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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16234777 No.16234777 [Reply] [Original]

Arent scientists a subtype of philosopher?

>> No.16234780

everyone is if you get philosophical about it
wasted trips

>> No.16234787
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Yes. Physics is philosophy measured through mathematics. Newton was a philosopher essentially.

His theory of opposing forces. For every action there’s an equal an opposite reaction. And so forth

>> No.16234788

>aren't natural philosophers just a subtype of philosopher

>> No.16234790

philosophy is just applied theology

>> No.16234797

My English teacher in 3rd grade was smarter than Descartes. That's because he was younger, and Descartes is dead.

>> No.16234804

Yes, what we call "science" nowadays was originally called "natural philosophy" ie the thoughtful study of the natural / material world.

>> No.16234920

Science is applied Philosophy
Philosophy is applied Theology
Theology is applied lived experience

It's interesting to see the crossroads of these things throughout history. That's why alchemy strikes a chord with people so much aesthetically.

>> No.16234945

They should be, but many are unaware of the philosophical foundations of their own methods and end up doing outlandish shit like trying to make metaphysical claims based on methods of inquiry unable to answer metaphysical questions.

>> No.16234994

This sounds like bait. If anything theology is pseudophilosophy. Also which theology are we talking about?

>> No.16234999

theology is just applied grifting

>> No.16235027
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Science is the supertype. Scientists are the original philosophers. Science and math is how Plato wanted philosophy to be. Any moron can talk out of their ass and claim to philosophize. But scientists and mathematicians are the only ones rigorously evaluating the consequences of their theories and providing objective evidence for them.

>> No.16235029
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>Philosophy is applied Theology
Dream on. Theology is a subset of sociology; you niggas are on the bottom of the epistemological food chain.

>> No.16235040
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Nothing is lower in the hierarchy than a philosopleb.

>> No.16235063
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>> No.16235065
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>> No.16235074
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>> No.16235160

What's this retarded caricature you just posted; nobody is saying science is worthless.
But just because food from a farmer is valuable doesn't mean said farmer is capable of divining the metaphysics of the universe through his everyday plowing.
The scientific method is essentially throwing shit on a wall and see what sticks, and then making up a story on why it sticked. It helps to make everyday life easier but is completely inept when it comes to answering the questions on the nature of reality and what ultimately is or is not possible.

>> No.16235221

You are wrong. The scientific method does not involve throwing feces on a wall. Maybe you should educate yourself on the epistemology of science after you're done with your coprophiliac activities.

>> No.16235363

Except that's exactly what it is.
You throw shit on a wall, see what sticks, make up a story and predict what else would stick if you throw even more shit at it.
If the additional shit also stuck, then you call your story "proven". If not you change your story.
It's like what that buckbroke /sci/fag said, you don't actually know why shit sticks. Your original business is in selling reproducible patterns you discovered through experimentation to people who might want to repeat said patterns, which is an honest craft.
But now you pretend to know why shit sticks and what pattern is or is not ultimately possible. Instead of selling reproducibility you started to sell fantasized cosmological world building.
So I guess you are right in a way, a lot of science doesn't involve throwing feces on a wall anymore, because that was the honest way of doing things. With the exception of those labcoat grunts still tinkering away in a lab, now a lot of science is just a religion built on pure intellectual overreach.

>> No.16235386

Why are you so obsessed with scat?

>> No.16235406

Science is a subset of philosophy. Just as engineering is a subset of science.
So if you want scientists to be refereed to as philosophers, then you must also regard engineers as scientists, and too philosophers I guess.

>> No.16236027

Engineers are unironically better at philosophy than philosophers.

>> No.16236038

Scientists are philosophers who don't like to think and would rather smash stuff together and see what happens.

>> No.16236075

Philosophy used to be useful in ancient times.
Until scientific method, empirical testing and mathematical models. At which point philosophy was replaced by science.

Only philosophers care about scientists' approval.
Scientists don't give a fuck about philosophers' approval they have nothing to contribute.

>> No.16236129


"Throw shit at the wall, and see what sticks"
This is the more vulgar form of the idiom "throw enough mud at the wall and some of it will stick". The common definition for it is; try the same thing (or similar things) often enough, sometimes one will be successful. The meaning should be quite familiar to most people who speak English, unless they are acting like a hatchling. Idioms must not be your forte, as it seems you are being unreasonably obtuse about what anons are saying.

>> No.16236149

I literally don't care. That ass clown is a dishonest fuckwit who pretends that science is just primitive trial and error. Why should I engage in any kind of discussion with such a cretin other than mocking him for his scat fetish?

>> No.16236155

Physics is the least philosophical science, that’s why it was easily figured out centuries ago

>> No.16236164
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Physics is the most philosophical science. The metaphysical implications of quantum mechanics and relativity have revolutionized our understanding of the nature of reality and consciousness. You are just insanely buttmad because these epistemological insights aren't accessible to mediocre "people" like you.

>> No.16236190

No, physicists has produced insufferable idiots who think getting high while looking at artists’ renditions of exoplanets and whispering (aloud, embarrassingly) “we’re all stardust” is some kind of deep philosophical insight.

>> No.16236432



One with an affinity to the Goddess Sophia.

One with a scion or a cut of the "Flower of Life" in geometric mathematics.

>> No.16236453
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>> No.16236470

Clearly he did get to you since you feel the necessity to reply instead of dismissing the post, and on top of that your only rebutal is a childish reference to scat fetish.

As for modern science, it is indeed not primitive trial and error anymore, though ironically that might not be such a good thing.
Advancements in AI, specifically the prowess of models such as AlphaGo Zero that trained from ground zero with no bias towards thousands of years of cumulated human knowledge far suppresses its breathens trained based on human dogma and what we think is right.
Primitive trial and error in huge quantifies is nothing to scoff at at.

>> No.16236746

>Arent scientists a subtype of philosopher?
no, philosophers are a subtype of Tourette's victims.

>> No.16236846
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>Screenshot_20240527_231045_Free Adblocker Browser.jpg

>> No.16237041
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The 5 stages of seething philosotranny cope over being made obsolete by Science

1. Denial
>Science is le wrong. STEM plebs are ignorant and philosophy is intellectually superior. Idealism is clearly better than materialism.
2. Anger
>We philosophers will destroy science by taking over the STEM departments and forcing identity politics upon them. Haha, take that, scientists! You will now have to take mandatory classes on LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC philosophy!
3. Bargaining
>If science and philosophy cooperated both would benefit from it. I cannot name a single example how a scientist in the past benefitted from philosophy, neither do I have any idea how it could happen in the future. But I firmly want to cope by believing though.
4. Depression
>Science has in fact made philosophy obsolete. I wish I studied STEM and didn't waste my time with bullshit language games. Also I will never be a woman.
5. Acceptance
>Sir, may I take your order? ... Would you like fries with that?

>> No.16237121

Okay genius, which science is the most philosophical then.

>> No.16237127 [DELETED] 

Academics are all sell outs. Don't tell me /sci/fags act any differently churning out questionable papers for cash.

And no, you don't need philosophy to do science. But vice versa, science cannot answer philosophic questions.

>> No.16237133

No. Theologians use philosophy as tool like physicists use mathematics as a tool. Different disciplines that encroach on one another's territory.

>> No.16237140

Biology. Faggots describe evolution using teleological language. LOL!

>> No.16237174

You joking, quote me which biologist ever said anything philosophical.
The old school physicists are the only ones who ever demonstrated considerable philosophical insights.

>> No.16237209

Most philosophical is definitely math. It’s all about taking the amorphous world and trying to put appropriate structures to it

>> No.16237214

> The old school physicists are the only ones who ever demonstrated considerable philosophical insights.
>The universe is a steady state, the Big Bang can’t be true!!
>God doesn’t play dice, Quantum mechanics can’t be true!!
>Math is too hard, let me hire a goyim geometer to work out the equations for my theories!!
Face it, “old school physicists” were hacks who’s only contribution that came from within themselves is political advocacy for nuking innocent people and founding Israel on Palestinian land

>> No.16237234
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Ignore the faggots on the right side.
My point stand.

>> No.16237259

Empiricism is by definition a subclass of all epistemological theories, therefore scientists are a subclass of all episteme-developing investigators, or philosophers.
The more specific cannot be the superclass of the less specific. "All mammals" cannot be a subclass of "Dog".

The ironic part is that if you bothered to learn philosophy you would not make such a retarded error.

>> No.16237283

Bohr's quote is the only one that makes any sense.

>> No.16237567

Equating science with empiricism is just wrong. You are uneducated as shit when it comes to the history and philosophy of science. Please never reply to this kind of thread again until you at least read the wikipedia.

>> No.16237788
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>Equating science with empiricism is just wrong
Interesting. So please do tell, in your view which of the sciences practiced by anons on this board isn't derived from sense-experiences gathered from experiments?