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1653416 No.1653416 [Reply] [Original]

On August 5th, Sen. John Rockefeller introduced the Senate's version of the NASA Authorization bill - S. 3729 on the floor. The bill authorizes an additional $6 billion in NASA funding over the next five years, including $2.6 billion for developing commercial spaceflight over the next three years. It also authorizes a second shuttle mission in 2011, extends operation of the ISS through 2020, funds new technological development programs, and scraps Constellation in favor of immediately starting work on a new HLV.

The bill passed with unanimous consent, and will go to the House of Representatives in September.

Unfortunately, the House Committee on Science and Technology has approved its own version of the bill - H.R. 5781. The House bill cuts commercial funding to just $150 million, effectively shutting down the COTS program, and instead of giving much needed boosts to research and technological development, devotes $22.6 billion, a fourth of NASA's entire budget for the next five years, to continuing the Constellation program.

If the House passes its version there will be no commercial replacement for the shuttle, and no NASA LV for another seven or eight years. NASA's scientific research, unmanned missions, and technological development will continue being cut, delayed, and stalled.

I think that's bullshit. And for those who agree I recommend the following:

1. Look up your Representative. www.house.gov/writerep
2. Write/email/phone your Representative, explain the situation and tell them to vote against the HCST's bill and to vote in favor of the Senate's version.
3. Convince at least one other person to do the same.

Congress won't stop fucking over NASA unless their constituents tell them to stop.
NASA deserves better! Tell your Representative - NO on H.R. 5781, YES on S. 3729!

>> No.1653449

I'm Australian, but bump because I love NASA

>> No.1653464

Fuck you, it's another one of these damn troll threads.
Sage this shit

>> No.1653475

You can still help - if you know any US anons, you can get a hold of them and get them to write in.

>> No.1653496

this shit's always gonna happen because these giant industries are careful enough to spread the production of these projects in as many jurisdictions as possible.

if you're up for re-election every two years you've never going to vote to close a factory in your district.

>> No.1653625
File: 90 KB, 720x405, Grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see this got reposted.

I wrote my rep already, got a letter back from him last week saying he's going to oppose the House bill, so I guess writing in really can make a difference. I got a couple of my friends in my astronomy class to write to their reps as well.

>> No.1653903


>> No.1654318
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Links to both bills
Senate version
House version

>> No.1654693
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bump for Science

>> No.1656105


>> No.1656474

The original thread died :(

>> No.1657837


>> No.1658996
File: 46 KB, 640x360, b00jkv2j_640_360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
