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16361938 No.16361938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If, according to evolutionary psychology, women desire men with status and resources, then why are Asian men the least attractive race of men in America even though they have the highest salaries and education?

>> No.16361942

Is this a /pol/, /r9k/, /b/ or /int/ thread? Whatever it is it doesn't belong here.

>> No.16362028

What does evolutionary psychology say about societies that have morphed into gigantic, open-air, insane asylums?

>> No.16362516

>they have the highest salaries and education
On the average perhaps. However an average asian man does not have substantial status nor resources. Someone with slightly above average wealth is not wealthy. Also physical attractivity is a thing, and asians tend to have less of that.

Sort of like asking: "if men like big tits, then why aren't fat women seen as attractive, as they have bigger tits on the average"