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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16575505 No.16575505 [Reply] [Original]

0.33 continued (one third) plus 0.33 continued plus 0.33 continued (1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3) equals one. But if each 0.33 is an infinite string of 3's...is it possible to truly calculate the equation since an equation with infinitely long numbers would take infinite time to calculate? What's actually going on here?

>> No.16575533

> What's going on here?

You have autism. Case closed.

>> No.16575633

1/3 = 3/10 + 1/30
= 0.3 + 1/30
= 0.33 + 1/300
= 0.333 + 1/3000
= 0.333... + 1/inf
= 0.333... + 0
= 0.333...

>> No.16575636

[math] \displaystyle
1= \dfrac{3}{3}=3 \cdot \dfrac{1}{3}=3 \cdot 0. \bar{3}=0. \bar{9}

>> No.16575640

1/9 = 0.111...
8/9 = 0.888...
9/9 = 0.999...

>> No.16575642

ITT: a 95-IQ moron who doesn't understand infinitesimals so never passed calculus

>> No.16576108

Infinite sequences and series are not real. You cannot take the limit of 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999 etc. because that sequence does not exist. 0.9999.... is a meaningless abuse of notation.

>> No.16576114

philosophers belong in /phil/
not in /math/

>> No.16576116


1/3 = 0.333...
2/3 = 0.666...
3/3 = 0.999...

>> No.16576119

1 - 0.99999 = 0.00000 ... 00001

>> No.16576120

You can perform a mapping from an infinite sequence to another infinite sequence instantly.
In this particular case, you map every digit at the corresponding index of one 1/3 to the other 1/3, and add them.
This post doesn’t use any math concepts, just logic.

>> No.16576122

You lost.

>> No.16576145

this again?

>> No.16576224

= 1

>> No.16576226

1/3 ≥ 0.333...
2/3 ≥ 0.666...
3/3 = 1

>> No.16576231

The 1 is at the end of an endless sequence?

>> No.16576245

Yes. Now you see that math is a sham.

>> No.16576247

Most math in the modern era is a hoax meant to boost corps and other evil.

>> No.16576248

thats not how that works

>> No.16576250

It's gobbeldygook

>> No.16576252

1/3 =/= 0.33

>> No.16576303

Work in trinary. A rose by any other name and whatnot.
1/3 (base 10) = 0.1 (trinary)
0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 1

>> No.16576351

You're a fucking retard, and you need to kill yourself.

>> No.16576371

>2/3 ≥ 0.666...
2/3 ≤ 0.666...
is also true

>> No.16576373

what do you mean? just change the numeral system and it all adds up perfectly

>> No.16576389

>is it possible to truly calculate the equation since an equation with infinitely long numbers would take infinite time to calculate
1.00 continued (one) plus 1.00 continued (one) equals two. You have just calculated a sum of two infinitely long numbers.
I'm a finitist btw, but you're giving us a bad name.

>> No.16576395

[math] \displaystyle
\frac{1}{3} = 0.\overline{3}= 0.1_3
[math] \displaystyle
3 \cdot 0.\overline{3} = 0.\overline{9} = 0.1_3 + 0.1_3 + 0.1_3 = 1_3 = 1

>> No.16576397

nooooo really,
say something funny again

>> No.16576399

>2/3 ≤ 0.666...
0.666... ≤ 2/3
Fixed it

>> No.16576405

we will never know, it's a mystery of nature

>> No.16576415

>0.666... ≤ 2/3
>Fixed it
it wasn't broken or wrong

you merely repeated another it, or this:
>2/3 ≥ 0.666...

>> No.16576420

>it wasn't broken or wrong
Then show us

>> No.16576436

>Then show us

each of, the following three statements, is true
x ≤ x
x = x
x ≥ x

>> No.16576443

kek, only x=x is true

>> No.16576450

>only x=x is true
since you dispute,
that "5 ≤ 5"
and "7 ≥ 7"
are true statements,
you're a waste of time

>> No.16576454

>5 ≤ 5

>> No.16576461

>that "5 ≤ 5"
>and "7 ≥ 7"
Yes those are not true statements, 5 is not lesser equal to 5 but equal

>> No.16576778

Why use the virgin qed instead of the chad ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι from euclids elements, qed is the Latin of ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι anyway

>> No.16577399

Quod studui linguae Latinae, non lingua cuius dictors irrumant pueros.
(you can prove I didn't use google translate too, because google translate gets this sentence wrong in two ways)

>> No.16577592

If you have two points in space and halve the distance between them, and then halve the remaining distance, and you do this infinitely, when do they become the same point?

>> No.16577772

No. The 1 was always there. The "infinite sequence" presents itself due to a formatting error.

>> No.16577849
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How would you know Google translate gets it wrong 2 ways without using Google translate

>> No.16577850

do we have confirmed infinities in nature?

>> No.16578107

you know that the value of that 1 is 1*10^-inf, and as such it equals 0, right?

>> No.16578111

putting aside the argument that our theories are rooted in ideas that derive from physical i.e. natural brains, equations that describe whirlpools contain singularities. wanna guess where you see the singularity at?

>> No.16578116
File: 52 KB, 675x499, 9j85ft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is high school shit, man

1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = (1 + 1 + 1)/3 = 3/3 = 1

>> No.16578171

inf is not a number (at least in the sets of numbers usually used for analysis)

>> No.16578201

Converting fractions into decimal notation has ruined mathematics. Don't @ me

>> No.16578203

so you can't prove there's infinities in nature, you can only guess they are.

>> No.16578290

Because others will just chuck it into goog-tranny, so I check to make sure it will make sense. Goog tranny puts it as "What I studied was the Latin language, not the language whose speakers attack children"
Two errors: "Quod" should be "because", not "what" (and this is why google invents an "is" and sticks "studui" in an imaginary subordinate clause; there is no "est" and "studui" is the main verb)
Also "Irrumant" means "defile", not "attack"

>> No.16578293

If 0.(9) and 0.(6) are numbers, what is 0.(9)+0.(6)?

>> No.16578294


>> No.16578295
File: 87 KB, 1024x682, unreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite sequences and series are not real.

>> No.16578298

0.33' where " ' " stands for directly a third.

>> No.16578299
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>> No.16578303

The IQ of this board has altered incredibly over the last 5 years
I will not elaborate

>> No.16578304

You believe in an infinite series of 3 to symbolise something as simple as a third. You are horribly retarded.

>> No.16578377


>> No.16578537

That is not my position

>> No.16578543

Don't lie. It is your position. You need to introduce infinity to describe a third using your math system. Educated stupid academic.

>> No.16578778

as he said, a waste of time

>> No.16578782

is x = 5 a solution of x ≤ 5?

>> No.16578784

It's not even a question in base six, there are no infinite series:
[math]\dfrac{1}{3} + \dfrac{1}{3} + \dfrac{1}{3} = 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 = 1[/math]

OP is confusing a value to its representation.