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File: 576 KB, 3000x2000, Coral-bleaching-722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16239647 No.16239647 [Reply] [Original]

Increased CO2 emissions (industrial revolution onwards) causes gradual acidification of the ocean, negatively affecting marine ecosystems.

>> No.16239683

Some reefs are already gone, others are on their way

>> No.16239691

I'm just curious why so many earth haters and fossil fuel shills have been flooding the board.

>> No.16239693

>So many
It's a small number of dedicated spammers makin multiple threads every single day

>> No.16239710

True, but there are also other factors at play here (fisheries overexploitation, agricultural runoff, marine heatwaves etc.).

>> No.16239730

Dunno, how many of you greenwashing nouveau riche grifters are shilling wind turbines, mirrors and nukes here?

>> No.16239748
File: 18 KB, 745x224, Five_Myr_Climate_Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chart destroy the climatic change propaganda, Life origen and huge part of life evolution was on high level of CO2 concentration, because vegetal life activity the CO2 concentration is reduced and volcans increment it, Human life activity is recovering level of CO2, CO2 is the life base.

>> No.16239753

>CO2 is bad for cor-ACK!

>> No.16239760
File: 57 KB, 474x467, global temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is sir that we are not sea birds who can easily fly to higher ground as the waters come flooding in. We have cities and fields at threat of sea level rise. We also rely severely on agriculture in areas of the world at threat of desertification. Besides this the rate at which we are raising the temperature is too fast for species to adapt and is a rate never before seen in the geological history of the planet.

So your misinformation loses out to logic and reason. Trillions of dollars of damage is on its way already due to climate change all to protect some measly billions of dollars of some already rich as fuck oil billionaires. It simply isn't worth the cost.

>> No.16239764

Good post

>> No.16239766

Elon will resettle the remaining reefs on Mars

>> No.16239771


>> No.16239775


>Besides this the rate at which we are raising the temperature is too fast for species to adapt and is a rate never before seen in the geological history of the planet.
Earlier still, a 200-million year period of intermittent, widespread glaciation extending close to the equator (Snowball Earth) appears to have been ended suddenly, about 550 Ma, by a colossal volcanic outgassing that raised the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere abruptly to 12%, about 350 times modern levels, causing extreme greenhouse conditions and carbonate deposition as limestone at the rate of about 1 mm per day.[140] This episode marked the close of the Precambrian Eon, and was succeeded by the generally warmer conditions of the Phanerozoic, during which multicellular animal and plant life evolved. No volcanic CO2 emission of comparable scale has occurred since. In the modern era, emissions to the atmosphere from volcanoes are approximately 0.645 billion tons of CO2 per year, whereas humans contribute 29 billion tons of CO2 each year

Atmospheric CO2 concentration continued to fall after about 60 million years ago. About 34 million years ago, the time of the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event and when the Antarctic ice sheet started to take its current form, CO2 was about 760 ppm,[144] and there is geochemical evidence that concentrations were less than 300 ppm by about 20 million years ago. Decreasing CO2 concentration, with a tipping point of 600 ppm, was the primary agent forcing Antarctic glaciation.[145] Low CO2 concentrations may have been the stimulus that favored the evolution of C4 plants, which increased greatly in abundance between 7 and 5 million years ago

>> No.16239781

>The problem is sir that we are not sea birds who can easily fly to higher ground as the waters come flooding in. We have cities and fields at threat of sea level rise. We also rely severely on agriculture in areas of the world at threat of desertification
Yes the actual problem the sea levels.

>So your misinformation loses out to logic and reason. Trillions of dollars of damage is on its way already due to climate change all to protect some measly billions of dollars of some already rich as fuck oil billionaires. It simply isn't worth the cost.
The problem is the Global Change propaganda is for population reduction increment taxes to food, erase meat production or radical change the society for Global Change and politics take the money, but same politics hate the nuclear alternative.
Global Change to hidden agendas and profit.

>> No.16239808

>wind turbines
God forbid we make use of the free energy provided by the wind
Nobody suggests building mirror-based solar anymore. Photovoltaic solar has become advanced enough that concentration solar is pointless.
Awww is the coal sucker afraid of nuclear power? Big scawy nukes?

>> No.16239813

All we need to do is harvest a bunch of baking soda and washing soda from a few salt lakes, pump it into the ocean, and that should balance out the pH levels.

>> No.16239821

Nuclear power is based and steam-pilled

>> No.16239823

Good morning saarrrr !

>> No.16239839

This. I'm not gonna stop driving my V8 4runner.

>> No.16239899

You just want a new industry to sell to the hordes of chinks and pajeets, allowing their growth even further and the worsening of pollution, exploitation and the creation of more excuses to keep shitting up the environment with open mines, hellscape farms and more fucking energy "solutions".

You faggots can't fucking get in your heads that the problem is consumption.

>> No.16239907

The fuck are you then, some kind of primitivist who thinks we should go back to subsistence farming?

>> No.16239945

>NOOOO but then how will I power the Nintendo switch my wife's boyfriend got me?!

>> No.16239950

>if you don't want to set humanity back 200 years then you must be a cuck who plays nintendo games

>> No.16239998
File: 132 KB, 800x775, 1258615193315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just curious why you think using such a lame rhetoric device would work here? Do you think posing your unsupported statements as a question makes everyone assume they're true? Isn't it annoying when people won't make statements that they'll have to defend and back up and instead pose them in the form of a question?

>> No.16240108

They are absolutely equated, yes.

>> No.16240123

Step on a rusty nail and refuse all antibiotics or modern medical treatment then. Live like your ancestors :)

>> No.16240202

You're angry because I'm right eh? You know deep down you're a shadow of your ancestors and that you're a weak little comfort driven rodent and you'll do anything to stay a lard ass on the tit of the grid.

>> No.16240208

>y-your ancestors were shitting in buckets and dying of cholera and tuberculosis and famine! y-you're so weak compared to them!
I don't give a fuck is shitting in a toilet and not dying of trivially curable diseases makes me "weak." If you want to live like an animal, go to India. You can shit in the street all you want, just like your ancestors would have wanted.

>> No.16240213

that's the way you know its all bullshit. these people are not willing to look at realistic or effective solutions

obviously they are liars with a hidden agenda and nothing they say is to be trusted

>> No.16240247

You don't need winter heating. In fact you don't need to live so far out in the North that you feel so cold all the time.

You don't need to use your car to go to work either if all you do is keeping somebody's else schedule, or proofread law jeweries, or come up with a new way to hook idiots in a product nobody wants or needs.

You don't need to keep lighting on all fucking night. Cars have headlights for that purpose, only people who roam at night are degenerates getting drunk or looking for a quick fuck.

Your retarded society is nothing but a scaled up Weimar degeneracy. We don't need none of that shit, we don't need GDP, we don't need the fucking people. Western society and its standards of life are not sustainable, not universal and not feasible. You can't keep pushing this shit around because all you will do is come up with another boogeyman to greenwash your consumption.

>> No.16240269

>You don't need winter heating. In fact you don't need to live so far out in the North that you feel so cold all the time.
Are you going to pay for my plane ticket and house in this fictional paradise where it is never too hot nor too cold?
>You don't need to use your car to go to work either
Well I actually do, am I supposed to spend two hours walking there every morning?
>if all you do is keeping somebody's else schedule, or proofread law jeweries, or come up with a new way to hook idiots in a product nobody wants or needs.
I don't do any of that shit nor am I interested in doing any of it.
>You don't need to keep lighting on all fucking night
I have lights so I can see inside my house after the sun goes down, retard.
>Cars have headlights for that purpose
You know what's more effective than headlights? Ambient light from streetlights. It illuminates things at different angles than headlights are able to. You're probably too pathetic to have a license but if you've ever driven through a town/city with streetlights and then driven on a highway or back road without streetlights you'll know how much less visibility you have.
>only people who roam at night are degenerates getting drunk or looking for a quick fuck.
What's wrong with going to a bar with friends and having a few drinks? People have been doing that for literally thousands of years.
>Your retarded society is nothing but a scaled up Weimar degeneracy. We don't need none of that shit, we don't need GDP, we don't need the fucking people. Western society and its standards of life are not sustainable, not universal and not feasible. You can't keep pushing this shit around because all you will do is come up with another boogeyman to greenwash your consumption.

>> No.16240275

Why should a spoiled little shit like you have a say in anything when it's you who's causing the problem?

>> No.16240276

>if you don't want to live like a poor third worlder then you're spoiled!

>> No.16240287

You are a parasite. Why is it so hard to admit that? You would predate all the resources on the planet until both you and the planet dies. You are the definition of parasite.

>> No.16240379

Take your meds, Kaczynski

>> No.16240384
File: 133 KB, 799x777, 1694259748546163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> only people who roam at night are degenerates getting drunk or looking for a quick fuck.
Seething urbanite detected

Thank you for your service fighting degeneracy from the trenches of 4chan.org, you're truly a beacon of morality we should all strive to be

>> No.16240403

the first two are pushed to make the 3rd one look bad. well done, you've falled for the trap of the oil lobby. kindly fuck off.

>> No.16240407

>le planet has a life
humanity is the highest order, both materially and metaphysically and spiritually. The world is literally meaningless without humans.

>> No.16240411


You will never be white

>> No.16240413

Not him but yes.

>> No.16240416


>> No.16240426

This, mostly

>> No.16240429

This but unironically

>> No.16240943

Spoken like a rodent.

>> No.16240977

not my problem

>> No.16241008

Are you perhaps Jewish? The jew believes itself to be removed from nature.

>> No.16241013

and if i am? so what?
im not from israel
ive been raised as a catholic in poland

is my jewishness determining my stance here?

>> No.16241025

I figured as much. It's easy to spot Jewish indifference to life on Earth. It's an inherent genetic trait amongst your kind at this point.

>> No.16241083

They despise all life but their own. Obvious in the continued persistence of muh 6 dodecahextillion.

>> No.16241097

Lol holy shit

>> No.16241208

What is a realistic or effective solution?

We've discovered that planting one trillion trees is bullshit because it's only 20% of the amount of trees needed to counteract climate change, just to help you understand 1 trillion trees is an area the size of the entire country of China and we would need to do that 5x. We've learned that seeding the ocean with iron filings to promote algal blooms to counter climate change wouldn't work because of diminishing returns and you would turn the ocean into rust which would lead to many other problems, carbon capture is far too expensive to implement at the rate needed to counter climate change and the technology level necessary to remove that much CO2 from the atmosphere doesn't yet exist mostly because of storage problems. Moving to nuclear power isn't viable because it would require so much nuclear material we would essentially strip mine entire mountains causing ecological disasters on scales never before seen, it would require 50,000 nuclear plants to be built and since nuclear plants have a 50 year lifespan as a matter of physics because the cement and steel they're made of can only handle 50 years of high radiation bombardment before failing which means we would need to construct 3 new nuclear plants every day, day after day, year after year until the sun explodes.

So, what are these "realistic or effective solutions" you propose other than stopping using fossil fuels and moving to green energy? I'd really like to hear them.

>> No.16241259


>We've discovered that planting one trillion trees is bullshit because it's only 20% of the amount of trees needed to counteract climate change, just to help you understand 1 trillion trees is an area the size of the entire country of China and we would need to do that 5x.

Oversimplified statement and inaccurate. While plating "1 trillion trees" alone won't solve our problems, planting trees is still significant and impactful.

>We've learned that seeding the ocean with iron filings to promote algal blooms to counter climate change wouldn't work because of diminishing returns and you would turn the ocean into rust which would lead to many other problems

Nice exaggeration. Even though there are concerns about the effectiveness and ecological impacts of ocean iron fertilization it wouldn't turn the ocean into rust. The process involves complex biological and chemical interactions. That's why people are researching the feasibility of it and attempting to understand the risks.

>carbon capture is far too expensive to implement at the rate needed to counter climate change and the technology level necessary to remove that much CO2 from the atmosphere doesn't yet exist mostly because of storage problems

You are somewhat right. The technology is expensive and has a lot of challenges. Large scale deployments and logistics are a nightmare. But ongoing research and development may improve it's feasibility and cost-effectiveness. It's possibly another solution to tackle our problems.

>Moving to nuclear power isn't viable because it would require so much nuclear material...
More exaggeration. Even though Nuclear power does have challenges advancements in tech and alternative nuclear options are being developed. Small modular reactors and thorium reactors. Nuclear power will play a part alongside other power sources like renewables.

>> No.16241632

Planting trees is not in any way significant nor impactful! The only thing planting trees does is replace the trees we're already cutting down. That's it, end of story. It is a solution proposed by idiots. You cannot replace entire ecosystems with trees!

Iron fertilization only works in areas with high nutrients and low iron concentrations which is a tiny fraction of the ocean and it will bring untold damages to ecosystems we rely on for food while promiting potentially deadly algal blooms.. is not now nor ever going to be a solution.

no, nuclear is at best a stepping stone while we work toward green energy so why not skip the stupid stepping stone and work toward green energy? Nuclear is a side quest.

>> No.16241637

The actual rodents are the ones who want to watch half their children die of curable diseases before they reach the age of 10, because "that's how muh ancestors lived."

>> No.16241813

Planting trees does more than just replace those we're cutting down. It helps restore ecosystems, improves biodiversity, and sequesters carbon. Like I said before we cannot rely solely on tree planting to solve our problems but it is a significant part of a multifaceted approach that reduces emissions, protects existing forests, and helps us adopt sustainable land use practices.

You're right that iron fertilization is limited to certain areas and comes with risks, including potential ecosystem damage and harmful algal blooms. However, like I said before scientists are actively researching these impacts to better understand the feasibility and safety of this method.

Nuclear energy indeed has its challenges. However, it can serve as a bridge to a more sustainable energy future. Skipping directly to green energy is ideal, but nuclear can help meet current energy demands and reduce carbon emissions in the interim.

>> No.16241877
File: 1.86 MB, 2654x2361, CO2 & Coral Reefs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% FALSE. Ocean acidification is only occurring along coastlines and it's due to freshwater pollution. It has NOTHING to do with CO2.

>> No.16241882

You can't claim to love the Earth and be a climate alarmist liar. You have to pick one. They are opposites. Neoliberals are destroying this world. Only their (your) mass execution will fix the problem.

>> No.16241887

>muh cities
>muh munny
Get in the sea already.

>> No.16241890
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, 1460350513132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherrypicked infographic from facebook or /pol/

>> No.16241915

>literally showing the propaganda is false
You're a faggot and a woman. But most importantly, you'll soon be extinct because of your obsessive socialization.

You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

>> No.16241940


The anon who replied to you can't form their own argument or point to their own sources.

>> No.16241972

>oh no not the degenerate cities and the gigafarms feeding worthless subhumans!

>> No.16241992

political propaganda
political propaganda

>> No.16242011

>due to freshwater
What? Oh my god, where did you get your degree in Earth Science? Who even taught your oceanography class? Oh, nobody because you've never taken an Earth science class in your life and don't even understand what's wrong with that infographic you foolishly posted?

Wow, who'd have guessed. Look man, I'm not going through your entire shit for brains infographic but ocean acidification is known and understood to be coming from fossil fuels because of the lack C-13 in the ocean.

how the C-13 isotope proves man made climate change

Go get an education or stop talking dumb fuck.

>> No.16242015


>> No.16242029

>I took shit out of context and combined it with my lack of understanding of biology, evolution, and adaptation, and then I made it into an infographic
>I am showing that the propaganda is false!
Just because corals millions of years ago were adapted to warmer temperatures and higher acidity doesn't mean that modern coral species can just flip a switch and go back to being able to handle those conditions. Adaptation takes a lot longer than a few centuries.
You don't actually have anything to refute CO2 contributing to ocean acidification, you just rightly point out that fertilizers can also contribute to it. And of course the oceans will be more acidic near coastlines, it doesn't mean CO2 has nothing to do with it - people live on coastlines, and where people live, CO2 is emitted. It takes time for CO2 to diffuse throughout the atmosphere, just as it takes time for hydrogen ions to diffuse throughout the ocean.
The fact that other pollutants exist doesn't mean that CO2 isn't a concern. It just means we should be worrying more about other pollutants too - the only reason we don't is it cuts into corporate profits even more than CO2 reduction.
The rest of your infographic is just nihilistic doomer poison about how everything is fucked and it's game over, man. Why not kill yourself right now, if you really believe this?

>> No.16242180

We're deleting the X chromosome from the human genome now.

>> No.16242183
File: 194 KB, 750x842, Sun Tsu for twits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because you have evidence doesn't mean my propaganda isn't of equal weight!
You're going to die.

>> No.16242194

I know I'm going to die. Everyone is going to die.
You're functionally identical to the most extreme "climate crisis" retards - all you do is go around parading your edgy nihilism about how the apocalypse is nigh and how it's pointless to do anything.

>> No.16242236

No. I mean your entire little satanic cult. And before your due date. Turns out there's a price for your behavior.

>> No.16242263

>No argument

>> No.16242276

Your sex is going to be erased. Your little nanny bullshit cult destroyed with fire. And there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.16242411

Two more weeks, anon-kun.

>> No.16242423

6 or 7 more years actually. You will come to hate the smugness you display in the present.

>> No.16242426

>Adaptation takes a lot longer than a few centuries.
for a single species, true, but it's trivial to seed suitable coral species to fill-in for coral that is no longer adapted to their original environment. There are thousands of coral species that are adapted for all sorts of environments, go fish. Not to mention the coral could be bred and engineered pretty quick, but that's expensive and who really gives a fuck about coral anyways? women and fags mostly.

>> No.16242570

Oh, we'll see about that.

>> No.16242957

Commit suicide, schizo boomer.
>but it's trivial to seed suitable coral species to fill-in for coral that is no longer adapted to their original environment
So you're still destroying the original ecosystems and replacing them with ones that never existed in those places.
Coral forms the basis of reef ecosystems. You can't just swap it out for totally different corals and expect the rest of the ecosystem to just not notice. It's going to impact every species that lives around reefs.
>who really gives a fuck about coral anyways? women and fags mostly
Anyone who uses arguments like this (only le women and libtards care about [x]!!!) is a genuine retard.

>> No.16243030

>who really gives a fuck about coral anyways? women and fags mostly.
Jewiest thing I've ever read in my life. Kill yourself.

>> No.16243364

So every child that isn't vaccinated dies before the age of 10? Can you post the study you got that from, rodent?

>> No.16243376

Why are you such a lying faggot?

>> No.16243530

I never mentioned vaccines and I never said anything about every child dying. I said half. It's clear you just want to push your anti-vaccine schizo narrative.

>> No.16243573

It's very clear you are committed to pushing the modern agenda of consuming poison and being weak and reliant in exchange for comfort. A rodent, a meek cockroach, a worm.

>> No.16243576

Yes, I love comfort. Why wouldn't I? I'm not a masochist. I don't seek out suffering and hardship. I avoid them all that I can, and this is true for 99% of the human race. If your ancestors could live in a world of abundance where they don't die because they got a cut on their finger, you can fucking bet they would.
It's ironic how you claim to hate modern society and want to return to a state of primitive savagery, and yet here you are posting on 4chan. Your ancestors didn't have message boards to bitch on. So why are you using one? You fucking cockroach. Go live in the bush like a REAL MAN. Nobody is stopping you.

>> No.16244692

things change, ecosystems change, it's natural for species to die off and be replaced. your conception of nature is fake and homosexual, based on a romanticized version of nature spread by pseuds and charlatans long ago.

>Jewiest thing I've ever read in my life.
either kike projection or a boomer that's unknowingly ingested too much kike propaganda.
it's kikes that push the type of environmentalism like 'muh coral bleaching'. not because they care about the coral reefs, but because they care about you and amassing reasons to control your behavior. don't be a shabbos goy. a simple litmus test: if you solutions all end up looking like 'social control' rather than 'ecosystem engineering' then you've been kiked somewhere along the way. it's that simple.

>> No.16245301

I'd rather commit genocide.

>> No.16245308

>Increased CO2 emissions (industrial revolution onwards) causes gradual acidification of the ocean, negatively affecting marine ecosystems.

I'm genuinely super curious, but does anybody happen to know what reef-building organisms did during periods of historical higher acidity when atmospheric CO2 levels were consistently higher? I know there's several reef-building species: oysters/bivalves, soft corals, hard corals, and sponges - do they just switch over?

>> No.16245315

The oceans were never acidic outside of catastrophes like the end Permian extinction. They're simply too vast and have much too large of a buffer to be affected by stupid shit like slightly elevated CO2. This is just more propaganda masquerading as science. Even now, the oceans aren't acidified. That's just another of the many climate alarmist lies. It's only COASTAL regions that are acidified as a DIRECT result of human created freshwater eutrophication.

>> No.16245316

And keep in mind, most of these places are not "acidic". They're still basic. Their pH is just *lowered* (7.5 instead of 8.2 for example).