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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 226 KB, 800x1131, 2008-03-17-seven-deadly-sins-of-religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1640274 No.1640274 [Reply] [Original]

does any one known if there is a correlation age and belief in evolution?

a graph would be nice one way or the other

>> No.1640281

You mean to ask if the creationists are about to quiet literally die out?

Then no, no they aren't. Sadly...

>> No.1640285


>> No.1640545

OP that picture is such bullshit, fuck you

>> No.1640602
File: 111 KB, 329x500, evolution-graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's certainly a correlation between nationality and belief in evolution.

Pic totally related.

>> No.1640608

I'd imagine that creationism is more frequent among younger (<40) people. Creationism in its present form is pretty modern.

>> No.1640626


That co founder has grey hair.

>> No.1640630

there is a correlation between education level and knowledge of evolution.

you know, if fucking high school actually teach biology and physics, shit might improve.

>> No.1640641
File: 842 B, 126x87, 42 KB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw the Christian Right makes the US look bad...

>> No.1640653

Should be happy instead. When it's just one group of people, their removal from the equation is easier.

>> No.1640655
File: 43 KB, 475x354, 1282466435751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when liberals run the US straight to the ground

>> No.1640657
File: 78 KB, 450x334, bender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find creationism highly illogical. No matter what I do I cannot understand why creationism even exists and why people do keep believing it, generation after generation?

>> No.1640662



>> No.1640668

Yes, it is a puzzling concern to logical thinking that such illogic should succeed in disengaging science from its objective view with fallacy. More research into this befuddling system must be known.

>> No.1640680

It's just taking the toxic meme of religion to it's logical conclusion of total retardedness.

Also, you yourself said it:
>from generation to generation
it's society-sanctioned brainwashing of children and feeble-minded people when they are defenseless against it

The self-propagation is why religion is so dangerous a meme. It leaves almost no chance for the next generation to avoid it.

Fortunately it is still losing ground, slowly but steadily.

>> No.1640683

>implying science has an objective view

>> No.1640687

The logical thinking that dispels fallacy must correspond to objective science above fallacy of Cristian creationism Design for it to be logical and science.

>> No.1640690

cdk007 for the win!

>> No.1640708

science is thinking with rigor, not objectivity. Thinking with objectivity is impossible. Rigor serves as an alternative to objectivity.

>> No.1640715

That is a robust alternative to logical fallacy which cristian Creation creates with design to be a fallacy to science which is logical. groups arrangement is logical and independent of fallacy. Hence, math.

>> No.1640734

The world values survey has some pretty interesting information. For example, atheism increases with educational level. You can also show results against all sorts of other criteria, such as age, sex, country, etc


>> No.1640845

Best Anti-Evolutionist ever.

And by best, I mean worst.


>> No.1641215

> I cannot understand why creationism even exists and why people do keep believing it
They don't believe it; they're just trolling.

Creationism is a totem: something which testifies to the power of the tribe. The more numerous your tribe, the crazier the shit you can say without anyone trying to slap sense into you or having you detained for psychiatric treatment.