did science get invaded by a bunch of sois
cuz u usually don't have to lift anything heavy to do it.

>> No.16575579

The main problem is that people like you want to distrust science because it's inconvenient. So you accept convenient science like "don't drink antifreeze" while rejecting inconvenient science like "climate change is real and you need to drive less". So you literally pick and choose what science you want to believe in like a buffet pizzeria and pretend you're so smart for doing exactly what big corporations want.

>> No.16575583

You don't need to drive less that doesn't make any real difference. Cracking down on the pollution rich people and corporations make is the only way to make any real difference. You're part of the reason why we have "science"

>> No.16575671

>Demand products made of forever chemicals
>Lower pollution by corporations
Choose one.

>Demand products from the other side of the world
>Lower pollution by corporations
Choose one.

>Make everything more affordable
>Lower pollution by corporation
Choose one.

>Demand higher living standards
>Lower pollution by corporations
Choose one.

>Demand higher birthrates
>Lower pollution by corporations
Choose one.


>> No.16575682

>when you make a false dichotomy out of every issue
is this a bot or is someone actually retarded enough to think this way?

>> No.16575684

>pretend you're so smart for doing exactly what big corporations want
>rejecting inconvenient science like "climate change is real and you need to drive less"
If you think that "climate change is real and you need to drive less" is some kind of resistance to big corporations, you haven't been paying attention. It's exactly what they want you to think.

>> No.16575690

Higher education does that to you. It's designed in a way that forces the student to process high volumes of information in a time frame that doesn't allow for deep understanding required to question it. There's no time to question anything, there's more exams coming, your grades will define your job opportunities, your "free" time will be spent improving them, not trying to attain understanding that doesn't translate to a better grade. Used to be you would have the time and actually kinda need a deeper understanding when doing a phd, but even that's gone now. Critical thinking doesn't pay off.

>> No.16575692
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Why don't you ask them

>> No.16575693

Explain how the options presented are not mutually exclusive or shut up.

>> No.16575703

It is basically religion because it is the actual truth and not some dogmatic intellectual trash that organized religion produces. It’s not absolute and keeps changing but it has an observable basis in and application to reality.
That’s definitely a factor, but also education for science is shit so there are a lot of people who don’t understand it and can be tricked by these science denier grifters. Like school kind of teaches science but teachers don’t really know the material and the curricula don’t explain why things work, they just explain that they do. If school taught all of the evidence and the process as to how we have derived our modern understanding of science I think people would be less willing to believe in pseudo science.

>> No.16575709

nah they want u to think that's what they want u to think.

it's obvious the environment and the economy are tied and it's like a runaway train. We need more food for more people but if we have too many people we'll cook the earth. Musk says we need more people... is he trying to get us to think that bc he knows we need fewer people? The only way to save the situation is to make sure to not go past the environment's limits. But we can't do that bc China and India are developing nations so they dgaf about pollution. We should stop buying stuff from China bc it all has to get shipped and it's making them grow too fast. They need to slow down, get better at clean/efficient energy and totally stop having babies for a while.

>> No.16575713

They can’t think critically. Humans are meant to parrot information, but these people struggle identifying good and bad information.

Half of the scientific community can’t even agree on whether sex is binary or not. Only an idiot actually thinks scientists (“the Science”) is always right. Actually, believing this is disrespecting science.

>> No.16575721

Remember when Christians pretended that their rites and rituals and supposed miracles ‘totally weren’t magic or witchcraft’ lol?

It’s kind of like that now. Science has become sorcery.

>> No.16575727

Are you disputing that the largest corporations, financial institutions, international organizations, mass media etc. etc. are all endorsing the whole climate change thing? Tightening belts and subordinating to collectivistic ideology in the name of climate change is not resistance against the system, it IS THE system.

>> No.16575730

Reddit exiles

>> No.16575745

NTA but this is their strategy. To make us look at our freedom as tied to their freedom (to pollute). The people will rebel on their behalf and there's no concrete facts that they have to cover up.

>> No.16575757

I demand products made with BETTER chemicals. Where is Burgerstan's blackcurrant flavoring agents and Thujaplicinol preservatives!?

>> No.16575993

It's always been like that.
The perception that science is progressed by teams of people working together has never been correct.

Human knowledge has almost always been progressed by one or two people with small support staffs that have been mocked and ridiculed by "main stream science" of their era only to be vindicated much later--usually after their death.

Usually what people call "science" is actually technology related and manufacturing improvements.

>> No.16575995

All of these are false choices.
/sci/ is notoriously a midwit hive

>> No.16576298

Entry to academia has increased massively, to something like 50% of the population now, up from 2-5% in the 50s and 60s. Then, if you saw a university graduate, he was basically guaranteed to be on the bell curve's tip. Now, that 50% are going, all that really is guaranteed is that the person isn't a mouthbreather. (With the exception of a few courses, medicine, engineering, etc, though even their standards have slipped)
The most dangerous are the people who are slightly smart but not actually smart. Think 110 to 125 IQ, about that range. Due to sheer numbers, they dilute the 130+ IQ group down, and politically their careers rest on displacing the 130+s. They cannot match a 130 if he puts effort in. They can only try to (a) make effort tedious and stupid, to discourage the smarts from doing it, (b) appeal to weight of numbers and "consensus" to overrule the intelligent, and (c) lower degree requirements further, to allow in more midwit allies, and reduce the worth of a degree to the 130+ group.
Truth does not matter much to a midwit. He is smart enough to use big words and jargon, plug things into formulas and follow instructions, but not smart enough to go where a textbook doesn't guide him. He is not intellectually stubborn enough to stand on his convictions the way a 130+ IQ person can. Therefore, groupthink, and ideas for status and clout, dominate the midwit's decisions, rather than the weak sense of truth.
He MUST push out the smartest, or they will overshadow him.

Dumbfuck, the corporations (and SO MANY ACADEMICS) are the ones who WANT the climate change narrative to be real. Billions and billions of dollars flow into green industry and research.
Do you seriously thing that if, say, some climate researcher noticed a problem in the climate change modelling and data, that he would tell everybody? That, if he tried, his colleagues wouldn't refuse to engage, smear and silence him, get him put on a global media blacklist of 300 individuals?

>> No.16576301

Midwits love CONSENSUS. It's their best weapon to say "97% of all scientists believe in climate change". Logically, it's completely irrelevant what people believe, that doesn't make the truth. But it can if you silence the people who disagree, smear them, get them fired, etc, and you never need to argue any facts at all. This is scary to the midwit because sometimes the "crazy debunked conspiracy theory" is pushed by some-one smart, and no matter how much you talk about consensus and authority in a debate, if you can't answer to facts and arguments you will not look good. And possibly, will be accused of platforming a conspiracy theorist by midwit colleagues.
Is it possible this is why they love democracy so much too?

>> No.16576305

this is an attempt to undermine trust in science by wrongly pointing to corrupt people who used the scientific method for bad purposes.
which many times are from the same group of interests as them.

>> No.16576306

Good effortpost, anon. I have noticed this exact behavior during my grad school years. Going to a seminar is like playing Russian roulette; 10% of the time you hear something interesting and enlightening and the rest you spend an hour thinking to yourself how in the world that person manages to talk about things he clearly doesn't understand.

>> No.16576308

>Do you seriously thing that if, say, some climate researcher noticed a problem in the climate change modelling and data, that he would tell everybody? That, if he tried, his colleagues wouldn't refuse to engage, smear and silence him, get him put on a global media blacklist of 300 individuals?
you're just repeating his point. science has nothing to do with what you're saying, it's top down pressures from corrupt people. that has nothing to do with science or the scientific method, but with corrupt individuals using science for shit purposes.
that is not an issue with science or the scientific method, that's a political issue.

>> No.16576310
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NTA but going on about science in vacuo as if it's some platonic idea and not a real institution is disingenuous and unproductive. Ellul touched on this point in his works. Modern science is driven by technique and no amount of politics or policy changes will affect that. The technological system needs its bugs to advance it. It couldn't care less about the truth, the scientific method or furthering our understanding of nature. It's main goal is to advance itself to the top of the food chain.

>> No.16576311

that's what religion has done ever since science popped up. leeched off it and kept a claw over it and also philosophy to keep power and control over everyone. science is very powerful but humans are corruptible and it's always corrupted by the boots you are kissing.
weakening trust in science only helps those who are trying to corrupt it.

>> No.16576316

The point is that it ISN'T top down corruption. The top is corrupt, as is the middle and the bottom.

>> No.16576319

you need to admit the truth, you hate science because it ruins your bullshit. just admit it. it's lucrative to brainwash drones into hating science. you at least get a chance to run your schemes in spite of what science is saying about it. lol.
you are the corrupt faggots

>> No.16576323

>t. midwit

>> No.16576330

you can't do anything about it moron, powers beyond our comprehension are moving things. the very best you can ever achieve is cut plebs from science. but science will never stop, and that only helps the powerful psychos using it to exert their power over everyone else.
thus you are useful idiots fighting a lost cause, it isn't even real. you just cannot fathom a way to go about it, other than being destructive monkeys.
that is the condition of the useful idiot, he has no choice but to do what he was trained to do, because the useful idiot cannot see anything else past that small horizon. once inoculated and demoralized he'll act like a drone.

>> No.16576333

>our comprehension
Your comprehension. Yours.

>science will never stop
Fuck sakes you religious zealot.
Sure, continue to believe your dogma your undergrad professor handed down. It's not like there are endless examples of "proven" theories being disproven, even by preivously "debunked" stuff. (e.g. tectonic plate theory). I'm sure you and your professors, who are mathematically certain to be dumber than ever, got it infallibly right this time.

>> No.16576336

jewish d&c, pro-tip, you're already in a "team", and participating in jewish created artificial flame wars
meanwhile jewish blackrock bought all the housing, based landlords imma right
Tl,dr retard

>> No.16576347

you would never be able to stop military from researching the atom bomb. just like that, you will never be able to stop them coming up with the next thing. you can at most have a meltdown about it and ramble about incoherent ideological bullshit.

>> No.16576386

The Science says men can get pregnant.

How the hell do you trust this shit?

>> No.16576422

>u cant stop people finding shit
Have you listened at all to what this thread is about?
"Science" doesn't exist. "Science" is people, and they do peoplish things.

>> No.16576429

>Demand products made of forever chemicals

>Lower pollution by corporations

>Make everything more affordable

>Demand higher living standards

>Demand higher birthrates

Alright, choices locked in, lets get to it

>> No.16576446

science is not people, it's a framework. retarded chimp humans can abuse it any way the want.
also notice how you're never out there trying to stop governments military forces researching "dangerous" science. you're only melting down on the internet when talking to plebs. that's weak wife-beater behavior

>> No.16576515

China and India are red herrings

>> No.16577131

Everything is believe man

>> No.16577538

lmao it's so easy to make you guys show your real face

>> No.16577581

nta but all cars in the world supposedly contribute 6% to total pollution. and that will only get lower with EVs and clean sources. with AI massive energy requirements that 6% will get seriously diluted, developed world populations are in decline so I fail to see how shoving plebs into busses is doing anything but jack shit for global pollution. cars are literally not a fucking problem for what we're facing.