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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 180 KB, 2000x2000, 64d7017f14cea309ac0a8188-restored-apple-iphone-x-64gb-factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16239518 No.16239518 [Reply] [Original]

How come people are becoming more stupider and ignorant, now that you have the "entirety of human knowledge" in your pocket?
Why didn't iPhones cause people to become smarter and lead to a new renaissance.

Before the internet, it was near impossible to even answer the easiest question like "Why the sky is blue".

>> No.16239519

>How come people are becoming more stupider and ignorant
This is called "begging the question."

>> No.16239526

No. this makes the question more profound and poignant and is a great aesthetic choice. You're trying to make a remark, but you're not smart or witty.

>> No.16239528


>> No.16239560
File: 1.06 MB, 736x1000, Tumblr_l_14494257112423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the smartest here and beyond, but sorry to trouble you.

>> No.16239561

nah, he's right. You dumb. Sorry.

>> No.16239564


>> No.16239571

nah mate, you're cool

>> No.16239670

"You dumb"
Are you a shitskin, by chance?

>> No.16240433

Because there's also all sorts of amusements now on the internet so one needs to have the discipline to resist such amusements to instead decide to teach themselves any type of knowledge, which can be difficult.

>> No.16240447

Yeah Im black problem whitey?

>> No.16240451

>more stupider
i don't think you're one to judge others

>> No.16240563

potential knowledge and knowledge in your head are not equal, the one in your head is far superior, let you act, see connections, with everything right under your nose brain gets lazy, man becomes dumb

>> No.16240617
File: 67 KB, 700x465, capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come people are becoming more stupider and ignorant
because capitalism has been hacked by the marketing industry to produce bullshit that will multiply capital, instead of producing fundamental goods and services for everybody.
I realize this should go to /pol/, but that's the answer: capitalism now primarily produces the addicting, instead of producing the useful.

>> No.16240626

You don’t really have the worlds knowledge on the internet though. Maybe you did ten years ago, but now the purpose of phones is to siphon your attention to view ads. In practice this means search is useless and companies that play nice with google get pushed, and social networks facilitate massive personalized echo chambers so you’ll scroll for longer and watch more ads. There’s nothing egalitarian about the way the internet is set up right now, so in this case I would blame the tech companies rather than the individuals for phones being utterly useless in the pursuit of an elevated humanity

>> No.16240642

RonWhite: You Can't Fix Stupid

There's not a pill you can take; there's not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever. — Ron White

However, there are molecules in drug form you can take to improve memory.

Based on the provided search results, the main functions of CREB (cAMP Response Element-Binding Protein) in the central nervous system (CNS) can be summarized as follows:
CREB plays a critical role in CNS development, including axon guidance, neuronal survival, and neurogenesis.

Deletion of CREB and its closely related protein CREM leads to marked apoptosis and reduction of neuronal and glial precursors during brain development.

CREB regulates gene expression programs induced by neurotrophins like NGF that promote neuronal survival and axonal growth during development.

Neuronal Survival and Neuroprotection
CREB is a key component of the neuroprotective transcriptional network in the mature CNS.

Loss of CREB in differentiated neurons reduces neuronal survival probability, leading to progressive degeneration in areas like hippocampus and striatum.

CREB upregulates anti-apoptotic genes and promotes neuronal survival under pathological conditions like neurodegenerative diseases, ischemia, and metabolic stress.

Synaptic Plasticity and Memory Formation
CREB couples neuronal activity to long-term changes in gene expression required for synaptic plasticity underlying learning and memory.

CREB regulates the transcription of genes involved in neurotransmission, signaling, and synaptic remodeling in neurons.

Dysregulation of CREB-mediated transcription impairs synaptic plasticity and cognitive functions like spatial and associative memory.

Regulation of Neuronal Activity
CREB modulates the expression of genes involved in neurotransmission and neuronal excitability.

>> No.16241595
File: 3.57 MB, 576x1024, tech addiction.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16241606

>Before the internet, it was near impossible to even answer the easiest question like "Why the sky is blue".
It was and if you do not know this /sci is the perfe3ct place for you. People did not become stupider and ignorant, Web has let this out of the cage and they simply amass eg here.

>> No.16241790

If a squirrel found an endless nut reservoir, would it truly ever bother looking for nuts again? People choose to be ignorant because it saves themselves time and effort, now that we know we can get a reputable answer to any possible question within seconds.

>> No.16241804

Jevons Paradox in which Neurons are the resource
the overuse of neurons for a simple task will leave you retarded* for other tasks
interesting isn't it?


>> No.16241934

Weren’t people always stupid to a degree? It was written about in mien kampf when talking about propaganda.

>> No.16241989

What are you smoking?
>overconsumption >fine
>efficiency >what?

>> No.16242007


>> No.16242014

the rise of shit-tier information in the form of social media and giving everyone a voice

>> No.16242096

Why would you even assume just because you can correctly recite facts, that this has any effect on whether you produce intelligent statements?
If I say something like
>We should deport all the foreigners. Why? Well, because they are 1. brown, 2. don't speak English as well as the locals, 3. they have spicy food.
I only used objectively true facts, yet I made a shit argument.
What constitutes a good argument to you? It's not just reciting facts.

>> No.16242099

Curious the less white America becomes the dumber it gets

>> No.16242117

Why didn’t motorized farming equipment make everyone a great farmer? Instead everyone is a lazier farmer and just gets their food from the grocery store instead.

>> No.16242174

Because Linux lost the culture war to Tiktok wank and Apple coddling and SystemD dicking around.

>> No.16242177
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And the Jews won WW2

>> No.16242182
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-the-task-is-not-to-see-what-has-never-been-seen-before-but-to-think-what-has-never-been-erwin-schrodinger-85-18-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether a child gets to skip a grade has more to do with the community around him, if his support network has an interest in letting him through or pushing him back. IQ tests were the ultimate end all be all rigorized standardized minimal checkup for pattern recognition. This could have skipped most standardized tests most semesters. You could simply have high IQ people form tight knit communities and goof off. This would be leagues more productive than the long assembly line education systems that routinely seat the 4.0 go getter with the drooling delinquents for EQUALITY.
The system has misplaced sympathy for druggies in rehabs simultaneous to its hatred for white men with accumulated merit.

>> No.16242192
File: 45 KB, 652x306, edward-bernays (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16242200
File: 427 KB, 574x699, Lex_Fridman_teaching_at_MIT_in_2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play piano. When I listen to too much music I get delusional about my ability to play. I am good at reading sheet music and discussing music theory. Whenever I play a piece I am SO SLOW SO MESSY SO BAD until I get a complete mental image of the piece after MANY parsings. My cousin who has been playing more can sightread like a machine and improvise like a one man studio. Once I listen to his music I delude myself into thinking I am him. The weirdest part is when such a delusion works and you skip the skill development to play a song that sounds advanced but is actually simple. Our culture lets you play pretend with high falutin' fakery for 15 minutes of sophistication.
Pic rel is that kind of "smart by association" guru dilettante. Being a mouthpiece is far different from being the expert. Our phones surround us with the cozy claims of the mouthpiece and distance us from the grueling practice and regimen of the expert.