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16368813 No.16368813 [Reply] [Original]

Why is math taught today not like it was taught duringh the greek and renaissance periods?

Reading the divine proportions of Pacioli, and It's literally better than any school teacher I had.


>> No.16368816

school is just about mind control, not manufacturing intelligence

>> No.16368821

If you can't succeed even in spite of poor education standards then you should barely be learning things like math beyond the most basic arithmetic anyways. You're too dumb for true education in that case.

>> No.16368822

what books should I read that are before the 18 century then.

>> No.16368835

And wasting your entire developmemtal stage so youll be an inept adult with no ability or comprehension.

>> No.16368839


>> No.16368850

What about Pacioli's writing did you enjoy so much?

>> No.16368856

It's less dry than modern math books and more about marveling about nature in a mystical magical way.

>> No.16368861
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>what books should I read
All of them.

Youre asking direction when All should be The Way. Its not that you will read all books, but the act of creating artificial or abritrary limits before even beginning is a sign of insitutionalization. A university graduate that never gets hired...because tbey spent 20 years as a student, now thats all they know how to be.


I dont read these word-for-word, their writting can often be super repetative, circular and easily reducible to a little shitposts, but the concepts, and viewpoint, for me are the key. Evolving my thinking along discovery or advancement and not an infinite list of random factoids.

>> No.16368863

Yeah, but there should be an introductory essential list.

>> No.16368866

Did you read it in the original Latin with the hand painted illuminations of da Vinci? Or was the feeling of magic strictly narrative.

>> No.16368867

>Euclid's Elements
>56% read
Only fellow /pol/troons will get why this percentage is funny

>> No.16368869

No, the translation so far.

Maybe I should see if da vinci illustrations are on this translation.

>> No.16368879
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Its related to the moon cycles and Evolutionary Biology/Organic Eugenics...we both used /pol/ for Statistical Analysis & Sociology...but one of us became a product of Intel & Ad agencies.

[taps head]
...you should know whats youre consuming here...or being "FED".

>> No.16368888
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reading that the dodecahedron is related to the living beings realm, while the cube figures are related to the not living matter.

And that geometrically you can derive the cube realm from the dodecahedron, but you can't do the inverse without already rellying on the dodecahedron for intermiedate steps.

Is this evidence that living matter can't be born from not living matter?

>> No.16368892

It's more about what gave you the magic feeling.

Then ignoring the illuminations, you should go well past the 1600s cut off date and read the prefaces, preambles, and prologues of anything published before the first World War. Even in early 20th century books like e.g. Hardy's Infinitarcalcul you will find such spirited gems as "his work would beyond doubt have attracted much more attention had it not been for the somewhat repugnant garb in which he was unfortunately wont to clothe his most valuable ideas."

>> No.16368897

I think is because such works deal with the metaphysical aspects of reality, and makes questions that goes deep to our understanding of reality.

>> No.16368912

Have you read Hofstadter? And if so, did the somewhat repugnant garb in which he was unfortunately wont to clothe his most valuable ideas undercut the enjoyment of how he treated metaphysical aspects of reality?

>> No.16368914

No, I started to read sacred geometry because I wanted to dig deeper in my understanding of drawing.

>> No.16368930
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Im more of a Octahedron, Cube and Sphere guy, Im supposed to know Dodecahedron (or Icosahedron) better but I multi-classed into other things. I know its related to Magnetic fields and Phi (Phive/Five), which is very "Life". Upping Dimensions from 5, to Pentagon, to Dodecahedron, to Torus.

Cube I knew as related to "material" realm as well but from a more "sin" perspective.

>> No.16368933
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Is this knowledge lost, or simply is something not taught to the plebs?

>> No.16368934
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Inverting a Cube gets you three Octahedrons.

Three blues from one brown.

>> No.16368937
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Cult of passion, How valid is to think that water under the influences of frequencies and the platonic solids, can morph into healing water and cure disseases?

I tried to put a healing sacred frequency to a bottle of water, and I noticed it changed the taste towards oxidated water (dunno the english name).

>> No.16368956
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>under the influences of [...] the platonic solids
u fukin wot m8?

>Bill: Pai Mei taught you the five point palm-exploding heart technique?
>The Bride: Of course he did.
You will never not be under their influence.

Placebo most likely but thats fine if its not toxic by something else. Temple often have a "cleansing room", usually though (in the West), its not so much to actually remove dirt from you but to change your internal thoughts and feelings (internal ElectroMagnetic frequencies) into a/the altered state.

Like going from "work perspective" to "at home playing with kids perspective". A moment to "enter a difference stance". Something I should do more often as a general health benefit.

Im not a Chemist though, so without lab work I couldnt say for sure.

>> No.16368962
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are you aware of the theory of the biomorphogenic fields theory?

>> No.16368978
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Literally one of the main focal points.


And its manipulations in not only Morphological space but BioPhysics, where it gets its instructions. Its overlap with Genomics and Evironmental Biology.

>*lethal* head wound heals
And it's Cognitive and Regererative properties.

How a bee-fly was made to look like a bee.

Know about it? I inveted it on my own and made it irrefutable. People like Michael Levin are literally doing God's work (because I dont operate at the lab level, let alone stay in one place long enough if I did...)

>> No.16368981
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so basically the morphogenetic fields are just a lower version of the physical fields that govern the entire universe.

Folling the circle principle, or how the ancients used to say:

As it is on the heavens, is it on the earth.

>> No.16368982
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This means that human mind is just a microcosmic fractal imitation of the entire universe mind, which is God.

What the fuck.


>> No.16368987
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Yeah, literally.

Thats why each bee-fly didnt evolve to look like a different insect. It started out as one fly (pilot wave of New Wave) then the rest followed suit. For huemans, a single one "makes a choice or whatever" and then that cascades down unto the rest. There are of course levels, each man's home is his castle, so its not like people dont have some say in all of this.

The hope is "good" but thats not always the case, or needed...some forests need an occational fire or else everything dies off.

>free will
If you want to lead the wave, you can....but Nature itself will fight you every step of the way, only the True shall pass through that Gate.

>Side note, I can literally feel Magnetic field manipulations on me when I travel and the different frequencies of nations. Some are quite hostile...especially if I made top-down changes to their land (or if I refuse to).

>> No.16368989
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>True shall pass through that Gate
you mean the door of alice?

>> No.16368992

>Michael Levin

Fascinating. I didn’t expect to see him mentioned on /sci/ for a while. Great guy. I know someone at my institution who’s collaborated with him (they focus on reptilian morphogenesis) and sometimes their talks make me wish I went for biophysics instead of solid-state.

>> No.16368996
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Just listed to him talk for the first time, very suprised how accurate his descriptions are. He went from "probably some CIA grifter" to "Damn...my research concurs with almost of it!" He keeps it "Science-able, knowable in reality" which I always tried to as well. He has enough STEM know-how to keep it there.

The "UFO/Alien" thing is a way of describing things. Steven M. Greer doesnt have the STEM background so he cant and is the "interpretive" side of this. Hence why he posts fuzzy pictures of aliens.

There isnt really something to "take a photo of" because its largely "an experience". And if one did it would look arbitrary or meaningless.


He sums it up with "If you subscribe to a religion then take it more seriously." because its not an "object" but more so a "Path of the Soul".

>> No.16369003

are those being simply on superior states of existance?

I mean, assuming, we're just more elevated versions of animals, which are higher beings than the plant kindgom.

Is logical to assume there are beings higher on the fractal.

>> No.16369004
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Lol, Material Sciences is the one Im like "Man...that grass be green as fuck..."

>> No.16369007

Mmm, I think its more so being aware of your own intuition, not confusing propaganda for instincts. Or in otherwords, being told something contradictory to your soul's signal and choosing the contradictory signal.

>Mark of the Beast
A test...those that confused collective pressures for what they knew to be true. People that let the collective "do the thinking for them" are turning off their Cognitive signals and a lifetime of that means it basically atrophies (dies).

>See but see not, hear but hear not.
They offload thinking (energy use) to others out of laziness, but that "free ride" has a cost....a deep one.

Going it alone is harder...but its also free and true. You suffer more...but I experience a deeper life, longer life, better life, for it. My food tastes better. My days are so long I forget the year. I forget what continent I am on at least once a year.

Beong a part of the Collective Hivemind means you dont suffer consequences (because you Cognitively cannot connect the dots, therefore they cannot see their action of X caused suffering of Y, thus its called "Chaos". Not even attempting to orient with Order because it would mean seeing their own failings at the same time.

>> No.16369010

so basically you reached gnosis, sophia.

Not sure why, but I like to pretend I've reached sophia in an unconventional way.

To me it feels like a waterfall of silk light on my head.
A showering of light.

>> No.16369031
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But through the Heart *first and foremost*. Data and knowledge alone can lead to false certainty, or an inability to accept not eveything operates on the logic of mind or facts.

Richard Dawkins is an example of "rational brain without a heart". His "friend" Ayaan Hersi said Christianity "SAVED HER LIFE" and his response (Without Hesitation!!!!) was "Theological Bullshit!"...or in otherwords; "It saved you but I would kill it anyway."

He couldnt accept something "Unknowable or Illogical" so he opted to kill it...not all things are "Understandable or Logical".

I may be someone that *can* make it knowable, but Im super-brain, its my Job to. A crying baby doesnt care that you have a PhD in Early Childhood Development.

>> No.16369035

so, the land of the void is the land that lies beyond human logic.

For as is it, that beauty is also a core aspect of God, and beauty is the Venusian aspect of our mind.

And we can't explain that side using Mars.

Venus and Mars, you know.

>> No.16369038
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>through the Heart
Feeling certain is something we all seek but few find, so we religate it to "the experts". When something arrises that callenges that certainty its ego that rejects it so it can *feel* certain. Dawkins *needs* to feel certain, otherwise he would inversely see he has harmed throughout his life and that would feel very bad, so its pushed down and ignored (atrophies Cognition).

Those three books are "the experts" of his day.

>> No.16369052
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>And we can't explain that side using Mars.
And its a double edge sword. Everyone has desires or deeds they know "arent the best" but they did so out of, heh, passions, and logic and passion *can* coincide but largely dont, and thats normal.

The two combined, beauty in Maths and reverse engineering what "Phi" looks like as a human experience in its infinite ways of being expressed. They are one in the same but from such polar opposite sides they look seperated.

Getting one down is a feat, both is a miracle. Just being able to accept not all of you is the you you want yourself to be helps, humility. And trying to be "master of everything you are" is also perverse, as its that "rational qualia" overriding subtle signals in your soul.

This balance of letting go but steering the ship, people usually go all one or the other (because then they dont have to use energy paying attention to when they need to change, and accepting fault when it goes awry).

>> No.16369059

I do feel my interest lies more in the arts.

I started my journey in the arts, and eventually reached the sacred geometry thing.

Hopefully you can see this thread, which I made as a joke now.

