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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 400x400, Alien dissapoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1650614 No.1650614 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1650616

So that's why I suck at math. Fucking whitey.

>> No.1650620
File: 42 KB, 321x500, teachmathtoblackstudents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1650624

This is why the Chinese will eventually be our overlords.

>> No.1650630

I bet a nigger wrote that wiki page. Fucking black people think everything is racist. How the fuck is it even possible to teach math with a race bias, that makes no god damn sense.

>> No.1650664

>I'm a nigger and I'm bad at math
>math must be racist

>> No.1650704

>How the fuck is it even possible to teach math with a race bias
Jenson owns 15 slaves. According to the 3/5 Compromise, how many people does Jenson own?

>> No.1650719

You people clearly don't understand the cultural differences between whites and blacks that translates into one's learning style. And currently the schools adopt a style that it suited towards whites and asians, neglescting the special needs of the Afro-Americaan community.

>> No.1650720

Judging by how small the wiki page is, it doesn't seem as if many people believe in that garbage.

>> No.1650737


>> No.1650749

Oh you.

>> No.1650757

I was raised in East Oakland.

The problem isn't the schools, or the methods of teaching, it's a problem of culture and motivation among blacks.

The culture punishes intelligence and rewards entitlement attitudes.

Blacks are not special unique snowflakes who needs special teaching methods. They need a cultural revolution not centered around drugs and crime.

>> No.1650767

>The culture punishes intelligence
If this is truly the case, then African African communities themselves are to blame for the black-white test gap. However no public official would ever make such a comment for fear of "sounding racist".

I think it's about time we adapt a laissez-faire attitude towards education, where help is available to those who actively seek it, and those who fail are shown no sympathy.

>> No.1650771

anti-misogynistic math, now that would be something...

>> No.1650787

Does not compute

>> No.1650790

racism in maths is a severe problem, just look at the treatment of the non-positive non-zero numbers in america.

in america, the less-than-zero population is called the "negative numbers". this term is typically introduced after the children are already familiar with the counting numbers, which are called positive. thus, the association of strangeness and otherness is attached to the negatives in the formative years of childhood education and thus society at large.

perhaps the most stark display of prejudice against the negatives (hereforth the negs) occurs in formal notation. in america, it is customary to signify a neg by placing a "-" before it, insinuating that negs are always prone to armed violence. this association is further strengthen by the compulsive desire to enclose negs within ()'s at every occasion. in fact, in accounting, the very imprisonment of a number signifies that it is a neg. the mathematical language, with its seemingly crystalline logic and distance from politics, is in fact deeply political. it is another facet of the machinery for the reproduction of social hierarchy and domination.

worse still is the treatment of the "imaginary numbers" community, whose existence has long been marginalized by the incredibly alienating gesture of denying their concrete existence. due to space constraints, we will leave them for the next episode.

>> No.1650794

Maybe no politicians will say it but plenty of black people recognize that as the problem.

>> No.1650799

Fukken saved.

>> No.1650830

I'm baffled.

>> No.1650831

black politicians couls say it.

>> No.1650834


Haha oh wow OP, I was just looking at the exact same page before I saw this thread.

>> No.1650836

slaves aren't people

>> No.1650843

bumped for truth.

This wiki page makes my head hurt....

>> No.1650861

What kind of degenerate matrix wrote that article? Must be some retarded green function

>> No.1650871

> it is customary to signify a neg by placing a "-" before it, insinuating that negs are always prone to armed violence
>worse still is the treatment of the "imaginary numbers" community, whose existence has long been marginalized by the incredibly alienating gesture of denying their concrete existence. due to space constraints

I lol'd pretty hard.

>> No.1650873

if u has 50 grams o coke, and 18 ounces o weed, how many years u gonna get?

>> No.1650875

Fancy seeing you here.

>> No.1650876
File: 27 KB, 446x234, Owari-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you thought that was bad then hold on to your assholes people!


>>Indigenous computing: In some cases, ethnocomputing "translates" from indigenous culture to high tech frameworks: for example, analyzing the African board game Owari as a one dimensional cellular automaton.

pic related, it is an Owari board...

>> No.1650893

Experienced this first hand in UK schooling, maths SATs papers.. literally every written question had a foreign name in order to be politically correct 'Ahmed has 5 red balls and 3 blue balls and puts them in a bag, Mujhibor then takes a ball from the bag what are the odds it was blue' etc.

>> No.1650928

>Ahmed has 5 red balls and 3 blue balls and puts them in a bag, Mujhibor then takes a ball from the bag what are the odds it was blue.


Holy shit it works!Now I can into math too. Allahu akhbar!

>> No.1650935

I like the idea of more focus on math that originated from foreign countries, look back in the past, a lot of math breakthroughs came from Arabs etc,

but, apart from that, I cannot really see how math can be racist.

>> No.1650942

what the fuck ?!

>> No.1650943

>You people clearly don't understand the cultural differences between whites and blacks that translates into one's learning style. And currently the schools adopt a style that it suited towards whites and asians, neglescting the special needs of the Afro-Americaan community.

What the fuck are those special needs? Extremely good teachers to compensate for black peoples extreme lack of respect for authority and learning?

>> No.1650944

you silly

>> No.1650947

>a lot of math breakthroughs came from Arabs etc,

yea, thousands of years ago.
But, see, the point of math, is that it's true by itself, it's not tied to who discovered what or who invented it. It's objective.

there could be a point that some way of doing math are easier than others(using indian numerals is better than using roman numerals).

>> No.1651009


yes, why i like the idea of the use of math from other countries getting more light of day.

different viewpoints, perspectives etc. can only be a good thing.

>> No.1651036

Bet you that whoever came up with this retarded idea wasn't even a mathematician

>> No.1651071

You're right, that IS good! But it's not what this article is about...

This is about countering a supposed 'anti-racial' bias in mathematics, which is retarded at best.

>> No.1651082

Why should it matter at all in which part of the world a certain piece of math was developed? If you start caring about that, you ADD "racism" to math rather than removing it.

>> No.1651086

>special needs
aka retards

>> No.1651098

>yes, why i like the idea of the use of math from other countries getting more light of day.
>different viewpoints, perspectives etc. can only be a good thing.

But does this belong in a maths lesson, or a history/geography lesson? Anyway, as an anon already pointed out, maths is one of the purest, most universal and culture-free disciplines there is. Of all the fucking subjects, maths is the one where there's no need for the politically-correct brigade to hijack it and inject a good dose of self-hating post-colonial guilt. LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE, PLEASE.

>> No.1651102

He wasn't talking about caring where it's from, he was talking about bringing every possible mathematician into the global conversation.

>> No.1651114

You mean in contemporary research?

>> No.1651154

I suppose, yes.

>> No.1651159

all the citations are from 20 years ago.

>> No.1651164

So what makes you think this doesn't happen? Researchers cooperate internationally by default, without too much regard about the nationality of other researchers.