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16229496 No.16229496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The universe is infinite and infinitely old.

How dumb are you people. Or, how dumb do you think we are?

James Webb released an image of the "oldest galaxy ever"... a galaxy which should not even exist since just a few years ago it was ademantly theorized it was only plasma at that distance...

... and in James Webbs own picture you can see galaxies even further - seemingly back forever.

The big bang is wrong.


Cosmologists owe an apology. And especially the Catholic Church owes an apology for the inquisition of Giordano Bruno who predicted this in 1600.

Yes, apologizing for Bruno will mean recinding the Sainthood of his inquisitor, which will prove the errency of the entire, false religion along with all of Abrahamic tradition.

But that's not our problem.


>> No.16229502

lmao who cares about that gay club that is the catholic church

>> No.16229507

Meds, now

>> No.16229545


Ah yes. So James Webb BTFO of the Catholics (& Abrahamics) big bang model by showing a galaxy that should not exist... and to make it even more delicious, you can see galaxies even further back, seemingly forever.

And you say I'M the one who should be on meds, kek!

Go back to talking to snakes and guzzling the bodily fluid of your (((god))), you fcking schizo

>> No.16229547


Catholics (& Abrahamics) lack the natural authority to tell anyone, to do anything, kek!

Remind us all again what religion Anthony Fauci was raised in? Say it loud for everyone in the back too!

>> No.16229550


Abrahamics are not allowed a voice, sorry! They abused that privilege.

>> No.16229557


The funniest part about your kind worshipping (((one of them) as God is that when 5 Israelis were seen dancing on 9-11 you all called it a conspiracy, but when a group of (((them))) got together 2k years ago and said to worship one of (((them))) as God you all bought it hook, line and sinker!!! PATHETIC!!!!

>> No.16229558


>> No.16229562


No, it belongs here.

The big bang is forever BTFO and it's important to remember who it was trying to ram that false theory down our throats for the past 100 years.

>> No.16229566
File: 28 KB, 460x461, jwst pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude it's totally true!!!
>I know because I saw it on JWST
>t. person who can't tell the difference between a picture of sausage and a picture of space
what is it with low IQs and their confirmation biases and lack of self awareness?
are they really that stupid and gullible?

>> No.16229568

Abrahamic tradition has been a cancer, a parasite, on the Western world for thousands of years. We are not asking, we are telling them to stay tf out of science and medicine. They can continue to pretend to gobbled the meat of their (((god))) in their little dens, we don't give af.

But only ONE tradition has elevated the West - the tradition of the Greeks.

If you simply must worship a God (uggg) then worship Athena as your God. Patron of Athens.

>> No.16229569

>religion vs science thread

>> No.16229572


Oh look! An Abrahmite REEEEEing!

Want to know something really funny? No one does the Bible claim to be written by God. Your leaders literally made that up! How do you feel living a lie?

>> No.16229575

>No one

No where, I meant to type.

I will say it again: the bible never once claimed to be written by God. Your leaders ARE LIARS. They have been lying to you your entire life. And yes, they lied to you about the big bang.

Our universe is infinite and eternal, just like Giordano Bruno said and was martyred for.

>> No.16229576

Know-it-alls with narcissistic personality disorder get massively pissed off at anyone who doesn't share their opinions. They can't just accept and live with the fact that others think differently from themselves. See >>16205745 for further on this topic.

>> No.16229578
File: 86 KB, 407x534, 420fantics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
sup /r/atheism

>> No.16229582


It's true though. If (((god))) can can see the future then he can see your sins before you commit them, which means you have no free will, which means he caused your sin.

There. I just elegantly BTFO of the entire Abrahamic tradition in one paragraph.

JWST has BTFO it with the killshot.

It's over.

Your religion is false. You literally fell for one of (((their))) plots for the past 2k years.


>> No.16229584


It's not an opinion that Abrahamic religions and the big bang are f8k & g8y

>> No.16229590

>I have never read The Bible
>Thats why I consider myself an expert on Christianity

>> No.16229653


Where was I wrong

>> No.16229679

good try glowie

>> No.16229692

>good try glowie

Why would the truth make me a glowie?

>> No.16229697

Oh oh oh!

I finally figured it out! You worship the Abrahamic God because you see it as a necessary lie to be part of the herd! Okay, cool!

I believe too! Oh wow! Being a filthy fcking liar is so fun! We're all hypocrites! We're all liars and frauds! Our whole community is fcking filth! I live it!

When I learned that George Bush planned 911 I loved it because that's what I would expect from an Abrahmite! Us Abramites lie cheat kill and steal because (((Jesus))) said there are no rules anymore! Yaaaay!

My favorite song is the one where Eminem raps about raping his mom because that's what our whole community is full of! Horribly lying backstabbing people with no moral center!!!

>> No.16229699


Am I doing this right? Am I cool now, you guys?! Am I finally white?! We have no values and we just lie and gaslight!!!

Yes, there IS something miraculous happening in the universe, but why care about that when you can be lying fcking filth like us Abramites!

>> No.16229704


This is literally what all you people are like. No morals. No value. No curiosity in really understanding what is going on in the universe. Just a bunch of white filth standing in line waiting to suck the popes cock.

Imagine caring more about what your authorities say than discovering the REAL truth of the universe.

You people are fcking filth. Disgusting fcking slave people. Plebs. Peasants.

>> No.16229707


What do Arabs and Christians have in common? They are slaveminds incapable of innovation. Fcking Jews too - racist filth.

Fck all of you.

Your models are broken. You don't care. Your too stupid to care.

>> No.16229714

We have photographic proof that the galaxies stretch on past the big bang and you FCKING PEASANTS are too braindead to think for yourself. Fcking filth waiting for the reality of your own eyes to make its way up your human made hierarchy.

No wonder why you fcking slaves need God.

You are incapable of soveign thought.

If the pope, big brother, Jesus, whoever, told you that 2+2=5 you would believe it.

Fcking fakes. All of you.