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File: 72 KB, 520x500, die without learning calculus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16575199 No.16575199 [Reply] [Original]

The idea of dying without ever learning Calculus absolutely terrifies me.

>> No.16575202

It honestly did bugger all for me mate and only took about a year but knock yourself out worrying about it pal

>> No.16577138

Billions of people have died without ever knowing what calculus is

>> No.16577139

>not knowing calculus

>> No.16577177

Part 1
>graphs of functions have tangent lines - like circles from high school geometry - as long as they're not too weird
>the function that gives the slopes of the tangent lines at various points on the graph is called the derivative
>learn twenty rules to calculate derivatives and do a thousand homework problems

Part 2:
>inverting the process to calculate derivatives gives "antiderivatives" aka "integrals"
>integrals are used to calculate the areas of regions bounded by function graphs
>learn twenty rules to calculate integrals and do a thousand homework problems

Part 3
>you can sum an infinite amount of numbers together under the right circumstances
>learn twenty rules to decide when it's possible and do a thousand homework problems

There, you know enough now that you should know that you don't care.

>> No.16577191

Bro, you can get a copy of stewart for like $5 used. If you watch some khan academy and do a few practice problems from each chapter you'll be golden.

>> No.16577247

Then take a few weekends to learn calculus. Calc 1-3 is just memorizing tricks for derivatives and integrals, even a retard can do basic pattern recognition

>> No.16577697

The concepts of calculus are much more important than being able to DO calculus. And you can learn those in a week.

>> No.16577703

I can't imagine not knowing calculus. It's so simple.
Velocity is displacement over time. The smaller the time interval the more accurate the velocity. As the time interval approaches zero you get the instantaneous velocity - the most accurate velocity possible. This is the derivative.
Displacement is velocity times time. To get the actual displacement you need to take the instantaneous velocities at different time intervals, multiply by the time intervals and add them together. That's the integral and the fundamental theorem of calculus for you.
That's it. That's all of calculus.

>> No.16577742
File: 1.83 MB, 2424x2145, NcwVAcT2sIU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this spiral being a solid harmonic flow of evolving nature for 3 billion years since formation, Everything was stable and natural, plants and animals lived in balance. Then, at the end of this spiral, one "conscious" specie appears for what is a ten second period compered to the time life exists. And from that moment the green, natural spiral changes into a dead, concrete desert, filled with toxic gases and waste, inhabited with bald rats, that sustain their life by industrialized production and utilization of animals.
Consciousness is cancer of this planet, virus that will destroy itself and the whole spiral of natural balance that had existed for billions of years. Consciousness should've never been present in the history of life, it doesn't belong here, it's alien and evil, it's only target is destruction and unlimited consumption.

>> No.16577757

Just, like, learn calculus?

>> No.16577883

>Consciousness should've never been present in the history of life, it doesn't belong here, it's alien and evil, it's only target is destruction and unlimited consumption.
This is a good motivation for the death cult I'm creating for my current tabletop rpg campaign, thanks for the suggestion

>> No.16578002

Okay Ultron

>> No.16580001

I've learned calculus several times and then forgotten it because I only use it one every 10 years or so.

>> No.16580347

It doesn't frighten me because I don't know what this "calculus" even is. I see calculus, algebra etc. being mentioned quite often in various threads here, and even though it would be simple to google the term(s), I never do. Never will either.

>> No.16580826

same but for theoretical physics

>> No.16580828

what is it with 4chan and retarded schizo bullshit?