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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1624728 No.1624728 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1624734

"Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture...announced that over 700 scientists from around the world have now signed a statement expressing their skepticism about the contemporary theory of Darwinian evolution."

700 scientists?! THAT'S SO MANY!

>> No.1624749

You should read the email correspondence between that site's creator and a microbiologist, the microbiologist rips him to shreds.

>> No.1624758

I wonder how these people manage to operate a computer, let alone spell an English word correctly.

>> No.1624761
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>> No.1624767
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>If the evolutionary position was valid, then there should be "transitional forms" in the fossil record reflecting the intermediate life forms. Another term for these "transitional forms" is "missing links".


>> No.1624772

As Phil Plait said, skeptics are different from deniers. Skeptics require more evidence, while deniers ignore evidence.

You wouldn't be much of a scientist if you weren't a skeptic. You wouldn't be a scientist at all if you were a denier.

>> No.1624784


The creator of the site believes the world is around 6000 years old.

On another note, many of these popular creationists are doctors. What popsicle stand did they get their title from?

>> No.1624788
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>> No.1624789

Exactly what I'm saying. It's okay to be an evolution skeptic. But this guy is clearly a denier. What good does a petition do anyway? It's like those 700 scientists are opening themselves up to mockery.

>> No.1624795

While we're at it.


You rage you lose

>> No.1624800


I lold at the second picture

>> No.1624806


>> No.1624817

>The theory of relativity is a mathematical system that allows no exceptions. It is heavily promoted by liberals who like its encouragement of relativism and its tendency to mislead people in how they view the world.
why are they against relativity?

>9. The action-at-a-distance by Jesus, described in John 4:46-54.

>> No.1624818

Conservapedia is fucking gold mine of lols.

>> No.1624821
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>Based on Wired Magazine's observation that atheists tend to be quarrelsome, socially challenged men, to say nothing of the unpleasant personalities of leading public atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Michel Onfray, one could reasonably hypothesize that there is likely to be a strong correlation between Asperger's and atheism.

>> No.1624828
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>The observed lack of curvature in overall space.[4]
>↑ If space were curved, one would never expect the universe as a whole to be almost precisely flat. Yet it is.

>> No.1624830


I think it is primarily just the creator of the site, Adam Schlafly, who is so up in arms over it. If you read the talk page you find that the arguments have been destroyed repeatedly but he just ignores the comments, mostly. Or talks them down to his level and then ignores them.

>> No.1624831
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>> No.1624833


If you don't ace this test then you can't call yourself open minded.

>> No.1624838


That's... all?

>> No.1624844


Bible wins!


>> No.1624845
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>> No.1624850

>A liberal generally supports many of the following political positions and practices:
>fourth one on the list is child pornography

>> No.1624857
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>The oldest direct evidence of life -- written documents, clothing, remnants of civilizations, tree rings, etc. -- is no older than about 3000 B.C.

>> No.1624866


>Do you think that it is impossible for the speed of light to have been different in the past?

from the talk page
>For example, I would be not be close-minded to say that evolution is impossible if I had studied information theory and knew how it negated the possibility.

holy shit goddamn

>> No.1624867

>The Climategate scandal revealed how liberal scientists appeared to be deceiving the public with the use of fraudulent data for use as climate science.


>> No.1624878

>Counter-example to relativity:
>The action-at-a-distance by Jesus, described in John 4:46-54.


>> No.1624891

Most biased questions I've ever read, lol

>> No.1624916

man what the hell
our tree ring records alone go back over 11,000 years

>> No.1624923

its has no entry on Lady Gaga. it is flawed.

>> No.1624957

Much to be read into that statement such as that it does not deny evolution, only that the current theory about it doesn't sit well with those 700, which makes sense because theories change over time to fit the latest and greatest data.

>> No.1624978

Fuck yeah, all I needed to hear. I'll go buy myself a coal powered car because that shit is in no way bad for the world. Maybe I'll buy a few orphans to shovel the coal too, or midgets.

>> No.1624989

"Do you think that is impossible for the power of 2 in Newtonian gravity, whereby the gravitational force is proportional to 1/r2, to be more precise with an exponent that is slightly different from 2, such as a gravitational force proportional to 1/r2.00000001?"
Ok, I'm missing something here, what dumb as shit is this question trying to guide me toward?

>> No.1624994


That scienceis not infallible

in some way, in their mind, this should lead you to the conclusion that jesus is the only answer

>> No.1625013
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Oh, well that is stupid, science is constantly refining its constants as our ability to measure shit improves. Oh that guy. Pic not related.

>> No.1625016



>> No.1625025
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That entry.

>> No.1625038
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>> No.1625042

I just looked up Colbert's article out of curiosity. It's like the opposite of what goes down at Wikipedia. If you look at the edit history, all of the reasonable edits get written over with craziness by older users.

>> No.1625048


oh shit, I forgot to check. until about 6 days ago there was a line that said

>Carl Sagan was also an avid marijuana smoker who claimed marijuana gave him scientific insights.[3] Sagan's pot smoking and atheism no doubt helped inspire various atheistic pseudoscience fantasies that Sagan foisted on his gullible fans.

>> No.1625053
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>my face when reading http://www.conservapedia.com/Conservapedia:Lenski_dialog

>> No.1625060


The first image. Holy shit, I almost died laughing.

>> No.1625064

Sex with men. Apparently not profitable.

>> No.1625065

that's not too bad an article, actually.

>> No.1625073



>> No.1625074


>> No.1625078
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>> No.1625090


>The evidence that Obama is a Muslim includes:

>He has said that "Islam can be compatible with the modern world

>> No.1625097

i lol'd hard

>> No.1625109

>Barack Hussein Obama II (birth name Barry Soetoro,[1][2][3] allegedly born in Honolulu August 4, 1961[4][5][6][7][8]) is the 44th President of the United States, and the first President who is biracial.


>> No.1625114

>In the book Obama,"Renegade" his friends say that "he actually really wasn't much of a churchgoer."

>> No.1625124

Then it must be true.

>The evidence that Obama is a Muslim includes:
>Contrary to Christianity, the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya encourages adherents to deny they are Muslim if it advances the cause of Islam.

>> No.1625161

>the Founding Fathers made no secret of their Christian faith and unfailing belief in God in the Declaration of Independence and later writings.

I mad.

>> No.1625213

On old Earth.
>The intelligence of humans is rapidly declining, whether measured by SAT scores,[12] music, personal letters,[13] quality of political debates,[14] the quality of news articles,[15] or any other measure.

>> No.1625230

Conservapedia was conceived to troll /sci/

>> No.1625244

># The interior of the earth is heated by decay of radioactive isotopes, which could not possibly still be persisting in sufficient quantities after 5 billion, or even half a billion, years.
>[Citation Needed]

>> No.1625271

I fucking wish that's all it were there for. It's been around for a while though

>> No.1625273


My favorite is

>Obama declared in prepared remarks, "The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them."[204]

Because anyone with a an ounce of reading comprehension can tell he was referring to himself being on of those people with "Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country" he doesnt hide his muslim relatives or ancestors.

>> No.1625279
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>Christian women at a religious retreat. Studies and web traffic data appear to indicate that women in the Western World tend to be more religious than men.[119][120]

Man, you fags just sure got told. Bet you wish you were a devout Christian now huh?

>> No.1625346
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>> No.1625409


All of my hate, ALL OF IT.

>> No.1625459
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Note to self: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.1625465


It's cure how they just HAVE to project their own sins on other people.

>> No.1625467



my bad

>> No.1625471
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>> No.1625488



>> No.1625499

The moronic creator of the site got butthurt over wikipedia using BCE and CE.

>To obscure the overwhelming liberal dominance of the media...

FAUX NEWS TRUMPS THESE SO CALLED 'LIBERAL MEDIA OUTLETS', YOU FUCKING STUPID, INANE, WASTES OF LIFE! I swear these idiots are somehow subconsciously projecting their own retarded characteristics to others.

>> No.1625505


Get ready to rage

>> No.1625513
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>call something disliked a "conspiracy theory," but don't use that term against wacky liberal theories like global warming

WHAT?! Aw hell nahhh

>> No.1625519

this is so awesome

>P.P.S. I hope that some readers might get a chuckle out of this story. The same Sunday (15 June 2008) that you and some of your acolytes were posting and promoting scurrilous attacks on me and our research (wasn’t that a bit disrespectful of the Sabbath?), I was in a church attending a wedding. And do you know what Old Testament lesson was read? It was Genesis 1:27-28, in which God created Man and Woman. It’s a very simple and lovely story, and I did not ask any questions, storm out, or demand the evidence that it happened as written at a time when science did not yet exist. I was there in the realm of spirituality and mutual respect, not confusing a house of religion for a science class or laboratory. And it was a beautiful wedding, too.

>> No.1625531

>The moon is receding from the Earth at a rate[2] that would have placed it too close to the Earth merely four billion years ago, causing instability in its orbit, tidal catastrophes on Earth, and other problems, causing Earth and the moon to be as they are today.


>> No.1625534
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>> No.1625538
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>> No.1625539

>There are no Counterexamples to the Bible.

what what wwhat what waht awhat whatwaht wtwaht wahtwhtawhat awht wahtawht waht tawhtwaht awthtwa h

i think they are trolling us

>> No.1625542
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what is this I don't even

>> No.1625543

>For example, many Egyptian pharaohs married their sisters and had perfectly normal offspring

>> No.1625545
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>> No.1625548


Wow, I usually can laugh about myslef but that stuff ist mostly pretty dull.

>> No.1625555

...what? Fuck trying to understand that, I'm going back to my quantum mechanics work.

>> No.1625560

I had a look at the google search result for this site with : atheist and : jesus. There are about 700 results for atheist and 1000 for jesus.
Feeling threatened much god boy?

>> No.1625569
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>Because current theories of evolution do generally deny one Adam and one Eve, they are prohibited by Catholic doctrine.

>mfw The Catechism of the Catholic Church is somehow a liberal document

fucking fundies...

>> No.1625577


I love how they prefer a huge incest fest to ancestry that goes billions of years back.

>> No.1625581

Whats aggravating is as a fully Orthodox Catholic (On /sci/ what a shock!) that claim is wrong...dreadfully wrong. I mean the Vatican just hosted this past year or so a conference on Evolutionary Science and pissed the fuck out of all the fundie protestants when we gave a finger to Intelligent Design proponents.

I mean truth is truth..

>> No.1625667

The catholic church has, on several occasions, been a proponent of using evolution (and big bang, abiogenesis, etc) for explaining the mechanism, and god as the why.
That seems to contradict that article.

>> No.1625670

>Unlike Christianity, which is supported by a large body of sound evidence (see: Christian apologetics), atheism has no proof and evidence supporting its ideology.


>> No.1625671

Exactly, hence the Pic.

It's hard enough being a Catholic in the 21st Century, it takes a fucking act of God to get people to realize your church isn't a bunch of Young Earth fundies. Hell Gregor Lemaitre (The Big Bang dude) was a priest!

If you read any more on that website it pretty much proceeds into Catholic bashing calling Catholic Charities a "Liberal" Organization.

>> No.1625686


So you are saying that the church is faliable?


>> No.1625691


Church? Yes.

Pope? No.

>> No.1625700

Not at all, The Church isn't fallible in Ethics and Morals, but I really don't want to get into theology on /sci/. Papal Infalability is another one of those issues that gets thrown around alot by people who really don't understand it, but googling the term "Ex Cathedra" should help.

My main point of contention was that the Conservepedia utterly butchers the Catholic position. The Wikipedia article paints a far more in depth picture

>> No.1625705

sorry I ment that the church is infallible in regards to "Faith and Morals"

>> No.1625709

>In its typical modern form, deism is anti-Christian, as it denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, rejects >the Bible (and all other texts) as God's scripture, and denies his signs and miracles to men. It >lacks any coherent morality, and an excuse to claim to be religious while engaging in immoral >liberal activity. Thus it is a favorite of liberals who do not want to be branded with atheism.

I MAD!!!

>> No.1625710


You are so full off shit. GTFO of /sci/ you hippocrit.

>> No.1625711

Makes me wonder if the Conservepedia would label the Majority of our founders Godless dicks. They better not write any glowing remarks about Jefferson or Paine.

>> No.1625715

You seem to be under the impression that Faith and Science are antagonists and not mutual allies...

This may help change that:

>> No.1625716




>> No.1625717


It's been used a grand total of three times...

>> No.1625720

Also note in regard to:"Faith and Morals", it's why she doesn't make a ruling on the Shroud of Turin, it's beyond her "expertise".

but I really...don't wanna get into Theology

>> No.1625723


Not sure if troll...

backing out of thread just in case.

>> No.1625726 [DELETED] 

Perhaps you should read the link and stop regurgitating 19th Century drivel?

Pop Quiz who has the oldest Astronomy in the world?

>> No.1625729


The Sumer civilisation?

>> No.1625734

Paine was the only one who comes close to being a founding father who dabbled in atheism. Jefferson was a deist, and considered himself a Christian.

>> No.1625735


Bitches don't know about my Jesuits...

>> No.1625738


>christian who disagreed with most of the bible and christian dogma

Sure thing bro.

>> No.1625742

>Franklin later repudiated many of his earlier views and he believed in a God that "ought to be worshiped," and at the Constitutional Convention less than three years from his death Benjamin Franklin advocated public prayer. He praised Christianity, but his letter to Ezra Stiles a month before his death was noncommittal as to the divinity of Jesus:

>> No.1625745

I think you missed his implication that our Founding Fathers weren't exactly paragons of Christian Orthodoxy as much as Conservepedia would have them be

>> No.1625753

He hardly "disagreed with the Bible". He compiled and had published his own compendium called "The Life and Morals of Jesus Christ", which he donated several thousand copies to the Congressional library for use by congressmen. He said several times that he was a disciple of Jesus Christ and his doctrines.

>> No.1625766

nah i got it I was just reinforcing it

>> No.1625768

I apologize for not recognizing...

mea culpa

>> No.1625798

How can they deny human evolution...

Just look at the fossil record for hominids, it's fucking obvious.

>> No.1625810
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>> No.1625816

we should all sodd the shit out of this site

>> No.1625817

>Dinosaur-like creatures in history and modern sightings
>Creationists cite a number of reasons to believe that dinosaurs have existed until relatively recent times, and perhaps still survive.

>There have been a number of claimed sightings of dinosaur-like creatures.
A thousand people reported seeing a dinosaur-like monster in two sightings around Sayram Lake in Xinjiang according to the Chinese publication, China Today.[9]
>Locals in the Congo have reported a creature they name Mokele-mbembe[9][14], and from its description it appears to be a small plant-eating dinosaur. The reports have been taken seriously enough that a biologist from the University of Chicago has made several expeditions to find the creature. Another biologist has reported seeing the creature.[9]
>Dinosaur-like creatures have been seen by several people in two different parts of Papua New Guinea since 1990.

Extreme retardation is extremely retarded

>> No.1625821

>Descriptions of dragons are widespread and match descriptions of dinosaurs, suggesting that dragons were real creatures and were actually dinosaurs.

>this is what creationists actually believe

>> No.1625836

Extremely extreme retardation is extremely X-TREME!

>> No.1626230
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>> No.1626242

thats nice fucktard, why don't you flip to that part about praying for miracles and maybe you'll remember why your religion is retarded. I'm still waiting on you faggots to cure all diseases with but a wave of the hand. surely one of you dipshits must believe hard enough that it will be granted by god, I mean, the only other explination is your book was written by retards and almost everything in it is questionable, I mean, who cares if adam is made of clay or DNA, when science disproves a core tenant of Christianity, Jesus can does and will preform miracles and intervene in your life directly at your whim (as long as you are a true Christian)

Or well, I suppose thats something of a fallacy, Another possibility is that none of you morons are really Christian and forsaken by god.

>> No.1626254

eheh derp, i just checked the page for lulz (cba going through christian crap AGAIN) to see if they'd put a picture of hitler on it as they usually do. and yeah ofcourse, hitler is on it too :D gg

>> No.1626293

"In other words, it’s not that we claim to have glimpsed “a unicorn in the garden” – we have a whole population of them living in my lab! [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unicorn_in_the_Garden] And lest you accuse me further of fraud, I do not literally mean that we have unicorns in the lab. Rather, I am making a literary allusion. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allusion] "


>> No.1626308

"The web traffic tracking companies Alexa and Quantcast indicate that Richard Dawkins' lady viewership is below average which is quite embarrassing to Richard Dawkins"

>> No.1626340

please tell me some (most?) of this is just (counter-)trolls changing shit in their site...

I mean I know some of them are dumb and ignorant but so much of this is just fuckign retarded. No joke.

>> No.1627069


Nah, they really believe it bro.

>> No.1627276

There's already a thread for conservapedia. Now if you all start making threads for a single article on there, /sci/ will get cancerous

>> No.1628679


is this shit for real?

>> No.1628685

I mean, how can they allow freedom in editing for the community when it's pure fucking B/S ?

>> No.1628694

>Fuck off, you're not conservative enough!

>But I'm a member of the Republican party, I'm a congressman from Utah!

>Fuck off, you're no longer our nominee, a tea party candidate had defeated you! You no longer qualify to edit this page according to out revised values!


>> No.1628802
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>recognizing that the Bible is the most logical book ever written

>> No.1628808


>> No.1628850

link to that convo please

>> No.1628873

I have been following the talk page on "Counterexamples to Relativity" off and on for a while now:


You can really see the mind of an ideologue at work here. Andy Schlafly is just determined to keep his shitty counterexamples up no matter how many times they get ripped to shreds. The comment about GPS systems not using relativity is particularly egregious. Schlafly says "name the engineer that used relativity in their design or else I won't believe it!" Seriously, it is like he thinks it is simply inconceivable that any engineer would ever learn general relativity, under any condition. The man is delusional. And he founded the whole site.

>> No.1628875


Anon delivars.

>> No.1628901

wow mr. schlafly is fucking retarded

>> No.1628905

>Dear Professor X,

>Skepticism has been expressed on Conservapedia about your claims ...

Imagine the amount of people one can troll with shit like this. Seriously, who would reply ? :)

>> No.1628946


Basically, scientist observes bacteria developing citric acid oxidation. Schlafly demands that he give him his bacteria, and then gets owned by Lenski and by the Academy of Natural Sciences. If you've read The Greatest Show on Earth, you've seen it.

>> No.1629016
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I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw this

>> No.1629045
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A portion of the Nile Mosaic of Palestrina, depicting the hunting of an animal which is often said to resemble a dinosaur (but which appears to be labelled "crocodile" in Greek).


>> No.1629078

notice that the entire article of OP's post is extremely one sided toward its untruthfulness, and nothing about its validity

700 scientists on a petition? there are possibly millions of scientists around the world that study in this related field

all polls taken are clearly skewed

>> No.1629089

Im not gonna click it

>> No.1629093
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>implying Sagan wasn't a Republican

>> No.1629096
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>> No.1629241

"Dragons appear in the flag of Wales, in traditional Chinese New Years' Day celebrations, and in the Chinese calendar."

They use this as proof Dinosaurs co-existing with man.

>> No.1630216
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I can summarize the whole site with this picture.

>> No.1631378
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