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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 790 KB, 791x631, calculators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1642810 No.1642810 [Reply] [Original]

So I got my TI-89 in the mail a few days ago and just started messing around with it today.

I didn't even know calculators this powerful existed, and it's not even the newer titanium TI-89 or one of those HP50g's. I got this calculator because I really wanted to make sure I started off college with a good grade in math, but now I'm worried that this might make me lazy and overly reliant on technology. What did /sci/ use for their math classes in college

>> No.1642818


shit sucks man

>> No.1642829

I had an 83, but bought an 89 Titanium after 2 years. 83 can't do matrix math with imaginary numbers, makes electrical engineering a bit hard.

>> No.1642846

TI-84 destroyed my math classes when I was in the High-School. Instead of paying attention I was always programming some shit. I made a tic-tac-toe game, snake, space invaders - but it was too heavy :\ -, pong. The last two projects were a Rogue like game and a decent text editor VIM like, but I never finished the last ones.

>> No.1642921


>> No.1642949

use a slide rule. best shit ever. no batteries, weighs less, and draws attention!!!

>> No.1642952

I'm using the Titanium.

Anyone know how to do a complex graph? I type some simple shit into the [Y=] window, like 3e^(iX), and it just sits there and stares back at me. It makes a couple of dots but doesn't seem to grasp the idea of a complex number. I've tried adjusting my window parameters, including changing real -> complex, and it doesn't change anything. Am I going to have to program that in?

>> No.1642958

too bad you're not allowed calculators on test past pre-calculus.

>> No.1642970

I used pen and paper. Maths is about knowing your shit. You won't be able to do shit with your calculator.

>> No.1642973

That's just for math though. You're allowed calculator in other classes during tests, like Circuits.

>> No.1642987

my college does not allow usage of calculators on the math classes i'm required to take. on tests at least. can't really stop you on homework though.

>> No.1642996

So, question. I have a TI-89 Titanium, and I had a very difficult time trying to remove the cover (had a black student do it for me). Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.1643003
File: 29 KB, 489x363, bwa ha ha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people brag about spending $150 on something with the computing power and graphics capability of an Apple IIE when they could've used the same money to buy a cheap laptop and install a pirated copy of Mathematica.

>> No.1643011

In college, I went through a couple of scientific calculators(ones that can't do graphing).

I mostly used GNU Octave at home & MATLAB at school for my serious math needs.

>> No.1643013

Fucking yes. That shit is welded on.

Try to pull that on the SAT, or any regulated test at all, and see where it gets you.

>> No.1643017

Are you trolling or just retarded?? The people must know.

>> No.1643018

I don't know if we're allowed to use calculators like that for exams, so I just have a casio natural display. It's simple and easy to use

Going into calc 3 next semester for mechanical engineering, seriously doubt we'd be allowed to use it for that.

>> No.1643024
File: 11 KB, 211x212, lolazn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>$150 on a calculator
>he buys things new

>> No.1643028
File: 20 KB, 262x345, nigga please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bragging about the $150 calculator you got for your calculus class is like bragging about the $150 textbook you bought for your calculus class. neither one is worth the money, and neither one will be worth anything to you outside of school.

>> No.1643029

Lol, indeed. Second time the cover was on, the professor saw me struggling with it and removed it for me. I just leave it coverless now.

>> No.1643034

>Too stupid to take the cover off their calculuator.

Oh yeah, you'll do fine in calculus.

>> No.1643045

You won't need more than a simple calculator anyway. You're supposed to understand maths, not just punch it into some little computer. I spent €100,- on a used voyage 200... it helped a little in learning maths but I mainly use it for simple calculations and solving some equations every now and then.

>> No.1643056

Graphing calculators have built-in text editors (for cheaper TI's, use the program editor), so EVERY test is an open-note test.

>> No.1643071

Yeah, I do fine in calc, but I don't have much physical strength and was afraid of breaking the damn thing.

>> No.1643084

If your college isn't full of shit, you'll be allowed to bring in everything you like to your tests (except for internet capable devices). You still have to know your shit to be able to use all that though.

>> No.1643105

Wolfram alpha. Also learn to use Mathematica and matlab and at least something else.
No serious math is done WITHOUT a computer. As long as you know what the hell you're supposed to be doing, a calculator will always be useful.

>> No.1643113

uh, i think you messed that up. if your college is full of shit you'll be allowed to bring in everything you like to your tests. otherwise wtf is the point of testing? to see how fast you can look things up and have computers do all your work for you ? college is supposed to teach you things, you know, data retention and the ability to execute an algorithmic process without having to rely on a book. tests are supposed to gauge that retention.

>> No.1643125

I think it's either/or/both. What you said is right, but at the same time, if you have learned a lot since your last test, you need to properly setup the problems (90% of the problem) and then just have something else crunch the numbers. It depends what kind of class you're doing.

>> No.1643129

yeah, generally a balance is the best way. such as them giving you a list of equations you are not responsible for remembering and that they will provide you on the tests. or providing you with constants for equations. but giving students free reign to bring in whatever they want is a bit excessive.

>> No.1643151
File: 957 KB, 1396x940, 1282586416004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get to use a calculator for my calculus classes.

>> No.1643158

Matlab & maple, do you know it, bitch?

>> No.1643174

I've have a Ti89, and 83. Through calc 1-3 I was only allowed to use my 83. But now that I've started my engineering classes my prof pretty much allow you to use whatever you want because they figure you already know the basics.

You should use the 89 whenever you can but its probably better to learn basic calc without such a powerful calculator.

>> No.1643177

What I meant was that they hand out tests that demand a great deal of knowledge on the subject. If you know jack shit about the subject, you won't be able to do shit with all the books you took with to the test.

Crap, I'm fucking tired and don't know how to convey my thoughts in English (not my native language).

A lot of colleges simply test your ability to learn phrases by heart, not testing your actual knowledge on the subject.

In real life you will be using books a lot ( at least as a mechanical engineer ). Those books are worthless without being educated on the subject though.

>> No.1643543

Re-post: can anyone use the TI-89 out of the package to make a complex graph, or do you have to program it to do that?

>> No.1643562

I did through sophomore year with an 83. Didn't even know an 89 existed, till someone introduced me too it over the summer before Junior year.

Let's just say that when everyone else was getting the department laptops to do mathcad calculations in quantum physics, I just whipped out the Ti-89. Shit was so cash.

>> No.1643573

An abacus.

>> No.1643602

hate to break it to ya bub but a powerful calculator is more likely to lower your math mark instead of helping it because you have to prove that you know things anf not have a machine to do it for you

the only practical use for anything higher than a ti-83 is for classes like physics and chemistry where you have to apply math concepts but not explain them

>> No.1643605


Right, because I really want to lug a laptop around with me all day. Obviously laptops are allowed on exams, and I can just whip them out at anytime for a quick calculation.

Do you know how long it would take to get out a $150 laptop (if they even exist), boot it, load matlab, and do the calculation? I could be 2 or 3 Calc 2 level intergral problems by that time by hand, and probably 25 or so with a TI-89.

>> No.1643635


Oldfag is reeeaaaally old.

>> No.1643655

I use a TI-89 titanium, but you're not allowed to use calculators on any of the tests. However, I use it to double check all my work, and it's a great tool for that. Especially since it can check your derivatives and integrals just in case.