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1650088 No.1650088 [Reply] [Original]

I need help!
I'm 21 and my acne is only getting worse!
What medication should I use?

>> No.1650094

/dci/ - Dermatology

>> No.1650092

Go to a doctor.

Though I do hear that semen clears acne.

>> No.1650095


>> No.1650097

Timestamp of gtfo

>> No.1650111
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No timestamp for you!

>> No.1650124

OP I have suffered from acne for almost 3 years now (18). I have finally cleared mine and am just waiting for scaring to go away. I will give you my tips and what cured me because I have tried so many things and know what a pain it is. I started using acne.org regime like 2 months ago and didn't really start getting results till a month ago, have only got a small pimple here or there every week or two and they clear a lot faster. That shit from the website is expensive so if you can't afford it, just go to the store and buy the equivalent. I had tried everything before that and it was the only thing to eventually get results. If you do decide to use it there are more tips I can give you but the main thing i have noticed is you must moisturize with the BP. I get pimples when my skin is very dry from it. Be prepared to have a red face for a month if you do decide to use this. Another thing that worked for me before doing this was working out or going for a long run and then washing my face with just normal soap after and following all the other tips below. There is so much more I feel I could type and tell you from what I have learnt over the years but I am too lazy. This is a decent start for you, and I wish you the best of luck (i know how low your confidence must be in social situations).

>> No.1650127

-Sleep on a clean towel on your pillow at night. Can change it every couple of days minimum.
-Do not touch your face at all (I used to rest my hand on my chin often)
-Do not pop any pimples (If you need to use a pin and only squeeze a little)
-Don't use cold or real hot water. Make it body temperature in the shower.
-Drink lots of water and take vitamin c/e supplements if you want.
I eat really healthy mainly because my parents have brought me up that way, and even when I go with my friends for a few days at a time I see no difference in breakouts. So food is not really a major factor. Also other myths that I have tested masturbating does not change anything. Also washing your face regularly only irritates it more. Stick to two times a day and try to avoid any irritation to your face at all during the day.

>> No.1650152

ITT some gay boy falls victim to peer pressure of our shallow societies viewpoint.

>> No.1650158

It doesn't look like normal acne. Try Celestone or Diprosome.

>> No.1650160

all of this
and it's important you go outside

>> No.1650176


Avoid combining this drug with photosensitising medications or retinoids (Vitamin A).

It may be irritating at first, but you only have to take this drug dosage once for the rest of your life.

>> No.1650253
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>viral marketing on /sci/

>> No.1650263

Shit, I'm in the same position, OP.
Because I started working I have no health insurance anymore and because of that I can't get the gel my dermatologist used to give me, which worked quite well.
21 now and my acne is worse than ever even though I eat extremely healthy and I'm quite hygienic
shit sucks

>> No.1650274

Go to the doctor! Some anons on the internet looking to a photo is not the same!

Now US have free healthcare like any civilizated country doesn't it?

>> No.1652057
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you're probably lactose intolerant, stop drinking milk and avoid any product that contains it

seriously, not shittin ya... take my advice and start reading product labels

>> No.1652111

scrub your face like three times a day with a strong soap

then use clindamycin phosphate

>> No.1652131

use clindamycin with benzoyl peroxide

clear acne right up in less than a week. Then use where ever you get a pimple to remove it

>> No.1652132

do that wrapping in clingfilm (seran wrap if you're american) aqueous creamse45s always work for me,dont forget to make a hole to breathe through though.

also,vitamin a

>> No.1652155

I took Isotretinoin. Works flawlessly, but it gives you crazy ideas of suicide/homicide. Don't take it if you have guns (I had my friends hold onto them while I was on it.) Side effects are horrible; you will feel like general shit (head aches/ muscle aches) but it's worth it.

>> No.1652168

simple solution: clean pillow covers every night.

Some people get 7 towels, one for each day of the week, and cover the pillows, switching every night.

in some cases this is enough to cure

>> No.1652178

get some peroxide
swab your face with it before going to bed (avoid eye contact)

acne is due to too much keratin on your face clogging the pores and allowing bacterial growth and inflammation - peroxide removes the keratin

>> No.1652202

OP i feel sorry for you :(

why havent you an hero yet? just wondering :3

>> No.1652204

Perfect place to ask. Everyone on /sci/ suffered from severe, disfiguring acne in their younger days.

>> No.1652207

>go outside

>> No.1652910
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OP here!
Thanks a lot /sci/ for your advises, you're the best!

>> No.1652913


Man I want to pop those so badly ;_;

>> No.1652946

nuke the site from orbit

it's the only way to be sure


>> No.1652965

a gun, an hero and show us by starting a video chat

>> No.1653108
File: 73 KB, 319x397, ChuckNorris1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I'm here from you. I usually participate in /fit/k/new/ and
I'm going to push you into survival mode as your remedy.

First of all, stop using shampoo and soap: use your urine to lather and rub into your skin.

Second of all, you need to drink lots of water because your kidneys need more water to replace the blood that it filters toxins out.

Third of all, eat more stems and leave of plants and a minimal of fruit and a minimal of animal flesh.

Fourth of all, if you are white then you need 30 minutes of direct sunlight every day to balance your cholesterols while anyone of melanized skin needs anywhere between 1 hour to 4 hours of direct sunlight every day.

Fifth of all, and you might not like this too much but can give more temperance in your character, is put about a Tea-spoon of your own urine into an 8oz bottle of water to drink every day because this will recover anti-gens for your immune system to retain it's ability to supress prior infections and the natural o-zone will generate in your stomach.

That is all!

>> No.1653118



>> No.1653154

This. How do you go without popping them for so long?

>> No.1653257

I think this might have worked for me.
Shit sucks hard, I really really liked milk and cheese.

>> No.1653276

Urine is the fucking best in washing face.

The urea does wonders.

>> No.1653286

Speaking from experience I would highly recommend Benzaclin (clindamycin-benzoyl peroxide gel) though you'll need to go to the doctor and get a prescription for it. It works wonders.

>> No.1653316

Isotretinoin is godly, gets rid of the damn thing in a few months, and i didnt have any side effect from it, but you need medical approvation to get it.

>> No.1653324


How bad does it need to be for the doctor to prescribe either? I'm 23 and still have terrible body acne. My last doctor just gave me antibiotics which gave me sunburn. I'm looking for a new one.

>> No.1653330

Benzaclin stopped working for me after a while, not recommended. My doctor prescribed it for me and I only ever have light acne (2 or 3 pimples).

>> No.1653331


Benzaclin user: I didn't have it as bad as op, it wasn't really that bad actually but it worked well. I gave some to my friend with terrible acne and he would actually pay me for part of my prescription because it worked so well for him too.

Just tell the doctor that you have tried everything over the counter etc. and your acne won't go away and your friend uses Benzaclin and it works for him.