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File: 320 KB, 1079x775, Women teachers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16279044 No.16279044 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know that boys get worse grades because female teachers give them worse grades because they are boys and girls get higher grades because they are girls? That means that the reason why there is less male enrollment, it's because women give them worse grades and education in general because of their gender based bias.
We are truly in dark ages for science. And it will get worse over time

>> No.16279049

these things do not intrinsically lead to the other there are mulitfaceted factors involved.
the largest likely being boys entering puberty much later than girls

>> No.16279076

>Teachers give better grades to girls
>Teachers literally lower grades of boys for the same performance
What should puberty do about it? These factors should not be related

>> No.16279253

don't send your kids to a co-ed school

>> No.16279273

Nothing to do with puberty. The feminist teachers start giving girls higher marks at ages 5 and up, shaping the perception early that girls are more intelligent, which is patently false.

>> No.16279275

School grades are often complete bullshit for things that don't have clear answers. There is always bias and often the teachers / profs don't even realize it. I'm sure many lives have been sidetracked b/c a teacher just didn't like a kid one year and fucked them over killing their confidence in their ability to succeed.
In AP Euro history in HS, the teacher (the football coach) let students grade each others quizzes and exams.
In freshman uni Phys 2 I was partnered with this really cute chick (rare to have women in the engineering building). I got a 7x on my write up and the prof even itemized what I was missing. I casually asked to see my partner's write-up, she got a 9x and was missing literally every single thing I got points off for.
I've never been mad about it, I just see it as part of life, but there is a lot of chaotic bias making "grading systems" kinda bullshit.

>> No.16279380

No faggots I mean that boys entering puberty later and the associated neural maturation affects their ability to succeed as well as the girls do leading to much of the outcompeting for university places.

>> No.16279403

Is what it is man. Teaching below the university level is a female dominated job (people naturally give better assessments to those closer to them, in group biases and all that) and most subjects at that level are essentially a brownnosing contest, which is something which women tend to naturally succeed at relative to men. If possible, push your boys towards the most quantitative things possible as those subjects tend to be more grounded in there being a "right" answer/ I would also recommend that you pick male teachers for your boys if possible.

>> No.16279433

Schools were created to make good obedient factory workers in the Industrial Revolution.

>> No.16279478

>female teachers give them worse grades because they are boys
shit, I'm male and if I taught that's what I'd probably end up doing because I remember well when I was in school: the worse students were the boys, because we were all punks and didn't give a shit about grades. But the girls did.
It's not rocket science.

>> No.16279811 [DELETED] 

Remember that teachers are one of the first people who interact with children. If teachers don't give a shit, so will tge boys. There is stydy that showed that boys and boys who was home schooled have no differences in performance. And in some cases slightly outperform girsl

>> No.16279815

Remember that teachers are one of the first people who interact with children. If teachers don't give a shit, so will the boys. There was a study that showed that boys and girls who was home schooled have no differences in performance. And in some cases boys slightly outperformed girsly

>> No.16279830

Pretty sure this isn't exclusive to female teachers.

>> No.16280004


>> No.16280007

Yes I do know that, in grade 3 a female teacher gave me & the rest of the boys the lowest possible grade.

>> No.16280016

why should the one who teaches be the same who grades their students? its not just the sex which influence the grade but also how good you are looking, your social behavior and many other things that shouldnt affect the grading. why not have a system where you upload the exams of the students and let a random teacher grade it who have no idea who those students are? dosent seems to be hard in the 21 century.

>> No.16280041

That could be problem in general. But even boys mature later, they still as smart as girl who hit puberty, but have problems that education system is against them. How I know it? Because homeschooled girls and girls perform the same until boys surprass them in their 20s

>> No.16280047

nigger, blind studies show that when a schoolhog doesn't know you got a dick, she grades you 10% higher, on average. MUH MULTAYFASSEDDED, shut up

>> No.16280052

If only you could read.
What a tragedy.

>> No.16280070

>girls and girls
*girls and boys

>> No.16280095

this is a well known open secret. no need for a study

>> No.16280294


>> No.16280358

You are retarded.
It's no wonder your grades were so low.

>> No.16280360

I actually was the best in the class. But I acknowledge that female teachers mistreat boys. Fundamentally

>> No.16280375

>boys entering puberty much later than girls
Are you fucking stupid? The grade performance difference exists BEFORE PUBERTY you stupid cunt. Because all the grade school teachers are females punishing boys.

>> No.16280378

In my high school biology class, I received a 99. At parent teacher conference she told my parents I actually earned a 100 but she wanted to give me something to work toward. A girl in my class received a 100. It's always been amusing to me how they punish boys but reward girls because they (subconsciously) think the girls are inferior. She thought I had potential to do better. Apparently such belief didn't exist for the girl

>> No.16280381

no, that's even dumber

>> No.16280498

Obviously I meant in the context of the grade punishing. The few male teachers aren't enough to counterbalance this

>> No.16280640

You already scored 100(maximum), what improvement that roastie talked about?

>> No.16280642

women also hire women over men, whereas men hire pretty fairly

>> No.16280658


>> No.16281003

For behaviour?

>> No.16281030

No, she just hated boys (and I assume men too).

>> No.16281287

Disgusting roastie

>> No.16281328

>In freshman uni Phys 2 I was partnered with this really cute chick (rare to have women in the engineering building). I got a 7x on my write up and the prof even itemized what I was missing. I casually asked to see my partner's write-up, she got a 9x and was missing literally every single thing I got points off for.
When I was in university there was this chick that used to "work" with me and a friend of mine (my friend brought her along basically) while we did our homework together. She basically just copied our answers, and I later found out from my friend that she was having sex with him; my friend told me she was dumb as a brick and couldn't work out anything more than basic problems without help. She ended up graduating, went to grad school for astronomy, and became a professional astronomer.

>> No.16281476

my university optics professor was an unloved, fat hag and she openly hated men.
she would bring up some complaint about men at least once a lecture.
but universities won't fire women for being shit

>> No.16281505

But would arrest and fire men for compliments

>> No.16282036

it's not well known tho

>> No.16282158

No, it was to make sure that the state instead of the corporations bear the burden of producing good obedient factory workers for the post industrial revolution world.

>> No.16282166
File: 221 KB, 1099x653, 56596263693256634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letting w*men into academics was a mistake

>> No.16282188

Are those stats real

>> No.16282279

In general, women have a stronger ingroup bias than ANY other social indicator. Race, sexual orientation, nationality, it doesn't matter. The strongest in group bias in existence is woman :: woman. This has been studied before. Women will always help each other out on some level over men, its probably hardwired into them on an evolutionary level. Often they will still support a woman over their own flesh and blood. By contrast men have little in group bias. As a result women will thrive more in cosmopolitan global society.

>> No.16282283

I had the opposite experience. My freshman yr sociology professor was a legit old school feminist with bald hair and everything. She absolutely despised women because she saw how they expected special treatment instead of rising to the task. She was really intelligent and seemed pretty disappointed. I had group project where I did all the work with 2 girl partners. I never said anything, but she realized anyways. Passed me with i think perfect score and failed both my partners, i only found out because they texted me asking if i was going to join them in complaining to the school about how "we" failed the class.

>> No.16282330


Here you go. Men prefer women. Women prefer women. That simple fact clarifies a lot of apparent paradoxes in every day interactions. Or double standards that go unchecked for example. Or maybe why you didnt get that promotion

>> No.16282342
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Letting go-t into academia was a mistake.
(making taxpayers pay to those professors whether they use their services or not was a mistake (considering how much those cunts are paid for such simple job, it is obvious that they're all sell-outs))
Academia (an institution founded by the catholic church) was a mistake.
And you wonder why doesn't market sort that mess out? Because go-t is the socialism.

>> No.16282365

dafaq! wrong link, here's the one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebqAH5mLZNk (especially the second half of it)

>> No.16282370

>The feminist teachers
Please go outside for a minute or two each day. You know, take a walk, buy some groceries, idk

>> No.16282402

Majority of teachers are female and the majority of females are feminist. Especially university educated females which afaik entails all school teachers as a requirement. Its a fair statement for that anon to make. Maybe you'd feel more at home on /pol/ or /r9k/ since you react based on feelings instead of any meaningful logical argument

>> No.16282499

So promiscuous an leftist men are anti men. Imagine my shock

>> No.16282509

in my experience 80% of all students are retarded and brilliant ones end as druggies or wageslaving.

>> No.16282542

It's hard not to break being a brilliant forced into the company of dumbos. I wish we could teach children differently based on their iq and sets of interests, but then it would be inequality, and it would be offensive to retarded kids, so now we should make them pleased with suffering everybody.

>> No.16282679

Disgusting creatures

>> No.16282768

Girls also can communicate better with each other probably
Also good looks are correlated with better outcomes

>> No.16282977

I'm gonna laugh as women's grades start bottoming out as more and more classes go remote / online.

I know for sure just by watching who they are and how they behave that most of the nurses in my area slept their way into passing at the local Uni. They're primarily airhead bimbos, half are bleach blond, visibly promiscuous mannerisms or even single mothers, and you can tell their actual medical knowledge is scant. We're in the top 15 cities in the United States for rehospitalization, mortality, and outpatient preventable hospitalizations.

Honestly, I kind of fear for my life if anything goes wrong. I went in nearly numb from the waist down due to a workers comp back injury and got told I just had a pulled muscle and was prescribed some steroids. Like, no bitch, I have partial cauda equina. I'm very lucky I was able to get the swelling down, and very lucky to still be young enough I've mostly healed, but if it has got any worse I might very well be paraplegic.

Fuck you Mark Flener. I hope all the coed poon you've gotten over the years is enough consolation for all the years you'll burn in hell for the lives your sexkitten students have costed and ruined.

But hey, I only NEARLY lost use of my dick, so I can at least fap to their onlyfans leaks. Always a silver lining, right?

>> No.16283011

>Honestly, I kind of fear for my life if anything goes wrong
Yeah no kidding anon. I am not joking at all when I tell people to be extremely attentive to their health going forward. Dont get into any accidents, be very cautious
Competency crisis is already in full swing and its going to get much, much worse. Malpractice deaths are gonna skyrocket in the next few decades, but don't worry, the sysyem to track and record such occurences will simultaneously fail due to a combination of incompetent leadership and lack of competent staff. And lack of proper media coverage due to incompetence. And so on. The system isn't going to collapse into mad max, but standard of living is gonna sharply decline and systems our parents took for granted are not going to function properly anymore.

Having to rely on medical staff will be a huge gamble indeed. Potentially fatal. Dont get sick
Dont get injured

>> No.16283161

>Dont get injured
Kind of hard to avoid some dumbass ramming you with his car because he's lacking in competency too.

>> No.16283206

>It's hard not to break being a brilliant forced into the company of dumbos
its not even that
education system is designed to break and level everyone into same mediocrity level
to suceed you need to either be good at manipulating and using social connections or be extremly persistent and stubborn (while still being smart)

>> No.16283497

But girls are more retarded though

>> No.16283583

The whole education/academia system is very feminine oriented anyway. There is very little room for male behavior, it's all about obedience and submission. Repetition and respecting the hierarchy and the rules even when it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.16283780

One of the ways you get people to listen to you is to make them believe you understand what you say. Women will repeat exactly what you just said and this tricks a lot of people into believing they truly understand the ramifications of what they said, but they don’t. It’s an act.
If you actually want proof of this look at the difference in test scores between women and men on oral and written exams as compared to multiple choice exams.

>> No.16284118
File: 1.28 MB, 1052x3299, Untitled7_20240716144623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60% of all college students are now women
>IQ of undergrads drops an entire standard deviation

>> No.16284556

More women=good

>> No.16284821

Uncle Ted was a legend.

>> No.16285091

And to house the children during the day so that both parents can labour to produce profits for the capitalist class

>> No.16285423
File: 33 KB, 1344x753, school effort gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think the gender gap is all effort. Of the 50 or so boys in my highschool class, there were maybe 6 who would actually study and do all their work and 4 of those got into the top 15 class rankings.
I sketched out an approximate distribution

>> No.16285998

Homeschooled boys of the same age performane better that girls

>> No.16286018

In some ways that's the opposite of what I would expect. Women seem very vindictive and critical of other women, especially ones who are even the slightest bit different from themselves. There's always some drama or backstabbing going on in female friend groups, not to mention grudges over the smallest thing that last a lifetime.

>> No.16286023

because the education system prioritizes obedience and girls are conditioned to be more obedient

>> No.16286091

Could you be any more atereotypical?

>> No.16286140

Have you ever been in a school before? In the last 10 years at least?

>> No.16286340

Yes, and that's not good

>> No.16286615

better regulation?

>> No.16286703


>> No.16286802

>Boys taught effort doesn't matter in elementary and middle school
>Stop giving a fuck in high school
No shit. You're not identifying the root cause.

>> No.16287052


>> No.16287069

Nah, boys don't give a shit, period. I was one, and so were my peers in school.
My grandparents gave a shit, so did my parents, and so did my kindergarten and my grade school teachers. But I like rebelling, and so I made friends with rebellious kids from the very start, which were most of the boys. We were all little fucking punks. By the time I got to high school, I was in competition with my boy peers to see who'd fuck up most shit in the tests, while trying not to do.
We didn't care about our futures, hardly anyone did. We care d about being dickheads, busting balls, looking cool, and getting pussy.
School? I wanted to burn it down, kek
Yes, boys deserve the grades they get.

>> No.16287115

School rewards obedience and diligence. Girls are obedient and diligent. What's the mistery here?

>> No.16287125

shut the fuck up faggot youre lame as fuck

>> No.16287455

I never realized what it was that made schools so feminine other than the passive acts of sitting down and the delicate act of writing gently on a paper all day
Its so obvious now, a man conquers and decides for himself. School is the complete opposite of everything a man is supposed to be

>> No.16287468

The average IQ was alot lower in the past, it makes me wonder if the 1950s 122.5 IQ is equivalent to todays 102 IQ. Considering it says that it was more uncommon for a person back then to complete highschool than for a person today to graduate from university makes me think the average population got smarter due to a focus on more education

>> No.16287574

Not all boys are low IQ like you. You may be barely above a feral animal, but that's not most boys
>But my friends!
Yes anon it's well known that low IQ feral animals stick in herds

>> No.16287579

>The average IQ was alot lower in the past
no, whatever gave you that idea?

>> No.16287619
File: 1.40 MB, 633x3418, 1686941990623736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious when women fall for the "male privilege" lie and transition only to realise nobody gives a shit about men. Our society is gynocentric to the core and both men and women put women above men.

>> No.16287629

I don't really buy into her arguments.

>> No.16287632

Reminder that the Boko Haram (an Islamist jihadist organization in Nigeria) kidnapped over 10,000 boys and raped, dismembered and slaughtered all of them and the west completely ignored this despite being completely aware of it happening. Since this didn't get the west's reaction, the Boko Haram kidnapped 273 girls and held them hostage in a school. The west sent people and rescued the girls but they left the boys being held hostage in the building next to the school to die.

>> No.16287634

Femicunt realizes how isolating it is to be a man but due to her feminazi inculcation refuses to accept the root cause for it. Hence why she cannot, by her own admission, fully understand it. The missing piece of the puzzle is she failed to experience what it's like growing up as a male.

>> No.16287645

holy shit T does not do any of that stuff, that's absolute cope
>no inherent camaraderie in male socialization as there is in female socialization
it's the opposite if anything, women are vile social creatures who will do anything to climb the hierarchy

t. ranny (mtf)

>> No.16288042

She is still in delusions even though she had some male experience

>> No.16288056

It's true if you look at objective scores rather than after standardization.

Of course, a lot of that has to do with things like better nutrition, iodized salt, and reduction in the use of lead pipes for drinking water.

>> No.16288063

Both can be true. Women have a lot of superficial solidarity and friendliness because of conditioning, but when it comes to brass tacks are very selfish and backstabby.

Men are isolated due to conditioning, but fiercely loyal comrades you finally break through all that societal stuff.

>> No.16288068

>0 results

well there's your problem

>> No.16288075

yeah agreed, i was mostly pointing out that T/E as hormones don't really cause those types of effects

>> No.16288380

Imagine if even 30% of these posters were having sex. Imagine the smell. Imaging the pro-sociality

>> No.16288388

Are you taking the Flynn effect at face value?

>> No.16288647


>> No.16288851

I actually have a very high IQ, thank you, but my ADHD always kept me restless.

>> No.16288976

Yeah that's the one.

But we're starting to get diminishing returns, which is what makes me suspect it was just a matter of less crippling from toxins and malnutrition.
Overall height shows the exact same pattern.

>> No.16288981

It also has to do with the fact that education (sitting around and listening instead of doing stuff) suits women more.

>> No.16289241

They give worse grades for the same performance

>> No.16289339

Average IQ has dropped by about 15 points since 1870 in Western countries

>> No.16289351

chudcel cope

>> No.16289356

Nope. IQ peaked in the 1970s.

>> No.16289379

wrong the 70s had the issue with lead poisoning

>> No.16289571

Still smarter than modern westerners

>> No.16289642

not just the west, asia has faced similar dysgenic declines

>> No.16289660

>asia has faced similar dysgenic declines
Really? Any sources to support your claim?

>> No.16289669

off-topic, dipshit, you obviously have a low one too.
Fuck off

>> No.16290033

Iq is valid

>> No.16290738

They owe me sex

>> No.16290785

Just the way how modern education is implemented is highly biased towards girls I think. Sitting on your ass quitely for several hours, listening and repeating what some midwit says is about the least interesting think a boy can do. Education is also heavily language-centric, it's all about reading and listening, speaking, and writing. Females are higher in language skill, so boys are inherently performing worse.

>> No.16290797

there are figures for singapore, korea and japan and I remember a long term mainland china study but that's always a suspicious affair.
I don't have the sources on hand but probably you can find the resources yourself if you read through the iq literature.

>> No.16291221

No, males have higher abilities in general, females just have in group favoritism

>> No.16291648

Bullshit, you are simply misrepresenting the article. The very idea that men and boys are discriminated against by teachers is hilariously wrong on it's face.

>> No.16291656

You don't even say that all the data was taken from 1 italian school and then you fucktards claim it is systemic in all schools. KILL YOURSELVES AND MODS SHOULD SHUT THIS SHIT THREAD DOWN NOW

>> No.16291660

Something you need to do more of tateturd.

>> No.16291663

/sci/ science everyone

>> No.16291671

If you paid attention in English class you would have learned about 'unreliable narrators".

>> No.16292256

He is probably based esl. Eat it

>> No.16292397

Very interesting that this study was done in Italy, where I live, using Italian data.
It's very common here for girls to have a sense of superiority in intelligence, and being perceived as smarter by the general public, during childhood and adolescence.
Yet I've always felt like there was some bias at play. Ever since I was a child in elementary school, I could notice how teachers would treat girls like perfect little angels, while us boys were often punished just for behaving like you'd expect a kid to do.
And "coincidentally", the earlier the school year is, the higher the percentage of female teachers you get

>> No.16292427

INVALSI data is state-wide though

>> No.16292465

>the higher the percentage of female teachers you get
Women should be banned from education. They've proven themselves incompetent at the task. The educational system was actually pretty effective back when it was run by men before women took it over.

>> No.16292539

Only a woman could write shit like that.

>> No.16293058

I didn't know that anti-men sexism is so prevalent in Italy. I thought you are more traditional than rest of europe

>> No.16293079

men are expendable, disgusting, criminals.

>> No.16293119

It's a farce. Women will still rather fuck a strong-willed man upholding traditional values than an weak feminist beta.
The issue is upbringing.

>> No.16293136

No she is finding out how isolating it is to try to pretend to be a man.

>> No.16293423

Its 100% true. Female teachers are bitches. Male teachers to something similar but more in the way that they will only perceive the contribution of girls as a higer value then that it actually is and thus averaging the score between boys and girls out.

Either way its completely fucked.

>> No.16293452

Women see injustice of men arbitrarily grading them worse or pushing them out of the field just because they are women. Women take control and try to correct the imbalance themselves, arbitrarily grading men worse and pushing them out of the field because they are men. Men see injustice of women arbitrarily grading them worse or pushing them out of the field just because they are men. Men take control and try to correct the imbalance themselves, arbitrarily grading women worse and pushing them out of the field just because they are women. Women see injustice of men arbitrarily grading them worse…

>> No.16293470

No, men grade fair. Women are just subhumans

>> No.16293562
File: 299 KB, 955x1200, elbow patches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooohhh, now I get it!


>> No.16293581
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>> No.16293638


>> No.16293679

Just fuck your teacher, fags
Oh wait, you're skinnyfat fags that women are instinctively repulsed by

>> No.16293753

>Talk about subject[x]
>Talk about intercourse []

>> No.16294155

misandrists, feminists, resentful, jealous cunts are and have been the vast majority of teachers for decades now. at least since the boomers overtook the education system

>> No.16294160

>I've never been mad about it, I just see it as part of life
it's not supposed to though, we use to segregate boys and girls, and not undermine boys at literally every steps of their development.

>> No.16294340

i was in mostly honors classes in HS and ended up being the third highest graded student in my year. The first 2 were girls and the third (me) and fourth were boys, now socially to compare the girls were very nerdy but had tons of friends and were praised for being witty geniuses, then me and number 4 were the opposite we were outsider loser kids who were essentially ostracized and led to us being douchy know it all kids when in reality we just wanted to be liked. Number 4 also went on to become a tranny kek

>> No.16294395

Idk, was a similar situation in my class where there were only 2 guys in the top 10 and we were both decently liked.

>> No.16295026

Female power moment

>> No.16295036

I'll counter two points, one is that girls are performing better in a system optimised for girls, 2nd that boys mature mentally much later than girls putting them at a biological disadvantage that won't be the same when they mature into adults..

>> No.16295600

But women are oppressed

>> No.16295658

If you look at simple reaction times among other things that are strongly correlated with general factor of intelligence, IQ has dropped by a standard deviation since 1870 taking into account the Flynn effect. Read Edward Duttons “At Our Wit’s End.”

>> No.16296131

What exactly is the iq test measuring if it's so detached from the falling G?

>> No.16296141

The Flynn effect masked the decline in intelligence because people learned how to think a certain way in order to succeed on a test. Farmers in 1900 had lower IQ scores because they did not have test taking skills, not because they were less intelligent.

>> No.16296298
File: 357 KB, 1180x1183, privilege bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, you think those teachers who call themselves "feminists" are "feminist teachers"?
>you think those teachers who teach students that "male privilege" is a real thing and that feminism is all about gender equality are "feminist teachers"?
>hehe you need to go outside kid
imagine being such a sheltered NPC and then actually having the nerve to tell other people to go outside
>last 10 years
a lot longer than that. I had teachers all the way back in the 90s feeding me bullshit about the wage gap and male privilege and how "feminism is all about equality!"

>> No.16296620

>Never lost a loved one
Who the fuck thought of that one

>> No.16296700

>The very idea that men and boys are discriminated against by teachers is hilariously wrong on it's face.
You're such a fucking retard, like most leftists.
>Teachers give higher grades to girls than to boys with the same academic ability, according to a study published today in the British Journal of Sociology of Education.
>And the bias is evident across different types of schools and for different teacher characteristics, suggesting teachers are hard-wired to give girls higher marks.

>> No.16296703


>> No.16296709

Thanks for reminding everyone that leftist rats are addicted to lying, because your entire worldview is based on lies.

>> No.16296719

You're a stupid little predditurd with shit for brains, so it's no surprise you're illiterate.
>when comparing students who have identical subject-specific competence

>> No.16296721

>misandrist leftist trying to fit in

>> No.16296722

But when it comes to the opposite sex, they usually close ranks

>> No.16296730

That's what "cast no stones" gets you, nice going faggots! No balls=sinless by definition. Everfree of criticism.
>because they (subconsciously) think the girls are inferior
God this is such a pathetic cope. No, she wanted to harm your future prospects while trying to rationalize it to your parents. She does think you're a subhuman just for reasons other than your academic performance.

>> No.16296733

>the largest likely being boys entering puberty much later than girls
this is the part where you pitch everybody on puberty blockers, isn't it?

>> No.16296736

Go mentally masturbate someplace else, no point in "contributing" to a discussion if you have no intent to do so in an intellectually honest manner.

>> No.16296765

kys you marxist spiteful mutant

>> No.16296800

so you think some notional prejudice is more important than actual physiological difference due to mismatched growth stages?
You guys are really fucking stupid. You can't see the forest for he trees.

>> No.16296806

Gynocracy + racial replacement = equity

>> No.16296813

kek true

>> No.16296837

>so you think some notional prejudice is more important than actual physiological difference due to mismatched growth stages?
When the "physiological difference" is being used as a red herring? Yes.

>> No.16296846

True and real.
Either all leftists teachers are dismembered and burned alive or the US will collapse.

>> No.16297052

It's not a red herring it's a fundamental fact, the system is intrinsically anti male because they have made that period of life so over emphasised in controlling your potential that the differences in performance have huge effects on your future.
Seriously why can't you retards see this, it's pretty obvious?

>> No.16297109
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>We were all little fucking punks
>I was rape by my uncle as a kid and too scared to tell anyone so I act like a fag at school to cope

>> No.16297115

Women treat men like shit because of white imperialism. Makes sense.

>> No.16297676

Yes, whites are cucks

>> No.16298155

Nice post Moishe.

>> No.16298547

Yes, I am aware that most things Gen X/millenial feminists said about men were things that applied to women.

>> No.16298677

>Jewish scientists
Divest in Israel to stop this infestation in science

>> No.16298782

Scientists of this study aren't Jewish but Italian

>> No.16299317

Females are better at everything

>> No.16299320

you are gay

>> No.16299322

really makes you think

>> No.16299340

Now show me the college debt figures.

>> No.16299346
File: 61 KB, 563x568, Liber_SJW_Logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female teachers give them worse grades

This is why liberal progressive feminist HATE standardized tests... everyone is graded equally and the PRIVILEGED White males get treated the same as everyone else... they hog all the top grades!!

>> No.16300249

Females don't deserve rights they have

>> No.16300252
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>Females are better at everything


>> No.16300693

Schools award stupid behaviour

>> No.16300813
File: 25 KB, 348x379, 1720578902428942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. School requires a type of behavior that doesn't sit well with most guys.
2. As such, they tend to rebel and don't give a shit.
3. This disproportionate amount of males not giving a shit is a salient feature in the male distribution when compared to females.
4. Since bad male students becomes the salient feature, teachers internalize this and become biased against males.
5. Male students realize the bias, conclude school is bullshit and give even less fucks about school.
6. Feedback loop.

>> No.16300833

Scored higher or lower at what?

>> No.16301373

Push women out of decision making roles.
Stop prioritizing on feminine's feelings as a matter of national priority.
She must be led, not allowed to dictate or veto anything.

>> No.16301389

Squeeze out dysfunctional women from administration, teaching, healthcare. Restore the man-woman dynamic.

>> No.16301394

Masculine energy must replace feminine animus present in our society.

>> No.16301516

Math you fucking faggot


>> No.16301557

When I was a kid no teacher ever spent time with me nor encouraged me
I got poor grades and I was generally ignored and it was for that reason that I never bothered trying
Anyway it wasn't until 10th grade in high school that a teacher, my maths teacher, started to take an interest in me
My teacher was a woman and I don't know if that played a role at all because she was older than my mother but I remember her constantly being disappointed with me whenever we had tests and I remember one day her asking me to stay back after class and she gave me a stern lecture about how I was far more talented than I knew and that I was capable of doing far better
I never studied but at a certain point I decided to start studying a bit at home and suddenly my grades skyrocketed
I ended up getting filtered by real analysis at university
God bless my thickly accented Irish mathematics teacher

>> No.16302141

Look at bottom countries, they give women more equality

>> No.16302855

How is that Related?

>> No.16302956
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>Muslim Arab countries treat women more equally

Have you ever considered going into comedy? You're really good at it.


>> No.16303130

>you know where I get my science? From Italian cranks and Forbes
Yep, smelling the rightoid chud stench on this one from a mile away. Just fuck off please, we want to discuss real science. Not made up shit.

>> No.16303546

Stats are made up

>> No.16304554

So women are motivated. So they are better than men. Because if women try, they outdo men

>> No.16304866

Women are hideous

>> No.16305523


>> No.16306032


>> No.16306065

Women are dumb
>I have trouble convincing my monkey mind this isn't social rejection
Because it -IS- social rejection you dumb fucking cunt. Just because it's nuthin personnel, doesn't mean it's isn't.
Women also don't realize men act like creepy fucks because for some men it's act like a creepy fuck or do not reproduce. The root of the behavior is that non-exceptional men have to do the work for courting women otherwise the man is invisible and considered neuter. The biggest difference between creepy behavior and acceptable behavior is whether the man doing it is physically attractive.

>> No.16306669

>So women are motivated. So they are better than men. Because if women try, they outdo men

Despite there being more men at the top of the distribution and that trend being basically constant everywhere. Sure on average grades and coursework.


In fact I'll give you my biggest study. It's an Italian study with 13 million children and it essentially says all the things I have been saying to you. Which is: Boys have higher test scores in math, Boys have higher numbers at the top of the distribution, and that gender equality which was correlated to a regions wealth, had higher and not lower math gaps between boys and girls.


The reasons girls get higher grades is because not only are they more likey to do the coursework like assignments and homework, but also because teachers give leeway to them due to behavior. There's no better example of this then in the UK, for when they lowered the coursework mark in the GCSE's and increased just the test scores, boys magically got better grades out of thin air.


>> No.16306714

God damn, I'm privilegemaxxing.
Feels good being superior to all the nigs.

>> No.16306728

I miss three, what do I win?

>> No.16307428


>> No.16307973

>Fairfax teaches this
No wonder they're all fucked in the head in there.

>> No.16309287
File: 165 KB, 800x820, women are stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16309651

Science baby

>> No.16309666

Yes, this was my experience as well. Boys, me included, were lazy and put in zero effort whereas the females were conscientious and did their homework (a lot of the time giving us the answers), took organized notes, and studied for tests. This doesn't mean they are more intelligent, perhaps. I remember the top student, a female, came out with an IQ of 100 or so whereas me and other guys had IQs above 120.

>> No.16310758

Women are evil

>> No.16311254

Yes, but we should fix it

>> No.16311263

You sound like a roastie living in a world of self serving delusion.

>> No.16311273

5 year old girls *are* more intelligent. You must not have met many children, or rememeber your own childhood for that matter. Boys under about 14 are practically babies until one day they wake up and they're men. Girls rapidly grow in maturity until about 12 and then spend the rest of their lives regressing.

>> No.16311277

Unfathomably retarded. Women are said to "mature" faster because their brains are hardwired to be obedient, which society values. That doesn't mean they mature faster, it means society values female style of thinking. No, them hitting puberty a year or two earlier doesn't magically make them smarter than men. It makes them fertile. And for the idiots who don't know what that means, it means they're capable of getting pregnant whether it's legal or not.

>> No.16311322

Sure, call it whatever you want. But in the context of learning a thing, or how to do a thing, girls are unquestionably better at it than boys. Then they hit puberty and the boys become better at everything and the girls become useless.

>> No.16311583

>trannie feels no camaraderie with men
no shit

>> No.16312031

Very gay

>> No.16312155
File: 794 KB, 500x446, based_dept.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why teachers must be replaced by machines. They are extremely sub optimal, a huge waste of resources.

>> No.16313007

Very bad idea to limit human interactions this much

>> No.16313060

No, let the kids interact with each other while parents monitor directly instead of creating a situation where some weird pedo with institutional knowledge and a wall of secrecy to protect them manages large groups of children.

>> No.16313071

Do you mean interacting in an educational setting?

>> No.16313074

Why cant women stop acting like prehistoric monkeys?

>> No.16313075

I don't know what you are asking, that is incredibly vague, every social interaction is educational, gym class and recess are also examples of an "educational setting".

>> No.16313123

Stories like that are a dime a dozen. I know several women with math degrees who had their theses written by their boyfriends or lovers at the time.

>> No.16313872

Women are closer to monkeys

>> No.16314091

How are nonbinary kids affected?

>> No.16314103

Maybe she felt he phoned in his explanations and wanted him to do a better job of demonstrating his understanding?

>> No.16314108

>women have a stronger ingroup bias than ANY other social indicator. Race, sexual orientation, nationality, it doesn't matter
Higher even than Jews?

>> No.16314230

>because the education system prioritizes obedience and girls are more obedient

>> No.16314305

What site is this?

>> No.16314319

The fuck?

>> No.16314340

>both genders are the worst!
Nah, just women.

>> No.16314347

What's going on in the countries where the boys do worst?

>> No.16314638

Yes I had a female math and physics teacher and not just me but all males had awful grades. She openly hated all men, she was single her whole life and had a joy punishing us for no fucking reason.

>> No.16316286

common occurrence, never take a class with a female or minority instructor, its a waste of your time

>> No.16316623


>> No.16316670


I actually agree with this one since puberty is a factor to be related since it affects the abilities of both boys and girls. Being a teen usually mean trying to act like a rebel and all messed up effects like sexual desire and don't feeling understnad due hormons and so it affects more males than females due testosterones has a stronger impact compared to estrogens, so nope, even if female aren't smarter, males are indeed more affected, but this is purely subjective, some boys tend to be more effected than others.

>> No.16316678


>> No.16316780


Prove me otherwise lol

>> No.16316781

Op's study already proves that this mindset is bullshit

>> No.16316797


Link me the study, thanks.

>> No.16316807

Are you ratarded or just pretending? Literally link in the thread's header

>> No.16316829


Enlighten me, I won't buy the full content, but from the extract itself it's talking about the school system favouring girls.

I wasn't talking about the school system, but about how hormons works by pinning another message.
Instead of spitting insults why don't you tell me what you think on the matter if you have one pls.

Or are you going to say that every teen is living on a fairytail without struggles derivating from hormons that are itself the cause of adolescence itself to manisfest in the first place? :)

>> No.16317559

Pretentious faggot

>> No.16317563


>> No.16318193

You are

>> No.16318971


>> No.16319973

What a cuck

>> No.16320924

Women don't deserve their rights

>> No.16321513

Most people will insist its the other way around. They will tell you wit ha straight face that women are pushed out of stem and that's why engineering classes are mostly men.

>> No.16321711

Ironic you’d blame Catholics when it was the Prussians who actually created the public school system and pioneered state mandated “free” schooling.

>> No.16321763

Men are biologically designated to be disposable.

Like worker ants. In fact worker ants don’t even get to have sex, that’s how disposable and specialized they are.
You can view this trend a lot in biology, increasing with how pluralistic the species is.
It can visibly manifest in size and strength, where the disposable worker ant is more robust than the slow fat queen ant.
The worker ants are stronger because they are the shield for the queen ant, they’re there to fight (and dispose of themselves) for the queen, the reproductive unit.

Then when you have a hyper individual species, like spiders, you find the females are grossly bigger than the males.
It’s because they aren’t pluralistic, the female has to be big and strong because she is the _only_ line of defense for the species.
In this species you even have the males get canabalized. still very disposable, just didn’t quite make it into the “protector” niche the worker ants had.

With human men you can see similar patterns.
Males specialized into the more dangerous (disposable) roles like hunting.
Because of this they gained observable traits like increase athleticism, spacial awareness, and for ethnicities that spent a lot of time fighting other humans, increased brain power.
Human male genetics are also more destabilized than female genetics.
But this is a feature not a bug.
Those who were genetically destabilized into being retards get disposed of.
Those men whose genetic instability created traits which made them more successful, get rewarded for it.

And women are programmed to select for this.
This is the root cause of inceldom/male loneliness/etc.
It’s tragic tbqh.

>> No.16323479

Protestants are evil

>> No.16323576

What you see as not giving a shit is really in your head sometimes. Guys are so smart, and school is so dumb, that they can get good grades without even caring too much. It doesn't matter, because it's not teaching anything, it just moves so slow.

What you'd be doing, giving guys worse grades all over the place, giving them Fs in anything that requires a lot of writing just bc you can, and not even marking objectively incorrect answers on others papers, you're just the worst lol like the whole reason that this wold is shit. I'm just saying that bc I literally got a 36 on the act my first try, 35 overall, and I definitely tried. But being in a small town, teachers would give better grades to other kids just bc they liked them more. A lot of kids were already arrogant pricks, you accidentally knock down a kid who's mom works at the school, you end up with shit on your permanent record you have to rattle your brain to even remember. People you don't think about at all trying to ruin your life. Sorry for not being likable... You were giving other people better grades for no fucking reason.

>> No.16323595

Schooling should be more serious. A lot of countries start school later, end earlier, and their kids are still smarter but IDK. I get that a lot of people are convinced that children all have these blocks in their head like no algebra until age 13, but no. Algebra should be taught as soon as possible. The smartest of us should be given ample room to succeed. It is not guys' faults, any more than it is women's, that girls have big titties and you can barely pay attention and still get decent grades. If you teach boys algebra before girls get big titties the whole world is better

>> No.16324584

Why did you come up with this conclusion?

>> No.16324629

>Most people
min. half of them IQ >100, so what

>biologically designated
So woman have to breed, why schooling beyond reading, writing child care?

>> No.16324632

> >100

>> No.16324634

Evolution never occured in women, they maintain the exact level of genetic diversity they had in the Neolithic whereas men have undergone extreme genetic bottlenecking events in every single age since. Women are still exactly the same creaturex they were in the stone age but with further evolved fathers.

>> No.16325575

Why women are so premitive ? Don't they have same genes?

>> No.16325602

If this were true all races of women would have the same IQ.

>> No.16325607

dude you're retarded

>> No.16325608
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>> No.16325642

>That means that the reason why there is less male enrollment, it's because women give them worse grades and education in general because of their gender based bias.
Literally cancer.

>> No.16326878
File: 273 KB, 1920x1468, oh my affirmative actions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppression of women counter-intuitively makes them want to do better at math and shit that will earn them more bread. Meanwhile when allowed to do what they want to, they will give less a shit about things like STEM.

>> No.16327424

>Oppression of women
No such in most of the world, even in most Muslim countries. Real countries that oppress women aren't on the list

>> No.16327494

Wonder why there's an infection point at 0.7. usually these indices are poorly constructed and an equality index over 2/3 can indicate female supremacy. So my hypothesis is the inflection point is where "true equality" exists (if such a thing does exist)

>> No.16327502

it's both intrinsic and extrinsic factors
boys do enter puberty later, they do mature later but girls do tend to be favored and overgraded by female teachers

>> No.16328399

Veryy bad idea

>> No.16328787
File: 133 KB, 850x1047, Iceland and Others Gender Gap PISA 2003 to 2009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No such in most of the world, even in most Muslim countries

No? In western countries women get pretty much the exact same rights and sometimes more (Lighter prison sentences and as op states better work for similar work). In Muslim countries you'd be lucky to be able to go outside without your male guardian or be able to not wear a head covering. Woman caught doing some of the most minor crimes often get the stoning treatment.

There are some objectively more equal countries like Iceland and basically all the cuckold countries (Nordic) and we find the same thing there. There's also evidence that they are (gender equality and PISA scores) completely unrelated in math for example. Like did sexism/ stereotypes about women suddenly spike in Iceland in 2009? I highly doubt it.

>> No.16328807
File: 177 KB, 500x340, 717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pointless whineing no one wants to hear, but its topical so whatever. I wish someone had actually taught me how higher education worked when I was in school. I remember school being chaotic and stressful and my family was constantly fighting, they had me when they were older so I probably have aspergers, ADHD as well as a high mutational load which probably explains my constant childhood illnesses and other unappealing traits like a small cranial capacity. But my IQ was always tested as around 140 so despite being a defective piece of shit, I was at least mentally clever. But I never had the drive to learn about things on my own, partly because my dad drilled into me the belief everything I did was predetermined (oh are you sad? You must have inherited my depression gene. You have the genes to study medicine, you won't be the best but you'll pass probably, etc. Etc.) and punished me for doing anything experimental as a kid, so I learnt to stop looking or asking and nobody ever really forewarned me about growing up and adulthood and what I needed to do to prepare, I simply never was in those social spaces. So when it came to my final year at high school, I got sick due to a bad flu, missed weeks of summative tests, and felt like my life was over. Because I wouldn't get straight As, I assumed my life was over and I couldn't get into any of the uni courses I wanted, and my parents were still fightinf and sibling ran away from home, so I just stopped going to school and gamed instead. Nobody told me that getting into a Uni course was actually piss easy and you only needed a C- to enter one, and that no one gave a shit about your y12 scores. I then curled up reclusive and suicidal whilst my family fell apart. This continued for 3 years until I finally decided to get my shit together and apply for uni again, through my countrys equivalent of the SAT. But an explosion in my neck (a stroke?) left me inflamed with an undiagnosed neck issue for 4 years


>> No.16328812

No, girls get better grades because they are better at memorising stuff than boys and school primarily tests how well you can memorise useless stuff. Compare the math grades of boys vs girls you’ll see more boys are in the top percentile BUT on average they score the same marks as girls (iq curve male vs female). Math is more iq based hence why.

>> No.16328814

Nobody presented any idea to execute that could go good or bad, what are you even talking about?

>> No.16328822

So I was in and out of hospital for years, barely able to walk or sit in a car without a feeling like I wasnt getting any air from breathing some sort of fluid pressure was building up inside my skull about to kill me, whilst covid pandemic unleashed. Every day I assumed I was dead. Even after 4 years no doctor was able to find out what was wrong with me and convinced me that it was chronic pain / all in my head, which made no sense to me because it was nauseating and inflammatory not painful. Using schizo medicine, meditative breathing and literally anything I could find, I slowly dragged myself back to a somewhat stable lifestyle again. And despite feeling like my old IQ scores were bullshit and that I waa retarded, I took my country's SAT with a headache, and it was easy, and I scored 98th percentile. I could apply for any uni degree because my score was so competitive, over 40 points above my best friend who has a degree, a huge car, a house and a wife and a cybersecurity job making 200k a year (I have less than 1k in savings). Except I fucking can't, because I dropped out of year 12 and never passed with a C-, so I can't actually take any STEM course despite overqualifying for all of them. Meanwhile, my family are all getting really older now, and I can barely talk to them without tearing up knowing soon I'll be alone and they'll be gone from this world. My best chance is to take a bridging course, which will extend my bachelors degree to 4 years, meaning I'll only get it when I'm in my 30s, and possibly alone. Meanwhile the economy is on the verge of collapsing, my ethnicity (white male) is the most hated in history, and housing prices make a home a pipe dream. And covid has fucked me up where I wake up every day too tired to focus or memorise. I could have prevented this, all of this if I just stayed in year 12 and applied for the SAT at 17. I could have had a PhD by now, I could be supporting my parents. I just didn't know. Nobody told me. 2/2

>> No.16328843

You're confusing math tests with math grades. Men usually do better on math tests like the SAT and AP exams. Women usually get better grades in math. Its mainly because GPA measures more about how well you can suck up to the teacher.




>> No.16328949

>Muslim countries you'd be lucky to be able to go outside without your male guardian or be able to not wear a head covering. Woman caught doing some of the most minor crimes often get the stoning treatment.
Stereotypes and lies, women are more valued than men in most Muslim countries, except maybe saudi Arabia and Afghanistan that aren't on the list you showed

>> No.16329572

Both statement could be true

>> No.16330001

extremely high quality post

>> No.16330748

How to deal with women problem?

>> No.16330763


>> No.16330765

it's worst than you think
there is plenty of literature on the topic of gender nepotism in the workplace
some of it pretty old and predating the 2016 "rise of rainbow" hr supreme reign over all work avenues besides working for yourself with no direct employees

>> No.16331589


>> No.16332491

Female retardation

>> No.16333374


All-girls schools still do better than all-boys schools , actually significantly better. Moreso than coeds.

>> No.16333379


You need to be 18+ to use this site

>> No.16333398

This is almost entirely because boys are more aggressive, more fidgetty, and less likely to be obedient than girls. There was a TED talk I watched a few years back about how we treat boys like broken girls and we need to stop.

If anyone has the original talk, I'd love to find it again.

>> No.16333742

>Then when you have a hyper individual species, like spiders, you find the females are grossly bigger than the males.
explains African women

>> No.16333865

Painfully accurate

>> No.16333867

Makes a lot of sense; I dated a bio major from the University of Texas at Austin, and she was fucking retarded

>> No.16333976

Yeap, women are wonderful effect

>> No.16334001
File: 144 KB, 754x547, EtpjPUYXAAML2RN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, phenotypic iq peaked but genotypic iq has decreased by around 15 points due to dysgenic trends, some populations like sweden and norway had opposite trends for a short period during the 20th century, but right after this aswell as before the opposite trend is seen

>> No.16334651


>> No.16334877

Duddddee durrerlrrr u retarerdedded

Silence simp.

>> No.16334891

Eugenics. Carefully guided reproduction to fix their baked in deficits and dysfunctions

>> No.16334897

Kek, true. Big momma

>> No.16335084
File: 42 KB, 568x612, istockphoto-471401024-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the discussion on 4chan's science board more pedestrian than even /pol/?

>> No.16335102

Removing women rights, we are living the conditions than made every civilization don't had the women rights.
Every feminism is lie, every feminist is a liar.

>> No.16335304

true and there's already plenty of data despite the topic being pretty much haram in academ and nice way to get blacklisted from any further funding, if not straight up accused of rape by some lying cunt
many such stories

>> No.16335534

That's because women are obedient and submissive to authority.

>> No.16336053


>> No.16336129

Men rate boys objectively
Women rate girls subjectively
Women will pass all the girls with high grades to be agreeable

>> No.16337203


>> No.16337944
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>> No.16338995

Big mommas

>> No.16339940


>> No.16340182

asians, nature's sissy race

I bet pajeets are lower than yellows

>> No.16340257

cope mouth breather, if you're gonna make retarded statements and claims then you will get called out for it.

>> No.16340458
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>> No.16340487


>> No.16340492
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, China_Inc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cheating... I have NEVER seen students that cheat as much as Asian students, Chinese are the worst

>> No.16340501
File: 33 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah smart people tend to be tricky. Your point?

>> No.16340506
File: 74 KB, 500x460, Amazing_Luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your point?

He asks why the curve was not a bell curve, I answered.

>> No.16340526
File: 86 KB, 768x510, cghh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual answer is sat 800 isn't enough for asian Intelligence. The curve isn't because of cheating, but the fact that this test is made for whites

>> No.16340536
File: 181 KB, 407x412, Awoo_Is_Impressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The actual answer is sat 800 isn't enough for asian Intelligence.

The data could indeed be interpreted that way

>> No.16340545

>The man hating feminists that are ubiquitous in all levels of education are biased against men

And of course, it's a "it's not happening but if it's happening that's a good thing" situation

>> No.16340551

I think that modern schools lack discipline and a better sense of authority and respect, and boys would do better in such circumstances. On the contrary, girls would probably find it too hostile

The solution is separated schools and trying to find out what works best for each gender

>> No.16340745

Unlikely. The yellow tail would be long, so long indicating there should be an abundance of literal Chinese prodigy geniuses. There aren't. Thus cheating is the more plausible interpretation

>> No.16340753


>> No.16340778

>Two is an abundance
Retard. The yellow curve would indicate literally THOUSANDS of Terrence Taos coming from China. If not tens of thousands. It's a ludicrous position to take, and citing two examples isn't a good look chief.

>> No.16340888
File: 385 KB, 1050x703, Screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stats show that new terences taos will appear in the future

>> No.16341815


>> No.16343134

>words words words
shut up

>> No.16343179

no i didn't

>> No.16343365
