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16361557 No.16361557 [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn’t want to instil and logical reasoning now would we? we’re all just rats in a cage after all, push the button get the infusion..

>> No.16361727

How does this work?

>> No.16362010
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Positive reinforcement is what Satan uses on me to trick me into sinning. If doing good paid silver coins then Judas would do it before you could.

What is good?

>> No.16362039

love how dog owners will feed their dog a treat to distract it when it goes after you; reinforcing that running after or in front of people will get treats
kill low IQ dog owners when?

>> No.16362157

As brain in a jar:
Trust me, it's painful when they don't change your water.

>> No.16364175

rewarding good behaviour is hard, it's easier to beat up autistic childrens

>> No.16365871

Does it have some effect beyond you venting out on weaker?

>> No.16367199

>we’re all just rats in a cage
Given all my rage I find this highly unlikely

>> No.16367324

works with mindless objects too

positive vs negative feedback

>> No.16369545

i'm not sure