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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iqcb354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1626096 No.1626096 [Reply] [Original]

So what's it like having an IQ of over 130?
Do you see the world differently?

>> No.1626100

Better topic:

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be one of those simpletons with an IQ of 90?
I'd really like to experience it, just for a day tho. Just to like, you know, see what its like.

Like when i see a retarded ad on tv. It makes me wonder why anyone would buy something that dumb. But lots of people buy that shit.

tldr: I wonder what its like to be average/below average

>> No.1626103

You'd be posting on 4chan.
Oh wiat....

>> No.1626106

I'v always wondered that too. Every day in highschool i was always so curious what it would be like to be one of those stupid chavs.

>> No.1626107

135 here, I'm still on 4chan after I found out, and I've got mediocre grades. Looking down on stupid people fells good man.

>> No.1626108


>> No.1626110

Other than feeling superior to everyone else, we don't see the world particularly differently.

>> No.1626112

I do wonder what kind of delayed mental process makes them have that empty stare of theirs.

>> No.1626114

That image gets be pissed so much.

How on Earth did anyone even predict Einstein's IQ?

He never took any tests that were well correlated with IQ.

Also, this thread sucks. You view the world based on your subjective life experience. I will admit that average people do participate in ridiculous activity. Grinding, jungle music, hilariously dim opinions. It gives you a feeling of superiority and perhaps a very tiny amount of self-importance.

>> No.1626115

Well yeah but that feeling must have some sort of real life basis other than a triple digit number, no?

>> No.1626117

Well its not that common to take official IQ tests here where i live, so ive never taken one. Anyone got link to an official IQ test, which doesn't say "Above average" ans such. I've only taken one serious one and it only said "Very high, better than 98,5% of those who have taken this test" or something.

Tl;dr: Link to IQ test plox?

>> No.1626118

If the average mentally inadequate has an IQ of around 60 or so, and ~100 IQ, then that would mean a 40 IQ difference when talking to a retard. Einstein had over a 60 IQ difference, so talking to anyone for him must have been like talking to people with deserve retardation.

>> No.1626120
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>> No.1626124

I don't know.
I'm a 143, would he have treated me like a retard?
Would it be impossible for me to follow him?

>> No.1626125


There are no, I repeat, no accurate online IQ tests. If you actually care to know your poorly measured and inaccurate level of intelligence, go take Raven's Matrices. Better yet, get one administered by a psychologist. Those are the most accurate.

>> No.1626128

> People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.

>> No.1626129

What do we have to compare it to? It's not like we used to be average, except perhaps as infants.

>> No.1626133


>> No.1626135


See this >>1626114

Einstein was more of a savant than a "well rounded" genius. Actually try to find sources for bullshit rumors.

>> No.1626136

No, the superiority just comes from having the number, or having enough people tell you you're super-smart. Doing some significant real-life accomplishment that is dependent on high intelligence... that's a much different feeling. A much less vile one than superiority. Then you have something to actually feel good about yourself for, so you don't have to manufacture good feelings out of a number.

>> No.1626139


>> No.1626143

Guys, quit bumping this thread. We've seen them so much and they are not science or math related.

>> No.1626167

Wow, I just woke up when I wrote this, and after reading it over a couple times, I just realized that I probably sound like a god damn brazillian.

>> No.1626171

I scored 130+ in Elementary school and haven't been tested since. The world sucks knowing just how fucked up it is. I'd rather be retarded any day, not nonfunctional retard, but just ignorant. Like imagine believing religion can save, you don't have to do anything but believe in an imaginary friend and the world is okay! So simple :/

>> No.1626175


Yeah, it was a moronic thought too,

Einstein's IQ is mostly unpredictable.

He never took a test that correlated with IQ.

>> No.1626176

Fun fact: EVERYONE got 130+ on an I.Q test when they were younger.

>> No.1626185

I mean I also breezed through the selective GT program (top 8% fgt) and got accepted to the magnet school and I'm on scholarshit at uni for physics and EE. I think I did alright. I mean it was through an independent pyschologist, not some public school bullshit

>> No.1626189

When i was 12 i got scored 138 on the lowest part, 144 on the highest.

When i was 16 i got scored 153 =D

You can actually raise your score atleast 10 points by practicing from what people have told me

>> No.1626192

and it increases with age

>> No.1626203
File: 101 KB, 395x472, mhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, look another thread about IQ.

Very original.

I am disappoint...... at your pettiness

>> No.1626204

Yeah, but if you do that you'll have to decrease the score by 10 if you want a realistic number.

>> No.1626222

Wow so you're 130 makes you be non-religious? Too bad Newton and Maxwell and Swedenborg and Plato and Pythagoras weren't as smart as you so they could be nonreligious too.

>> No.1626239
File: 9 KB, 510x289, IQ-vs-Religion-debate-253441_510_289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having been tested years ago at 130 doesn't make me anything but to have possibly had potential at the time of testing. Hard work and discipline got me into uni with a scholarshit. Being non-religious kinda comes with the territory, but being tested as "smart" and having a faith aren't mutually exclusive. And my life circumstances have a lot to do with my lack of faith.

also u mad

>> No.1626259

I not mad. If you're trying to say that the culture of academia is non-religious, then I agree.

>> No.1626271

Academia yeah, but more so from my nut job mum.

Also low socioeconomic classes tend to have lower IQ/high religious belief, but of course that's subject to...well...sociologists.

>> No.1626278

Having an high IQ doesn't mean you're intelligent.Most people who boast high IQ-s have just an abilit to pile up facts but they lack any in depth understanding of anything.

>> No.1626325

>Cannot differentiate between crystallized and liquid intellingence.

>> No.1626334


Based on how well he did in early school, Einstein had a very well-rounded intelligence. He earned top marks in all his subjects while in school. When he went to university he became somewhat of a slacker. Dude blew up a lab.

>> No.1626342

You never stop thinking. Also, talking to people is tedious.

>> No.1626352


>spouts shit metaphors to feel superior

>> No.1626354


just throwin it out there

>> No.1626362
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Thinks this is a metaphor

>> No.1626366

There was a study on those who had an IQ of over 170 where scientists shadowed the 'geniuses' for life and these scientists found that the geniuses did not vastly impact the world. Sure, they were financially successful people but creativity trumps IQ.

>> No.1626401

ITT: People believe that online IQ tests containing 10 questions produces accurate results.

>> No.1626403

Quite the opposite, IQ is about the application of knowledge and the interpretation of reality.

>> No.1626408

I have an IQ of 87, feels bad man. ;_;

>> No.1626426

hoping youre not troll but I'll bite
how hard is it to learn new concepts?
are you in college?
how hard is it to learn math? (describe level of math pre-cal, cal, diff eq etc, and how many hours a week you had to study for the class, what your grade was, what kind of institution you took the class at)
Can you describe how you feel about religion?
Did you at one point have a higher IQ and did it decrease through trauma?

>> No.1626447


I have a friend with an IQ like that, and while she is really nice and fun to be around, she is just plain stupid. Completely incapable of reasoning her way through simple problems, relies completely on emotional responses because she cannot think rationally. Couldn't finish her GED, failed the test 4 or 5 times before she gave up.

Its a good thing that one of the requirements to be a Starbucks supervisor isn't basic reasoning skills, she would starve to death otherwise.

>> No.1626450


Einstein failed maths in school. Also, his 160 figure for IQ is extremely dubious.

Just because you can solve puzzles faster than other people doesn't mean you'll go on to do great things. Have a read of this;


>> No.1626451

I can't help but think part of it is conditioning :/

>> No.1626455


No he fucking didn't. Einstein was doing Calculus at 13 and reading Kant at the same age. He was fucking precocious. Do some god damn reading, at least wikipedia, before you go off spouting bullshit.

>> No.1626457

>Just because you can solve puzzles faster than other people doesn't mean you'll go on to do great things
isn't math basically logic puzzles?

>> No.1626469

Einstein's brain when it was dissected, showed the part that is used for spatial thinking was completely abnormal and enlarged. He actually had a very hard time learning the tensor calculus he needed to make GR work, though he had a truly amazing ability to conceptualize manifolds and operations upon them. It just goes to show how consolidating intelligence into a one dimensional scalar is silly.

>> No.1626479


Well to come up with new ideas requires original thought, and hours spent analysing various aspects of the field in question.

What Einstein did was a lot more complex than just solving some puzzles. He even admitted himself that achieved his results mostly through hard work.

It would be interesting to see the corrrelation between IQ and self-made millionaires. I'd say there'd be personalit traits which correlate a lot stronger than IQ.

Btw, i have an IQ of 121 but in the DATs my mathematical ability was in the 99th percentile. Either intelligence tests are flawed, or intelligence is too complicated to be given in a single figure.

>> No.1626482

136 here
socially isolated
can't understand other people
people can't understand me

feeling lonely, feels batman

>> No.1626487

ITT: derp I have a 130+ IQ but have done nothing with my life and sit at home jerking off to cartoons and carl sagan

>> No.1626489

wiki it

>> No.1626495


>Your INTP

get out of this thread.

>> No.1626512

130 isn't that smart, people. 5% of the general population is still smarter than you.

>> No.1626519

>What Einstein did was a lot more complex than just solving some puzzles. He even admitted himself that achieved his results mostly through hard work.
I think the most important aspect of what I would call "intelligence" is having the demeanor to obsess over a problem for however many years it takes until you solve it. That was Newton and Einstein.

>Btw, i have an IQ of 121 but in the DATs my mathematical ability was in the 99th percentile. Either intelligence tests are flawed, or intelligence is too complicated to be given in a single figure.
Those two have nothing to do with each other. Intelligence is usually regarded as an innate ability to learn. A math test shows how much you have ACTUALLY learned in a specific area of study.

>> No.1626533

sorry brohiem
YOU'RE, saw it but too lazy to fix

>> No.1626541


>> No.1626544

Why is it so hard to make a reliable online IQ test?
An actual IQ test made by a professional is usually a multiple choice test, and the psychologist that tells you the score doesn't do anything that requires intuition or anything. He just sums your score, something that any computer can do.
Then why the fuck are there no online reliable IQ test? What the fuck is so hard about it?

>> No.1626545

>intelligence is too complicated to be given in a single figure.

This, I think.

>> No.1626547


>> No.1626551

>baw, I got a low score. The system must be bullshit

>> No.1626554

133 here. Feels indifferent, I have poor grades but I can get away without really working hard or studying.

>> No.1626560

I have a higher score than any of you, and he's right.

>> No.1626570

Not higher than me, good sir.

>> No.1626573


Not higher than me.

>> No.1626584

bitch please. even my butler scores higher than you.

>> No.1626591


>butthurt average person detected

>> No.1626599

Average is generous in this case.

>> No.1626619

>implying plato was smart

>> No.1626626

Oh look everyone, a tripfag goiNG DOWN.

>> No.1626636

you must be confused or a platonist, oh wait, that's just redundant

>> No.1626641

You're already a well-known moron. Insulting Plato just makes you look even dumber.

>> No.1626646

When you're intelligent, everything in the world is clear and makes sense.
When you're stupid, everything in the world is strange and confusing.

>> No.1626657

You have it backwards.

>> No.1626659

you seem mad, go read some more republic to calm your nerves.

>> No.1626661

I must be retarded then.

>> No.1626667
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>fascist in name field
>doesn't think highly of Plato

my face when Plato is ultimate fascist

>> No.1626670

Around 130 here. I'm way too cynical about everything. I consider very few people intelligent. Mediocre grades. Live too much in my head.

>> No.1626671

Yes, if the world is clear and makes sense to you, you are retarded. As all the great philosophers said, the more you learn, the more you discover you don't know.

>> No.1626693

Get out of my head, etc.

>> No.1626714

Having a high IQ doesn't mean that you aren't clouded by emotions and other factors. You may have good spacial thinking abilities, but you're still a human being, and many other factors can inhibit you from doing.... a lot.

Also, anyone who rages at IQs because they're annoyed or feel jealous or superior (insecure) is a sensitive bitch. This has nothing to do with intelligence, it just means that you take people's words so seriously and it hurts you, so you have to defend yourself in some pathetic way. Yes, IQ is important- but it's just a fucking trait that can be affected by other traits, that's it.


>> No.1626715

I wouldn't know... 127

>> No.1626719
File: 106 KB, 500x907, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

115 IQ here. Feels HURR DURR. If I had the money I'd be shoveling nootropics down my throat. Oh well, at least it's still enough for a career in science, at least according to this graph.

>> No.1626723

>actually takes a trip name seriously.

>> No.1626725

> great
> philosopher
Nigga, you just went full retard.

>> No.1626729

150 here (not even lying)

I still fuck up loads, and a lot of people think i'm not too smart based on shit i say and do

one day though, one day

>> No.1626955

ITT: morons in disguise.

>> No.1627169
File: 172 KB, 587x2494, 1281894473575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.1627207

i tested around 160+.

i'm a raging alcoholic.

>> No.1627412

>So what's it like having an IQ of over 130?
>Do you see the world differently?


Maybe one has higher IQ pionts BECAUSE he has choosen a certain focus of his surrounding.

There are lots of other factors and personal characteristics that determine how you see the world. I notice this is a general misconception.

>> No.1627455
File: 44 KB, 252x159, 1281531244108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

147 INTJ here. Maybe I really am just on a completely different level, but everyone else just seems so retarded that every day that passes just makes me lose more and more faith in humanity and wish I could just start everything over with a nuclear apocalypse and hope that not being a fucktard is a vital trait for surviving long enough to reproduce in the aftermath.

>> No.1627471

how do i find out my real iq for free?

>> No.1627488

Its one of those things, where if you need to ask, you don't belong

>> No.1627520

This thread makes me feel bad to have an IQ of 160.

>> No.1627580

Serious question: Do you guys know the percentage the IQ you keep talking about corresponds to?

Or is more like "what 135? really high, cool bro!!"

Are you also aware that IQ tests are deficiency tests? It's measuring the degree to which you can't solve problems. Which is why modern tests considered to be legit by the psychometrics community won't allow for a measured IQ greater than about 145. Very few people are capable of getting all of it right in the test, and we don't make tests for very few people but for the masses.

Inb4 ron hoeflins mega bullshit test

>> No.1627604
File: 117 KB, 500x1363, 1282262872041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which IQ measurement was that?

I have had my Intelligence quotient measured several times. Sometimes via the standard Stanford-Binet (as used in Oxford) and others.. I achieved a 145+ and then in a supplemental test, I achieved a 169+..

In response to your question, I do not know what the standard of seeing the world is, so it is merely speculation to claim 'seeing the world differently'

pic semi-related: It is how I treat simple conversational requests

>> No.1627635

186 here.

It's lonely. Not because of some non-existent superiority complex, but because of a lack of power to utilize it to socialize well, or to obtain some kind of outstanding career... I get by okay, but it's not wonderful.

>> No.1627642

Me 2!!!

Captcha: I would brobsera

>> No.1627648

Damn you guys are high. I'm only a 220 here.

>> No.1627663

I don't know what my IQ is. I don't care.

>> No.1627671
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2 questions:
> ...to obtain some kind of outstanding career
If you are more intelligent than others, what is it that they are doing that you cannot do to obtain that "outstanding career"?

>but because of a lack of power to utilize it to socialize well
2. Is the well lonely?

>> No.1627677

Tested at school for an IQ of 129

So close ;_;

>> No.1627694

Would you like to be friends?

>> No.1627706

Probably not

>> No.1627707


how is doing stupid ass pattern shit an indicator of IQ?

>> No.1627708

So close to what? There isn't a magic barrier between 129 and 130+
Fuck, there are no IQs at ALL. They are an IMAGINARY value people don't you get it?!

>> No.1627713

79 and I'm studying space science at university. IQ doesn't mean shit.

>> No.1627716

Wow. If I had an imaginary IQ, I'd REALLY be able to think outside the box.

>> No.1627730

Average percentage = to above average percentage
wait waut.

>> No.1627742

must be studying at Ryerson University LOL

>> No.1627744

iq says nothing about anything faggots

>> No.1627752

What the fuck is ryerson?

>> No.1627762
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>Implying anyone on /sci/ has an IQ above average

>> No.1627851
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>> No.1627859

In school, they scored me at over 150
Haven't been tested since, so I dunno exactly what it is now

But it's rather scary sometimes; too many of the people I talk to seem like simpletons

>> No.1627878

>186 here.
Dude, no you're not. That's over 5 standard deviations outside the mean. That's literally 1 in a million

What's it like having an IQ over 130? Beats me. I've never had a different IQ to compare it to. Ever watch that Simpsons episode where Homer gets the crayon yanked out of his brain? It might be like that.

>> No.1627915

A boat on the road is as fast as a car in the water.

my IQ is over 200+

I'm pretty sure I'm also psychic though most people have psychic abilities, but it allows me to log off 4chan preemptively when i foresee 4 more weeks of troll threads that dull my mind more than pot.

>> No.1627926

That means there are 7,000 such people in the world. Why couldn't one of them be here?

>> No.1627938


because you are on 4chan.

>> No.1627940

Someone with that high of an IQ wouldn't be here because of their superiority complex and likely kill themselves because everyone is so stupid to them.

Also, my IQ is over 9,000.

>> No.1627970
File: 46 KB, 446x352, 1252785266844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ is in the 142-148 range. I am 26 years old. It has gone down as I've aged, a phenomenon I partially attribute to IQ tests for younger people being ridiculously easy to skew with trivia/early interests.
What's it like?
The longer I live on this planet the more the saying 'ignorance is bliss' rings true.
Creativity and imagination are my strong suits and come naturally to me in ways that appear profound and amazing to the average person. I have the ability to understand multiple sides to issues and reason my way into forming my own opinions based on evidence. Politically I am a fiscally responsible liberal (shush). My short term goals include drinking a small glass of delicious chocolate milk and producing a feature length film. I have a natural proclivity towards sucking at math, however, since my phone has a calculator on it I am only moderately shamed by this fact.

>> No.1627971

How would you know that?

>> No.1627976

Ever hear of the many intelligent serial killers and mad men? With IQs of 130-150+, they used their talents to what they see fit. We're all on 4chan getting phone numbers and addresses on /b/, and when there isn't a thread up, we troll /sci and feed on their infinite amount of rage.

>> No.1627978

>implying intelligent people would kill themselves because of the stupidity of the masses, or aren't already aware everyone is derp.

>> No.1627996

>implying someone smarter than you hasn't figured out how pointless existence is, at least in this part of the universe

>> No.1628002

130 iq, on my sci?

>> No.1628029
File: 74 KB, 766x511, gallethelmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main difference is about deeper logical thinking. Think about a logical dilemma.....

I get it.

My smart friend gets it a few moments later.

My avarage friend gets it the next day if we tell him to think about it harder.

My below avarage friend gets it the next day after we explain it to him a few times.

My retarded friend hurrs and durrs until his head explodes (about 7 secs)

Or if I develope an interesting concept about how things work.

My smart friend says he has thought about it but has had better things to do and hasn´t reached a conclusion.

My avarage friend is like "WUT?" and starts thinking about it.

My below avarage friend is like "LOL stop talking gibberish and come drink some beer!"

My retarded friend asks if it´s a new kind of candy he can eat while watching MTV.

>> No.1628049

>Implying you could ever hope to develop an interesting concept about how things work.

>> No.1628054
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Is that so?

>> No.1628072

>implying your IQ is 130+ and you can't spell develop.
>implying IQ less than 130 (your friend) is smart.

>> No.1628090

It's a typo, dude. Chill out, we're humans we make mistaeks.

>> No.1628094

I hope that sort of attitude about IQ not mattering extends to people who BAWWWW about their IQ being too low, because ;-;

>> No.1628119
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>> No.1628154
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>>pic related

>> No.1628160

my IQ is 97, at least I am honest unlike all you fucking faggots

>> No.1628169

How would I know if I see the world differently? I have never had a low or average IQ. I can only know what I have experienced.

>> No.1628195

136 here. I've never had a different IQ than the one I have, though for a long time I just didn't fucking try, so I suppose I have experienced being much dumber than I am, or something equivalent.

(Feels pretty much the same, bro.)

>> No.1628200

I have an IQ of 50, and I can troll the /sci board every day. =)

>> No.1628225

Well I was honest too bro. I have the feeling that the other people in this thread are also being honest.
>>1626719 here by the way.

>> No.1628242

I can't help but notice on that graph that it shows "average" being between 85 and 100, when IQ tests are standardized so that 100 IS the average.

>> No.1628256

"Well above average" here.

I've never saw any benefits related to my supposed intelligence, in fact, the only thing I'm even absolutely certain about is the innate ability all humans have to be severely disappointing.


I'm a pessimist.

>> No.1628268

well, 130 here,BS Electronics, mediocre university grades, anyway everyone keeps saying im smart, in spite of me failing some classes anyway, i believe im really good at answering iq tests and thats all.

I seem to be able to pick up things faster than anyone else, but i dont think i see the world in a particular way,.

>> No.1628279

If you were a simpleton, all of your current memories would likely allow you to still function rationally.
Now, if you were functionally retarded on the other hand...

>> No.1628281
File: 20 KB, 320x258, winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 134 according to iqtests.com and that's good enough for me =D. Feels good being one of the most intelligent of intelligent species =)

>> No.1628428


>> No.1628823

137 IQ, and I can say with great certainty that I am an apathetic, lonely, fundamentally worthless shell of a human being.

>> No.1628827

Did OP samefag in order to resurrect a dead thread?

This topic is cocks, quit saving it.

>> No.1628908
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, bert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I count, unless IQ raises with age.
When I was twelve, I got an IQ test with a psychologist, and I scored a 127.

I enjoy basic philosophy, and often ask myself abstract questions. Sometimes I over-analyze things, and often look at problems in a much broader perspective than other people. But at the same time, I can be stubborn to new ideas...like in algebra throughout high school I hated new formulas, I hated how flexible algebra was. I wanted mathematics to be rigid and linear. Every week when our teacher would put a problem on the board (we weren't supposed to figure it out, it's intended to be impossible until he introduces the popular formula) I would break down the problem in my head holding onto dozens of instances of addition, subtraction, multiplication, ect, in my head, and a few minutes later I'd shoot my hand up and solve the problem before he gave us the formula. But I couldn't do this with all problems and had trouble adopting new formulas. I'd rather have used basic methods in a complex manner than use more advanced methods in a simple manner. On the other hand, I was great at trigonometry. But I did and do dislike math...not linear enough.

When sitting in lectures I tend to grasp the information faster than others, but I can't always hold onto all of it. I devour the key concepts and more advanced ideas, but often I get bored when I get something in 5 minutes when the professor takes 20 minutes to explain it. But when I hit a dead end, I hit it hard. My focus is amazing if I like something, abysmal if I don't.

tl;dr: Give me a SOLID base to work on for any subject, and I'll go buck-wild with it. If it's too flexible a subject to have a solid base on, I'll either hit a dead end or take it as a challenge. Also, don't go slow.

>> No.1629020


In my psych class at the beginning of the year, my teacher tried to say a cool thing about psych that supposed to be deep or something. He told the class about everyone may see different colors (like I might see red while someone else might see blue). Most of the class was oooing and awwing while I just thought to myself how I contemplated that a couple of months before and then thought about how everybody's favorite color might be the same color. The smarter people I know really do just get things a lot faster and think of much more complex things than the less intelligent people I know.

I took some test but got lazy 50-75% through and skipped to the end and it gave me a 162.

>> No.1629130

Yet another IQ thread on /sci/... Although I admit I laugh at all the trollfest (IQ higher than 150 hahrharhahrh), I do say that most of you faggots put too much emphasis on a factor that may play very little role in actual intelligence.

>> No.1629135

Why did you bump this thread?

>> No.1629144


I'm a tad worried that OP is a crazed samefag.

Many of these posts don't perhaps seem to be troll posts, but seem to be made up entirely.

>> No.1629150

My apologies.

>> No.1629163

TLDR: Bobby Fischer is a great example--extreme intelligence is ofttimes pure insanity.

A long time ago, I used to amuse myself by taking an IQ test at my current school each year, for shits and giggles. Around middle school - sophomore college year my IQ for whatever reason began to steadily rise. I think I peaked somewhere around 140, but that was probably when the tests were still geared towards younger groups. But I became more and more apathetic about the world around me as I did. Increasingly frustrated with normal people whom I viewed as stupid and irresponsible. Eventually college finally broke me out of my shell and I fudged the last half or so of my stay in college. Ended with a 3.0 average in my senior year. I don't know what my IQ is now, but the liquor says lower, and my penis says yes.

>> No.1629183

Mine was around 145 last I checked. Where can I get it tested again? It was a long time ago.

>> No.1629909
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Whatever you say, mystical test from my magic flashing light box.

>> No.1629939


OP, quit bumping your thread. I've already called you out on it. If a thread does not meet the quality that Anon demands, it will not be responded to. Are you estranged? Mad?

>> No.1629945

Not OP, Just figured I'd post my results for lulz

>> No.1630614
File: 115 KB, 976x790, mytest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit I guess I'll be going now...

>> No.1630621

Yeah, everyone on /sci/ is 140 IQ+

0.5% of the world who has that high of an IQ, browses /sci/.

Fuck you, take a real IQ test.

>> No.1630660

Took the test listed in this tread.

Got 100 flat, but I know I'm smarter than everyone I know, shit my ex was a Mensa member and I was smarter than she was.

No online tests work 100%

>> No.1630699
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excuse my dumb, i can't brain today

>> No.1630800


>> No.1630813

Dear /sci/

I took an IQ test when I was 11 and I had an IQ of ~150, this allowed me to get into private education when my family couldn't afford it.

Anyway I took one again when I was 18 and it resulted in saying that I had an quotient of 133, can anyone explain this to me?

Was it because I didn't really care about high school? Or is it just the standardisation of the test that is fail?

To answer OP's question (assuming that my results were accurate), it's hard to tell how I view the world feels different as opposed to people with lower IQ, as I have never been in a situation to experience it.

>> No.1630826

Yours is 170? Well mine is 171. So there.

Fucking faggot thread.

>> No.1630829


Also, no "genius" in this shit board ever answered my question.



>> No.1630849

How about no?

>> No.1630858

I have chosen to start quoting my IQ with a standard deviation of 300. I like this because it puts me well into 4 digits while about 46% of the population is below zero. This matches how I place myself among my peers quite nicely.

>> No.1630877


How about, you don't even know what the fuck I was asking in that thread because you're a pizza face high schooler who boasts a 180 APM in StarCraft BW and consider that the basis of your self-assessment.

>> No.1630908

That means P = .485, and standard deviations on IQ tests are usually 15 or 16. So according to my normal distribution chart, your IQ is 132

>> No.1630911


>> No.1630914

Well I have an IQ of exactly 130, so I can't exactly be of help...

However, I can keep track of numbers better than the average person, and can hear a set of instructions or directions once and remember it for hours or longer. What sucks about me, though, is that I have bi-polar disorder (my dad's side of the family) and also am really bad at paying attention.

>> No.1630923

But the IQ doesn't contain any information other than what you just translated the information he gave into.

Which is why everyone should be talking percentages, unless everyone knows the normal dis chart by heart or calculates..

>> No.1631045

Ummmm....still no.

>> No.1631079

I can't say that I see the world differently but I do manage to come up with solutions no one else does, and pretty fast too.

You should have asked people of over 160-170.

>> No.1631144

I am below average and average on a rare good day. I usually get the scores for average or a little above average on the online tests, but have never taken a "real" one, mainly because most people would think it's a waste of time to give me one.

I failed a grade in highschool, and was doing algebra during my junior year. 95% of my classtime was spent wandering around in my own thoughts for an hour and a half- concentration is nearly impossible for the subject matter, especially maths. Oddly enough I do quite well in the science courses and am a skilled writer, but my god awful scores in math courses has kept me down. I'm going to a community college now and you guessed it- have to take highschool level math again. It's sad because I really wish I could have a technical career but I understand it will never happen with below average intelligence. I graduated highschool with the third lowest grades and I wasn't even mexican.

I am very socially handicapped.
I have but one friend I met in elementary school of whom I still talk to regularly, although I rarely see him in person. I have internet friends, mainly from 4chan that I talk to pretty much every night. I have had a couple of self-proclaimed "girlfriends" that I lost interest in pretty much the instant they claimed themselves so. I cannot hold a conversation well and afterwards usually feel physically drained- in crowds I get extremely hot and have to move through less populated areas to get where I want. Often I have a hard time responding because I can't "catch" what others are saying. I'll see and hear them talking normally, but it's like my brain can't distinguish what their words are. It's actually pretty freaky, although people get annoyed when I have to ask "what?" 3 or 4 times or just give them a canned response like a nod. My live with anything from extreme sadness to extreme hatred or anger at all times.

So yeah, that's the gist of what it's like to live with a below average intellect.

>> No.1631149
File: 59 KB, 616x431, flamethrower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody explain to me this bullshit:
Almost every post begins with >my iq is >= 130

I know that most of these replies consists of trolls and people who are so insecure about themselves that they need to lie on anonymous imageboard about their intelligence.

FFS people, (most of) you are NOT above average, let alone >130, don't delude yourselves (and no, the genius score you've got on some internet iq test doesn't make you one because they are set up to give high scores so people can go and take official test and PAY for it.

This shit repeats itself over and over again and I have yet to see a forum with IQ thread and someone in it that says that they have average IQ.

>> No.1631833

/sci/ - Everyone is a genius

>> No.1631844

There goes OP being a crazy samefag STILL!!

This thread died yesterday. Someone either found this on like..page 11 or 12 and bumped it...or OP is samefagging his thread periodically. This has to stop.

>> No.1631845
File: 137 KB, 1024x556, epiphany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone on /sci/ is not only smarter than the average guy, but also smarter than the average guy at /sci/

>> No.1631853

>FFS people, (most of) you are NOT above average

By average you mean 100? I'm willing to bet most of /sci/ is not mentally retarded.

>> No.1631857

Some of it's just observational bias. Randomfags that come across this thread don't want to post their IQ's, so you're left with posts from people that have an above-average IQ.

Also, I think most serious threads here require such for any kind of contribution.

>> No.1631862

>Also, I think most serious threads here require such for any kind of contribution.

If the only threads you are willing to label "serious" require advanced mathematics, you're correct. Otherwise, probably not.

>> No.1631865


I think the kind of people that would tend to even cruise over to a place called "Science & Math" are probably, in general, above average intelligence (not counting trolls, but trolls with average intelligence probably aren't very good trolls).

>> No.1631873
File: 28 KB, 152x165, 15689156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who resurrected this thread?

It just about died 12 hours ago.

Quit bumping this topic, I don't understand Anon's intrigue.

>> No.1631875

I don't know. I did two online IQ tests when I was bored; one said 131 and the other 123. I don't think those scores are accurate, nor do I think that an IQ result is an accurate gauging of intellect.

I don't care what my IQ is anyway. I know I'm intelligent and that's enough for me.

>> No.1631880

Because faggots want to show off how 'smart' they are by taking 20 minutes online tests which don't involve age, education, or other things as real IQ tests do.

Also, IQ tests are retarded in general.

>> No.1631893

>Einstein's IQ was 160+

>> No.1632196

>Also, IQ tests are retarded in general.
And yet they correlate higher than anything else to intelligence.

>> No.1632280
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>> No.1632284



>> No.1632297


Why did you just revive this thread, OP?


Also, the correlation is only very loose. The correlation becomes negligible at the higher ends.

>> No.1632300

>got low score on IQ test

>> No.1632302


what's the r^2 value for the correlation?

>> No.1632308


ITT: Everybody is superior intellectually to the rest of the world.

Newsflash: You are average folks. The elites are buried in their books right now.


Wrong it actually helps the brain mature and besides those people obviously have skills you lack; skills that are just as important.

>> No.1632309

My intelligence/wisdom ratio is about the same as einstiens.

>> No.1632313


>> No.1632320


Dude what do you expect?

To have omniscience with an IQ of 130?

It's pretty damn obvious the little increment from average isn't going to be noticeable.

>> No.1632326

I'm sorry, but what is the "correlation between IQ and intelligence" supposed to be.

Is intelligence a measurable variable now, too?

>> No.1632345



>> No.1632346

Oh shut up.
If anyone is samefagging here, it's you.

>> No.1632353


No, it is rather conspicuous when a thread is bumped after it reaches page 6-12. Not only has this occurred once, but three to four times. If OP isn't samefagging, someone else is.

>> No.1632366

It's like anyone knew how much is Einstein's IQ, it's like it's not an ad.

>> No.1632397

158 IQ here (proper test, not online garbage)

And yes, I see the world pretty differently. I hate it all, the stupidity of everyone around me, the pointless rules and trends everyone abides by, and the fact that everyone's ultimate aim in life is just to be like everyone else.
I can't get along with anyone, because all I can ever do is notice their flaws, and argue with them over the dumb things they do. E.g. I never drink alcohol, because it's just downright pointless to, thus all I do is look down on people and argue whenever I try to hang out.

I thought I would be happy doing maths at the top University, but my depression and insomnia (not easy to sleep when you think too much) was too much for me and I didn't even get a high grade.

Conclusion: High IQ sucks, it's a curse not a gift.
It's like Dr. House, or when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge (I'm not religious or anything), and with their sudden gain in knowledge came shame and misery. At least in Dr. House's case he is actually making a positive difference in the world, that's all I can hope to accomplish.

>> No.1632446

If the world is as you say it is, why bother helping it?
You must realize by now that you will not change it.
Not even in the slightest.

>> No.1632447


>158 IQ here (proper test, not online garbage)

>And yes, I see the world pretty differently. I hate it all, the stupidity of everyone around me, the pointless rules and trends everyone abides by, and the fact that everyone's ultimate aim in life is just to be like everyone else.

Yes this sounds familiar....

>I can't get along with anyone, because all I can ever do is notice their flaws, and argue with them over the dumb things they do. E.g. I never drink alcohol, because it's just downright pointless to, thus all I do is look down on people and argue whenever I try to hang out.

Familiar too.

>I thought I would be happy doing maths at the top University, but my depression and insomnia (not easy to sleep when you think too much) was too much for me and I didn't even get a high grade.

Well I'm at a top university doing Mathematics and CS.

>Conclusion: High IQ sucks, it's a curse not a gift.
It's like Dr. House, or when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge (I'm not religious or anything), and with their sudden gain in knowledge came shame and misery. At least in Dr. House's case he is actually making a positive difference in the world, that's all I can hope to accomplish.


You know why all this conclusions puzzle me?
Because, you claim an IQ of >150 and you claim that these feelings are caused by such a gap in intellectual capacity yet I have an mere IQ of 104 and you description fits me perfectly. Explain that. Also yet, I'm studying Mathematics and Computer at a top English university with a mere 104 IQ points and I'm a straight A student too.

>> No.1632451

How to troll /sci/ #27:
Make a thread about IQ

>> No.1632455


Not to burst you bubble but it seems to me that you described a mature person with too early an exposure to the adult world.

>> No.1632466

Identification with a condition does not denote same depth or order of magnitude of its implications.
Clearly, there's a great difference in the manner and depth of your insights, if not attitudes.
Also, grades are more influenced by determination rather than by sheer intelligence.

143 here, btw.

>> No.1632505


>Also, grades are more influenced by determination rather than by sheer intelligence.

Why sort of shitty community-college do you go to to state such an absurdity? This is University level we are talking about.

About 1/3 of the students dropped out in the first of second years because they just couldn't make it. They were generally the most hardworking and determined of all of us. 60% of the rest are getting shitty passable grades. That's as much as determination goes.

Not to mention that me being on 4chan should be sign enough of how hardworking and determined I am......./s

>> No.1632507

Also yet, I'm studying Mathematics and Computer at a top English university with a mere 104 IQ points
>143 here, btw.


>> No.1632534

High IQ here. Waiting for this capitalistic fucktard society that doesn't support eugenics to self-destruct.

>> No.1632553

ITT: Pretentious douchebags thinking that IQ matters and that they're better than everyone else.

>> No.1632560

I know.
I have no way of proving it, and occam's razor is opposing me on this one.

>> No.1632565

Strange that more interesting and thought provoking IQ threads have much shorter lives.

This thread has been up for about 20 hours.

>> No.1632574

>Implying that my claim is false.

>> No.1632582



Omg this shit is hard. I got a mere 103 points.

>> No.1632602
File: 16 KB, 600x400, 0312-OSING-Trololo_full_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got 103

>> No.1632604

So if y'all are so smart, why are you on 4chan?

Shouldn't you be using your incredible intellect on something, you know, useful?

>> No.1632614
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>implying you weren't just trolled hard

>> No.1632617
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>> No.1632620

Why should/would we?
This world is a rotting sewage that doesn't deserve anyone's assistance, and having seen that we spend our time engaging in non-productive activities such as going on /sci/.
Is it really that hard to see that?

>> No.1632623

The vast majority of people in 4chan are far from being smart

>> No.1632624
File: 5 KB, 126x120, 1266941160650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scored low
>Claims trolling

>> No.1632625

I've done two real and about a dozen internet tests.

Back in middle school I scored 129 IQ average on both a written test, and one where I was interviewed and tested by a psychologist. They were running a gifted student school in my district and they wanted to fill it up with all the kids who fucking did there work. I didn't make it, but out of the like 12 kids in my grade who were tested only 4 made it through so whatever.

The internet ones are a joke and I usually score around 130-140 depending on what the fuck they are, as long as they're biased towards Anglo-saxon culture. If it's just pure math and puzzle I go abysmal and get like 115 like that IQ test DK or something.

So IQ 120 and just an infantry man in the Armed forces, planning to go airborne.

>> No.1632633


Retook the test. Managed to bump that up to 128.

>> No.1632639


And thus, you are cancer. Go to the kitchen and drink the stuff under the sink, it's chemo.

>> No.1632653


>he thinks he's actually capable of doing anything useful AT ALL.

>> No.1632655

I'd rather see the death of the real cancer of this planet.

>> No.1632658

what intelligent person give validity to an IQ test as a meaningful indicator of intelligence?

intelligence is nothing without action. judge your smarts by your achievements, not taking an online test and then feeling good about yourself.

>> No.1632659



>> No.1632665

My IQ is 1290487120358 but I am an east-asian jew.

>> No.1632667


Dude this is 4chan. Nobody actually achieved anything ever, around here. Hence IQ being praised and school grades being belittled.

>> No.1632685



>> No.1632688


Imho boasting about intelligence is about at valid as posting about height. It's not something you achieved. It's just something you were lucky to be born with. If you want to boast about something post about achievements.

>> No.1632702
File: 29 KB, 1328x402, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1632708

I got 121 on that test, I am happy with that, slightly better then average penis, slightly better then average intelligence. No social alienation.... awhhh that's the life.

>> No.1632729

>Implying your achievements aren't gained via other personality traits you were born with.

>> No.1632730


Jessi, is that you?

>> No.1632746

You'd be surprised my dear.

>> No.1632779


I'm okay with this.jpeg

>> No.1632789


Belittling talk is not an achievement.

>> No.1632805


Obviously not!

Being hardworking and persuasive in what you do are two skills that are learned rather than being born with.

>> No.1632812

I belittle only that which needs to be belittled.
But usually I'm an okay kinda guy.

>> No.1632813

And where does the ability to learn them derives from?

>> No.1632827


Form making the right choices in life.

>> No.1632835


You learn more from mistakes.

>> No.1632839


Well, get started. I'm sure you have a knife to kill yourself with somewhere.

>> No.1632899

116 here, going for engineering

>> No.1633004

lol. I've never taken an IQ test personally. I feel That intelligence can be just as harmful as it is helpful...both psychologically and emotionally (if those concepts do in fact differ..). My motto is "loose lips sink ships". My thoughts and feelings operate independently of one another, and though some call me intelligent I feel awkward and unsure of what to say when they do so. I know how to get through a class, and sometimes I get mildly obsessed with ones I'm interested in....but everyone has strong and weak points as far as knowledge goes and I think it's good for all students to keep that in mind. It's not a bad thing.

>> No.1633014



>> No.1633022

See, this is why I never argue with idiots.

>> No.1633301

I have an IQ of 140, thank you very much.

>> No.1634804


Some small-name university in Metropolitan Toronto.

>> No.1635408

Of course you do.

>> No.1635567

About 140.

>> No.1635627

IQ of 118, not that it fucking matters anyway.

George Bush supposedly had a sub 100 IQ and he made like 90% of the world his bitch.

Marylin Munroe supposedly had an IQ higher than 160, yet her contribution to the world was just smiling and looking pleasant.

Many of the people in this thread claim to have IQs around 140 yet the majority of their scientific contributions are that they read Sagan's Cosmos.

IQ means shit all if you do nothing about it.

>> No.1635660

>mediocre grades

Online IQ tests don't count, dumbass

>> No.1635672

>Impying it's an online test we're based upon.

>> No.1635751

I have an above average iq of 112... I WANT MOAR:(

>> No.1635875

Calculus at 13 isn't precocious in the least.

And every pretentious 13 year old brat makes themselves out to be a philosopher.

>> No.1636142

I just wrote a wall-o-text about my IQ test story, clicked post, and then the intarnets ate it. so here's the tl;dr version.

Tested at 203 as child. Not told until much later what I scored. Never had to try hard in school, so unprepared for real challenges in life. Failing pretty hard at present. Brother tested at 207, but he's doing great.

Conclusion: high IQ can suggest higher ability to achieve, but it is not a guaranteed range of excellence.

The bottom looks the same to everyone.

>> No.1636386

Really? I have an IQ of 211 and do great.

>> No.1636400

>I have an above average iq of 112... I WANT MOAR:(
Face it bro. You're only above average because they count niggers.

>> No.1636410
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>> No.1636413
File: 41 KB, 250x250, 1270735080195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people are still posting seriously in this thread

>> No.1636435

Last time I did an IQ test I was at like 128...

>> No.1636683

Actually no.
They don't.
Kids these days are preoccupied with pop culture and bullshit.

>> No.1636696
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>> No.1636716

i never taken a iq test but i probably have one of the highest in my high school. I was youngest kind in calculus and i got a 5 on the ap test i am pretty sure i was the only one too. there might of been one other kid. I am one of the youngest in my class having a summer birthday and i was the only sophomore in a class full of juniors and seniors.

>> No.1636734

srs response.

IQ tests are pretty much useless for anything above 130 or so. You can take nearly identical tests and get a 140 the first time and a 175 the next.

So I've tested between 150 and 190 most times. But I think it's pretty much bullshit. Regardless, if you want to know how I see the world, it is shit.

I have a Ph.D and am a professor at a small college, and I like my job. Finishing my ph.D was a pain in the ass because I have such attention problems that even max dosages of Ritalin don't work. Nearly everyone I know with intelligence like mine has the same problem, it;'s impossible to stop analyzing everything we observe.

I love my area of research but find it almost impossible to develop the pat solutions academia demands because I see nuances that complicate any such pat answers.

In short, having a high IQ has enabled me to achieve a decent living but it's a huge barrier to being, well, happy. I've been close to engaged several times but talked myself out of being married because I kept finding reasons why it might make me miserable to spend an entire life with them.

I'm only 27 and so there's plenty of life left but really, I'd give a good 50 points of IQ to have a brain that worked in more conventional ways that let me complete tasks without finding flaws in the methodology or (most recently) raging constantly about politics and lies in political ads.

Also, my captcha
>SATs gurboyed

>> No.1636742

40 IQ points spread is not possible at this range unless different SDs are called into account.

>> No.1636762


See Clinical Neuro 3, 3 (1989) for info on the sharp reduction of reliability (esp p correlation) on IQs above 150 using WAIS.

>> No.1636780

I'm calling BS on that one, but link please?

>> No.1636805


I don't have a link, I have the fucking journal sitting right here. Go to your library or if you're on campus I'm sure you have a subscription to the journal, use Web of Science

>> No.1636809

I have a Ph.D and am a professor at a small college, and I like my job. Finishing my ph.D was a pain in the ass because I have such attention problems that even max dosages of Ritalin don't work. Nearly everyone I know with intelligence like mine has the same problem, it;'s impossible to stop analyzing everything we observe.

I find that incredibly intriguing, not least because I've concluded something similar about myself.

Do you often fidget while you think? Do you pace?

Do you find it difficult to converse with peers and people who ought to be close, such as your family? If so, could you provide a reason?

>> No.1636813

He gave you a fucking journal name, date and topic, dude. scholar.google.com

>> No.1636818


Yes yes yes and yes

Look, I've been to literally dozens of psychologists and shrinks, all are slightly helpful but the general conclusion is I'm lucky not to be schizophrenic.

Which is funny, because my grandfather WAS schizophrenic so I'm probably going to end up that way anyway.

>> No.1636823

My IQ is 142. I am religious.

>> No.1636852

Very very interesting, thank you for your response.

I can relate and sympathize with your fear of schizophrenia. My grandmother was diagnosed, and I often fear that my analyses are or will become delusional.

>> No.1636859


I'd even deal with my impending schizo if I could function on occasion like John Nash, but

no. The biggest frustration really is that I get these brief glimpses of really big things but they're gone in five seconds, long before I can jot anything down or record my thoughts.


>> No.1636863

I have a Phd in CS. I'm better than you, hahahaha!

>> No.1636879


good for you?

>> No.1636888

I guess the part of your brain that deals with making up bullshit stories badly is over-developed and the part of your brain that deals with writing coherently is incredibly under-developed.

>> No.1637050

Non found

>> No.1637624
File: 10 KB, 259x194, disciprine..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not so much seing the world differently, I mean I don't think I do in any particular. There is however a sort of paralysis risk since you do see more of the world at any given time, AND process what you see, AND abstract what you see, AND generate conclusions, AND process the new concepts thus generated, et cetera... All terribly dangerous if you rack disciprine!

>> No.1637747

What about EQ ? Aren't our emotions make us see the world differently ? IQ would help us solve problems easier, but it has to get some certain amound of input before it can work. IQ without education is worthless.

>> No.1637758

149 here

>> No.1637892

149.1 here.

>> No.1637929

149.2 here

>> No.1638053
