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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 1288x1378, faint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1627796 No.1627796 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for some background on this, /sci/

>#1: Squat down against a wall
>#2: Take in 15-28 deep breaths continuously
>#3: Take one last deep breath, hold it and stand up
>#4: Keep holding till your vision clears (thats if you don't black out by then)
>#5: Get someone to catch you when you fall

so how does this work?
what makes you faint and hallucinate?
how long should it last?
can this kill you if done improperly?
what do i want to avoid doing so i do not die?

yes, i know this kills brain cells.

>> No.1627803

That is more dangerous then downing a gram or 2 of dxm, why the fuck do it?

>> No.1627819

idk, just looking for information on how it works etc.
tried it a few hours ago and had some pretty cool hallucinations.

>> No.1627847


>> No.1627856


>> No.1627865

It replaces the oxygen in your blood with CO2, effectively causing your brain to black out due to oxygen starvation. Unless your brain has a lack of oxygen for more than 7-10minutes, you'll be fine.

>> No.1627866

i figured that out. didnt say it wouldnt kill brain cells. now how about you quit acting like a child and wait for somebody with knowledge of human anatomy to explain how this works and if it is possible to die from doing it

>> No.1627874

just wondering... how exactly does squatting and breathing, then standing up and not breathing for about 5 seconds replace oxygen with CO2? doesnt make sense to me -_-

>> No.1627876

well, if your brain never sends the signal for you to start breathing after you've blacked out, I suppose you could end up suffocating to death.

I'm pretty sure the brain is hard-wired so that this is effectively impossible though.

>> No.1627881

The fast standing up forces blood to rush out of your head, along with the fast, deep breathing that doesn't allow your blood to gain enough oxygen. If your blood doesn't pick up oxygen, it retains CO2.

>> No.1627889
File: 32 KB, 184x299, hard-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let the idiot die, if he wants hallucinations there are plenty of legal options of hallucinogenics, and he could of easily researched that, but nope.. He decides to suffocate his mind to death over and over to see meager hallucinations, like stars.

I bet he's an engineer.

>> No.1627890

>the fast, deep breathing doesn't allow your blood to gain enough oxygen.
I would have thought it would be the other way around.

>> No.1627896

not fast deep breathing... i did this taking deap breaths at a slower rate than normal

>> No.1627900

Slow, deep breaths oxygenates. Fast, deep breaths deoxygenates.

>> No.1627912

i was taking slow deep breaths and it worked fine
splain that?

>> No.1627906

i am an engineer, and i am not planning on doing this all the time. i merely attempted it once because i heard about it and wasnt sure if it was a troll to make some idiots squat and blow on their thumbs

>> No.1627919

well don't go around encouraging other engineers to do the same, we still need them to do the dirty work.

>> No.1627921

Because you're dumb.

>> No.1627924

i already sent out a memo D:

>> No.1627932

D= how could you!?

>> No.1627939

i dun goof'd :(
>can not explain simple question
>because i am dumb

>> No.1627960
File: 93 KB, 788x600, 719564966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli fixes all problems, send it out now to distract them from the temptation to destroy a single brain cell.

>> No.1628006

fuck i just did this a now ive got rug burns all over my arm, i cant even remember the halllucinations. god im a retard

>> No.1628018

How did you manage that? lol

>> No.1628057

Enjoying your seizures anon?

>> No.1628062

Your brain doesn´t get enough oxygen and and your bloodstream has a high amount of carbon dioxide. Your brain goes to sleep in order to preserve what little oxygen it has left and move the body to a position where the heart doesn´t have to pump blood against gravity.

>you faint, fall down and start automatic breathing

Your brain gets oxygen and goes to normal and wakes you up since then problem is gone.

>your body convulses to get your blood flowing so the carbon dioxide can be replaced with oxygen

>your arms and legs tingle because they too have been lacking oxygen

>you might hear auditory hallucinations because your ears too have been lacking oxygen

You will not kill any significant number of braincells if you start to breathe as soon as you´ve passed out (unconcious for a few seconds)

If you have someone making sure you fall on a bed and then holds your legs up to get the blood flowing you´ll be fine.

If you do like every retard out there and use a string to choke yourself and then fall face first to the pavement while your retarded friends laugh, you deserve every single negative side-effect you get.

>> No.1628071

OP here, came to /sci/ and this was first thread D:
anyways, i remember mine quite clearly. i also stood in front of a couch so i passed out onto my ass

>> No.1628478


>> No.1628505

Ah, I remember doing stuff like this when I was about Eleven or so, then later at thirteen.

WHen we were Eleven or so, myself and a few kids would do pretty much what the OP did, only we have a friend hold press our chests in while we held our breath. We never hallucinated, but we did get light-headed.
The only one to ever faint like this was myself, and as my mate didn't expect it, he didn't catch me and I fell face first into the concrete and chipped a few teeth.
That's when my primary school friends and myself knocked it off.

When in secondary school, a few friends and I started doing a variation of this where during the point where we'd hold our breath, someone else would apply pressure to part of the neck(which part precisely, I don't remember). This worked better than the previous method as we frequently passed out, but luckily in this instance we all had the sense to catch one another.

I think a teacher who learned that we did this thought that we might get blood clots, but I don't know if there was any truth in what she said.