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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1624299 No.1624299 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1624312


>> No.1624310

Otago University (New Zealand)
2nd year

>> No.1624317

▲ ▲

>> No.1624321

UC Berkeley
4th year
Mechanical engineering

>> No.1624335

Georgia Tech
3rd year
Bio medical engineering

>> No.1624333

what about a green triforce, it gives you power
˃ ▲
˃▲ ▲

>> No.1624338

Vassar College
2nd year

>> No.1624339
File: 44 KB, 239x256, 1261203814180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this academic captain planet? gtfo

>> No.1624343

Harvard University
About to start Junior year
Computer Science with track in Mind, Brain, and Behavior, secondary concentration in Economics

>> No.1624348


>> No.1624363

Glenn Beck University
First Semester
Faith, Hope, and Charity

>> No.1624377

Carnegie Mellon University
Psychology and Biology

>> No.1624379

Tufts University
Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic

and all the cool kids at Harvard know that the best parties are in Chelsea and East Somerville, preferably after 11 pm

>> No.1624387
File: 14 KB, 357x402, ohreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all of a sudden everyone goes to an ivy league school

>> No.1624388

That must be why my friends at Tufts come to Harvard square to hang out every weekend...

>> No.1624397

>mfw only one person has claimed to go to an ivy league school so far

>> No.1624399

UW-Madison Grad school
Environmental Studies
Focused in Systems Theory and Complexity in Ecological Systems.

>> No.1624402

Eastern Michigan
Technology Management

>> No.1624412

Pretty much everyone here is claiming to go to a good school though

>> No.1624415

It's called self selection bias

>> No.1624421


Not me.

Computational Physics

>> No.1624425

New York University

>> No.1624434


Are you minoring in Crying on Camera Like a Bitch?

>> No.1624435


no that's because Tufts sucks

>> No.1624436

Mechanical Engineering

>> No.1624437

UNS (you probabl haven't even heard of it)
Third year

>> No.1624453

Northwestern University

>> No.1624466

2 Ivy Leaguers and counting.

Anyone else?

>> No.1624470


>> No.1624479

New College of FL
2nd Yr

>> No.1624493

Mcgill University (Canada)
Undeclared Engineering

>> No.1624529

5 (due to shitty scheduling of advanced physics classes)
Physics & Mathematics

>> No.1624542

Civil Engineering
go ahead and make fun.

>> No.1624549

Emory University
5th year (yay schedule conflicts)
Neuroscience & Behavioral Biology

>> No.1624555

MEng EE here

enjoy the pubcrawl

>> No.1624557 [DELETED] 

3rd year
ECE, Physics, & Math

>> No.1624564

Who would lie about going to a nice university on an anonymous message board? I mean, what does that get you?

The only posts I'm inclined to not believe are ones like "Montgomery Community College, 6th year, sociology (man it's a hard major)"

>> No.1624566

Texas A&M University
Molecular and Cell Biology

>> No.1624592

MUN (Canada)
'08, '09
Biochemistry, Education

>> No.1624608

fuck yeah, Harvard on the Pike, MK, etc. love that place.

>> No.1624609

Actually having 2 or more ivy leaguers here is not hard to believe at all, I'm just interested in how many there are.

>> No.1624622


You act as if the only schools that are good are those that belong to the Ivy League.

>> No.1624629

>Implying that's not the case

>> No.1624631

Stony Brook University

>> No.1624640

SUNY Stony Brook?

>> No.1624652



>Implying Brown, Cornell, and Dartmouth are better than other schools mentioned in this thread (Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, Berkeley).

Ivy League isn't everything, bro. In fact, the Ivy League is terrible at engineering.

>> No.1624655


Is there another Stony Brook?

>> No.1624657

University of Waterloo
First year

>> No.1624662

Second year (this fall)

>> No.1624665

Well, duh, people go to Ivy League schools to receive a liberal arts education to become enlightened, interesting persons, not to become some menial engineering drone.

>> No.1624674
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Please tell me you've been trolling me.

>> No.1624679

Entering frosh
Prob electrical engineering vs. comp sci

>> No.1624701

Ah but I'm not. Liberal arts > engineering. Little technical schools like MIT, Carnegie-Mellon, etc. have nothing on the ivy league.

>> No.1624697

University of California, Davis
Electrical Engineer

>> No.1624704
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Real subtle

>> No.1624710
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Went a bit too far with that one.

You had me up to there, though.

>> No.1624715

Saint Louis University
Sophomore in the program, Junior credit wise lol
Biomedical Engineering

>> No.1624725

I'm still serious, bro.

>> No.1624730

Holy shit I am thinking about transferring there. What is it like? im a double micro/molecular/cell bio major and chemistry. Is it worth the much higher cost to attend?

>> No.1624736

University of British Columbia

>> No.1624739
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Then you're retarded.


>> No.1624741
File: 43 KB, 508x387, FUUUU_RE_FFFFFUUUU_Pizza-s508x387-44250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How I feel about your comment

>> No.1624742

University of Toledo
2nd Year

>> No.1624748 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 300x301, WMseal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College of William & Mary
1st year
East Asian Studies

>> No.1624750


Enjoy the unemployment.

>> No.1624751

Cal Berkeley

3d year

Physics and Math

>> No.1624762

I don't know, I just transferred here and classes start Monday.

>> No.1624769


>East Asian Studies
>I can't wait to move to Japan where everyone will accept me because I enjoy their cartoons!

>> No.1624775

Holy fuck, petro eng.

>> No.1624776

2nd Year
Comp Sci


>> No.1624777

What college did you transfer from?

>> No.1624786

Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas

There weren't many accredited BME programs for me to choose from so, despite the costs, SLU ended up being my best choice.

>> No.1624792


Find one Jacob Kuhlman.
Tell him I said, "Hi"

>> No.1624794

That's my biggest concern, the costs. I can afford mine now, but slu is expensive.

>> No.1624807


Ok, if I run into him I will tell him Anonymous from /sci/ says hi.

>> No.1624815


Oh, he'll know.

>> No.1624812

Georgia Tech
Third year
Aerospace Engineering / Nuclear & Radiological Engineering

Just got offered another internship with Sandia National Labs for next year. Feels good man

>> No.1624822

>He thinks money is the most important thing in life

Typical unenlightened engineering drone.

>> No.1624826

My total costs for SLU, minus housing (I don't have a dorm), is about $17,500 per semester. My financial aid is from the Pell grant, a Missouri state grant, federal loans ($18,000 worth), and the SLU transfer scholarship (which varies depending on your GPA) which has a minimumm req GPA of 3.0 (which is $24,000 over 3 years) but can go as high as $36,000 I think. Anyway, my financial aid is just barely enough. I'll need a job to pay rent for a place and food though.

>> No.1624835


>> No.1624841

University of Calgary
Class of 2011
Mechanical engineering, mechatronics minor

>> No.1624848

Cornell University

>> No.1624853

I will get the highest GPA scholarship. I have a 4.0. I'm not sure how much federal Pell I will get, my parents make >70,000, but they don't pay for anything, and I mean anything. I'm kind of scared to pony up that much money. I've never seen that much before, I haven't lived with my parents in three years since I was moved out at 17. Differences, to say the least. Are there any scholarships that SLU offers its students?

>> No.1624875

>Differences, to say the least.

You told them you were gay didn't you?

You know you are supposed to do that AFTER they pay for school.

>> No.1624876

I thought I saw one other, but I really don't know.

>> No.1624887

No, actually, I'm straight. I told them I was agnostic atheist, didn't believe in the bible, etc. They kicked me out. Welcome to the bible belt. Fucking Woo.

>> No.1624892


Meh, close enough. It has the same effect. My advice still stands.

Pretty dickish and unchristian of them to suppose that converting you by making your life inconvenient is proper though.

>> No.1624893

Otago any good? I'm looking at Auckland for either physics or engineering.

>> No.1624896

I live in an oil town. There's a petro engineering program here. Minimum GPA for entrance is something like 3.95. Because it's an oil town, it's actually more or less a bidding war by the local oil companies upon graduation, and they can expect (thats 4 years away from their P.Eng, mind you) somewhere between $120-150k Canadian starting.

>> No.1624902

Not high school GPA; engineering is common core here, with majors chosen before the second year. Basically, you can afford one A- out of 11 courses, or you wont get in.

>> No.1624904

That's what I thought. I'm reminded of a quote by Dr. House, "If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people." Meh, whatever. They'll get over it eventually. I just wished it was sooner rather than later so I could get some goddamn money.

>> No.1624905

UC Davis

>> No.1624907


Sucks man. But if you are estranged and live independently why do you have to list their income on your pell grant application? I didn't get any pell grants, but there has to be some mechanism by which you can prove your independence.

You should talk to the college/career councillor

>> No.1624909

I really like Otago, most of the physics lecturers are pretty cool. I'd rather be somewhere warmer though. They don't have a real engineering school here though.

>> No.1624920

I still am on their insurance, so unless I want to be health insurance-less, which i don't, I still have to list them. I've tried, so, so hard to find a way around it. No one seems to have any advice on how to get around it. Fuck, I even wrote a letter to my congressman about how holes like that were letting students with potential and without the ability to repay to be limited in their educational endeavors. I got the generic response, as well as a "vote for me, LOLZ".

>> No.1624941

You know SLU requires all their undergrad students to have healthcare. If you are unable to secure your own, they will provide you with some expensive ass SLUcare insurance, lol. You might want to call them and ask about options for you.

>> No.1624951

I might have to. I have been able to avoid getting a loan as of yet, going to a shit tier cheap school, but I guess I'm just going to have to sell my soul and pony up the money.

>> No.1624952

Villanova University/Mechanical Engineering/Junior