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16373293 No.16373293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats the cause of the big increase in mortality in Canada?

>> No.16373298

rapidly increasing levels of poo in the water supply

>> No.16373299

It's a mystery.

>> No.16373575


oh and the vaccine doesnt work.

>> No.16373584

Ever rising microplastic concentration, rising obesity, housing crisis, higher crime rates, general economic struggle, increased hopelessness leading to more deaths of despair, etc

>> No.16373590
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>> No.16373596

vaccine hesitancy. force boosters on people. i hate science deniers.

>> No.16374110

if only they released data on mortality rates for both the vaxxed and unvaxxed, then we could be more certain if its the vaxx or not.

But they dont, at least not in most provinces. They were very reluctant to release such info during those years.

>> No.16374168

Even then it would only be useful data for some definitions of "unvaxxed" and those aren't the definitions they use.

>> No.16374175

oh sure, they were playing pretty tricksey with those definitions.

>> No.16374781
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>> No.16375385
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Probably cholera

>> No.16375426

maybe it's covid

>> No.16375452

Are these deaths occurring near train tracks by any chance?

>> No.16375466

Maybe a big deadly pandemic...?

>> No.16376874

i see what you did there

only if you were over 65 and weak

>> No.16377318

but a lot of people were distrustful of the powers that be and knew better than to get the shot and cheated the system to get on the list of those who have received it but they actually haven't (and some even knew better/received the call and went and got the "kosher" version of the vaxx) and these people are going to skew your data into making the shots appear less harmful less deadly than they actually are

>> No.16378430

you're right but i wonder how many people did that and if it would make much difference.
> the "kosher" version of the vaxx
what do you mean?

Also, theres the fact that here in Canada they started out giving the viral vector shots, but quickly stopped (quietly i might add) because there were a lot of very bad reactions with that kind. i bet those have somehow become excluded from the data, perhaps via the 'vaccinated' status timing out after so many months or something

>> No.16379521

its funny because its true

>> No.16380861

>uh oh, increased mortality
>better start importing more immigrants

>> No.16380949
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>> No.16380974
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When did that happen? Did I miss something?
Or are you talking about Covid, where the death toll was hyper-inflated due to an unprecedented way of counting deaths that's completely antithetical to how any illness fatalities have been tracked throughout history and which still ended up with a 99.98% survival rate for most - even higher for children.

It's really shocking how little people pay attention to the world around them and instead wait to be told what's happening through a screen.
It's like social responsibility intrudes on their hedonistic pursuits and entertainment so they don't bother.

>> No.16382598

based ben