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1654069 No.1654069 [Reply] [Original]

You are now aware that the japanese haven't invented anything of importance ever.

They can only copy existing inventions and work on them like fanatics.

>> No.1654072

This matters why?

>> No.1654077

and you are now aware that they have the second largest economy in the world... and are gaining on us

>> No.1654081


> second largest economy

wait what? I thought it was China (unless we count EU as one country) after the US?

>> No.1654085

It's only a general impression that the japanese work on them like fanatics, which the media wants you to believe, the real fanatics are the original nation of creaton...

>> No.1654091

And you are now aware that economics is not a science.

>> No.1654098

Could the same be said for the Chinese?

>> No.1654101

personally i always felt that improvement on existing technologies is better for the world then inventing new technologies

>> No.1654106


Definitely not. The chinese invented the fuck out of everything, but then the mongols killed everything and the europeans later caught up and surpassed them.
An advantage we used to fuck over the rest of the planet. Sorry about that.

>> No.1654127


Improving the art of bloodletting is better than inventing penicillin how?

Also you can tell me how a masterfully designed sword is superior to a pistol.

>> No.1654143


I think not.


>> No.1654146

since you insist on using ancient technologies as an example, howabout improving agriculture (to feed the people) as opposed to inventing swords (to pillage and steal to feed the people)?

>> No.1654159

Are you high or just stupid? This is /sci/, not /new/ or /int/



>> No.1654216


Make love, not war huh?

Take a wild guess as to what came first. Farming or weaponry.

>> No.1654222

Yeah, optimization is pretty important. Good thing SOMEONE does it - god knows America's cell phone technology is 4 years behind the rest of the modern world.

>> No.1654232

ITT: white faggots who don't know that the Japanese invented the seismograph

>> No.1654236

They invented it out of necessity, they needed an accurate way of predicting Godzilla's attacks.

>> No.1654239
File: 25 KB, 418x418, 1281068099947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for profits

>> No.1655692

they also kill dolphins and whales in the most brutal manner

>> No.1655693

No they don't asshole, they kill chickens and cows like us.

>> No.1655698

what do you mean they don't?

go educate yourself, you retarded piece of shit

>> No.1655700

they invented the wii

>> No.1655709

Yep, thats my interpretation.

Americans love to invent new shit, but we dont work on our previous technologies, so we come out with lots of fancy new awesome things, but they dont work that great.

Japanese take proven technologies and perfect them. So theyre not coming out with a bunch of new crazy things, but they make what already exists into the way they should have always been.

I notice this in cars, if you get in a toyota, all the controls and features are almost identical to every other toyota. But when you get in a ford, every fucking thing in the car is different than every other fucking ford. Sure it makes for better individuality in each car, but in the end, toyotas are better because everything in them works.

>> No.1655713

No, no, the Japanese are normal now; they found out chickens and cows framed whales and dolphins so they started killing chickens and cows instead.

>> No.1655714

toyota: shit, our brakes don't work. MAKE THE ENGINES STOP RANDOMLY!

>> No.1655735

Wow, that list is a fucking joke. It's all just slightly new genres of video games, and shitty mysticism martial arts.

>> No.1655736
File: 168 KB, 1000x622, large-helical-device.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck your shit

>> No.1655739

LOL implying american cars didnt pass through similar bullshit

>> No.1655772

They invented the samurai code and the samurai sword, with all sorts of technology for making swords and bows, including the first use of steel, and ingenious uses of combining alloys of high and low carbon steels.

Later they invented the walkman, which revolutionized how people listened to music. They invented Kareoke. They invented Sudoku. The remain the only men man enough to hunt whales.

>> No.1655776

we already went over this. the hunt chickens and cows just like the rest of the world now

>> No.1655787


>The Chinese, who had been producing cast iron from the late Spring and Autumn Period (722–481 BC), produced steel by the 2nd century BC through a process of decarburization, i.e. using bellows to pump large amounts of oxygen on to molten cast iron.[495]

>> No.1655803

Do you think this is going to get funnier from you saying it more?