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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16542195 No.16542195[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there actually christcucks on this board?

>> No.16542196


>> No.16542198

Fine, I will rephrase.

Does the psychological predisposed to a high degree of religiosity preclude the appreciation of logic and objectivity necessary to the pursuit of empirical scientific understanding?

>> No.16542203

It's just the " make a place too annoying" tactic.
You and I both know that /sci/ isn't going to start bombing Jews, but they don't know that.

>> No.16542207

If I follow the religion as a philosophy rather then a beilf, does that make me Christian?

>> No.16542210

I find a lot of things appealing about Christianity (despite being a scientist/engineer for a living) but I don't think it's fair to say I really "believe" in any meaningful sense. Having some faith in objective truth must be nice. It's similar to believing that physics is the "source code to the existence" rather than an all too human modeling discipline subject to all of our human limitations.

>> No.16542211


>> No.16542212

Faith and religiosity are not the same.

There is a difference between "a commitment to general optimism, when reasonably possible"
"Sky daddy's son forgives me"


There is a difference between understanding the Bible as an archetypical representation of reality/the human condition
Literally believing in a virgin birth

>> No.16542219

Yes, they allied with poltards and finally killed /sci/

>> No.16542265

I have a theory that if you just post a galaxy brain photo and the exact characters "Consciousness." as an OP on /sci/, you'd get 300 replies from chcistcucks samefagging and producing failing arguments.
There's one up right now, you can see them for yourself.

>> No.16542293

>general optimism
That's not faith either.
Gods used to angry dicks before christ replaced them by being a huge pussy.
If gods are angry dicks, having faith means you're prepared to face the worst.

>> No.16542295

I think so.

>> No.16542328

No, the opposite, I doubted God's existence until I thought logically.
tl;dr: cartesian dualism --> I have proof of existence of mind (per me ipsum), not of material --> more reasonable to believe in God (as a mental realm entity) than in my physical body's existence

You may follow Christian teachings, but to be a Christian you must believe Jesus died and was resurrected and whatnot.

>> No.16542340
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It's dead, that's for sure. /sci/ needs a merge with a bigger and less retarded board, which would be just about any board on 4chan.

>> No.16542438

>This startling idea first appeared in scientific form in 1931, in a paper by Georges Lemaître, a Belgian cosmologist and Catholic priest. The theory, accepted by nearly all astronomers today, was a radical departure from scientific orthodoxy in the 1930s.
I don't know, does this board think that Big Bang is a theory that is worth exploring or do they realize that it's just christnigger attempt to obstruct scientific progress?

>> No.16542439

Your mind was created by your flesh out of mere necessity for your flesh to survive and proliferate, to deny this one and only obvious fact proves that you do not belong on this board.

>> No.16542468

Science is the answer to 'how,' not 'why.' They can coexist.

>> No.16542471

any "why" can also be answered by science, if it cannot be, then nothing can answer the why, kill yourself christnigger

>> No.16542475

Ok. Why is there something instead of nothing? Please post a scientific study that answers this.

>> No.16542478

Now post a non-scientific study that answers this, without sounding mad about being wrong.

>> No.16542481

Why didn't you post a study like I asked? I'll be waiting for you to post one.

>> No.16542482

Because we don't scientifically know why, and therefore nobody knows why. If anyone had provable argument to why, it would be exclusively scientific.

>> No.16542483

Still waiting on that study.

>> No.16542484

and now without sounding mad, christnigger?

>> No.16542486

Read Lawrence Krauss' book of the same title.

>> No.16542487

Still waiting on that study

>> No.16542491

I have a PhD in math and I’m a Christian. I know lots of other PhDs I went to school with that are Christian too. It’s all pretty obvious if you ever think about it (which atheists don’t).

>> No.16542493

Math is about making shit up and so is christianity, I'm very surprised and impressed.

>> No.16542497

Its just shitposters posting bait.

>> No.16542528


>> No.16542536

Poe's law strikes again

>> No.16542542

Yes, roman catholichad here

>> No.16542587

Did you ask skydaddy if you're allowed to post here?

>> No.16542588

Yeah, Christianity is comforting in multiple ways--community, the ability to instantly put all your bad juju on someone's shoulders, and a known plan for your life. It's quite tempting, and it's not hard to see why people believe in it, even though it's got pants-on-head retarded shit like transubstantiation or someone rising from the dead. Being an intellectual giant and being emotionally gullible aren't mutually exclusive.