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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, 1282300721339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1626140 No.1626140 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1626149

pretty much

>> No.1626152

I agree.

>> No.1626155

no shit OP

Green/grey here

>> No.1626161

me too...they change based on mood too?

>> No.1626170

Nope, its two toned. Green closer to the pupil, gradually grows grayer as goes away from it.

The green-to-gray ratio changes gradually over hours. I'v never actually observed a change in a useful time span.

>> No.1626178

I've got no idea what colour my eyes are. I ask people and then we spend ages trying to figure it out. It's a sort of green-blue-grey-hazel combo, depending on who you're asking.

>> No.1626179

It's science time.

>> No.1626181

Green, but pure green, a bit gray I guess. God tier, thanks dad.

>> No.1626184

Why is brown shit tier ?? Is blue green orange all at the same god tier ?

>> No.1626196

Because Brown eyes aren't as common and blue eyes acknowledge a mutation which may or may not have originated in Neanderthals in Europe.

>> No.1626197

Time for SCIENCE! you say? What did you have in mind?

>> No.1626200

That made no sense

>> No.1626214
File: 25 KB, 240x199, 4545053025_451a1d2078_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown eyes aren't as common

>> No.1626221

Blond and blue eyed here. Do I win anything?

>> No.1626226
File: 1.61 MB, 1006x666, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postin eyes
green somethin

>> No.1626228


Hitler's love.

>> No.1626229

Two awards actually:

1) NAZI award

2) >blonde: Biggest group of mentally handicapped peoples

>> No.1626231

blue master race here

>> No.1626232

Dark blonde with blue-ish gray eyes.

Fuck yeah

>> No.1626233

Green with a small ring of honey/Amber around the pupil.

>> No.1626237

Blue eyes, or as a girl once said - 'like the ocean'. I've had quite a few girls comment on my eyes.. Yet I'm 19 & have never been laid...

>> No.1626244

we similar bro/sci/

>> No.1626248

Superior brown here

Enjoy your no sun protection

>> No.1626251

I have blue-grey eyes. Awesome

>> No.1626253

Samefag, it's not a ring, it's a circle, just to clear that up.

>> No.1628449

god tier: deep brown eyes that look black

>> No.1628459

As well as improved vision in the dark.

>> No.1628463
File: 27 KB, 475x272, event horizon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where we are going, we don't need eyes.

>> No.1628482

take a look in the mirror FREAK

>> No.1628507

I've never met anybody with gray or honey eyes.

>> No.1628539

Heterochromia, haha im super god tier!

Blue in the left eye and green in the right! I have contacts for each to change the color, they hurt bad sometimes I need new ones :( but they cost $300 for a dozen.

Fuck me genetics

>> No.1628544

Well gee, im god tier, but I dont give a shit, eye color doesn't mean anything, besides me having higher chance of bad eyesight, I see more UV rays and it hurts. Blue eyes, large pupils all the time. Feels bad.

>> No.1628548

My father has positively gray eyes, he's an evil bastard too. Also he said, anyone who doesn't have red lips is a liar. lol

>> No.1628554

Hazel here reporting proud.

>> No.1628556

my right eye is blue and my left eye is green.

however, its not extremely noticeable.

>> No.1628558

Hello shit tier.

>> No.1628569
File: 120 KB, 668x235, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my eyes blue, gray, or green? i honestly can't tell (i'm colorblind)

my driver's license says hazel but i don't trust it

>> No.1628571

Post pics pl0x

>> No.1628572

That's middle tier to you, sonny.

>> No.1628573
File: 291 KB, 1600x1200, 1281324309729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to change the color of your eyes in a natural way? Without contacts. Just wondering, I dont like my shit brown eyes :(

>> No.1628576

Use food coloring as eyedrops.

>> No.1628577

Like all the way colourblind as in you can't see any colour?
Or just small time things like green-red colour blind? And it looks like you have green with a bit of honey and blue.

>> No.1628581

I'm somewhat colorblind, at least they say so, but sometimes I can pass colorblindness tests, other times not? I think I just derp sometimes and forget what the names of colors are. But if you had blue eyes or green, they'd be a much lighter shade then the largely common brown eyes/hazal.

>> No.1628582

Just red-green, but some shades of green are indistinguishable from gray (like my eyes, apparently.)

>> No.1628584

There was a nigger on the Tyra Show once where she tried going to Panama to get a surgery to get blue eyes and got scammed by having some fake shit put in her. Colour contacts or nothing.

>> No.1628585
File: 46 KB, 604x453, unique-motivational.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder to people with blue eyes.

>> No.1628590

I don't agree with the chart. Green eyes are top tier to me, Blue and gray beneath, everything else is crap and vague differences between browns, people trying to feel special, when they're not.

>> No.1628591


>> No.1628593

I'm red green colourblind but it's not that bad.
It's really small and I can tell the colours. Aren't there glasses you can wear to make you see colours? I recall my eye doctor once saying with some glasses I would be able to see the green-red stuff.

>> No.1628600

Not sure, I think I've read something about them before but I don't know if the technology really went anywhere. This was a loong time ago. It doesn't really affect me, I can tell traffic lights apart along with most shades of green and red, but I fail the ishihara test pretty horribly. Guess I'll never be a pilot.

>> No.1628601

How do most people in here have non-brown eyes?
That doesn't make sense, statistically they should be a minority.

>> No.1628602

All those models
Never would've known.

>> No.1628603

Have some sort of grunge with blue eyes, not all the other colors? Twisted fuck.

>> No.1628607

We're smarter.

>> No.1628615

Or people lie on the internet.

According to data I got on /fit/ the average 4chan poster is 6'2"

>> No.1628618

that would make you an even smaller minority on 4chan... dumbass

>> No.1628626

Because mostly white people go to 4chan.
Honestly, I know more people with lights eyes than brown.

>> No.1628633

Statistically, people with brown eyes are digging through garbage in India or sweating in a slum in Brazil

Places on earth that have lots of wealthy internet users are going to be places with lots of blue eyes (or black asian)

>> No.1628648


It's called selection bias

People with non-brown eyes are more likely to comment on a thread that considers them the best than people with brown eyes.

Also, liars.

>> No.1628662
File: 27 KB, 322x316, eye-color-map-of-europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bosnia, baltics, belarus, russia

don't go full retard again, ok?

>> No.1628674 [DELETED] 

This. We see this phenomenon all over the internet. Does it actually have a name?

>> No.1628689

my eyes are dark as a blackhole. do I lost anything?

>> No.1628690


>Implying they weren't wealthy at one point of time in their history.

>> No.1628691

no. Grey are green are shit tier, "Hazel, Amber, Honey" don't exist, they are all green and/or brown. Blue Eyes > Brown eyes > everything else. I have never met someone with an eye colour other than blue or brown who has had nice eyes. I've also met many people with blue and brown eyes who have shit looking eyes (too pale a blue, too light a brown, blue with messed up yellow spots and shit).
and no, your eye colour does not change with your mood, stop smoking pot.

>> No.1628695

The funny thing is that the Scandinavians are more likely to find people with browns eyes as exotic and attractive because blue eyes are the norm there.

>> No.1628698


Fuck off retard, grey eyes are superior, they contain the least mealnin

>> No.1628704


Most inhabitable land has been wealthy at some point in history. Shitty argument that doesn't further your point, try again.

>> No.1628708

>bosnia, baltics, belarus, russia
>light eyes
Sure is trollface up in here. Look at the blue areas. Coincedence?

>> No.1628713

yeah thats highly unlikely average caucasian male height is 5' 10" and im sure 90% of 4chan is below average in every physical category

>> No.1628719

clearly, you have grey eyes.
Lacking melanin is not a good thing. When people lack a lot of melanin in their skin, they are pale and susceptible to burning. When people lack melanin in their eyes, it just looks like shit. The day I find someone with nice grey eyes will be the day I admit the Jews are good for the world.
NB. Grey and Blue eyes are many many times more likely to have a medical issue with their eye.

>> No.1628747


>> No.1628755

>implying 4chaners aren't over weight

>> No.1628776

Brown eyes here. I'm also from south america. Am I doing something wrong in this thread...

>> No.1628810

I've got a thin blue outer layer a majority green inner layer and a small brown ring around the pupil. Master or mud race? I must know.

>> No.1628898

I have eyes like that and I think they're beautiful, fuck everyone else.

>> No.1628900

>thin blue outer layer


>> No.1628907

No purple or red? Get the fuck outta here.

>> No.1628996

Sure are trolls in here. My eyes have a dark blue outer circle, the rest is gray except for a honey colored circle around the pupil.

>> No.1629127

light eyes give you better vision in the dark? Really?

>> No.1629131



>> No.1629141

God tier:
Black eyes.

>> No.1629155

So 60% of Europeans have eye problems? No, you're just a butthurt shiteye.

>> No.1629179

Fuck you OP, everyday I wish I had Gray eyes

>> No.1629184

>implying black eyes exist

>> No.1629194

Maybe, but I can dilate my pupils to cover my entire iris.

>> No.1629233


>Study: Brown Eyed Men Judged More Dominant

Unless you have a pussy, enjoy your delusions, blue-eyed faggots.

>> No.1629240

/sci/ sure got told right there.

Brown eyes bro reporting in.

>> No.1629277

Brown is the dominant eye color you nigger.

inb4 trolled

>> No.1629278

[ ] Not told

>> No.1629289

Which is why blue eyed men are in the positions of power and have all the hot women while brown eyed men are scraping the shit off bathroom floors and fucking used up whores?

>> No.1629294

proud brown eyed man here

I like how the blue eyed faggots are no longer posting

>> No.1629301
File: 34 KB, 253x380, ist2_2562471-smelling-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown eyes
>300k starting

>> No.1629309
File: 26 KB, 335x450, Barack-Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me sir?

>> No.1629318
File: 17 KB, 597x448, Nicolas-Sarkozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1629333 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, the ammount of told in this topic is reaching new heights.

>> No.1629329
File: 17 KB, 550x408, David-Cameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahah let these blue-eyed faggots believe whatever they want while we run the world.

>> No.1629343
File: 146 KB, 840x779, Bin-Laden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1629368


Oh great so I have an eye disease now?

>> No.1629402

I was about to post pictures of Shakira, Alicia Keys, Gwen Stefani, Britney Spears, Demi Moore, Hilary Duff, Jessica Simpson, Katie Holmes, Natalie Portman, Mariah Carey, Megan Fox, Sandra Bullock, Shania Twain

but I think you get my point.

>> No.1629413

What the fuck, I have red eyes, what tier does that go in?

>> No.1629414
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>> No.1629436
File: 27 KB, 300x376, shakira_narrowweb__300x376,0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like how the blue eyed faggots are no longer posting

Let's celebrate our victory!

>> No.1629447

blue represent

>> No.1629449
File: 11 KB, 184x274, richterbelmont..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1629462

mine are like half green half hazel
feels good man

>> No.1629465

Now I may be colour blind (I am, red-green) but their eyes seem awfully blue/green, especially Sarkozy's

>> No.1629633
File: 266 KB, 1000x1000, asdgasdgsda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1629644

Don't worry, I did some googling before I posted the pics. They're all part of the brown-eyed master race.

>> No.1629652



>> No.1629658

Do I win if my pupils are so brown that they actually appear black? You can't see my iris's in the dark at all.

>> No.1629667

So a bunch of entertainers is your answer? You're an idiot.

>> No.1629701

in after willfully ignorant blue-eyed faggot

>> No.1629719
File: 30 KB, 604x453, 16345_1262878941195_1506361524_694890_1609727_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i win i has no eyes

>> No.1629742

Glorious blue eyed, blond haired Aryan master race reporting in.

>> No.1629744

Who the fuck cares about eye color?

>> No.1629747

about 110 people on /sci/

>> No.1629759

purple eyes faggort.

>> No.1629760


>> No.1629776
File: 11 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<God Teir

>> No.1629803
File: 29 KB, 698x287, fastest 'white' 100m sprinters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1629825

>Einstein: Brown eyes
>Newton: Brown eyes

All other color eyefag status:
[ ]: Not Told
[X]: Told

>> No.1629828

urafaggobackto/a/ tier

>> No.1629842

The TOLD is brutal tonight.

>> No.1629954

I love how blue-eyed faggots ran away in terror to the might of the brown-eyed master race.

>> No.1630014

itt, people who cant remove their tongue from their own asses, by which i mean everyone in here that needs more than 1 word to describe their own eye color.

>> No.1630039
File: 124 KB, 850x556, sample-3bc11a23a2d1b4957cc366a937bc951a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mighty Norse ancestors have blessed me with a body possessing both great fortitude and beauty.

Blue here.

>> No.1630131

>delusional blue-eyed underling

>> No.1630142
File: 631 KB, 1280x720, i dreamed it in my head hi-res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Hazel was a fake color someone with brown eyes invented to not feel bad about their brown eyes

>> No.1630653



latinfag here, even most of our women prefer men with brown eyes.

on a related note: there are actually a lot of green and grey eyed people down here most of them mestizos, blue people though also someone common are usually white.