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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 225x225, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1647621 No.1647621 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1647634
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there goes stem cell research

>> No.1647683
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>> No.1647698
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>> No.1647708

god americans are retarded

>> No.1647721
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exactly why i am taking my skills to australia, fuck this pathetic country, i hate being an american

>> No.1647730

If your skills are alcoholism and racism, you'll be redundant.

>> No.1647742
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But... if you outlaw abortion what will we atheists eat?

>> No.1647746
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>> No.1647749


only appropriate facial expression in my folder, i am a undergrad in genetics btw, i am not an alcoholic

>> No.1647753

I'm pro-choice, anti-war, but pro-gun. What does that make me?

>> No.1647755
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gtfo faggot

>> No.1647757


a typical americunt


>> No.1647767


>> No.1647780

>What does that make me?

underageb& fag or youngfag, I presume

>> No.1647787

21 year old computer science major. Also a gun-owner.

>> No.1647805

look, you should qualify your pro-gun stance, that's my point

do you support background checks? would you exclude anybody from owning a gun?
what kinds of guns could people own etc

because just saying "pro-gun" makes you either an idiot or a child

>> No.1647811


easy, go easy on the american, it is a "sensitive" organism, do not under any circumstances THREATEN their beloved shitty constitution, EVEN if they don't abide by it

>> No.1647815


>> No.1647818

I lol'd a little

>> No.1647819

I support background checks. I would exclude anyone convicted of a violent crime without suitable cause from gun ownership. I support both concealed and open carry. I do not support the assault weapons ban.

>> No.1647823


>> No.1647836

>implying gun control works

tell that to the shopkeeper trying to defend his shop with a broom from the guy who got a shotgun on the black market.

when you make guns illegal, only criminals have guns

The most any country ever needs for gun control is a waiting period to help people cool off in case they want to do some spur-of-the-moment murder.

>> No.1647838
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>> No.1647847

>claiming the US constitution is shit


>> No.1647859

here we go

>I support background checks.
correct me if I'm wrong but that's already much more than the status quo or what the NRA stands for in America

>> No.1647887

You stupid fuck

>> No.1647889

At least you would limit it to violent crime. That is a very reasonable thing.

>> No.1647892

As far as I know, the spokespeople for the NRA have only voiced against background checks for person-to-person sales or private gun-show sales, not sales through your run of the mill gun-shop/FFL. While I am an NRA member, I don't really agree with this stance, and support background checks in all instances to help keep firearms out of the hands of people who would use them for criminal activities. I know a lot of fellow members who feel the same way, and as far as I am aware there has been highly varied opinions within the NRA itself on the matter. If it were all the NRA were about, I'd quit in an instant, but I feel they do more good than bad so I give them my support, and only hope and voice my opinion toward change for what I consider to be the better.

Either way, very, very few gun crimes are committed by people legally permitted to own a firearm.

>> No.1647893

I just can't figure out what the fuck you're talking about.

Do you consider driving a car as something that is banned? I mean, you need a fucking driver's license and not everybody can get one.

In Europe it works like this: if your hypothetical shopkeeper can't apply for a gun permit (because he's insane/retarded or a former criminal), he should hire a security guard who qualifies. Tough shit.

But most of the shopkeepers just buy insurance, don't keep a lot of cash, mount security cameras and don't give a fuck ...

>> No.1647895

yous trollan

>> No.1647899

The OP pic doesn't make sense seeing as how good wars and responsible gun ownership exist to SAVE LIVES.

>> No.1647913

>implying just letting people rob you is a superior alternative to protecting yourself with a gun
>implying there is any good reason for gun control that makes up for those downsides

>> No.1647916

>Either way, very, very few gun crimes are committed by people legally permitted to own a firearm.

Over 10000 die in accidents tho.
That's why considering a mandatory safety exam would also help.

>> No.1647917

The last time there was a "good war" was WW2

>> No.1647922

Note I said violent crime without suitable cause. In many instances someone can be convicted of a violent crime even if public opinion is that they did something acceptable.

For instance... Criminal A rapes and kills your daughter. You know beyond the shadow of a doubt who did it, and take it upon yourself to shoot said person, killing him. You would still be convicted of murder, a crime of passion, or something similar. It's a violent crime conviction.

However, in this instance, I would not take away said person's firearm. Whether or not firearm rights are retained instances like this should be decided by a judge and jury, in my opinion, not simply an automatic result of such a conviction.

>> No.1647931

I would not be opposed to a firearm training course prerequisite. I can sort of understand the stance of people who would be, though. I won't dismiss it immediately.

>> No.1647932

this. also fully automatic weapons should be 100% legal. as long as you pass all sorts of checks, oh and no ridiculous tax stamps.

I don't support ridiculous import bans either (hurr durr you can't import SVDs)

>> No.1647939

Are you honestly saying that you support vigilantism? And that you think people who have committed the crime of vigilantism in the past should be allowed to have guns?

>> No.1647948

>>implying just letting people rob you is a superior alternative to protecting yourself with a gun

engaging in firefights is fucking risky for an ordinary person

there's police for a reason, you know, and you've got the security camera footage and insurance

then again, qualified people can pass the exam and own a gun or shops with expensive shit can hire security guards with permits.

>> No.1647950

key word "accidents". have you ever heard of a hangfire? it's when a firearm becomes dirty or damaged (normal use or improper use etc.) and the firing pin does not strike the cartridge until some time after you pull the trigger.

ford pintos explode if you rear end them.

>> No.1647964

Right, because all criminals just take what they want and leave, and NEVER rape or murder the people they've robbed from.

It's not risky to engage in a firefight. At least, it's far riskier to NOT defend yourself, given that the criminal could do all sorts of things that are worse than simple theft if you don't fight back.

>> No.1647965

I don't support it, I can just understand why and how it would happen, and can't honestly say I wouldn't do the same in that situation. If you've ever lost someone you know how overwhelming that can be. Just as people can be acquitted from crime by plea of temporary insanity under similar circumstances, I don't think someone's firearm should be permanantly seized in this instance. If you run them over with a car instead of shoot them, they won't take away your license permanantly. If you beat them to death with a baseball bat, they won't prohibit you from owning long wooden cylinders. If you shoot them they shouldn't prohibit you from ever owning a gun again.

I'm not suggesting they go unpunished for the crime. I'm suggesting that their firearm rights should not be infringed in such an instance.

>> No.1647972

you do know that most of the time criminals flee before the person even get s a shot off right? most of the time they don't stick around long after seeing a dude with a .357 and a bad attitude.

>> No.1647973

>crime of vigilantism
When the law won't do what it's supposed to do, you HAVE to take the law into your own hands.

>> No.1647975

If you pass the safety exam, you should count as a qualified person.

Being a cop or security guard should not qualify you. Passing the safety examination should. [inb4 someone posts the youtube video of a cop shooting himself in the leg due to stupidty]

>> No.1647984

13 year old detected

>> No.1647987

Most people that buy guns (at least in my state, Michigan) already know all of the safety rules by the time they're 12, given the massive amount of hunting that is done in my state. It'd be pointless for hunters or the friends/family of hunters, and I wouldn't support forcing a person to *pay money* to take a course to learn stuff that they already know.

>> No.1647999

Hangfires are incredibly rare

The vast, vast, vast majority of firearm accidents are caused by people being stupid.

There are several rules of firearm safety that you should NEVER violate.

1. Assume every firearm is loaded.
2. Control the muzzle direction at all times.
3. Trigger finger off trigger and out of trigger guard.
4. See that the firearm is unloaded. PROVE it safe.

Almost every example of firearm related accidents are from someone violating one of these rules. Nobody gets hurt, even from a hangfire, if the gun isn't pointed in their direction, just as an example.

>> No.1648005

Whoops, forgot to add my other point:

Cops take way too long, and by that point you could be dead. You have to defend yourself, and you should be allowed the means to do so, considering criminals don't follow gun laws anyways and WILL have a gun.

Not to mention many cops are corrupt pigs.

Their job is NOT, contrary to popular belief, to protect YOU. Their job is to catch criminals. That is it. They are not legally obligated to protect you.

>> No.1648027

safety checks won't do shit. people are fucking stupid, this is why you see people texting and driving at the same time.

>> No.1648033

>engaging in firefights is fucking risky for an ordinary person

Engaging in firefights is fucking risky for an ordinary criminal too.

>> No.1648038

What I don't get is how, as a liberal, I'm supposed to support the individual rights of abortion, gay marriage, drug legalization... but not the fundamental right to bear arms. That drives me nuts.

>> No.1648039

hey /k/ommandos, got any volk shit to dump

>> No.1648040

Shit happens, you know. We all have to die somehow.
I'm sorry to hear that you're being raped on a regular basis tho:(

>considering criminals don't follow gun laws anyways and WILL have a gun.
people seeking to buy guns illegally are an awesome target for the law enforcement tho (undercover agents)
they can get enormous sentences without even doing anything
Think about it.

>> No.1648041

If you don't teach safety, people don't know how to be safe.

Stupid people are going to remain stupid, but ignorant people can be taught how to stay safe.

>> No.1648043

Exactly why there's no point in requiring a course for prospective gun owners.

>> No.1648052
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awww fuck, here comes /k/

>> No.1648053
File: 144 KB, 770x808, 24 hr AK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like everyone in this thread to know that it is incredibly easy to manufacture an automatic weapon in your own home with minimal parts and experience. it's impossible to prevent a citizen from acquiring a firearm in modern society.

picture very fucking related. this can be made with a hammer, drill and schematics (I can provide the schematics for this if you want).

>> No.1648059
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Hi. /k/ommando here.


Jesus H. Christ. Leftards and pacifists and Eurofags, oh my, and not a one of you except >>1647999
knows what the flying mortal fuck you're talking about. Die. All of you. Just die. Right now.

>> No.1648069

inb4 chamber pressures fuck shit up

>> No.1648070

>fundamental right to bear arms

Fuck that.
From a liberal point of view, to own a gun you need to be sane, not a convicted violent criminal, and know how to carry your gun safely.

(Also, positions on handguns and assault rifles vary.)

>> No.1648075

>>but ignorant people can be taught how to stay safe.

no they really can't. just because you teach someone something doesn't mean they'll abide by the rules you taught them. you underestimate the stupidity of your fellow man.

>> No.1648080
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From a true liberal point of view, "Shall not be infringed" means "Shall not be infringed"

>> No.1648085

I think we need to have babby licenses before we have gun licenses champ. Those qualifiers and more should be required before you can have a babby.

>> No.1648086

it doesn't. it's fully functional.

>> No.1648087


the problem with background checks for private firearm sales is that the government doesn't actually have the constitutional power to regulate it. state governments would have to do it, like california requires DROS for private transfers.

>> No.1648088

>hit her house
>still in casings

>> No.1648090

I agree with that. I think people should require background checks, permits for carry, etc. But by no means should they be restricted from owning so-called "assault weapons", or handguns.

>> No.1648092

I don't think you understand what the word "ignorant" means.

You don't magically know the rules of firearm safety the second you touch a gun. A child is ignorant of math, language, art, and a lot of other things. Some people remain ignorant even as they grow older.

Ignorance =/= stupid. It means a lack of knowledge. Which is why people should be taught firearm safety, so they are no longer ignorant of it and do not accidentally hurt themselves or others due to their ignorance.

>> No.1648095

>let's pretend that we are fucking morons and not talk about the well regulated militia part, ever.

Sorry, I'm not a fucking moron, neither are you.

>> No.1648100

Or have to pay for licensing, like in my state.

>> No.1648101

How could those bullets have hit her house...when they are clearly non-fired bullets?

>> No.1648111


Most people around here that buy guns already know the safety rules for guns by simply living in a state filled with hunting, most likely being raised by a hunter or gun-enthusiast, like me.

>> No.1648112

You have summoned the wrath of /k/, /sci/. One guy says he likes guns but they should be controlled, and you end up with
I thought /sci/ would have evidence and reason to back up claims.

>> No.1648113

I don't think you understand what I'm getting at. everybody in the US who has a driver's license has been taught all about vehicular safety. this doesn't stop people from making stupid mistakes all the fucking time.

>> No.1648114

have you ever looked into what a "well regulated militia" was defined as 200 years ago when the constitution was written?

"Well regulated militia" does not mean "National Guard" nor does it mean "National Army".

It means every able bodied man who's old enough to own and use a weapon.

>> No.1648120

I own a bolt action hunting rifle, a Savage Edge, to be precise, a South African Republic Arms .40 pistol, and I'm working towards a Marlin .45-70 lever action rifle.
My dad is a Marine, and my brother is currently Deployed somewhere in Afghanistan (he can't tell me exactly where).
As a gun-owner, I love to go to the gun range (yes, an actual range, with Marshals and berms to prevent the rounds going God knows where- I KNOW what a 30-06 round will do to a Human being, and I have no desire to have that on my conscience) and shoot a few hundred rounds a week. It's a great stress reliever, as it forces me to slow down and focus only on the instant that I'm firing.
Also, I have the pistol for the Worst Case Scenario- I live very, very close to the U.S. Mexico border, and while the vast majority of folks out here are decent, law-abiding folks, I reserve the right to shoot anyone who breaks into my home.
Now then, I DO NOT shoot at road signs.
I DO NOT support the war- the troops, yes, but not the war. We went there under bullshit pretenses, and now a whole lot of people are dead who shouldn't be.
I DO support the right of every free person to own and maintain firearms.
I DO support EDUCATION and TRAINING. I don't have a gunsafe. My niece and nephew know better than to mess with their Uncle's firearms, because Uncle Mike took them out and exploded a watermelon, then sat down with them for a long talk.
"Gun Control" is a nice idea. I can drive twenty minutes outside of town and get 20 M-16s or 30 AK-74s for less than a thousand dollars. So can the bad guys. That's why it's called illegal. I'd like to be able to shoot back.
Did I miss anything?

>> No.1648122
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>> No.1648123

That argument would only make sense if everyone who purchased a gun in the states was taught firearm safety. They are not.

>> No.1648131

>It means every able bodied man who's old enough to own and use a weapon.
What's "well regulated' about this? What??

Also, life's a bit more complicated nowadays. If you want to be confined in your thinking by A CERTAIN INTERPRETATION of a centuries old document, then you can fuck off. As simple as that.

>> No.1648136

but the number of mistakes compared to the number of gun owners pales in comparison to the number of drivers and vehicular accidents.

besides, it's easy to bullshit your way through any class. thousands of high school students do it every day.

>> No.1648138

Those that buy a gun without taking firearm safety should be held responsible for their stupid fucking mistakes, or accept their inevitable death by their own hands for being fucking retarded.

>> No.1648145

This is a really good point.

10,000 to millions and millions, compared to hundreds of thousands to millions more.

>> No.1648149


This is why there's no such thing as a firearms accident, only negligence. The whole point of firearms safety procedures is to ensure that when followed, it is impossible to ever shoot someone accidentally.

>> No.1648155


>>implying they restricted gun ownership to militiamen at the time the 2nd amendment was written

>> No.1648156
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The 18th century definition of "well-regulated" meant "well-maintained and equipped," not "beset by rules and laws"

You shouldn't use a modern definition of a word for a centuries-old document.

To truly understand the Constitution, you need to examine the original intent and language of the founders, as well as the reasoning and cultural climate of the era.

>> No.1648169

I think Canada does something like that. You can own guns, but you first have to go through safety training to get a gun license.

>> No.1648188

Are you trying to invent your own shit now? Because you're clearly wrong.

>The term "regulated" means "disciplined" or "trained".[139] In Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that "[t]he adjective 'well-regulated' implies nothing more than the imposition of proper discipline and training."[140]

>> No.1648190

Once again Canada shows itself to be "like america, but better"

>> No.1648194

America needs to implement this. ASAP.

>> No.1648206

   /mɪˈlɪʃə/ Show Spelled[mi-lish-uh] Show IPA
a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies.
a body of citizen soldiers as distinguished from professional soldiers.
all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service.
a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government.
the first two are the national guard. the second two are civvies.

>> No.1648210

They already HAVE that for anyone wanting to carry a gun (concealed) in public in almost all states that allow concealed carry.

It's useless for rifles, and basically useless for shotguns, and it's not going to help people that own handguns, because the stupid mistakes they make are likely going to happen regardless of their knowledge of gun safety.

>> No.1648216

militia is, and has always been, state run business

blackwater is no militia etc

>> No.1648219
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And it is true that the "militia" referred to all able-bodied citizens, not the National Guard.

The 2nd Amendment refers to the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms. In every instance in the Bill of Rights referring to the PEOPLE, it is an individual right, not a collective right of the state.

Finally, gun control has failed in everywhere in this country it has been tried, without exception. Criminals, by definition, simply don't obey laws. Any law restricting or outright banning firearms can, will, and does only disarm law-abiding citizens, exactly the people who have no will or inclination to commit a violent crime with one.

>> No.1648220


More like, in Canada, nobody owns a gun.

And since no one owns a gun, no one has a need to defend themselves from guns, cause no one has any.

>> No.1648222

Definition 3 is what was meant in the constitution.

Essentially, the defense of the state requires that the people, who are part of the militia, to own guns. If the government takes them away, then they can't defend the homeland in a time of need. That's what it means.

All able-bodied citizens should be trained in firearm use, for an emergency. That's what the "well-regulated" part means. Essentially, you're not a man if you don't own a gun and are ready to use it with your neighbors to defend your land.

>> No.1648224
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>>my face when people on /sci/ bitch about natural selection at work

>> No.1648225

you are fucking ignorant, there are probably more guns per capita in Canada

>> No.1648233

Except the criminals.
And besides, neighbor, if the bad guy pulls a knife, and I pull a firearm, my odds of survival go up a hair, don't you think?

>> No.1648236


Lots of Canadians own guns and go hunting or shooting on the range.

>no one has any.

Criminals don't obey gun laws in the first place, so that situation is never going to happen anyway.

>> No.1648238

if you want to keep repeating fucking idiotic talking points go elsewhere.

>> No.1648242

>you are fucking ignorant, there are probably more guns per capita in Canada
There are, in fact. Fairly sure, though, that they're mostly rifles. Handguns are more prevalent in the U.S. per capita.

>> No.1648243

nope. USA is number 1.


>> No.1648246

Here's what happens when innocents don't have guns:


Too many fucking morons in here. Given the majority of them being britfags, that's a redundant statement.

>> No.1648247


Try again, the US outguns Canada per capita by 3:1.

Also, to the hunting rifle, when the fuck do you see someone rob a store with a .306?

>> No.1648256

it's 30-06 bro. unless you meant .308

>> No.1648258

LOL you're the rape guy again, aren't you

>> No.1648263
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This is simply a concise abbreviation of Constitutional law and reasoning on gun control.

It's not some fucking Bill O'Reilly talking point bullshit. If you want something more in depth and detail, read a few articles on Constitutional law, the 2nd Amendment, and gun control.

Don't just spew insults and gtfo, provide some information of your own, troll.

>> No.1648268


Yea. 30-06. My bad. Not really a gun man.

>> No.1648270

>"Bad guy"

See, this is what makes us Canadians different. We aren't afraid of bad guys showing up to ruin our lives, we're not afraid to leave our doors unlocked, children unattended, or not own guns. America is a place where violence is tolerated and under some circumstances encouraged. Us northerners just want to say, "Hey, how ya doin, eh?", drink our strong beer, and take our hearty women camping where the sex isn't just to keep sane, but warm too.

>> No.1648272
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I love Canada. You are a great place to live, wouldn't mind spending some time up there.


You are America's hat, and we love you.

>> No.1648273

ITT canadians who don't have to deal with inner city scum on a daily basis.

>> No.1648274

Well if someone has you at point blank with something in 30-06, there's no doubt you're going to empty that register.

>> No.1648276



>> No.1648283
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FIXED, for lulz

>> No.1648286

Canada, infringes on my freedom of speech. Limited freedom of speech is restricted speech. Places sucks for that reason.

>> No.1648294


Roughly 1 in 10,000 people no matter where you are.


What law causes that?

>> No.1648313

What the fuck is pro-war and anti-war? I wouldn't want to sit and do nothing if my country was invaded, but I wouldn't want to just go around attacking everyone either.

>> No.1648317

>>What the fuck is pro-war and anti-war?
ridiculous labels.

>> No.1648319


I agree, what law is this?

>> No.1648322
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the best post of the entire thread


>> No.1648323

You are very fortunate to live in such a secure area. For that, you should give thanks to any deities you hold dear.
As for me, I am not so fortunate. I live very close to the U.S./ Mexico border, and it is not my neighbors I worry about, as they are very cool people who helped me move in.
I worry about the Coyotes and drug runners who are frequently sighted down here.
I know my local Sheriff, and he is a good man, but that doesn't change the fact that the fastest he can get to my home is six minutes if he happens to be anywhere but on the highway that runs past my home. In six minutes, I will either be dead or severely wounded, and the bad guy will be gone.
So you see, neighbor, it is not Americans I have to worry about, but criminals from another country.

>> No.1648335

so what you're saying is that mexicans ruin everything?

I agree

>> No.1648344

Debatable. If he's within 5 m or so, you'll probably be stabbed before you get your piece out.

>> No.1648347

No, I'm saying that there is a specific threat in my community that I take steps to guard against, that's all. Seeing as how several people in this thread seem to think that owning a firearm means I'm some kind of psycho who goes about blasting people at the slightest provocation.

>> No.1648356

it's a lot more than 5m from my door to my bedroom. If someone's breaking into my house, I'll already have my weapon ready to shoot.
I do open carry sometimes (when I'm in a rough area of town escorting some friends of mine from bar to bar, for example) but that is primarily for deterrence. Generally speaking, criminals don't want to fight someone who is armed.
And before someone gets stupid, I never drink around firearms, just as I never drink and drive.
Which brings up an interesting thought- I've never had an accident with my firearms or my truck.

>> No.1648360

I live in Vancouver, in fact only a 25 minute drive from the nearest border crossing. I don't keep any firearms to protect myself from the huge numbers of 'muricans coming up into our land. In BC alone, marijuana cultivation is a nearly 4 billion dollar industry, most of which finds it's way south of that border to be traded 1:1 for cocaine, which then comes back up. The fact is, "danger" exists all over the place, so stop using it as justification for owning a small munitions factory. The rest of the world doesn't arm themselves to the teeth because they have massive lineups of immigrants begging to get into their country or that their emergency services have a 6 minute response time.

>> No.1648375

You claim to not be a firearm wielding psycho, yet your primary concern seems to be to shoot whomever trespasses on you property...

What if it's your nextdoor neighbour, drunk as a skunk and breaks into your place, thinking he's simply lost his keys?

What if it's some young punk who came to rip off a few hundred bucks?

If you think either of those situations deserve a bullet, then you're a gun toting psycho.

>> No.1648380

>>implying canadian border violence is anything like american border violence.

by the way have you ever had someone make threats against your life? I purchased my first gun after someone I knew (more like he knew who I was and where I lived) told me at knife point that he would kill me if I didn't keep giving him money. the police didn't do jack shit about it so I decided I had better arm myself, so I did.

>> No.1648387

Neighbor, I currently own two firearms, with less than sixty rounds of ammunition between them.
I live way the hell and gone away from town, which explains why it takes the local sheriff so long to get here, he has a lot of territory to cover. (on the plus side, the fire station is literally across the street, which is very nice).
I have no problems with the legal immigrants- I actually work as an advocate for immigration reform- America should have a much less convoluted process for entry.
Note- I said I worry about Coyotes and drug runners- not about immigrants. All the immigrants want is a decent life, and I'm fine with that. My great grandfather did the same thing not so long ago.
And really, small munitions factory?

>> No.1648392

>>What if it's some young punk who came to rip off a few hundred bucks?

>>If you think either of those situations deserve a bullet, then you're a gun toting psycho.

this is why people have flashlights mounted on their weapons. nobody just starts blasting holes in their walls because they heard something at night. you're a stereotyping jackass.

>> No.1648408

And as for you, sir, I make a point to know my neighbors so I can recognize them, even in the dark.
And if it's some punk looking for a few hundred dollars, a .40 caliber round embedding itself in the tile in front of him ought to convince him to look elsewhere.
And it's not "trespassing on my property" - I have thick double pane windows which serve to both lower my energy consumption and act as security. And I have a steel screen door for the same reason. If anyone gets in without a key, it is because they have serious mischief on their minds. If a warning shot and me screaming to get out doesn't get the point across, and the entrant continues to move into the house, then yes, I reserve the right to shoot him.

>> No.1648411

>The fact is, "danger" exists all over the place, so stop using it as justification for owning a small munitions factory

I just use the second amendment as a justification for that. Nothing else is needed.

>> No.1648412


See, when that happens here the police will find and curb stomp the little shit before letting him spend some quality jail time.

>> No.1648421

forgot to mention pro-death penalty

>> No.1648427

Wait, so where you live the police will come beat the shit out of you and throw you in jail just because someone told them you threatened their life? Jesus, I'd want to arm myself for protection from the cops if that was the case. Luckily in the US you need evidence.

>> No.1648434


This is the only reason you need to or should use. Exercise your rights, or lose them.


Warning shots are actually a terrible idea both for your own safety and legally. Even an intentional non-lethal wound is worse than killing the target. If you've going to bring a firearm to bear on an intruder, it must be because you had to. Always shoot to kill.

>> No.1648438

Serious question:
Is it more humane to lock a person into a tiny concrete box for 70+ years (I'm guessing on the average) for a capital crime, or give that same person every chance at an appeal and then, if the sentence is not commuted/overturned, giving that person a quick, clean end?

>> No.1648440
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I'm a Canadian, and I own firearms.

They're fun to shoot, I can defend my home and family in times of need, and I can protect myself when I go camping.

I don't mind people who don't like firearms or don't want to own them. I do have a problem with people who want to restrict MY rights to self defence, because they are so goddamn scared of weapons. Shit like that ends up with picture related. Which is not the kind of society I want to live in. What's next? Padding on sharp corners?

>> No.1648445

I fully agree with you- it isn't smart. But for the sake of my conscience, (i.e. it's obviously a kid, not some loony with a visible weapon) I feel like I should blast a floor tile in the hopes of scaring the beejeezus out of him.

>> No.1648446

Describe his knife and behavior, and they can probably check for the stolen cash too. You would not know what the business end of his knife looks like unless he drew it on you, which is grounds for a curb-stomping.

>> No.1648460

the death penalty is very expensive (there are additional trials)

and they usually kill the wrong guy (DNA testing mistakes were chronic)

do your research, /sci/bro, it's completely fucked up to support it

>> No.1648463


Or if he showed it to you. Knowing what a knife looks like isn't grounds for jumping someone and tossing them in a cell.

>> No.1648466

Life in prison is also expensive- cost to maintain the health and well-being of the prison, cost to maintain secure and sanitary conditions, and there are still plenty of appeals.
And where (since, say, 1970) was DNA not perfect? I'm serious, it'd be good information to know!

>> No.1648469

>there are additional trials

>and they usually kill the wrong guy

Wouldn't that mean that any other case with less scrutiny involved would be even more likely to be fucked up?

>> No.1648487

What you describe is a horrible society.

Lets be realistic here, Police are not Judge Dredd. They do not go around town dispensing justice. They arrest perps and the justice system and courts handle things from there. Police should only be using violence as a means to subdue an individual if he resists arrest.

Taking your example: If the guy presented them said knife, and was otherwise completely agreeable with the police, why would they "curbstomp" him?

To be frank, you sound like a naive teenager who believes the police will not only 100% trust your word over the other guys' but will actually go around and beat people up for you.

>> No.1648494

Actually, it is. If you show someone a knife you shouldn't be carrying, that's a curb stomping anyway. You've brandished it don't even have to utter a verbal threat.

It's legal to carry and use a knife, but only for a plausible reason.

If you look like a greasy punk and claim it's for opening your mail in public in the middle of the night, that's an extra curb stomping. Especially if the cops are Quebecois. And they'll chastise you in french while they do it too.

>> No.1648501

Wow... Never going to Quebec. Wouldn't mind going to the rest of Canada, though.

>> No.1648503

The cost to execute a prisoner in the states is greater than the cost to keep him in prison.


>Death penalty case costs were counted through to execution (median cost $1.26 million). Non-death penalty case costs were counted through to the end of incarceration (median cost $740,000).

>> No.1648504

>Police should only be using violence as a means to subdue an individual if he resists arrest.

So basically every time.

>was otherwise completely agreeable with the police

If that ever happened I expect it would avert the curbstomp.
But it doesn't.

>> No.1648508

You are delusional.

>> No.1648510

>implying you aren't

>> No.1648519

Ok, so according to you, this scenario is possible where you live:

2 friends are hanging out at friend 1's house. He shows friend 2 this knife he has, and friend 2 agrees it's a pretty badass knife.

Later, the two friends have a falling out. Out of spite, friend 2 tells the police friend 1 threatened him and is able to accurately describe the knife. Friend 1 gets his jaw broken, his knife confiscated, and his ass thrown in jail due to the allegations of one guy.

That's seriously fucked up.

>> No.1648521

no because in brutal murder cases they go the super extra mile to actually convict SOMEBODY

and all that complicated machinery usually produces a "result" to test in court, even when it's quite uncertain

>> No.1648523

9/11 did not kill enough Americans. I hope & prey that USA gets hit again soon.

America is cancer, spreading on mother Earth.

>> No.1648530

And you're a shit-talking asshole. I don't care what country it is, I don't wish acts of terrorism on anyone. Not Mexico, not Iran, not Russia, not anybody. So. Fuck off, shitwit.

>> No.1648533


Praying to whom specifically? Just curious.

>> No.1648538

acts of terrorism are acts of freedom

that's why your constitution recognize your right to bear arms

>> No.1648553
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>open thread in hopes of knowing more about stem cells funding cuts
>find /k/ themed thread with /r9k/ mentality
>my face

>> No.1648557

One thing about 9/11 is......THE WORLD ERUPTED IN LULz



>> No.1648564

Terrorism involves acts of aggression against the unarmed, i.e., civilians aboard airliners and going to and from their place of work, i.e., roadside bombs.
A well-regulated militia means that if, for some bizarre reason, there is an invasion or a natural disaster and my country and neighbors need me, I can drop what I'm doing and protect them from harm. Which I can.
So fuck you.

>> No.1648569
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that is one of the most retarded sentences I've seen in a while in 4chan, and man, I've been on /b/ for a long time

>> No.1648570


Allah, there is only one God & Muhammad is his messenger.

>> No.1648578

so it looks like /sci/'s residential dipshits got told. glad we could help.

>> No.1648580

Ah, well your trolling is bland and uninspired. Would have been better if you were praying to some ancient Sumerian god or something.

>> No.1648592

>America is cancer, spreading on mother Earth.

It may be true looking from the outside but there's a nuance in everything, bro.
America is divided and there's an infighting going on...

>> No.1648598
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So the americunts will destroy themselves?!


>> No.1648608



if you said for almost 70+ years I'd agree with you, but before that it is all about Europe shitting over the rest of the world

shit I understand all the anti-american hate, but blaming those fat fuckers for every fuck ups is pretty much the most infantile things people and often entire governments can do

>> No.1648613

Primarily between those of us who actually like to keep our noses the fuck out of other people's business and those who like to charge off and get involved in bullshit brushfire wars on shitty pretenses.
And no, you can forget about "civil war". Not gonna happen.
And by the way, you do realize that the U.S. has finally gotten its total number of personnel in Iraq down to under 50,000, and what's left is pretty much just advisors and such, helping to train the Iraqis to take care of themselves, right?
And the plan is to have everybody out of Afghanistan by 2012.

>> No.1648619

the Banana Wars started much earlier


>> No.1648657

>the U.S. has finally gotten its total number of personnel in Iraq down to under 50,000

The defense department alone will employ 70,000 payed mercenaries now.
It's not a withdrawal, it's a privatization and brushing under the carpet of the whole war.

I mean, you need a dysfunctional media and a fucking stupid population to get away with this, but apparently it works.

>> No.1648674


nice thing I don't live near those central america shitholes
seriously if you are Japanese, European, Russian, Chinese and even Iranian and yet you call muriKKKans imperialist bastards, this you makes you outright an hypocrite if you are one of those people how really like take high moral ground based solely on nationality

I'm just talking it out this because I'm sick of amerifags and eurofags arguing with each other about bullshit. Damn I just wanted to see a damn stem cell thread on /sci/

>> No.1648684

I don't care about mercenaries. I care about Americans in flag draped steel coffins.
I have hated and been against the "war on terror" bullshit since it started.

>> No.1648688


>> No.1648690

these were not the only wars, America was involved in Japan too, but mostly locally

>central america shitholes

well it's hard to develop for a country when it gets bombed and occupied all the time and it always owes THEM something (everything)

>> No.1648701

...is that a camel toe?

>> No.1648703

>I don't care about mercenaries. I care about Americans in flag draped steel coffins.

That's the whole point, I guess. They count on people like you to keep it going:)

>> No.1648706


the more dead soldiers, the better

>> No.1648711

First off, once more- I campaign actively to not get involved in any conflict anywhere in the world. Fuck it. People can deal with their own shit and leave my country out of it. Enough already.

>> No.1648721

So why are Americunts so stupid.

typical americunt conversations:

"it looks like 5 FEET"

"how many MILES is 60 km"

"WITHOUT US france would be fucked"

"GOD is REAL" <<<oxymoron

"5 metres? HOW MUCH IS THAT"

"why do they spell BEHAVIOR and COLOR like behaviour and colour"

>> No.1648728

>"5 metres? HOW MUCH IS THAT"
>can't spell "meters"
>calling Americans dumb

>> No.1648729


>> No.1648734
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EXTREMELY mad europeans

>> No.1648736




>> No.1648740
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>> No.1648741




>> No.1648744

Yeah, and? I campaign against that shit too. As far as I'm concerned, the rest of the world (with the possible exception of Canada) can take care of themselves.

>> No.1648746

Americunt here
>"it looks like 5 FEET"
>"how many MILES is 60 km"
I hate the imperial system. I wish the U.S. would switch to metric.

>> No.1648754

It's what you're raised with. Ironically, because of my shooting hobby, I'm actually equally home with both systems.

>> No.1648760
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>> No.1648764

metric is fucking retarded.

>>derp let's make one measurement the size of my fingernail and the other half as tall as a man

but the idea behind it is alright

>> No.1648773



is why america has no metric system>>1648764

>> No.1648796
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c'mon, guys, don't go full retard now

at least troll on a decent subject

>> No.1648797

ever heard of a decimeter?

>> No.1648804

decimetre (American spelling: decimeter)

America 0

EU 1

>> No.1648813

>Video keeps skipping
Whats going on here

>> No.1648817


Congress mandated that the U.S. switch to the metric system back in ninteen-seventy-harblgarbl. The only thing that really ever caught on was the litre, unfortunately.

I myself think we should switch to the SI system. COMPLETELY SI, none of this using kilograms to weigh yourself bullshit.

>> No.1648826
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>> No.1648841

so how often do people use decimeters again?

>> No.1648850

Well, a liter is a cubic decimeter. So, a lot.

Also, lol at eurofags who think we don't use the SI system over here.

>> No.1648864

faggots don't know about my deciliters

> * dL is the symbol of the decilitre (or deciliter), an SI unit of measurement of capacity or volume (1 dL = 100 mL)

>> No.1648873

This doesn't even make sense. Even if I'd never heard of a deciliter before, I could easily conclude that the unit existed based on the fact that SI is all about putting prefixes on units to denote how large they are.

>> No.1648885

Ok, what about stem cells? :3

>> No.1648893

No one uses those. At all.

And the decimeter is used just as much.

>> No.1648998


there are also decagrams, nigga

>> No.1650325
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>> No.1650352

Derp derp, we in america think aborting is murder!!!11
But having deathsentance is ok, derp derp.

F-ucking YOU. Dumbshit redneck country.

>> No.1650363

Bullshit, they're used all the time in recipes.

>> No.1650414

crazy shit isn't it