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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 368x294, BlackHole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1645303 No.1645303 [Reply] [Original]

well you know how string and M theorists suggest that there are multiple dimensions we can't observe...

there might be an afterlife contained within one of these dimensions
i certainly don't mean a religious afterlife (thats fucking stupid)
but still, some form of afterlife

>> No.1645314

Stop implying we have souls or any other shit that can travel through extra dimensions.

>> No.1645328

Way to try and appease both Athiests and Thiests. Don't know if it'll work.

>> No.1645334

speculations on unprovable situations are cool
but it's more /phil/ or /rel/ stuff

>> No.1645335

Right... because stuff that doesn't sound sciency is stupid.

>> No.1645336

I find it hard to understand the idea of non-religious afterlife. Care to explain?

>> No.1645338

>there might be an afterlife contained within one of these dimensions
>there might

way to appeal to /sci/ bro.

>> No.1645339

i like variety

>> No.1645341

Here's how to appease everyone: God is real, and he loves you, and heaven is just a mega high for the last instant of your life, but it doesn't make a difference either way. There is no hell, but each individual must confront the wrongs they have done before going to heaven, e.g. Hitler would have to personally apologize to every person who's pain he's caused, every westerner has to apologize to the factory workers that make your stuff.

>> No.1645350

I'm still trying to think of a biological purpose for it.

>> No.1645347

We give those fuckers their jobs. They should be kissing our feet.

>> No.1645351

i hate you with all my fathomable energy

>> No.1645353

String theory is a model. It's like me giving you a chair that has no legs. I then say the seat and back rest will arrive later. Whatever I give you, would you still call it a chair?

We don't know what we're talking about. The state of physics today is like it was when we were mystified by radioactivity. They were missing something absolutely fundamental. We are missing something perhaps something as profound as they were back then.

>> No.1645354

They work incredibly long hours of hard work just to feed themselves so you can live a life of luxury. Wanna swap with one of them? How fucking grateful would you be?

>> No.1645362

I would rather fire you and hire a better chinese who is able to produce proper chairs.

>> No.1645365

fuck off this is /sci/
nobody here cares about human sypmathy
go back to /new/

>> No.1645368

Why? In my model, you apologize to a few thousand people then get an eternity of happiness.

>> No.1645374

If I tell the general population it is a chair and they have no previous knowledge of what a chair is then they will accept it. Fire the scientists for making a ridiculous model.

>> No.1645376

because your a fail troll

just for the sake of the story, how does hitler apologize to the jews?
and how do the people involved in the manhatten project apologize to the people who are still fucked up from the radiation

>> No.1645375

They're living in luxury compared to the shit life they'd have if they didn't have a job paid for by western consumption. They should bloody well be grateful. Of course I don't want to work in a factory. So what? I'm grateful for what I have as well.

>> No.1645382
File: 24 KB, 368x550, philosophy-practical-uses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this the imageboard to go to for philosophy on 4chan or what?

>> No.1645383

yeah but the general population wouldnt buy that shit! its pointless
whereas string theory 'is a usable chair'

>> No.1645389

Yes because you can so greatly sit on a chair with no legs.
Are you a philosophy major or something?

>> No.1645397

>there might be an afterlife contained within one of these dimensions

And there might be an invisible troll taking an invisible crap in your shoes.

>> No.1645401


>> No.1645408


e.g. part of the DNA can be compared with Operating System Installation CD
it contains code to build up programs which are capable to run the hardware
normally this hardware especially the hdd doesn't contain any pictures, movies or music files

the DNA of the parents contains only the very essential informations - only to function

one step towards the scientific afterlife is to compress memory data from the parents
and storage this information in the DNA.
the children would be aware of the past of their parents.

but that doesnt make you live on, only the memory will be transformed

>> No.1645415

No I am an engineer. My problem with string theory is that it comes in an infinite number of versions. Even if we strict ourselves to theories that agree with some basic observed facts about our universe, such as its cast size and the existence of dark energy, we are left with as many as 10^500 distinct string theories. Thus, no matter what the experiments show, string theory cannot be disproved. But the reverse holds true: no experiment will ever be able to prove it true.

The basic string theories they teach at Uni have been disproved.

>> No.1645423

all major theories have many many derivations in this day and age, information is spread so rapidly that other physicist form their own takes on the theory

and i quite highly doubt that there are 10^500 theories, after all thats quite a few more people we have on our majestic speck of blue dust

>> No.1645424
File: 9 KB, 363x500, john-locke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that doesnt make you live on, only the memory will be transformed

John Locke's afterlife!

>> No.1645425


> string theory cannot be disproved. But the reverse holds true: no experiment will ever be able to prove it true.

Well, in many ways QFT can't be falsified either. All these modern particle physics theories are so "robust" they that can almost always be reformulated to accommodate any new observations.

This is part of the reason we call them "models" now.

>> No.1645428

>no experiment will ever be able to prove it true

thats the stupidest thing ive read on /sci/ in a long time

>> No.1645431


>> No.1645647

Yo, dickweed, its called a hypothetical construct...we cannot measure or observe string theory AS OF YET. that is why it cant be proven true.

Think hard...think VERY hard OP. Once you die, your body soon decays, like....a fish...but as we are that we WILL die one day...we dont like this idea, it is a scary idea to die so we decide to try and form an 'afterlife' in which we can go on and basically live forever in many different after lifes.