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16541677 No.16541677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My reputation got assblasted on social media and people started gossiping and even blatantly lying about me. If you google me, you can still probably find a thread or two.
This was years ago, but I took it so hard that I eventually had to drop out from my theoretical physics studies. All I felt was anxiety and dread all the time, and couldn't focus on anything else.

I'm still fighting this dilemma: should I go back and finish my degree, or is there any point now that humanity's hivemind has already abandoned me?
I don't know why, but it's extremely hard to just ignore the fact you know someone somewhere is posting lies about you.
I've spent years googling myself making sure nobody is posting slanderously about me. When I find zero results, I feel a brief relief. But in a few hours, I need to re-check because the anxiety is back. "What if? What if?"
The only upside is that this is happening to more and more people now that social media's main purpose is to leech life force out of other people.

>> No.16541687

No one knows who you are. Stop being such a woman

>> No.16541691

If you are from Europe or a resident in Europe you can literally have those entries and posts deleted in accordance with European data privacy laws and the right to be forgotten.

>> No.16541699

What did you do that angered so much? Have you considered not being a shitty academic?

>> No.16541700

Also grow a fucking thicker skin and stop being an online racist. Nobody cares. The president is a fucking felon and get your paranoid schizophrenia treated.

>> No.16541701

Some people do.
I was a Youtuber who got cancelled hard. It's hard to recover from a total twitter cancellation annihilation.
Which is a shame because before humanity wanted to turn me into a lolcow, I was a promising physics student and programmer.

>> No.16541708

True, but you soon find yourself fighting an endurance battle. New posts keep coming and you need to have each and every one of them deleted. This effectively keeps you glued to your computer screen for months if not years, sending out removal requests.
It works, but it's hard to find the mental strength to go through this.

>> No.16541712

The Internet was a mistake.

99% of the Internet is just normies gossiping about other people.
Only 1% is about science and reason.

>> No.16541713

>This effectively keeps you glued to your computer screen for months if not years, sending out removal requests

This is highly abnormal behavior. Early onset psychosis symptomes.

Take your risperidone, dude.

>> No.16541716

nobody cares or knows who you are, stop giving a fuck.

>> No.16541719

No, it can be reality for some.

Like, imagine if P Diddy wanted to remove everything about his scandal from the Internet.
Just imagine the amount of work that would take

And do you think P Diddy could just start over and become a physicist?

>> No.16541723

>Like, imagine if P Diddy wanted to remove everything about his scandal from the Internet.

Wait, you are admitting that you are a pedophile to us now? Maybe it was a good thing that you were cancelled.

>> No.16541728


Diddy isnt pedo

>> No.16541738


I hung out with young viewers of mine. Never fucked them, or even touched them. But when the rumours started to spread, the truth was no longer a matter of interest.
It was absolutely mind-boggling to witness first-hand what a medieval witch hunt looked like. I was a man of science in the 21st century and saw people resort to "no smoke without fire" logic, believing everything they read online without question.
This stood against everything I had learned about the principles of science.
You're displaying the same behavior: just the mere hint at OP might be some thing x that you think is le bad thing is enough for the wave function to collapse.
The joke is that if I had stabbed someone, I would of gotten away with less of a reputation damage and you would respect me more than you do now.

>> No.16541742

You engaged in highly inapropriate behavior and you are still trying to white-wash it, trying to shift blame, lmao. You have learned nothing, lmao

>> No.16541745

fondled some boys, eh?

>> No.16541752

Anon, over the course of years I've taken full responsibility of everything I've ever done and paid the heaviest possible price. I gave up normal youth over recompense, and I'm now an old man who never graduated or lived. I'd recommend the same amount of humility to you.
What you dont understand is that not groveling in front of every anon I meet, like you, and begging for mercy doesn't mean I didn't pay my dues. It's just that I've learned where to draw the line. I don't need to apologize to you for something I did to somebody else ten years ago. You're not a digital hyena who feeds off of other people's lost reputation, are you? This literally doesn't concern you in any way.

>> No.16541761


This is anyone's first guess when someone loses their reputation online. It's always some sex crime. It's gotta be. Why do we make that guess? Because white males and harrassing women or minors is the only actively enforced taboo in our otherwise rotten society.
Every possible vile and disgusting thing is now normalized, like sodomy, brainwashing children with trans propaganda, basically wrecking our entire society.. but when someone dates a younger girl in full consensus below some imaginary age limitation, suddenly everyone becomes Jesus Christ.
These levels of hypocrisy are so high it makes me feel more sick than the actual crimes.
inb4 people losing their marbles over this post as usual
Get over your programming you drone