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1643731 No.1643731 [Reply] [Original]


Search a subject that is relevant for you and describe how mangled it is here.

>> No.1643742

Relativity is a good read

>> No.1643755

The evolution article had me split between raging, laughing or crying.

>> No.1643760

complex numbers, elementary proofs

>> No.1643780

LOL, organic chemistry:

"Almost all chemical reactions involving living or natural matter fall under the realm of organic chemistry. "

"Organic chemistry started as a modern science in the 1700's when differences were noticed between reactions using components from living sources and those involving minerals. Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman noticed these differences and coined the terms organic and inorganic[1] Until 1816, scientists believed that there was some missing "vital force" only found in natural organisms which causes organic reactions to happen. This was disproved when chemist Michael Chevreul found that he could separate soap, which is created by adding a base to animal fat, into fatty acids and glycerin without the help of a "vital force". "

>> No.1643831

what the hell is this???

>> No.1643840

"More generally, and also unlike most of physics, the theories of relativity consist of complex mathematical equations relying on several hypotheses."

>> No.1643842

Stephen Colbert is to Bill O'reilly,
as Conservapedia is to Wikipedia.

>> No.1643845

> A liberal (also leftist) is someone who rejects logical and biblical standards, often for self-centered reasons.

>> No.1643848

>hasn't heard of conservapedia

Oh, boy, have fun. Also see: rationalpedia.

>> No.1643851


No, conservapedia is not a parody like Stephen Colbert is.

These people actually believe this shit.

Of course, it could get trolled, Poe's Law and all that. But the intent of the site is serious.

>> No.1643856
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Wait what?

I saw the founder come on Colbert's show... he's gotta be trolling.

>> No.1643866

Then again, there are also people who believe Stephen Colbert is actually conservative.

>> No.1643875
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>> No.1643882


Andy Schlafly. Son of legendary wackadoodle Phyllis Schlafly.

This is what an average conservative thinks like.


>> No.1643885

>Thus, the big bang is trotted out by atheist evolutionists to silence creationist opponents, even though the theory is based on little more than guesswork, speculation, and dubious assumptions.


>> No.1643888

>Schlafly has appeared on The Colbert Report to discuss his Conservative Bible Project, a project hosted on Conservapedia that aims to rewrite the English translation of the Bible in order to remove terms described as "liberal bias"

>implying this isn't a troll

>> No.1643892



>> No.1643895

>Schlafly has appeared on The Colbert Report to discuss his Conservative Bible Project, a project hosted on Conservapedia that aims to rewrite the English translation of the Bible in order to remove terms described as "liberal bias".[14]
>rewrite the English translation of the Bible in order to remove terms described as "liberal bias"


>> No.1643896

"For the first time, scientists have experimentally demonstrated that sound pulses can travel at velocities faster than the speed of light, c. William Robertson's team from Middle Tennessee State University also showed that the group velocity of sound waves can become infinite, and even negative. ..."

>> No.1643897
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>> No.1643900
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>> No.1643903

samefag here

>we measured the speed to be infinite
>implying its possible to measure something traveling at infinite speed
>negative speed
>implying that exists

>> No.1643904


>my face when

>> No.1643907

>Link to 'Christian Apologetics' page in text
>insert "(see: Christian Apologetics)" after said text

I decided right when I got there they must be trolling.

>> No.1643911


> created to replace the Unix operating system

I don't think I have suitable reaction image for this

>> No.1643910


>> No.1643920

The Ubuntu page is pretty lulzy too

>> No.1643937
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>> No.1643941
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>> No.1643948
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> The ConservaMath Medal is the merit-based alternative to the Fields Medal, with winners announced at the same time so that real achievement is recognized.
> Deserving recipients should have solved a real, longstanding problem, rather than solving an invented problem.

> a subject that is relevant for you
> describe how mangled it is
Like a Honda Civic that was hit head-on by a Mack truck, then got caught between two speeding buses, and finally a space shuttle crash-landed directly into it.

>> No.1643950

thats it? what the fuck?

what if you needed to do a report on some kind of subatomic particle? youd be screwed up the ass if you trusted the "trustworthy encyclopedia"

>> No.1643959


Just a few 'fun' ones.

>> No.1643962

Bitch, please. The group velocity of any wave packet can be higher than the speed of light, negative, or even null. Nothing wrong there.

>> No.1643964

>Since the beginning of modern science, scientists have worked under the assumption that their subjects of study have been controlled by consistent natural laws. There is good evidence that this assumption was based on the Christian view that the laws were created by a consistent creator Who didn't change those laws on a whim

>> No.1643971


>Christian homeschooling classes, in contrast, often begin with a classroom prayer and the students benefit enormously from it.

>> No.1643975

> goes to http://www.conservapedia.com/C
> clicks link to "C++"
> recursion!

Also, I notice they have updated one of the articles I used to enjoy. This is, sadly, a large step closer to reality than the previous version.
> The Unicorn is likely purely a mythical beast
> likely

> The word "unicorn" is included in the text of the King James translation of The Bible nine times
> a growing number of Creation researchers are theorizing that the unicorn was actually a member of the ceratopsian baramin
> mfw

>> No.1643977

>Numerous sources, including Steve Ballmer, one of the driving minds behind the success of Microsoft, have claimed that the Open Source movement is inherently Communist. Both Free Software and Communism shun the idea of personal property, instead favoring a communal ownership where no single entity has control or authority.
>As an example, in March of 2007 the server hosting the Conservapedia web site was running the Linux operating system

Conservapedia was briefly communist people!

>> No.1643982

Conservapedia's founder is actually an electrical engineer somehow, so the relevant articles are surprisingly ok.

>> No.1643986

let me direct your attention to where the 'random page' area is. Click 'debate topics'.

Some are funny trolls. A personal favorite is Wikipedia vs Conservepida. Hilarity ensues, especially his ironic choice of acronym for ConserviPedia.


>> No.1643987
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>> No.1644002


my favorites are the anecdotes towards the middle bottom.

>banned Bible study...during reccess

>> No.1644023

some stimulating 'arguments'

save to Notepad a read up later!






>> No.1644035 [DELETED] 


Oh god. The irony there is so deep it is in no way possible that this is not trolling.

>> No.1644044


Oh god. The irony there is so deep it isn't possible that they aren't trolling.

>> No.1644152


this is just sad

>> No.1644161

>>dinosaurs lived in harmony with other animals, eating only plants

>> No.1644179


>> No.1644180

do you realize how greatly you have to distort science in order to think that?

>> No.1644189

Encyclopediadramatica, Uncyclopedia, Rationalpedia, Conservapedia, Wikipedia: Which is worst?

>> No.1644199

That's just a gross denial of basic anatomy and zoology.

It's rather tame in comparison to other ignorance they exhibit.

>> No.1644204



>The idea of dangerous anthropogenic (man-made) global warming (AGW) is promoted by liberals and socialists seeking greater government control

Socialism Socialism Socialism Socialism Socialism Socialism Socialism Socialism

>Global warming skeptics charge that on most college campuses criticism of it is silenced or censored, and provide evidence of scientists skeptical of AGW being repressed.


>Climate Change As A Cult

>Mark Steyn


>> No.1644205

at this point its not even distortion, its flat out denial of science, and frankly, its disrespectful to the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who have dedicated their lives to actual scientific anthropological facts.

>> No.1644212


>The Climategate scandal revealed how liberal scientists appeared to be deceiving the public with the use of fraudulent data

Climategate Climategate Climategate Climategate

>Al Gore's Schlockumentary under fire; An Inconvenient Truth found to be an inconvenient lie

Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore

>Natural Climate Change on Other Planets



>> No.1644227

>A 2005 poll by the Louis Finkelstein Institute for Social and Religious Research found that 60% of American medical doctors reject Darwinism, stating that they do not believe humans evolved through natural processes alone.[7] Thirty-eight percent of the American medical doctors polled agreed with the statement that "Humans evolved naturally with no supernatural involvement." [8] The study also reported that 1/3 of all medical doctors favor the theory of intelligent design over evolution

131% I like the cut of their gib.

>> No.1644238

to be fair each % could be from a different part of the survey, but I think that is hoping too much.

>> No.1644251

>Many patients observed to be in a brain-damaged state like Terri's have surprisingly recovered, including several highly publicized cases shortly after Terri died from dehydration.[1][2] During this time, one of Terri's nurses states that Terri frequently spoke (saying "help me" and "Mommy") and recognized familiar people. Yet she was forced to die by dehydration over the objections of her parents, her brother and sister, her church, and millions of Americans.


>> No.1644257

haha oh wow.

>> No.1644256


>medical doctors

Why the fuck are they asking them?

>> No.1644264

>conservapedia's logo = american flag
>that's why people think americans are stupid

>> No.1644273

>8.Isaac Newton translated parts of the Bible, and considered this effort to be the source of his scientific insights, yet Wikipedia's 10,000-word entry completely omits this.

Okay, it's not funny anymore. Now, I'm mad.

>> No.1644280


Surprisingly reasonable.

>> No.1644282


>They think non-bias is liberal bias

>> No.1644283

>Artificial intelligence was most popular between the 60's and the 80's, when computers were still new and misunderstood. Notably the homosexual Alan Turing, who shortly thereafter committed suicide, was responsible for much of the fever of attempting to create intelligent computers, with his publication of the paper proposing the Turing Test. This fever quickly subsided, when it was proven, predictably, that AI was impossible.


>> No.1644291


I want to read more, but I just can't. I'm sorry. It's just too stupid.

>> No.1644293


>> No.1644294
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>>Nucleo Magnetic Resonance
>>In essence, the Copenhagen Interpretation requires a soul or something else to distinguish observers from inanimate matter.
>>This is a consequence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which (simply put) states, "particles move," in an apparently random manner
>>Entropy is undeniable and yet creates perhaps insurmountable difficulties for many modern theories of physics. For example, it renders time asymmetric, resulting in an arrow of time that is difficult to reconcile with the theory of relativity. Entropy casts doubt on whether physical laws or the speed of light are invariant and perpetual.

but in general, the Conservapediatards don't give chemfags as much to rage about as bio or physics, so my all-time favorite is still this thread, where they all get into a circle-rage-jerk about whether saying that beauty is subjective makes you a liberal atheist:
>> On beauty, the subject was God's creation and Philip was adamant that its beauty (specifically autumn foliage) is in the eye's the beholder. It isn't; it's objectively beautiful, and it is a liberal/atheistic position to deny it.

>> No.1644325


Oh mah gawddd. Wait, he doesn't exist.

>> No.1644346


That actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

>> No.1644353

I am starting to think most Conservapedia writers are actually trolls posting as religious conservatives so they can show the world how retarded conservatives are.

>> No.1644369

I think a few of them that passed through the screen of detection are. The others, most likely not.

>> No.1644373
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>> No.1644412

No, that's Encyclopedia Dramatica. Main difference between Conservapedia and ED? Conservapedia isn't joking.

>> No.1644417

it's a common theory that is probably at least partly true, Poe's law and all

>> No.1644418
File: 8 KB, 269x200, 1233471103335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andy Schlafly on Colbert Report

>> No.1644434

this is why the dont believe in the big bang

>The problem is this: even assuming the big bang timescale, there has not been enough time for light to travel between widely separated regions of space. So, how can the different regions of the current [cosmic microwave background] CMB have such precisely uniform temperatures if they have never communicated with each other? This is a light-travel–time problem

>> No.1644442

i searched niggers and found a page on the civil war heres the entire section on slavery


is conservapedia open to editing like wikipedia cause i think an anon might have posted this

>> No.1644458

You probably shouldn't have mentioned that, those conservifaggots trawl internet forums looking for evidence that they've been defaced. Particularly in SomethingAwful.

>> No.1644459

>Warmer temperatures would also mean less energy use to heat homes and buildings, helping to conserve energy.
Hurpadurr but it wouldn't mean more energy used to air condition them!!

>> No.1644474

Dungeons & Dragons is nothing more or less than a formalized game of pretend, similar to imaginary adventures that children everywhere play. Although D&D has a fantasy theme and many rules for resolving actions, Dungeons & Dragons is at its core a game of pretend like "cops and robbers" or "cowboys and Indians".

What the fuck, man. I guess thats true, but they make it sound so degrading.

As a related side note, my dice app for iphone was finally approved today. You can check it out if you have itunes, its called Poly Dice.

>> No.1644475

>>This is a consequence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which (simply put) states, "particles move," in an apparently random manner

>> No.1644514


I guess having an uncertainty principle leads to massive holes in your god idea.

>> No.1644530
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>Nuclear energy
>Nuclear fusion, on the other hand, is based on putting atoms together, as opposed to breaking them apart in fission, heavier atoms often require less bonding energy than the combined original binding energies of the fusing lighter atoms.

>> No.1645115


i don't know too much but giving this a skim read is surprisingly not too bad. it's short like an elementary school report though.


already posted i know, but
>Creation scientists such as physicists Dr. Russell Humphreys and Dr. John Hartnett have used relativistic time dilation to explain how the earth can be only 6,000 years old even though cosmological data (background radiation, supernovae, etc.) set a much older age for the universe.

also lol to this being filed under "theory of relativity":


>> No.1645166
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>I won't copy and paste laughable stuff from Conservapedia because I would have to copy the whole "encyclopedia"

>> No.1645172
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Someone probably misread "aesthetic" as "athiestic," and the rest, as they say, is history. Just like relativity/relativism.

> Dragons are creatures frequently mentioned in a wide variety of text including folklore, myths, and the Bible. They share many characteristics with dinosaurs and are thought to be the same creatures. It is sometimes claimed that discussions of dragons are loosely based on creatures such as snakes (especially in European folklore), alligators, and crocodiles. However, this does not make sense, because snakes do not have legs like dragons, nor do they grow nearly as large as dragons.
Pic related.
> Saint George, Saint Mercurialis, first bishop of the city of Forlì, Saint Julian of Le Mans, Saint Veran, Saint Crescentinus, Saint Margaret of Antioch, Saint Martha, and Saint Leonard of Noblac are a few of the people who encountered dragons/dinosaurs of some type. Most of the saints associated with dragons were dragon slayers.
> thereisnopictureadequateforthisstatement.jpg

>> No.1645199

>About 60% of Americans accept the account of the Great Flood in the Bible.[176] But enter "Great Flood" into Wikipedia and it automatically converts that to an entry entitled "Deluge (mythology)." That entry then uses "myth" or "mythology" nearly 70 times in its description.[177] Its entry on "Noah's Ark" is just as biased.[178]

They're right, now I'm convinced that Wikipedia is just liberal propaganda.

>> No.1645246
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>> No.1645277
File: 22 KB, 280x390, russel-crowe.0.0.0x0.280x390..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game theory was developed in 1944, by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, and was popularised in the 2001 film A Beautiful Mind, staring Russell Crowe as mathematician John Forbes Nash.
>and was popularized in the 2001 film A Beautiful Mind, starring Russell Crowe as mathematician John Forbes Nash
>Russel Crowe