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16542050 No.16542050 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any wacky concoctions I can make using a moka pot? I was thinking capsaicin extraction from chilli powder/flakes using rubbing alcohol as a solvent, but that's pretty boring.

>> No.16542055

you could piss in there and gather the extracts for all kinds of wacky things

>> No.16542063
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Just tried that. Tastes bad.

>> No.16542104

>capsaicin extraction rubbing alcohol
Gonna try extracting essential oils from minced clem peels too using the same method

>> No.16542218

No poppies?

>> No.16542377

buy rosemary and extract the essential oils

>> No.16542669
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I have all sorts of crap growing in my garden, rosemary, lavender, thyme, mint, so I'll probably do all that.
wanna do pine needles too.
can't I make meth nor nothing with it?

>> No.16542673

or ether should be pretty easy right?

>> No.16542676

can I make opium or do I need special poppies for that?

>> No.16542990

>I have all sorts of crap growing in my garden, rosemary, lavender, thyme, mint, so I'll probably do all that.
>wanna do pine needles too.
That is excellent for scented soap.
>can't I make meth nor nothing with it?
With the insane markup for cosmetics, why bother with drugs? You can make a mint legally by selling soap.

>> No.16543086

great idea actually. mint grows like a weed - no maintenance and it gets out of control and takes over if you don't use it.
hadn't considered making money but i could make a killing mixing oils with cheap generic emollient

>> No.16546130

collagen, bits of aluminium metal catalyst (especially if it has a heating element on the bottom), which is unlikely to short that element or cause problems, charcoal, arsenic. it is good for killing plants and making them grow back dying in that soil, but illegal to use as a fertilizer. so you probably cant just pour it down the drain

>> No.16546148

well all I know is the poppies they grow in Tasmania will kill you so don't use them

>> No.16546152

not as long as you know its codeine