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File: 535 KB, 1707x2560, b33nnKl1GSFbao4l3fZDDqsMx0F-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16361830 No.16361830 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to have acid blood? Does acid blood always win against guns?

>> No.16361832


>> No.16361836

This picture is a Chrysalis, it's science.

>> No.16361838

The only way for me to do is either wait lots of time in this simulation or work out this Chrysalis.

There's many layers.

>> No.16361850

The alien spider counts as a line that you do a certain action (not pull or push but a special thing like that) to do.

Count alien spider and person
Count person as overarching cube of situation
Count both to level it out

= Do

>> No.16361858

And then I had to go even further to find out whether it's a matter of questions, left right brain, etc. Which I think it's not. I should be able to do as soon as I've finished this study?

>> No.16361864

carbon dioxide makes your blood acidic

>> No.16361871
File: 78 KB, 758x566, sweat-acid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hipposudoric acid is a red pigment found in the skin secretions of the hippopotamus; although the secretions are often known as "blood sweat" (thus the name "hipposudoric", referring to "hippo sweat"), they are neither blood nor sweat.
so the answer is, i don't know

>> No.16361881

I would say it always wins against guns because it is a whole biosphere related thing whereas guns are only a fragment. The other blood type may use guns but would need to be like predator, using the right tech such as traps making these two big rivals.

>> No.16361884

I've reached the mode where the jacket makes sense.

It's seemingly to do with throughs and other but I'm not sure after writing this. I hope it is done by the end of the day.

>> No.16361890

The way we talk being at the forefront of some measure.

>> No.16363200

>Does acid blood always win against guns?
only if you wear micro thong underwear like sigrouney weaver did at the end of the first Alien movie. On another serious note, watch vids of the creatures at the bottom of the deep ocean depths - its literally alien war for survival.

>> No.16363284

On Cotton candy world I have corrosive blood