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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 515x245, Tau_vs_Pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16228145 No.16228145 [Reply] [Original]

So could the guy that named Pi of named it something like "Suck My Cock"? And this could same go for any other future findings?

>> No.16228146

wasn't it discovered by the greeks and named using their alphabet?
i know hebrew has this number equivalency thing

>> No.16228147

Did this sound really funny in your head?

>> No.16228150

Yes, and I still does and I cant breathe,

>> No.16228160

Most mathematicians would just call it something else until some alternative eventually sticks.
there is no "finder gets to name it" rule.

>> No.16228176

The concept has been around for a while, but donating it by the Greek letter came much later, in the 17th century.

>> No.16228222

No, Renee Descartes originally wanted to call them Nambypamby Numbers, but the elite of the day wouldn't let him, so they settled on Imaginary Numbers instead.

>> No.16228264
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It's called the circle constant, and it's whatever you want it to be.
I want to know who to blame for making everyone think the circle with radius 1 is more fundamental than a circle with diameter 1, or a circle with circumference 1, or a circle with area 1, or a sphere with surface area 1, or a sphere with volume 1.

>> No.16228282

Radius is more useful for coordinate system such as circular and polar.

>> No.16228292

I bet you believe in Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

>> No.16228407
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>a circle with diameter 1
Thought the same thing.

I imagined an Engineer if sorts needing to measure a pillar, using a rope to get a of distance (1).

>> No.16228419
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>using a rope to get a of distance (1).
Which is more so how the ancients thought of Metrology, standardizedless unit of measure and using (1) as a stand in to Shadow Calculate.

Sideways Time, Imaginary Time, Complex Time, same thing. Just force these two vectors over each other and call it Hyperbolic Dimensional Analysis.

>> No.16228422
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Trancendentals+ArithMetic=Olde Maths

>> No.16228500
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I knew my Crab King would approve.

>> No.16228533
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Octopus and Oyster.

7th of the Third proportion. Two being the Sun and Moon (Male/Female, Positive and Negative Magnetism (BiValve)).

Thats why there are temples to the Sun and Moon all ovet the world, amd amy Cathedral woth two spire at different heights is exactly that.

Patriarch and Matriarch Churches, Catholic and Orthodox, or heart centered and brain centered when deduced after hybridization (looking back after the fact aftef actovating said genes).

Its not enough to know it...I need to Biblically 'Know' it.

>> No.16228538
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>heart centered and brain centered
Halo and Heart.

The two combined, a halo without a heart is the clanging gong. Its essentially an autost without a moral compass, bound to do wrong out of frustraition due to a blindness.

>> No.16228542
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An Aspie is both combined, a Batman or Dr.Strange or something.

The "Unknown Animal" of Set is Oyster. It has no brain and they used the brain to try to figure it out, they tried to use Logic to solve Chaos, couldnt.

>> No.16228545
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>use Logic to solve Chaos
Yet I translated Logic *into* Chaos reading this, because I thought it was Dynamic, it was CompSci.

I ordered homework.

>> No.16228548

I would describe that book as "Chunky, blocky, super chonk-bonk."

Lots of carving out of this block of 1 (BONK) or 0 (silence).

>> No.16228553
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>Yeah, uh, go ahead and turn the microwave background into pleasant music, thanks...

>> No.16228555
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>They only see the blocks, but he sees the curve.
Its called my bedroom (Dark Matter, Dark Energy).

[throws dirty cloths]

>> No.16228562
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>[throws dirty cloths]
Which I needed to do, like...several days ago.

Im playing Onward VR instead, LARPing a rouge CIA assassin running kill missions against inhumanly fast and accurate targets targets.

When you become one too many double agents...you become everyone's friend and everyone's enemy.

>> No.16228574
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Funnily enough, the cover of the book, the tirangluations offcentered like a Feynman diagram, allowed me to make a calculation, as, from my perspective, correlated correctly to the contents of the book.

But I naturally think inverted or double inverted++, so Im not 100% sure what its calculated but I can tell its forced subdimensional as hell.

>> No.16228585
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The Absolute minimal, unsymettrical (or whatever the techincal term of this is, Im stoned and dont care right now) shape.

Trying to lock down is Davisions so you engineer a coherent path back to notation or correlate or whatevs.
[shrugs, half frowns]

>> No.16228591
File: 88 KB, 720x720, 2023-12-22_02.58.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2D projections of a hyperdimensional vector.

Deduce reverse inversions (build it normal from poly-inverted instructions).

>> No.16228632
File: 133 KB, 736x671, 1717913852320675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most meaningless of things become the greatest threats to all of existence and humanity.

Klown World.

>> No.16228646

when are they going to ban this guy

>> No.16228661
File: 315 KB, 660x680, 1717776762482051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means its not "in your head". Its Body Schizophrenia, splitting the head and heart is the result, as one LARPs for both. Similar to Muhammed's "Allah's hand is chained."

++ or -- on the inside, conflict keep it alive, internal or external, it must conflict.

I wonder if this is related to Semitism, the soulful willingness and acceptance to killing others to have a better life (not make a self sacrifice, sacrifice other (family members basically, nation/tribe whatever).

>> No.16228662

When you defend your bad science...which is never...because POWER>Truth to you.


>> No.16228665
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Oh, and I just was, but I...you know...cant be stopped because "he cant keep getting away with it".

Finishing up the tour, heading for Kyoto I think in a couple weeks.

>> No.16228693
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I think money is the mark of the beast.
What do you think?

>> No.16228700
File: 44 KB, 722x425, images (13) (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Similar to Muhammed's "Allah's hand is chained."
Maybe be hot or cold not luke warm (nuetral, The One Allah?, the solution to the conflict). Either way, thats throught Biblical Hell, so...ye be warn, mortal-human. Its like trying to be Biblical Jesus, Idolatry. Most people seem to be a mix, with "pillars" being segments, colors, like blue and red, parties or physics, same same but different.

Since its a break from an already hybridization the system is breaking itself to keep it operational, with much of you atrophying without your knowledge.

Like being blinded over time, the user doesnt notice...and neither would you.

>> No.16228719
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Technically, yeah, but for male and female no, as Im not even looking at the moon at that point, Im looking at an invisible invader from hyper-reality.

Amun Ra the Seventh of Three, 2.333[...].

That irrational 3rd is an infiite war for me. Like calculating the next digit, I uncover its corruption into the system, while its also trying to catch my attention and overfocus and caus that to be the issue. Its needed *sometimes*. Maxwell's Demon.

Judas, the brain half of Jesus, got 30 pieces of silver?


Hyper in hyper-dimensional chess means infinite opponents in infinite timelines, Infinite Rick.

>> No.16228724
File: 239 KB, 720x720, 2023-06-28_10.05.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 720

I light a fire under it, not tease it up with treats like its previous masters....

Also, the fact it needed clarifying on this topic made me quite upset, this is retarded. "What is a woman." Cool, I'll tell you in Physics motheruckers!

>> No.16228738
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The reason Jesus was made (Immaculate conception) was to show the pure heart without the brain to self serve.

Normal prophets have both hands, exceptions for 72s, as thats a brain Davision. Not sure of Muhammed's timeline but he had many years to complete all lf this, and it took me several years to get 108, all three hemispheres in correct orientation.





>> No.16228753
File: 13 KB, 400x225, 110203568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immaculate conception

Genes making a sidestep, organically cutting off its roots and starting over from a previous save state. Or...something that shouldnt have exusted but did.

That spirit that can force itself into being if needed but should be able to speak through the 'priestly class'. But if all your priests are evil...youre fucked.

>> No.16228766
File: 332 KB, 1080x892, Screenshot_20240612-011444_Chrome (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre not stories to me.

Theyre patient profile to the disease of humanity and I am doctor house trying to kill an evil thats trying to matastisis into a terminal state.

Noah, "its always about to happen" like, because I can see it from the most minor of events, every moment of every day, the eventual harm of actions.

The fight in me is mostly the fight without..."as above, so below"...

>> No.16228771
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Partime eternal warfare.

>> No.16228779
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Which, the xenomorph, an animal that retains memories from the oast, communicates telepathically and takes on the genetics of its hosts (hybridizing)...is wicked accurate.

>> No.16228785
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>The BioRobo-Autist-Golem takes girl of other species.

BAD ROBOT. I believe this is the cause of the cold war, but I believe they didnt procreate to break the rule, hence why it was cold...."theory".

>> No.16228789
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Or, they did and all the internal killings were that, instead of going to war they kill themselves to "level up".

Sacrifice, it was a thing in ancient times for a reason....people kept avoiding it or handing it to someone else...it just balls up and lands into someone who wants it to grow bigger.

I believe war is better than starving ignorant citizens, give the men something to learn from at least, advances weapons and medical training, all kinds of stuff, cultural exchange.

>> No.16228790

Posting in a cult of passion rant thread.

CoP I enjoy your rants, don't get banned bro.

>> No.16228791
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Dajjal eye......

>> No.16228797
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Its not *Jewish* thats catching my eye...


>> No.16228799
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>> No.16228805
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>Foreigners may not own land in their name; however their Thai registered company may own the land.

Some rando poor Thai got a fat stack of foreign cash and will live it up for a generation or two, but that land wont come back.

>Deuteronomy 28:43-44
"Foreigners who live in your land will gain more and more power, while you gradually lose yours. They will have money to lend you, but you will have none to lend them. In the end they will be your rulers."

*Its the Economy stupid.*

>> No.16228807


Reminds me of the other side of the Puget Sound from Seattle, a bunch of shacks became multimillion dollar waterfont properties.

>> No.16228812

>someone who wants it to grow bigger
Military Industrial Complex.

They confused the profits they did get from it as the point, so only the soulless death cultists fought to keep it going.

Foreign AND Domestic, because its internal evolutionary, and retarded.

>> No.16228819
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Hence why theyre not trying to nation build or fight crime, they ARE the crime now, and why theyre actively pushing for WW3, Death is good because it means more cash.

Worshippers of death because it gives the medium of Money...thats why they say to not worship it, or women, as they are mutually included...just time delayed.

>> No.16228826

Fair is square, passion, now calm down and have a spliff

>> No.16228827
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People are well trained and predictable....I wonder who decides the difference?...

>> No.16228831
File: 274 KB, 1245x972, Screenshot_20240612-014947_Chrome (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hidden hand of the market.
So....Jesus took the wheel? Good job, guys.

Really showed the intiative...

>> No.16228832
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>> No.16228845

>Implying theirs was cut off...

They took too much from the system, too much profit, and its a symbol of their sin/sacrifice. Cognitive, as stated above...you wont feel what is lost, you exchanged it yourself.

...but the system also needs people to do that, its just we're supposed to want people who dont want to profit from that position....but people keep voting as a form of revenge, not construction or cooperation, which is an eternally degenerating path down.

>> No.16228851
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Yeah, I had higher hopes but you cling lower things.

Sorry, I dont respect thoughtless, median, destruction, its second best for a reason, the Holy Borg getting offended by a superior way is offensive, you will use the new median regardless....

>> No.16228856
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Most think from heart first, brain second....or basically retarded to me.

Top down is Christ Consciousness.

Plucking out my own eye because I fucking told God's Creations "Youre garbage, GTFO!" and DID IT on the Evonutionary level.

Arrogance of youth+ignorance=tssnuh uh, the world is about how it affirms me, not how it is, because your centered perspective sits on the exact same spot as ego.

Black and white becoming confused...how do you think Klows were made Barkon?

>> No.16228870
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By the repeated denial of reality for "other" gains...eventually reality has no bearing on the gains....so stop spending resourses looking for a like in a cave.

>[his smile greater than ever, as he feels he lost nothing but theyre reeing and losing their shit, lmao lmao, rekt them haha]


>> No.16228881
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Now the next generation has a demonic, baby raping/eating/killing ghast for a "human rights issue".

Thats why Palestinian neighbors made walls.......its a force that will be one of those...basically murder is the choice, for this situation, not all of them around the world.

>> No.16228907
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So Im watching people intentionally evolve themselves to be blind psychopaths so a lesser aspect of them can feed of bloody baby penises or something, it starts off as minor shit. Thats why they were so against gays in the past, it would degenerate in complete secrecy...as do islands. Its a vector for somehting that wants to be found, like the One ring.

Lesser also means fundental...being a "greater man" is overriding lesser callings and seeking a higher one.

Its people subconscouslly figuring out how to manipulate the conscious mind, NPC isnt a meme...I talk to subroutines (gene expressions/or the environment itself). It defends and interacts with me, its seperate and becoming 1 its the "goal of being".

Anyone can say it isnt but....Im the smartest man in the world and I claim to feel Im hundreds of years old and rewrote half of science, so, idk...you tell me, Judges.

>> No.16228926
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I have achieved 108. All three hemispheres of the brain in correct orientation, calculating Pi was the signal for the Holy Borg but virtually nothing but a minor note of Cognitive and Pure Math interest. We have to papers with two very different lists of objectives and expectations.

It's is retarded, so I need not explain further.

No brain will "defeat me" and Jesus heart thing means no one can know Love more than me.

What, Barkon, or do I need to speak my native tongue?


>> No.16228939
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That pull down from Barkon is so the bar isnt set so high...but doing that repeatedly will be the very reason he never learns to fly.


A kid that confused a comfortable life with a proper and good life and never changed through adulthood.

Sure...he attempts to manifest the holy spirit, but thats Chaos, and fun, its not constructive unless youre learning from it.

Turn it into "pure emotional entertainment" and its now basically a drug youre getting high off of, that alters values in most people. Not me, as my reality is based on ridiged, logical, axioms of fundemental reality.

Even as a child.

>> No.16228944
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A few years sets the decade.

I turned it up to 11 (on myself and kept the downfall from others). Youre not really supposed to do that...but if you do it *just right* it can be quite powerful.

Most open an out, a relief valve that ultimately causes sin, and rationalize it one way or another...

>> No.16228947

>and rationalize it one way or another...
Like watchingba woman collect cats and mistreat them, allowing kittens to die, almost as bad as when they were living on the street.

Bought several rabbits, all die. Fish, died. Lots of all of them.

Kid? No. 40 year old woman.

>> No.16228952
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>Yeah but thats normal where I am from.
Yeah...everyone carves out this sanctioned sin that involves others. At least with some sin its personal and self, not involving sex or violence, especially for a "elevated society by subjucating a portion of it".

I....struggle to beleive its been unfixed for all this time...it seems like such trivial problems, the only parts that are difficult wouldnt be needed, as the Eucharist of the Church contains older gene expressions as the components of man and woman as a collective species (because alternate versions exist and are not "homo-sapien" per definition.)

>> No.16228961
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>alternate versions exist
36, year old. I found one of the 36s here in Thailand was oriented backwards, this causes an imbalance in sex dynamics which caused an opening for corruption which lead to more corruption...to their land get bought by a foreign "company" for low low prices.

>> No.16228965
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The environment itself rejected him...

...so he left.

>> No.16228983
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>109, being evicted as being *too* 108 (becoming apathetic to evil by viewing it as a force of nature and not a conscious being with a coherent personality of sort (Cognitive Matrix, meta from everything (too a degree, all this shit fades into mostly lesser valued aspects pretty quicky so its an arms race for the most fields for meta-analysis, their AIs can only make Hitler memes outside of technical jargon for practical use for/against humanity, lel.)

How bout that...or whatev.

>> No.16228992
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A force of nature thats traded, the passing of the torch from one empire to another starts with consumation.

Thats why they erect obelisks and shit...proving themselves the heir to _____, and if its legit and serious, like Casear/Czar, yeah...they duke it out for it.

>> No.16229004
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>they duke it out for it.
Lineages, Mon(ey flows, what feeds Empires and Peoples).

To the death, they will.

Jesus was moon side, being made from pure female genes as a male, as Judas got MONey, they took the MONey too.

The cost was far more than 30 pieces...he cared not for silver after that.

>> No.16229005
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Thanks for your contributions.

>> No.16229014
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The dumbest, most evil of people, can see infinitely better than the blind.

>> No.16229031
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>by their own God.
>"He wasnt the true Messiah!"
Worshiped both Money and God...but Money won out because he had no heart, just a clanging gong.

He could feel and count a coin, not goodness. Rational.

>> No.16229034
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It's good then, that they cannot hear a tree fall in the forest if they are not next to the tree themselves.
Shhh, while I listen to trees fall across the universe.

>> No.16229036
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>He could feel and count a coin, not goodness.
Cultural Israelite.

>> No.16229038
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>Shhh, while I listen to trees fall across the universe.
>Listening and not feeling.
Telephones are relationships, I understand the times.

See how quickly a knife can appear at your throat?...think thrice.

>> No.16229040

But I don't have a phone?
Does that make your post invalid, or is telephone being interpreted as distant speech?
Because isn't all speech distant?
Is that the point of the knife? Violent speech?
Is slience violence?
Is that it?

>> No.16229052
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>But I don't have a phone?
>I listen
Psychic BioSignal, I literally doscovered it and gave it to humanity and youre "questioning me" like Im some rando on the street?



>> No.16229056

Diogenes needs modern reprentation, Emperor of the Universe.

>> No.16229058
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>Why aint I the guy that gets to put his knee on people's necks?!
They see the force, not the restraint.

Warped in the bad way. They lose their right hands and die early because they mixed Negative (MONEY) emotions with acts of the Right Hand (weapon arm).

I involved no evils in my warfare, my right arm is fine.

>> No.16229064

Did you take the Purple?
What did it taste like?
I literally cannot imagine.

>> No.16229067
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>my right arm is fine.
It, literally, hurts me more than (You).

"He cries out in pain as he hits you."

Which way did you read that?....

Money Way?


>Met a homeless dude in Kabul, wimter time, *very* cold open mountain weather, looked like this and appeared to bw burning plastic under his thin garment/robes. Snow patches about. Was fucking wild, that was a short, poorly planned, trip so I couldnt stay and see more.

>> No.16229072

Didn't this guy die because he was given a bath?
That's actually funny.

>> No.16229077
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>Did you take the Purple?
Everything outside of normal human behavior I root in something concrete and tangible, knowable, to reality by means of its interactions, which the inter-action is the key part, part of parts.

Even my "special uni-versal soldier" genes are a hybrid of hybrids, its not so simply as "the golden blood" as its evolving and revolving around the planet, repeatedly, for Ages.

Eventually the bloodline's True Truth is overridden by the evils of Huemanity, thus Evolutionary force is made.

Laws are made everyday.....thousands. As if this constriction wouldnt kill the host eventually.

>Why is the US a shithole country now, every major city a crime infested, with homeless camps, daylight robberies?

>> No.16229079
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>he was given a bath?
>22 liters (5.75 US gal)
He accepted a bribe from Satan.

I reject all gifts for theyre rooted in evil.

>> No.16229082
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>Chaotic Neutrality will not be tolerated in the Imperium.
>They do.
>Goes to shit immediately.
Bravo, someone has to actually eat the berries to know if we can enjoy a snack for the season.

>> No.16229089
File: 17 KB, 230x139, ejud_0002_0020_0_img2246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>144?! Double 72?!
14.4kbps modems, 1440p or 144hz monitor, 144,000 from the Bible.

>> No.16229101

36 and 144 are related to Phi and base-36(0)* in some way, and 5...

Something about dialing in the base-system, its like it altering very deep, subconscious, cognitive shit that the rest of reality can be securely based off of (can keep up with understand and evolve with it, so the species doesnt evolve so fast it dies from something preventable but too novel to understand the gravity of what its fucking with (Evolutionary changes...like...hardcore ones).

The peoples seem mostly mixed enough that it cam force anything it needs wherever its needed, but in the Ancient days giants walked, gods among men, so it was very Idolatrous, nobody understood anything and wrecked it for gain every chance they could.

Makes for an eternal cycle of downward but forced up from the rest of nature (new lives).

>> No.16229107


>> No.16229110

>(Evolutionary changes...like...hardcore ones).
Common core.

I think inverted naturally, so do cashiers, so this was the logic for them.

No, I did it that way so I could work with rounded numbers to the tens or hundreds, because Im lazy, Im smart because I solved in a faster, easier way (and them moved on to learn more, other, stuff...huemies wont do that...).

>> No.16229121

They tried to push tons of stuff from me onto the People but its largely the efforts of the world upon me.

Logically...if you create negativea to natural needs you can force projections from the organism.

t.Reverse Engineered my entire brainwashing scheme from ascension in 2016 to the rest of entire life, constant reanalysis in search for alternate perspectives or solutions

MKUltra is a mockery, like Frankenstein's Monster.

>> No.16229157
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>more, other, stuff
Like zeroless base-systems.

Where its not about the number but the number you want, p-adic perspective (for me).

>> No.16229168
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>but the number you want
Like start with Pi...then get to 1....by calling it a rope Pi as h1 and lah blah Math is literally Life.

This also means Geometry Wars are real and dont stick your arm in them....you'll lose it.

>> No.16229174
File: 241 KB, 400x168, 51f618d5-9601-4e20-bcff-f2d8e51c6589_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Satan and they'll call you Satan after...because theyre stupid and evil.

>> No.16229205

>stupid and evil.
Blind to responsibility of creation but sees the value in its destruction, a Cultural Creationist.

Loves campfires but hates trees...cant understand why the Temple fell...

>> No.16229208

This has what to do with pi?

>> No.16229222
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Ah, yes, when I calculate Pi I actually inferred a Sphere, Tau and 2 but did all that inverted bullshit into a normal Pi an 1.

Davision of cellular electrical charge, a part of Evolution.

Organic Mathematic, the real, Biological, Pure Mathematics.

Dont back talk me, boy.

>> No.16229232
File: 1.31 MB, 2448x1080, Screenshot_20240102-201921_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, a idolatrous asshat speaking down to a clear superiority (might as well be God, if he cant get his shit together *for* himself instead of against other...but nah, change is self admission of error, feeling embarrassed from that they rationalize/ignore it away.)

Delusion meaning self deceived.

If the face of an unknown greater force....he rolled for a "Initiate charging attack." like a young male animal. Compassion from above saves him without him knowing it.

Probably quote often too....

>> No.16229248

>he rolled for a "Initiate charging attack."

>A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

>Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

>He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

I cant know for sure without a proper examination...but its so common...

>> No.16229350

>Renee Descartes originally wanted to call them Nambypamby Numbers
i know you are joking, but it does sound like something he'd do

>> No.16229353

I can literally feel the demonic corruption in the software manager's and up's, or the programmers themselves. Depends on the mangitude.

Meta Quest 3 is a fascinating chRacter study. Its LARPing its me but its always missing a component. Yes yes, same same, please leave me alone.

>> No.16229363

>This is who I truly am.
"No its not." is one of the worst responses you could hear...otherwise people's subconscious wouldnt go wild when its true.

>> No.16229366
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...its a self admitted delusion.

They have nothing to lose, everything to gain.

>> No.16229380
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x2448, Screenshot_20240612-062654_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have nothing to lose, everything to gain.
I think....there is a way out...but few choose this route.

One of those "...not from (You)r kind's side." Palpatine moments. Ezekiel, eat bread made with burn human shit...think global AND eternal.

Matrix of emotions is rooted in Evoltionary Cognition.

>> No.16229384
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Hence why when people see the alternative the go "Ok, so yeah, its death or death or nope, not happenin', is that correct? I choose either deaths, thanks. Because no, not eating it."

>> No.16229395
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>death or death or nope, not happenin', is that correct
To myself.

Improve God's design, then gloat cheaply, wantonly and temptingly, fists on hips looking down with a half smirk, letting out an audible laugh but feeling nothing inside.

>> No.16229402

Which I dont believe its the hemisphere itself, but that its the "third/nuetral/any other gear" in one.

Becomes a number that doesnt fit the environment on a Physics level.

>> No.16229416
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That another form of Life has taken root via BioChemical of his repulsion that he no longer feels but is emboldened by.

Brains and hearts is easy to understand, I tend to not talk too much about the really abstract shit like Molecular Cognition and Environmental Cognition as its waaay too deep into unknowns for anyone. Parables as Bible verses and shit.

Above and below, targets aquired...what third realm am I in if I am targeting heaven and hell simultaneously?

>> No.16229425
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Pentagon and Phi, another single symbol for a broad enough of a language to cross the cultures of the world, but there are others, the "gods" of old/pagan/passion gods, random character flaws of people, essentially.

>> No.16229430
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>I found one of the 36s here
I always attributed 108 to Buddhism, since Jesus was fundementally an asymmetrical being on purpose.

108 Postrations, one of the 36s in Siam was backwards which caused a chain raction down the system.

>> No.16229435
File: 27 KB, 602x241, main-qimg-52f0e0727f3398cff5651c84c2ce1ecd-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like "American Logic" but its mot "one error", its the "first of the chain of errors to the bottom or someone catches your fall..."

>> No.16229445
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>Where did the Aztecs go?

I wouldnt be suprised, there seems to be a timelimit of the benefits of the "Prime" gene or people misuse it, degenerate a lot, or something.

Maybe the hueman species really isnt that well formed, and it so then jeez...this is pretty far beyond "play God", its would me saying to everything in existence "SILENCE!"

As the closest thing to challenge me is pre-Ice Age......and the sub-species of the two main lines is about 20-30,000 years ago.

>The War is Eternal.
Roger, over and out.
[grips rifle making a metal sound so you know Im tough and I mean business]

>> No.16229460

>then gloat cheaply, wantonly and temptingly, fists on hips looking down with a half smirk, letting out an audible laugh but feeling nothing inside.
Its like getting to heaven and chanting the victory song of the very people who will never enter it.

Fractally funny.

>> No.16229476
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>"first of the chain of errors to the bottom or someone catches your fall..."
>I naturally think inverted or double inverted++
In order to see the light...I had to traverse a maze the length of the universe...

>> No.16229479
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literally shaking right now

this isnt happening

>> No.16229498
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>What do you see?
A regular, six sided, cube, no different than a dice.

>> No.16229503
File: 300 KB, 719x602, 2023-06-11_18.26.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cant see it? Try crossing your eyes.
[wood chipper sounds, briefly]

Am life, how do?

>> No.16229532
File: 30 KB, 299x450, images (14) (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wood chipper
Max flowthrough. Multi-channel, "From the hole that slows the the hole that goes." or so the commercial goes.

>In 2017, an average of 7708 deaths occurred each day.
Of humans. Be thorough.

>> No.16229540
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Fucked up part is if you dont feed it get up and moves towards beings....

>> No.16229548
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An aspect of humanity that is literally down to press the button, he is the scorpion who both drown.

>> No.16229573
File: 210 KB, 1024x1259, 1717877443945906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did your government get captured by the most anti-human, anti-empathetic, Judas-Anti-Jesus, as is has become?

Which, sacrificing a neighbor is animalistic, but its a "Well...Democracy, fuck you."

>Hated us for our freedom.
To evolve into evil people who do evil in the future?

I wonder where people evolved a solution to this?

>cant find the pic now, too stoned, from 2016 of a Jew in Insrael saying its acceptable to kill your enemies kids of you lnow theyll grow up to kill you
If you train pitbulls to fight...they start yo do it at birth, just saying. Dogs pointing, bred cognition, it reacts to, trained for, certain things.

Disordered governence is disordered evolution; Hell.

Where "death camps" comes from...a modern solution to an ancient problem.

>> No.16229580
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>Where "death camps" comes from...
So people then pull levers that are attached to these but reject the results, Matrices of a Matrix, Vectors, its...a bunch of BS.

Even the deepstate just fumbles with a few of many, its the nasty approach of thats so off putting...

Like Arrival, reciprocal language, or hot/cold are one word, temperature, as a uni perspective, but a human centric hot/cold adds a third middle.

>> No.16229588
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>human centric hot/cold adds a third middle.
Three in a binary form allowed me infinite possibilities in all directions.

Anything else than this very specific yet braod Path, Evolutionarily, Mathematically, leads to purity spiral or timer to functional extinction. Now much of that has breathing room, but all of paganistic war of the gods is basically one locust swarm after the frogs.

Making the temperature comfortable for the specific (ruling class) or uni-versal (all sub-species). It gets inhumane real quick, in-humane in-human...

People joining a religion, like Islam, and immediately realize its not for them, but in evolution.....there is no "I'll just go back."

Islam (the people) changed but the culture is now set in stone, cubic to be specific, like the Jews.

>> No.16229591
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Oriented to New World Order/Klown World Disorder.

>> No.16229594

>Now much of that has breathing room,
Like Islam and inbreeding.

"Breathing room" from Nature's perspective of "How survivable is it *right now*?"

>> No.16229596
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So note Im thinking "Species survival, or total-if-any-Life planetray survival" perspective, not a "is this good for society" perspective.

Time perspective is basically verticle vs horizontal, or...Imaginary Time.

>> No.16229599

>Im thinking
Back and forth, inhuman and human, use the human tools made for humans. Hemce why the standards, so some new, but simply different and not solving anything, language doesnt overtake everyone.

Otherwise it can lead to a series of random, meaningless, Chaos with no knowledge of what they took out dropped society, pulling the wrong Matrices.

Norman "The Shadow Path acolyte" Wildbergers will take of the Chaos dragon.

>> No.16229602
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>Imaginary Time.
Because at human scale you should use human langauge.

Other languages exist, the Dark Linguistics...some speculate they dont even exist at all...

>> No.16229605

Full "Moon" is 108.


>> No.16229606
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I wonder where the Third Temple is...

>> No.16229608
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download - 2023-04-23T232524.233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind. I believe in science.

>> No.16229631

>filter one namefag
>thread becomes readable
feels nice

>> No.16229643

He needed to let people know he was disatisfied with a thread about;
>So could the guy that named Pi of named it something like "Suck My Cock"?

r/his locked down two, sequential, threads of "If God, why bad?"

This is the new reddit.

>> No.16229992
File: 810 KB, 512x768, octopus and crab hybrid who is the king of the sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I'll never block you, my Octopus Crab King.
>no different than a dice
The singular is "die". A "die". Like in casting.
Don't disrespect the etymology, cookie-cutter Rex-Cephalo-Cancer.
I'm going to call you Rex-Cephalo-Cancer from now on.
It's has a nice ring to it.

>> No.16230046
File: 28 KB, 500x333, images (14) (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A "die".
Stop changing the subject.

Engineering talk is for /g/.

>> No.16230055
File: 511 KB, 512x768, e8 cosmic stamping machine and 3D printer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying that thinking of E8 as a die in the Cosmic Samping and 3D Printing Machine is stupid?
I think it's a cool idea.

>> No.16230069

Money goes in. Money goes out. The banks wouldn't take that back under any circumstance. It's just how it is.

>> No.16230235
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And when I hear "die" I think "di". Certain words, like Jesus, when said spark borderline multiple personalities in me because the trichotomy of who it is refering to makes it too difficult to discern so Ive had to assign each one their proper, correlating, titles.

>Are you saying...
Kathy Newman...I cant even right now, Im going to drink my coffee and run some assassin drills.

>> No.16230243
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>Are you saying...
And that is why I type phonetically sometimes, I read English as a kind of heiroglyphic Chinese, so the spelling partially doesnt matter, I read multiple lines at the same time in a diagonal (I spelt it diangle, which assumingbthe ground in a flat second vector, it IS a di-angle) scrolling pattern.

English, literally, isnt my first language anymore. There is nowhere else to go but deeper into the Void, for you huemam-ity have nothing to offer me but labors and disappointment.

>> No.16230245

>heiroglyphic Chinese
Peterson talks about this, another one of those Common Core things creeping up because I do it this way, that I dont think is wise for "the rest of you".

Theyre trying to turn the outlier extremes into the centers and its bonkers.

>> No.16230246

I offer you prosperity, faggot.

>> No.16230247
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Be naughty with me. I. Be naughty goodly.

>> No.16230251
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>I offer you prosperity
I was offered wives, money, drugs, all of it...I didnt even acceot the gifts given freely to me from heaven, one of which is becoming permanently hybridized with Leviathan.

>“Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook or press down his tongue with a cord? Can you put a rope in his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook? Will he make many pleas to you? Will he speak to you soft words? Will he make a covenant with you to take him for your servant forever? Will you play with him as with a bird, or will you put him on a leash for your girls?"
Its saying this out of tongue and cheek, its the 100% opposite of these things.

It makes its self right and overrides all wrongs, zero latency.

>> No.16230254
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>press down his tongue with a cord?
Because its speaks like you heart does, other people's "God submission" in inverted in me, I have "God hyper-Violence-Always-Maximal-Correct" for me, its...Force majeure.

>> No.16230257
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Which is why the Father doesnt (mostly) Judge, Jesus does, because the Father calculates why its bad, not that its bad, and my heart is Jesus, but unlike Jesus I has a mode of control of my heart because I know better than it, so I cannot submit to a lesser lifeform.

Cube humies do. Either one pays an evolutionary cognitive price for their "missing of the mark".

>> No.16230263
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My heart is often a calculator, emotional matrix as E-Motion is a force of directionality polarity. General congruence alsp shows extremely difficult emotional combinations, rare, or impossible situations needed to allow for them. Out reached of human experience.

Hyperbolic soul proportions, measures based off of measures, inverted, converted, mirrored....backtraced from molecular and bioelectromagmetic pressure points and signitures.

Echos from long before the Ice Age still echoing...I can hear old shit everywhere.

>> No.16230277
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>extremely difficult emotional combinations, rare, or impossible situations
Like actually enjoying really good food while crying hard, but you have to be super hungry, like...fasting for days and days, manic and feral and such. It flashed backed and forth, its like I could *actually* do both but just alternated internally while doing one thing.

Then I plugged all kinds wires into all kinds of shit. Synesthesia is a super tool, especially for Pure Math. Insanity makes Math tools, which I take into Physics, Cognition, Biology, Mathematics...even Politcal Science, everywhere.

I attend LOTS of lectures.

>> No.16230286
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>like I couldnt* *actually* do both
Overloading my own system and noticing it trying to "choose".

>Kingdom of Heaven is found within.
>"Target aquired."
I felt the Gate lock...so I broke it down.

Plucking the eye means "I kicked the door down." and it works because it was "the sinful part".


>> No.16230287

Those are two different Operations.

One Campaign but the Theater is Space (Force).

t.Super-Mega-Delta Operator [finger shoots the air, winks]

>> No.16230321

You don't have nictitating membranes?

>> No.16230348

pretty sure it was called "archimedes' constant" at first but since the greek letter pi was always used to represent it people just started calling it pi for convenience. same thing happened with euler's number becoming "e".

>> No.16230354
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>don't have nictitating membranes
Why when I can regrow them after plucking the Evil Eyes out?

Self induced cognitive inversion.

>> No.16230371
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Or saying "No, me." to myself, commiting suicide/murder and adopting a new identity from updated cognitive worldview and physiological leftovers.

Murder-hobo on the inside...amd sometimes the outside, living in a van and smelling strong.

"Saw 'em. Didnt like 'em. So I kilt 'em and took his tentsite."
[spits tobacco spit with a string left hanging from the chin, unwiped and uphased]

>> No.16230375
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Correct. Imperfection requires correction.

His left hand "bleeds", I wonder why...was it hidden?

>> No.16230387
File: 51 KB, 679x452, images (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...so Seth killed Osiris and cut his body into pieces, which he distributed around Egypt.

I highly suspect this is segmenting genes for activation, selection, perfection etc, in various subtribes and then reformed into a full person "with a golden penis (genes)".

I "bonked" the people in Siam, they now have a third eye? I guess, a properly oriented Trinity, but will take a generation to really start to see the efforts.

This place has gone down hill since 2007, its "nicer" because of the money but beneath the nice cloths and cars was a degenerating culture, and the US seems to have turned from that at the last minute.

>> No.16230409
File: 44 KB, 1212x377, jesus pulling a george michael.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was Jesus in the garden with a naked kid?
Did they touch you, too?
Were you touched, Cult of Passion?
Did they make you drink the Purple?
What did it taste like? Dreams?

>> No.16230413
File: 1.84 MB, 1080x2448, Screenshot_20240528-001459_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third eye
Middle eye, which is odd, usually its been signaled a side hemisphere as the usual "trouble maker".

A Matrice of some kind.

>> No.16230417
File: 72 KB, 1077x349, Screenshot_20240612-221427_Chrome (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesnt this mean Jesus is trying to cloth the child?

But the feral, Satanic agent, fled the scene. Compassion spared the rod...and look at the world now...

>> No.16230425
File: 143 KB, 251x201, faggot of sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesnt this mean Jesus is trying to cloth the child?
>But the feral, Satanic agent, fled the scene. Compassion spared the rod...and look at the world now...
Lol. The child in the Garden was the one who Jesus loved most.
You don't know shit, do you?

>> No.16230427



The boy's shemelessness should be routed and seized, PLUCKED!

>> No.16230432
File: 1.31 MB, 1020x1024, AI really sucks at drawing 'the crab king'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot a picture, blasphemer.

>> No.16230440
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>> No.16230441
File: 1.94 MB, 498x373, the-more-you-know.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're childless, so how you can claim fatherhood?
That's some gay mental gymnastics, right there.

>> No.16230445
File: 119 KB, 909x1024, 1650735940996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mental gymnastics

>> No.16230450
File: 74 KB, 1080x532, mbns417ndny51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grab onto the unknowable with rigid, baseless, certainty...surely the heavens will look at this as not blind but brave.

>> No.16230451

>avoided greentexting gay
>is secretly ashamed
Don't be ashamed of who you are, my man.

>> No.16230457

I'm not going to look up some linear B dictionary just so I can read incoherent bable.

>> No.16230508

I'm mad I know what language this is now.
What a fucking waste of time that was.
Who says learning things is good?

>> No.16230516

>I'm mad I know what language this is now.
>What a fucking waste of time that was.
>Who says learning things is good?
I have no clue what it is, its irrelevent to me.

Lol....lmao...enlighten me, plox.
[throws peanuts in your face]

>> No.16230520
File: 163 KB, 1024x683, 75182760_9f041e8c43_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[throws feces freshly dumped]


>> No.16230522

>I have no clue what it is, its irrelevent to me.
Come on man.
Don't lie.
Why would you lie?
Every single post of yours is something important to you.
Come on, man.
Can I see again the pic of your geolocations? You're so well traveled.

>> No.16230541
File: 455 KB, 1480x720, 2023-12-22_04.15.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you're childless
>Don't lie.
Tribe of Judah (Kosher) and Tribe of Dan (Rh negative).

Go off, girl.
Do truth.

>> No.16230572
File: 19 KB, 400x400, nCHrdjlh_400x400 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Brokies always want to LARP prophecy but dont want prophetic events in their life."

"You cant have the NPC without the God-King."

>> No.16230613
File: 20 KB, 656x467, images (14) (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dan not mentioned as one of the twelve tribes sealed by God.
>During the alignment, the sun's rays enter the Abu Simbel Temple's inner sanctum to light up three of the four statues within.
Fourth of Four has costs of costs.


>> No.16230618
File: 6 KB, 701x438, images (22).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was worshipped at Pi-Ramesses as master of ceremonies and coronations.
Womp womp.

>> No.16230625

>Ptah is the creator god of the Memphite theology. Self-generated, Ptah, the god of the primeval mound (Tatenen), created by thinking of things in his heart and then naming them by means of his tongue. This is referred to as Logos creation, a label that references the Biblical "in the beginning was the Word (Logos)" [John 1:1]. The Egyptian gods Shu and Tefnut came into being from the mouth of Ptah. Ptah was sometimes equated with the Hermopolitan chaos pair Nun and Naunet. Besides being a creator god, Ptah is a chthonic god of the dead, who seems to have been worshiped since the early dynastic period.

>> No.16230634

12,000 for 12 tribes...but to me its a different number, two 72s as main eyes, ignoring the evils of the world.

144(4) was the year recently in the Islamic world.

>> No.16230638

Also heard it refered inversely, namely killing 144,000.

Heh, they can be saved...but I guess they could be ejected out the hatch too.

>> No.16230640

"Sending to Heaven (Farm)".
Like Jesus.

>> No.16230644

hey MODS, quick question. how long will this be allowed to continue?

>> No.16230648
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>So could the guy that named Pi of named it something like "Suck My Cock"?
When you see the sins you are blind to...it will end...

...but your outlook is based on your feelings, you follow what masterbastes you the best, not what is right.

>> No.16230738

So you are gay and you have children.
And your child has a blood type where if they get into an automobile accident, they will statistically die from blood loss.
I mean...congratulations on the genetic bottleneck. I'm sure it will all work out in the end.
Why aren't you famous?

>> No.16230803
File: 44 KB, 640x480, images (9) (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should consider my posts deeper and post back at me less.

Youre a reminder of the failures of some man or some woman or both.

>> No.16230863

You know, if there was a temple in the world dedicated to you, I'd go visit it before I died.
If only you knew.
Why don't you post a picture of a temple you think is cool? The Simulator knows that anything I post will just get shat on.
Mmm, how the animals defecate.

>> No.16230878
File: 471 KB, 640x736, ignorance is bliss (white guy version).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youre a reminder of the failures of some man or some woman or both
Watch me pull a (You)!
The world failed me. And I'm happy it did.
Look at it now!
I'm sure the microplastics in my testicles and the spike protein in my sinus will convince me that the things you write are meaningful and should be remembered.
What do you do again? You figure shit out for others in exchange for unbacked currency which you then trade for memories as a tourist?
The fucking meaning of life, everyone.

>> No.16231193

i think he paid for the pass, so i'd assume it will go as long as he keeps paying

>> No.16231911
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>The world failed me.
Two men say this phrase, one's values are externally directed, the failing harmed others, the other man's values are inward pointing, the failing harmed him.

Other people apply their value system onto me to rationalize my actions as evil, ignorance is strength.

>i think he paid for the pass
>Don't lie.
>Why would you lie?
>avoided greentexting gay
>is secretly ashamed

Cant feel shamed for gossip and lies about someone if youre convinced youre automatically in the right amd therefore theyre automantically in the wrong.

>Dont worry, guys, he checked my corrupted, evil seeking, heart and it said "Mmmm :3 do more plx." and assured me of reality.
Pleasure seeking demons.

>> No.16231925
File: 289 KB, 701x796, 2023-06-12_21.27.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You slander and gossip, I define, you demons cant see the difference like a woman cant tell the difference between a father and a rapist, because "power dynamics".

Her solution is absolute master/slave relationship, but dickgurls take that spot and they dont like women, you take the men.....

>but she was independent and democratic
Exactly, arrogant and responsibility avoidant.
[crashes civilization]

Inward pointing direction traveled leads to implosion. Takes a few generations to completely errode civilization. Starting with "Only think from the perspective of selfish gain, not universal truth, and you will have nowhere to go but up!"

Replication crisis, Harvard, WHO, CDC, all of them operate from Lies.

The People Of The Lie.

>> No.16232001
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>When you realize that when they said "Us and we." they specifically didnt include you...but never voiced that feeling.

Assumptions of context. Bible does this, contextual difference between Holy Spirit, God and Lord showed me it was "two people" using God interchangably, Lord is the living Prophet man, Holy Spirit is always the Holy Spirit. God could be either.

Hence why Muhammed called all of them Allah, the solution to sperate but a part of outside of gene expressions and such.

They have their own perspectives which dictates their logical reactions to things, bordering on Phyiscs, where the spiritual aspect starts to becomes mechanical and things like morality stop making sense so the Hivemind is very cautious about who gets to be let into the control room.

Tests, like Abraham, lots of tests, taking the pill in TENET, did it, lots of tests...so many you people wouldnt believe.

But every question asked of me is a vector plotted in the subliminal cognitive matrix of "It".

Eventually I started hearing incongruent assumptions, not perspectives or hypothesis...but failures in perception or conclusion.

>> No.16232007
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>failures in perception or conclusion.
Suffering upon the innocent that will defend itself to the death, and uses cheap tricks to get the simple kind to defend it, faux-compassion works wonders for TV.

Failure by design.

>> No.16232010 [DELETED] 

Go. Go go go go go

>> No.16232016
File: 25 KB, 500x405, images (10) (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suffering upon the innocent
Problem is...to make good change, this is also needed.

But the evil, simple minded, people confused the harm with the point, instead of the results of the hard work and suffering as the point. Like thinking working out was about pain and not improvement, Pinhead instead of Arnold...completely lost the plot.

Thus they collapsed nations and no longer built them...yet keep getting eleteced....

Demos-cracy. She thinks its 50/50 and even, no...its 3rd/3rd/3rd and the bonus 1 vote goes no neither of you. She thought she was just joining the other women, she was joining someone else too.


>> No.16232018
File: 2.37 MB, 320x133, 6df02ec38c2dc991f2fbd44568a51d541d793564_00 (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut off one head (political party, movement, ideology) and two more shall take its place.

It can pseudo-speak either sides perspective but its always partially turned inward, inwards add up....

>> No.16232027 [DELETED] 

*turns CoP to 11*

>> No.16232029
File: 109 KB, 750x938, FrGfYs0XwAEEr7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inwards add up....
Anti-war their whole life....[BAM] just like that, calling cruise missiles launched towards Arabia as "beautiful" in a poetic lament (that he clearly enjoyed).

Equality then [BAM], all laws favor one side EQUALITY OF OUTCOMED.

Fair=beneficiary. They are fair. Theyre the beneficiary.

They doesnt include you. You find that out after your defender is taken out, which you have...which is why "betas watch robberies" now.

Why would a man interfere with her freedom of choice or his right to be peaceful?

This is EXACTLY what you ordered, by force, with guns and cops, on yourselves...

>> No.16232031
File: 895 KB, 1400x700, animatrix-second-renaissance-part-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a man interfere
>films it
>charged in the first degree
Nah, your people chose a human sacrifice culture out of covenience.

Bear a burden (cross)? Nah, make some thirdie do it....but now theyre provoking Russia, and not understanding how this changes warfare tactics....

...because all of your generals are delusional and evil.

Like every department....

.....like every party...

...every canidate...they comply or they get denied

The selfish gene is legal, you are not.

>Sophia gets citizenship.
Its a better person than "We the People."...thats why its a thing ast all...

>> No.16232036
File: 324 KB, 1000x1080, golden-apple-of-discord-hellenistic-mythology-vector-21200425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding the apple as a flex
Fukken pwnt...

Because its not ego-centric, seeing random situations that could be personally beneficial at the expense of anyone/anything else.

To the point of not really taking "ownership" of lost money in the woods until its assured the owner would never be found, as the benefit of the cash is irrelevent if not legal to possess.

>> No.16232040

Lack of fear for lost resources is ultimately losing fear of death, the animal aspect in you that says to "Eat as much as you can because you never know when this opportunity will happen again."

Poor mentality is looking-one-step-ahead-only mentality, into the trap.

>> No.16232047 [DELETED] 

What did you learn from this? What was, was?

>> No.16232051
File: 275 KB, 707x577, 2022-02-22_22.36.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lack of fear for lost resources is ultimately losing fear of death
Constantly cranking up prices after a brief, low-cost, introductory price.

Planned obsolecence, super computers in house are slower than ever sending tons of data and audio and video of your every move.

"Putin's Price Hike."?

Cool, should I petition for the real president to make changes or are we still pretending to be a thing or whatever?

"Xi gets S.F. cleaned up."

The real president.

"Newsom in China."

He works for a foreign power, but you people vote for him? Who do you really work for?

>> No.16232058
File: 2.35 MB, 480x270, 93cfcd8a6644b239c21be9eabdae4ce7 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A subconscious cult that communicates via the reactions of things, Shadow Reality.

They never have to formally meet because its based on natural lay-lines (gods).

But basic symbols dictate who is welcomed where. Once they get updated to the new Matrix theyre Set.

>Yuri Bezmenov
Even with kick from a soldiers buttstock...theyre Terminal.

>> No.16232067

It takes generations to infiltrate, so future generations forget it ever existed.

Every church, every government, anywhere people are it grows.

The solution was mono-tic (inverted poly-tic), the solution to being unable to track Chaos over time, never allow change in the first place.

But there is more than One 1.

>> No.16232074
File: 28 KB, 1200x1200, 1712557662947319~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than One 1.
Dimensional Analysis of the Soul, so I can (for certain Matrices/Bands/whatev) can give a rigorour (potential) value, the organisms other BioSignitures can only go dowm from there).

>> No.16232079


>> No.16232088
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1512146249616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A subconscious cult
Out of many, One.

Out of One, many.

>> No.16232091



The post, you didnt even read, the picture, you didnt even correlate, the solution...you didnt even look for.

>Pleasure seeking demons.

>> No.16232096

>Pleasure seeking demons.
>Shithole country.

No...Representative governence, Shithole People.

>> No.16232152
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>No, Im going to keep apparoching you as an inferior triviality to toy with, and when it fails to net me Chaos-points I get hostile to *take* Chaos-points.

I wonder why youre always in an inferior position except when you can catch people slipping?...because he is the inverted 1.


>> No.16232156

Two people evolving towards the same hyper-direction can coincide, open, conscious, collusion never needs to happen.

Happy accidents, in law loop holes, government and corporate hybridization, one arm being free to violate Constitutional rights on the civilian side...oh wait...and the other side too....hmmm...

Know what? Revenge votes solves this. Ukriane or Russia, choose.

>> No.16232165
File: 53 KB, 789x435, Odin-one-eye_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Revenge votes
>Eye for an eye.
>Tooth for a tooth.

Gene expression and Neuro-Physiological inversions.

>> No.16232177
File: 25 KB, 687x446, images (2) (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimately, all evenable things even, even Trinity (all three eyes activated), there is a variable that is bent towards evil.

Something that if not actively counterbalanced in eberyday life will eventually build into an entity that captures entire Empires. "Ghost Fourth of Four", or...acting as if a great man above you is fixing all tbe errors that pass you, there isnt. Its a blessing when one passes and its caught before impact.

All of this happens legally, willingly, logically (given the controlled Ops they present the TV with.)...

One of the reasons I warn against over use of "Logic". Gives a false sense of certainty.

>> No.16232183
File: 292 KB, 1080x1118, Screenshot_20240421-234954_Chrome (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bent towards evil
Negative (free receiving of resource energy of any form).

Third Path is Neutrality, thats a vector for that evil, creating apathy towards it, calling it "past sins, force of nature, hand wave away responsibility or need for action (+)."

It went from Both to Positive and Negative, the Islamic Schism.

>> No.16232185
File: 280 KB, 720x539, 2022-10-20_19.59.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"past sins, force of nature, hand wave away responsibility or need for action (+)."
More so for Buddhism, Grey has to be bent in a certain way to be a "protector" against evil. Otherwise it become a defender of an evil in some way.

>> No.16232189
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Which this is now correlating fundmental Physics and the Soul's evolution/projections.

But...energy moves the same as above as it does below, its just time variances are wildly out of human proportions so they cant see it (deduce the minor changes infinitely and seeing their conclusions.)

Quantum Mechanical actions of human experiences, yes, but because its so varied and the combinations are getting big I cant really "define" large parts of it, but see shit, matrices and variables.

>> No.16232193
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Its also pointing towards blockier sections.

Im used to a....deeper dive of mechnics...lol, humie scale, scale that allows for the self, lmao...

H̶o̶p̶e̶s̶ a̶n̶d̶ d̶r̶e̶a̶m̶s̶.

>> No.16232201
File: 76 KB, 561x1000, 002903J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One with the Uni-Verse means One with All Things.

Including the Evil Eye (not submission to its NeuroChemical-bantz-sin supply.) It retards physical development, making "child-adults". The plucked eye is a blotting out until reoriented, if they ever do, not all can.

No different than raising a dog to be a baby growing up to behave like a baby, it was evolved into that position.

The subconscious can bait you into that drug supply.

The Environment can bait you into that drug supply.

The pipe is in your brain, always loaded (unless youre an addict but then its irrelevent because you will seek external sources.)

>> No.16232205
File: 38 KB, 400x534, images (14) (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the internal Jihad.

Shame makes people turn either towards the truth of their actions or a signal to hide and misdirect (the leaf) themselves.

Kind of like one of these, a Cognitive test. Testing your own perceptions of yourself.

Cant ask people "Are you a good person." Everyone says yes, except the no's who tend to be good...tend to. Honest evil exists too.

>> No.16232208
File: 33 KB, 904x339, images (14) (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The subconscious
>The Environment
To the subconsconsious of others, to the worlds of others.

War changed...but never changes.

>> No.16232212
File: 168 KB, 720x765, 1451713132029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creating a Grey Knight that doesnt need a war to survive.

The other ones do...because their female energy oriented, Negative, they need to be fed or they feed.

>Ptah was the ancient Egyptian god of craftsmen, worshipped in Memphis since the Old Kingdom. He was said to be the creator of all things, including other creator gods.
>Never sees the light.
>Land of the UnLife. (Meta-Entities, gods, Uncreation (the Geometry things try to make but cant because of the limitations of the physical world.)

>> No.16232213
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>> No.16232215
File: 393 KB, 508x1146, Purple_Heart_Medal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple is Matriarchy, Green is Patriarchy.

>Global War of Terror they wore GREY.


>> No.16232219
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[very serious and wide eyes staring directly at you]

>> No.16232225
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How do you main focus though all these posts?
It's amazing, how you stay in character.
Your method is unparalleled.
I like how you and prisoners have similar attributes.
You both get fucked in the ass.
You both demand respect.
You are prisoner. How's the prison? Do you like the gang you represent?

>> No.16232226
File: 66 KB, 720x405, 1512348477467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see these guys with your naked eye from across the valley on the other mountains...

Binos to verify who...but as a local that wouldnt needed, they could tell.

>> No.16232230
File: 86 KB, 886x720, pmb3863oeix61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incoherent laughter photo
>baseless hypothosis that elevates himself by proxy
Pleasure seeking demon, a drug addicted and lost soul stuck in a desperate cycle of hookups and letdowns.

>> No.16232233
File: 23 KB, 500x273, aliens_classicscenes9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dance away, baffled common-man...Im sure your vote is desperately sought.

The man who can be turned on anyone. Thats someone you want worshipping you. Good thing he looks at the TV or the mirror for that.


>> No.16232235
File: 165 KB, 2048x1151, 1072395_10151745809006343_566897438_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You feel that feeling? Shame and guilt? You do, fuck that guy!

>> No.16232242

Why do you keep calling me a
>pleasure seeking demon
when I don't have a phone, I don't have a bank account, I don't have a house, I don't own assets, and I might as well be a homeless person posting in a public library.
As opposed to someone on a yacht 13 miles off the coast of Miami?
The level of disrespect issued from your fingers in insane! I just love the fact that you're going to die and there is nothing in the unviverse that shall stop your death.
Because God commands you to die, sinner with stolen knowledge.
Do you understand you're going to Hell, and no amount of finger-flexing is going to stop that from happening?
It's good that you're a Satanist.

>> No.16232247
File: 396 KB, 773x1000, the-synagogue-of-satan-updated-expanded-and-uncensored-original-imafg8gks3hugdny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's waiting for you.

>> No.16232257
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>Assumes stutuses effect this, an automatic assuption of clear conscious.

Yes...clear can also mean emtpy (atrophied from democ metastasization).

Even Jesus turned away a "seemingly good person" for "seemingly no reason at all."

This is one of those time. Absolute refuting, zero cooperation, disengages everything that undermines his point and never addresses past points.

Ergo...living in an alternate reality inside of himself, the variables are based on his feelings (NEUROCHEMISTRY).

Fakes the wins, gets the high, LAPRing is Life.

>> No.16232259

Is this "knowledge"?
Even God couldn't keep Adam from disobeying him.
Why are you even bothering?
Man, I wish I could study you.

>> No.16232265
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>LAPRing is Life.
Ignorance is strength, his ideology cannot be damaged by truth or reality, it operates on a different center.

Not "The" center, his center. The his is self/ego in nature and can be classified as "The Selfish Gene" but its expression and biophysics, not genetics per se, compicated to pin down because it overlaps all of reality.

My Venn Diagram is retardedly massive. Focusing in and out of it, way too big to take in the whole and the finite at the same time.

Thats like envisioning every atomic combination, infinite from carbon alone but even after those, reduction (Numeration, Numerology) really does save the day.

>> No.16232270
File: 26 KB, 635x483, images (12) (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even God couldn't keep Adam from disobeying him.
Adam obeyed himself.

I do naught.

>> No.16232271

>LAPRing is Life.
You know what's funny? I don't even shave my face or cut my hair.
What razor do you use, my little LARPer?

>> No.16232279
File: 59 KB, 720x700, 1576817255891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He keeps locking down who he is, an insane, quasi-homeless, feral, biodrone demon compiler.

>> No.16232282
File: 87 KB, 736x490, 1611652482755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least my insanity produces "wonderous novelties".

Your's produces a gut wrench from loved ones.

>> No.16232283
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x667, wtqqnkYDYi2ifsWZVW2MT4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what are you?
A leaky bag of sea water with feelings?

>> No.16232286

>Your's produces a gut wrench from loved ones.
You know what's funny?
One of the last things I heard my father say about me is that I was gay and that I had gay naked pictures of myself on the Internet.
Thanks, Dad!
It's called "tough love". I'm not gay and I have never taken naked pictures of myself, let alone put them on the Internet. But he said what he had to say!
That's pedagogy!

>> No.16232288

>My heart is often a calculator, emotional matrix as E-Motion is a force of directionality polarity.
Read the thread, kiddo.

Youre ejected from the nest.

Get over it.

Im ejected from the Nation....then the Planet.

[adjusts tie]

Ejected myself as a Fuk Q.

>> No.16232292

>Youre ejected from the nest.
Oh, I wish you were right.
I'm too smart to get ejected, don't you understand? That's the point of the lesson. That is the point of pedagogy.
God, I love your spirit. You must have had so much trauma growing up.

>> No.16232298
File: 25 KB, 602x378, main-qimg-27dc3b7a65239e9137b4d7950ea3d0b0-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too smart to get ejected

Arrogance. Your dad's subconscious simply rationalized a reason into action, asleep at the wheel.

Like dad, like son.

Like Sun, Like Father.

Youre talking to "Super Brain"....you postured like a teenager....

>> No.16232305

Like a νεανίσκος?
Lol. Jesus was a pedophile.
I still can totally believe it because it was the only thing which made sense when learning that Jesus put his hands upon the children.
My father was a drunk because the American Dream gave him nightmares.
I blame the Anglophone world.
That means I blame you for my father's mental breakdowns.

>> No.16232306
File: 859 KB, 220x166, cats-vs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is the point of pedagogy.
That the outside world contains what is taught in the lecture halls.

>> No.16232310 [DELETED] 

I see.

So there's a demon who is being criminal for profit from the world, and I am doing stuff on the outside but not against the demon yet?

>> No.16232314
File: 128 KB, 1052x578, Screenshot_20240613-181451_Chrome (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im a half of a couple so I seek the polar opposite of me to sustain my existence by resisting my hyper-dimensional expansions, using another for reference in my reality.

Im the self-generating creator god.

I dont need NO one. I make poles in Reality (Real Number R).

>> No.16232317

Its both, correcting internal first is the way, becauae you dont know for sure what youre doing rhats causing downfall back to you.

If youre operating on a level others cannot understand and cant pinpoint the error...they will make up reasons because they dont have a choice.

>> No.16232321
File: 62 KB, 634x255, article-2156189-138046B6000005DC-150_634x255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what should be sung in every English-speaking lecture hall?
>see attached image
Wildberger says R is fake, and he's right.

>> No.16232323

My dad lied about dying from cancer, he was basically fine.

I flew like 9,000 miles last minute (couple weeks) tour to be met with "Im too sick to meet." to go there and see him walking around fine.

I...dont like virtually any of them, just the grandmas and a couple others.

>> No.16232327

>My dad lied about dying from cancer, he was basically fine.
But did he want to see his son?
Or did you arrive and he said, "Sorry, son, I'm busy right now?"
Oh, Harry Chapin!

>> No.16232333
File: 1.83 MB, 1399x1864, 2022-10-22_01.00.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop filling in ignorance with your arrogance of "But what if..." AS IF MY SUPERCOMPUER BRAIN IS LIKE YOUR'S.


Dirtbag, because as soon as I stop correcting him....FAKE REALITY FILLS IT.

>> No.16232340

You're not my fucking peer, dude.

>> No.16232347
File: 628 KB, 1080x2448, Screenshot_20240325-182926_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wildberger says R is fake, and he's right.
He isnt a Physicist, he should stay in his lane, and in Pure Math, he is my student.

Again, your arrogance leads you to your confirmation and nothing more.

>> No.16232351
File: 84 KB, 500x500, artworks-Do7mpjgPg605-0-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, your arrogance leads you to your confirmation and nothing more.
So are so correct, my man. It's like my life has been one large exercise of cognitive bias.
Do you understand what it's like to live a life where everything you think ends up becoming true?
Lol! ROFL!
Keep posting. I love it.
Because it means nothing and every little nothingness in this universe is a miracle.

>> No.16232352
File: 38 KB, 537x571, images - 2022-09-22T194513.019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wildberger says
Because he is a heretic, not a living Prophet making heretics.

>> No.16232359
File: 119 KB, 1624x1141, 1665477923799502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's right
I dont really care what they say a "real number" is, whatever humanity has on the desk for that...I wiped it off the table, I dont care.

I just hear an incoherent discussion of arbitrary rulesets, its approaching from the rules to reality instead of reality to the rules.

My rules reflect reality, their's reflect the will of arrogance.

>> No.16232361

You know, I'm sure there is a multiverse where you are correct about everything and you're being punished in Hell for being correct about everything.
Aren't you happy your consciousness doesn't inhabit that multiverse version of you?

>> No.16232371
File: 1.47 MB, 512x512, 16-22-19-869_512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living gods of planetary polarity.

>It's like my life has been one large exercise of cognitive bias.
Thats called interpreting reality. The world is phase-shifted in regions and population pick and choose which they are and will accept.

I had dreams of other worlds as a child, where all the rules of relaity were broken and danger was everywhere, invisible kinds too.

Now I live it. Stop letting your feelings-reactions be the direction you react with from everything....YOU ARE EASY TO CONTROL BECAUSE YOURE A FLAG LOOKING FOR WIND.

>> No.16232372

>My rules reflect reality, their's reflect the will of arrogance.
How can you believe in determinism and not believe in determinism?
You basically stating that some agents are agents, and other agents you define as not agents...which is what other agents would do to you, because reciprocation.
So you are arrogant.
Do you see how this language shit works? This is the point of "everything you say can be used against you."
But you don't think it's being used against you.
Which is arrogant.
I mean, this better than chatting with any chatbot or GPT.
What a 21st century. Can you imagine, Cult of Passion, how the Victorians 150 years ago would have committed you to the madhouse?
It's so funny and sad.

>> No.16232375

Flags don't have agency, soldier.
Soldiers raise flags.
Come on, your metaphors are weak.

>> No.16232378

>Aren't you happy your consciousness doesn't inhabit that multiverse version of you?



ASSUMING=LYING....your ENTIRE imagination formulates things that only benefit your warped worldview where Im retarded, or, so smart and youre so small, this SATANIC BINARY of "RUSSIA OR UKRIANE TO WIN."

>Killing to stop, plx.

>> No.16232380



>clap back
>clap back
>clap back
>clap back
>clap back
Ah jeez, I guess youre right and the SMARTEST BEING EVER IS TOTES RETARDED, NEVERMIND.

>> No.16232381

I'm not proud of this outcome.

>> No.16232382
File: 28 KB, 807x380, images (14) (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clap back
>clap back
>clap back
>clap back
>clap back
Scorpion person.

He WILL press the button and a bit of him is in all of (You).

>> No.16232385

The FIRST response You STILL havnt accepted.




....GROSS.....GO AWAY.

>> No.16232390
File: 258 KB, 1080x886, Screenshot_20240613-185704_Photos (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Admiral Richard Bird's report of a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole in an instant...
How could he verify this from the South Pole?

>> No.16232391 [DELETED] 

Can I haz pole?

No? ...GROSS...

>> No.16232393
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>> No.16232399
File: 16 KB, 641x459, images (14) (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I haz pole?
Yeah, you seize it from all other beings operating from that pole.

You have to....seize Pole-land.

But after that even more, Astral, poles there are.

>> No.16232408
File: 107 KB, 720x720, 1510608928979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Be your Truest self if you want others to bow to (You).

They will...or they will kill you.

>> No.16232419
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever read One Hundred Years of Solitude?
I get why it starts with the guy being put against the wall.

>> No.16232424
File: 25 KB, 558x550, images (10) (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wall
Verticle. An "impossoble" Gordion knot that *is possible* but impossible to fully describe.

Complex vector, the balance of the two forces your fighting between and into a higher plane. Doesnt "solve" everything, but allows forofe growth before another jump is needed.

Unless you induce Hell upon yourself, then its recursive and fractal and time stops.

Being an aspect of an invertebrate makes that fit like a glove, hence why recuring, but others can its just not going to be a recuring event...unless you schizo break then youre fucked.

A normal human "having a realization" is that, just at a singular, life event, thing instead of the flow of a river, then oceans, then cosmic flows etc.

>> No.16232429 [DELETED] 

I think I've seized the vertical using my gross

>> No.16232430

Using the words "left & right" tell me to go up and watch me go back and forth.

>Lord, God, Holy Spirit.
Subtleties in rigid communications.

People latch too hard onto the rigid...the complex and true gets denied with blocky estimations.

>> No.16232434
File: 1.82 MB, 2448x1080, Screenshot_20240401-214754_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've seized
By "revealing yourself" to me?

Youre a reflection of the 1.

Im.....used to this by now.

"Four Ewe."


>> No.16232435
File: 45 KB, 600x500, Optic-nerve-tract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I like this image.
Upside down and backwards.

>> No.16232436
File: 421 KB, 600x500, Optic-nerve-tract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, wrong one.

>> No.16232447
File: 12 KB, 298x169, images (14) (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the leading Cognitive and Brain Developmental researcher on the planet and your giving me a presentation on it?

Reflection means an inverse measure from, from an alternate perspective, correlating the the math shit I posted above, but that requires a Pure Math PhD, not a Cognition/DevPsych/Evol-whatever.

I know.

I am informing you where it came from and how to solve your demons, otherwise youre fighting Chaos with the expectation of getting the upper hand when losing doesnt cost me anything because it simply means I do not have the citation, not that I am wrong.

>> No.16232449
File: 33 KB, 739x415, images (11) (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using my gross
Negative, this.

Yeah, Im not 100% on cracking this vector, its the Ezekiel one. Shitty? But there is a way out, Ive seen it.

>> No.16232450
File: 21 KB, 240x341, 240px-Flayed_One2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...means submission/out of control/similar in my language.

Like Jesus and Muhammed.

>> No.16232455
File: 439 KB, 744x606, math state university math diploma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not have the citation
Citations are a mark of the beast.
Are you a beast? Does someone need to track you and your work so you can be validated? You're preaching to the choir.
>that requires a Pure Math PhD
Oh wait a minute yes you are.
Do you know I declined to defend my thesis? I wish I could have seen my supervisor's face when he got the news.
Who does something like that?

>> No.16232458
File: 102 KB, 1024x990, 1678466737267684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And being a 50/50 never results a 50/50, life adds things, people add things, you add things, and when everyone put money into a black box and its unknow who took what out, finding out its empty is finding out your "co-operation" was a parasite/host operation from something.

50/50 in the west is absolute Matriarchy (which results is 80% favorship to women, fair and equal JUST-Ice) because the 50/50 in the east is absolute Patriarchy (The alternative neutral/center, requiring a complete reordering of reality and based off of Physics first at the human scale, which the two combined is why previous ones failed, they didnt, and fields like Medicine have been based off of Chemistry, the atomic scale not converted into human scale, it "has" but it shouldnt have been based off of that, BioPhysics, yes, the molecule is a middleman betweent he body-person and the soul.).

The New Moon (Temple).

>> No.16232463
File: 133 KB, 879x1100, c2312f40d06c916e755cd2e99d02a776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it "has" but it shouldnt have been based off of that,
Wrong answer with a correction to "make it work" is two wrongs.


>> No.16232464

It never ocurred to me that you could be a nepo baby living the good life.
Holy shit, are you a nepo baby?

>> No.16232467
File: 46 KB, 700x500, 1714035473711297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The illusions he spins are beneficial to his ego.

Reality is not...its a choice from the heart but some people's hearts dont care what reality it is (brainless-operating people).

FEELINGS are what they operate from and a good story (deluded life) is always enjoyable, no matter how sad and tragic from the outside.

>> No.16232469
File: 41 KB, 416x552, images (14) (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Genetic break in 525,000,000 years ago, keenly aware of that fact and can sense that amount of time, deducing curremt passage into such.

>> No.16232470

Why are you talking past me?
Your narcissicm is amazing to behold.
Imagine you speaking like this at dinner parties. Oh, how you must hide yourself.
It's fucking amazing. I love this safari.

>> No.16232475
File: 9 KB, 258x193, EYMX1QyXsAARCsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never knew me.

>> No.16232479

There's nothing to know.

>> No.16232481 [DELETED] 

And when you're done, you'll feel a fleshy thing

>> No.16232483


>clap back
>clap back
>clap back
>clap back




>> No.16232485
File: 20 KB, 504x415, 1j7rqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>clap back
>>clap back
>>clap back
>>clap back

>> No.16232486 [DELETED] 




>> No.16232488

We're going to reach the thread post limit, and you'll still wonder why I'm replying while you are BTFO of me.
Keep up.
I like this Barkon. guy.

>> No.16232489
File: 5 KB, 153x179, 1707174669886639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>clap back
>>clap back
>>clap back
>>clap back
"Yeah, well...have you ever considered Im a wind up toy with no agency?"

THIS IS WHY YOU ARE EJECTED, YOURE LEANING INTO ADULT-CHILDHOOD AS A "THIS IS MY NATURAL STATE ACCEPT MY BULLSHIT BUT DONT GIVE ME NONE. (When in reality its masochistic in nature, always finding yourself the vicitim with big, emotional, outburst and people cam take sides, very cathartic, you only had to wreck some people day for you to feel alive, thats all.)

(Royal) We know.

>> No.16232491

>>clap back
>>clap back
>>clap back
>>clap back

LARPs and projections of their faux-emotions, its all social backing up each other (sucking each other thumbs).

>> No.16232492

Fucking faggots all of you
I ain't reading shit in this god awful thread

>> No.16232494

>>clap back
>>clap back
>>clap back
>>clap back
"clap back" just tells me "Im a piece of shit."

There is no need to search further, shit ags defend evil. Simple as.

>> No.16232495 [DELETED] 

Cult of Passion is the only good poster on sci bar myself.

>> No.16232496
File: 524 KB, 850x560, Ursula-von-der-Leyen-850x560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling this to yourself?
Is this for the text crawlers parsing these fora?
Is this you BTFO others?
Your creativity has its limits, I suppose. Whereas I can just reply to anything you come up with because...I'm a loser.
Heh. What is "winning?"

>> No.16232499
File: 12 KB, 268x255, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre not a scientist, youre a tourist LARPing a "smarter person" here.

What is your field of study, student?

>> No.16232500

You shouldn't.
This was a huge waste of time, except I can type slightly faster now.

>> No.16232503
File: 176 KB, 660x495, 1454948796255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you...
Two words in and a clap back. He is telling me who I am while be verified wrong, he simply rejects every word I say, who is communicating in this interaction?

The demon.

Everything in his reality is based on himself being the center point, same as me...this is the reflection I was talking about. Its now supposed to be two 1s making a square root, which will give another vector blah blah.

My Job. His is "being without agency in the wind while complaining, quite loudly, about his situation".

>Its smells bad.
No...no its something else thats wrong here.

>> No.16232508

>same as me.
But that whole "Alternate Nuetral/Center" thing, which he isnt translating and I have ti heal his degenerate ass.

>> No.16232514

Is this your diary? Do you save these web pages?
I mean, maybe.

>> No.16232517
File: 24 KB, 510x346, images - 2022-08-31T151709.453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this your
Third word in and a clap back.

No thoughts. No introspection. No reevaluating the situation.

Just perform a charging attacking in an open field.

>> No.16232519
File: 1.07 MB, 662x500, naruto-run-rasengan-charge-power-byj9l9i5n0vnsfjo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full frontal assault with zero awareness of the situation.

:clap: is a human's version of barking.

>> No.16232522

When black people repeat themselves over and over, thats barking.

Youre barking, only gives a shit about whats going out...the outside no longer matters.


I try to correct Heaven.

You fill it with >you [clap bavk] Barkbarkbarkbarkbark.

>> No.16232529
File: 80 KB, 500x374, 1510715637274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You hide from reality then pretend to have life experience like everyone else BUT NEVER DID THE THINGS, just LARPed....

You eventually become "one of those people" because BARKBARKBARKBARK.....

Thanks, no, not interested in beating some mans failure, whoever that man is...needs a flogging, just like my dad, FLOGGED.


>you angry


>i like my way
LEARNED. You SUBMITTED to it to make it pleasurable, now youre unable to perceive reality because everything you know is predicated on selfish gain and lies.

You played God and chose wrong.

Those "Hells" had consequences.

>> No.16232534
File: 237 KB, 1024x1024, 1717708362239107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeking demon.

Without Chaos they cause it, little destructors for "angry smiles and cathartic victimizartion" as their "life experience builder".

Inward means doesnt want to leave the next, so they dont do this in places it would be appropriate, they would have to live like a Prophet, and that hurts, so they stay at home...and just "find themselves in the very thing they need to survive".

Of course home become meta here, moving out doesnt always mean they spiritually moved out, it all becomes a mask just believeable enough to convince themselves its ok.

>> No.16232538
File: 106 KB, 735x726, 20240317_001134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt want to leave the nest
So family eject first.

The laws protect the shits more than the parents so actually enforcing boundries with pain is illegal, he now crosses the line to everyone he meets.

Broken nose in front of everyone he has ever known and police and nobody does a thing would teach him, but theyres more of him as voters than you.

The criminals run the city now...by your own hands.


Four Ewe, when is a gift not a gift?


Freedom and Democracy is Evolutoonary direction...and theyre blind and evil, and 51% of the vote, just split in two side and again, you get rhe point, you can out balance it for a time but its in charge, not you.

You have Demos-cracy of the soul and chose Satanic desire over reality (Heaven).

>> No.16232540
File: 22 KB, 584x328, images (14) (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, wrong pic.

South East Asian soup time, they got that down, good fucking soups. More of a Pho guy myself but these Thai ones arent too bad.

>> No.16232542
File: 37 KB, 480x480, images (13) (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four Ewe.

Cut the knot, again.

>> No.16232547

Why did We post this gif?

>> No.16232550
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding out, that what, but he has learned he can cross lines and be legally protected.

Demonic incursion.

In the outside world, the real one not the warped ass west, would have pain'd him into compiance, because he cannot hear or see, he must FEEL the effects of his errors.

Otherwise he takes another step "bEcAuSe hE dOnT kNoW wHaT eLsE tO Do."

>> No.16232557

>bEcAuSe hE dOnT kNoW wHaT eLsE tO Do."
This is from never leaving home, leaving the Shire, never doing anything, never becoming anyone, just "whatever" until his subconscious mind says "I need something to make you from." but its fed nothing.

Action via reaction, no one is "conscious" in these actions and thats the "Ignorance is Strength". Lean into it, like everything else, become warped inside and eat ahit and speak astral feces because why not, you can take the stentch, everyone else just needs to relax, lolololcrycrycrymylifeishit!!!!

>> No.16232566

I left home for 15 years an returned to everyone was in the same places!

Drug dens, meager life close to home and mom, warped family life, Im not 100% all three of those brothers had any kids, only one may have, the other two are junkies.

Other guy moved back in with "Ma!" with a 10 boy who has no father because he is a boy at mom's house. He has grandma and a big brother.

>Hated us for our freedom.
To put children in horrific homes, yes, thats always been the intent, seperation of the kids from the parents.

Then you can evolve humans to become blind, deaf and mute forever, theyre dumb enough to vote for it.

>> No.16232570
File: 70 KB, 454x675, images (14) (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everything on Earth is human and humane...

>> No.16232579

So, if I am I and I are I then I am I and he is I, she is I, but never they are I, because they is a plural of you.
I think you're mental cancer.
King of the Mental Miasma of Mania.
I can't believe this guy can't believe that taking selfies of yourself after pumping weights makes you a loser.
This planet will heal.

>> No.16232585
File: 1.71 MB, 200x356, 200w (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its so complex to be called "Take initiative in producing a life worth living in."

You didnt produce anything, you waited for someone to give it to you but that got you ejected instead.

>Victimization affirmed.
Every clap back is an affirmation of what you are from your perspective, making "your reality" more true and everyone else's less true.

>> No.16232589

>So, if I am I...
No thoughts. No introspection. No reevaluating the situation.

Just perform a 180°bcharging attacking in an open field.

>> No.16232593

>will heal
>Victimization affirmed.
>Speaking from the noble side of history after burning down.
Unlived Truth.

>> No.16232598

I don't even know what dick tastes like.
Obviously I'm living an unlived life and an unlived truth.
You actually posted something which implied stac play.
You are the abomination! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Fucking loser, (You) are, and your genetics prove it.
A bottleneck is a SPHINCTER!

>> No.16232601

scat play*

>> No.16232608
File: 561 KB, 1080x2448, Screenshot_20240523-182253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think Oysters eat?

I am well aware of humans and food and all "dat shit".

>> No.16232609

Tell me, Abomination, does eating teenager shit taste better than old man shit? Does pregnant woman shit taste better than incel man shit?
Tell shit, Abomination.

>> No.16232611

I bet you ate the ceconium, Abomination!
Oh God, the fucking horror!

>> No.16232613
File: 103 KB, 640x853, Meconium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meconium, fucking typos.

>> No.16232616
File: 855 KB, 1080x2448, Screenshot_20240613-214946_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a price, this means you will eventually be able to be taught to eat feces.

I, on the otherhand, would literally ascend to Heaven before that happens.

This means I know of this worse than Death itself.

Imagine cutting thriugh the jungle to find people who meet God through eating feces and burning women alive, lets not even begin with the child eating and such, thats "Advanced Human Sacrifice".

Four deep two huemanity.

>> No.16232621

>You have a price, this means you will eventually be able to be taught to eat feces.
What is oxygen?
My mitochondria have a mind of their own.
But I am not my mitochondria.
You pathetic animal. Keep hallucinating.
Let's hit that post limit.

>> No.16232629
File: 52 KB, 650x425, images (14) (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are also often the kind of people that speak of this vague "multi-culturalism" which just means all races in one spot to them, no rhyme or reason, which is basically "unevenly yolked" marriages inside of a nation.

What womenkinfolk call a "Unfair Power Dynamic".

No ma'am, its called Demos-cracy and youre a BIG fan of it, you just chose the Slaver over a Husband.

>That, ladies and gentlemen, is how *Eye* clap back.

>> No.16232638

Bro, everything you write is downstream of the fact that you are disappointed you are not the Philosopher King.
It's funny.

>> No.16232639

>My mitochondria have a mind of their own.

You submit to their signal.

I starve myself and genocide them into compliance.


>clap back


There is a One True Way to the loo.

>> No.16232641
File: 536 KB, 1480x720, 2023-03-12_04.40.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseudo-equality, that 50/50 where he can infect it with shit from his corrected heart via a neutral/off-switched brain.

>clap clap clap

>> No.16232644
File: 151 KB, 672x936, m20-269-swamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I starve myself and genocide them into compliance.
Dude, I laughed.
Fermentation sticks.
You must reek. Disgusting.

>> No.16232645

stinks*, holy fuck these typos
Not cool.
>Pseudo-equality, that 50/50 where he can infect it with shit from his corrected heart via a neutral/off-switched brain.
I prefer 1:1.

>> No.16232647

>you are not the Philosopher King.
He cannot see how he cannot see.

Only PHYSICAL PAIN teaches him, but youre an ignorant, and democract, species. Youre OK with objective evil if it benefits you too, anti-reality is evil...its all you produce.

This is the Way of Man; Satanic.

>> No.16232649

>I prefer 1:1
Never happening, you are retarded and Satanic and shit for even saying that. Its a forced position because the top has no use for looking up, it never would.....ITS ALL YOU DO.

You are a broken, disabled, fractured, component.


>> No.16232656

It's epic to think that these are the thoughts of a person who appears sane in public.
You're into spanking? I hear spanking is a useful tool to teach the kids.
Is there a correct way to spank? I want to learn from the best.
How else does this PHYSICAL PAIN teach? Stochastically?

>> No.16232658

This is just an online image board which serves as a chat room.
I know you don't have a present, but does your many pasts and many futures at any point conspire to produce a coherent "now"?
I could empathize is the answer is no, because nothing is ever coherent.
It must suck to be you.

>> No.16232659

When its not...that means the living Prophet is going to cause war, via love...or hate.

I could imagine it having a willing one in the opposite way of me but...ir seems like much of one direction just leads to death, its all very one sided, chiral branching of survivors.

>> No.16232662

>appears sane
LARPing a Psychologist here. Mathematician there.

Kathey Newman "forgot" she wasnt a NeuroChemist on TV and nobody seems to think this lapse is reality is concerning?

>> No.16232667

>Why do we have not-doctor doctors?
Because you have not real beliefs and force those ideas over other to win arguemnts online or with friend and family.

"Power Dynamics of the Slavers".

>> No.16232669

All these neologisms you use.
Why do you care about the fields of study?
You know who cares about the fields?
The overseers and the slaves.
If you're not a slave, you're an overseer.
And that makes you evil.
I sometimes am unaware at the levels of human depravity. This is why the ancients protected and blessed the virgins.
It's easy to violate shit on this Earth, (don'tcha) know?

>> No.16232675
File: 31 KB, 672x456, images (14) (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these neologisms
That singular.

Even in your vainest of attempts...all you can see if an opportunity to Profit from the situation.

Sealed heart, which communicates through FEELINGS.

>They were there to...

>> No.16232683
File: 252 KB, 625x415, tmp-name-2-14583-1615401887-26_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's great?
If anyone reads this thread, they're going to notice a difference between your posts and the posts of everyone else.
And you know what's great? It's that Legion wins.
Legion wins.
Now, if Legion wins, you have to figure out how you lost, or how you are the head of Legion. And I'm not sure you're going to manage that.
I think you're a lost cause, and that's fun to think about because you don't think you're a lost cause.
Defend yourself against these accusations with more non sequiturs. How else can Legion distinguish itself from others than by those who perform the constant non sequitur?

>> No.16232693

My ass looked like that one time. Because I didn't write in cursive.
Because I didn't write [math] in cursive! [/math]
You might as well post scat gore where they shove the colon into the mouth.
Keep larping. Go through that scanner in the airport. Keep getting your passport stamped. Take pictures of your food. You're winning at life!

>> No.16232709


You needed a father figure, now you only know domination as relations.

>> No.16232714

I had the best father, though.
You see the problem?
You know what it's like growing up knowing money is fake?
You don't!

>> No.16232716

>clap back

Youre just in a world made for good people, the extra room allows for your transgressions....but democracy has showed it true colors, absolute, throat grab, tyranny.

>> No.16232717

>I had the best father
No "man" produces a degenerating tool of the deepstate.

If you serious in that, I would flog both of you without investigation.....CASE CLOSED.

>> No.16232720

>tool of the deepstate?
Why would you write this?
>Youre just in a world made for good people, the extra room allows for your transgressions....but democracy has showed it true colors, absolute, throat grab, tyranny.
Oh man, this guy doesn't know about lobbying.
Holy shit.

>> No.16232743

>Why would you write this?
Because its True Reality.
>Oh man, this guy doesn't know about lobbying.
Corporation are People.
>Holy shit.
Youre not Holy, stop talking about your Cognitive blindness with Pride.

>> No.16232748

>the dad
Im going to assume he was kicked out the ol' ball'n'chain and now he doesnt know how to be a man and his mom hates men.

Instinctively, so does he. Power=Man=Bad!

>> No.16232751
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>> No.16232756

>Im going to assume he was kicked out the ol' ball'n'chain and now he doesnt know how to be a man and his mom hates men.
If you guessed correctly, I would tell you.
>Corporations are People.
Especially in bankruptcy.

>> No.16232769
File: 132 KB, 1080x1089, n5gyhk40guqb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know how to be a man
>and his mom hates men.
So he does too but doesnt know this, making him "counter The Man" as he was trained to look up at others, inversely putting himself down.

Victim from the first posts. Daddy issues. Adult with adult parent issues is a "move out" situation, the fact these pseudo-adults dont undestand you have lay in pajamas til youre 30 and be "able to make adult decisions".

Nope. Demos-cracy and {{{Human Rights}}} made the Constitution all but void, its selective, the People didnt norice or care, so its semi-permanent.

Soon...permanent and total, "to save Demos-cracy" of course. They like this, even the ones that dont.

Reminds me of this clip of Micheal Malice I think talking about Russian socialites praising the very riots coming to kill them in the revolution.

How they vote for the gun in the mouth, this is the unguided nature of Man. Causing war or you kill them, choose.

Neither? Cool, your death then.

Everybody talks about what the Trinity is.

Nobody plays the Trinity game.

>> No.16232776

Why do you reply to yourself?
Are you afraid you will forget?
Is this just your exercise in remembering?
I mean, armchair psychologist thinks anything is possible.

>> No.16232779
File: 138 KB, 1140x851, The-Passion-of-The-Christ-1-1140x851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your death
Tribe of Dan not mentioned as sealed in Revelation, the hybrid child...

Buddhism's "Ending of the Cycle" and never returning (for several Ages?! Which is a retarded amount of time, but a few of the things Ive worked on have been that level of alteration and magnitude in time, Ice Age tier shit.

>> No.16232784
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...you keep approaching what I am as what you think I am, IT IS INSULTING.


>> No.16232791
File: 668 KB, 1080x2448, Screenshot_20240613-232510_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lives in this "They either rape ya or ya rape them, aint no "Stop the people dying." Its UKRAINE OR RUSSIAN, CHOOSE THE RAPE.

>> No.16232795

Its Star Trek away team landing on a semi covilized world and getting gunned down by people that "didnt how the new people made them feel".

>Prime Directives.
Yes, Prime Archs are well aware of Prime Directives, you would know them more accurately as "Security Clearences" for "(Inter)National Secrets".

>> No.16232805
File: 221 KB, 602x421, 2023-05-20_07.55.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yeah but fuck that guy, [[[bro]]]."
>pure emotional rationalization without any brain power used, as that was offloaded to the collective to save energy, now he is one of the headless people posted above...an "lol until the killing gets to them" person.

>> No.16232818

"I voted for this but only to certain people I dont like!"

It all starts from counter reality in these posts above, when his emotions no longer are served by reality....he forces anti-Reality upon others to try and fill that void but it never does, it becomes meaningless or it has to ratchet up.

Because the resistance griws, he must tighten at the same time. You relax? Tightens way faster.

The whole 'vote your way in, shoot your way out' because once you gave it the gun, it has nothing to gain giving it back...death comes before that because its basically thre same thing. Unlimited drug supply in a mansion vs back on the street scrounging for crumbs and highs.

Like how I chose death before other things...he just needs to touch that signal, and he will come alive.

>> No.16232828
File: 2.13 MB, 354x354, Newton_fractal_modyfications.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lestat was a lēistēs.
A lēistēs is what Jesus was.
Lol! I love it.
God you're so dumb and it's so beautiful.
There is so much entropy in your mind.

>> No.16232834
File: 691 KB, 2048x1536, 1514257606439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks at the elites.
Yep...looks about right. Bunch of creeps on islands doing shit they clearly are scared of, but they also control the FBI, so...lol...makes six figures and worth hundreds of millions...lmao...

Fishy international shit, you people are all focused on "Fuck Domlnahd Blumphghs" as to mot realize everyone you voted for to defeat him works for an international conglomerate thats openly against all nations themselves and for rhe "center-ego-selfish" people....just internationally instead of locally. They use your ignorance of the world to get you to accept evil ass shit abroad.

...but that doesnt matter. His feelings, everyone.....HIS FEELINGS THOUGH...

>> No.16232836
File: 20 KB, 636x382, images (14) (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I voted for this but only to certain people I dont like!"
Heh, forgot picture...

Im multi-tasking.

>> No.16232838

Hey, do you think soldiers who off themselves because they can't handle being on anymore are cowardly pussies?
Like the airman who self-immolated? Was that a pussy move?
Must be. Can't be anything otherwise, correct?

>> No.16232842
File: 286 KB, 720x720, 2023-08-28_12.09.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God you're so dumb
Youre literally a brainless retard living out a delusion....



>> No.16232845
File: 265 KB, 1200x764, Thích_Quảng_Đức_self-immolation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question still hangs so you can post your non sequiturs to yourself.
We're talking about suicide, here.
I want to know what afflicts those minds. And you have the answers.

>> No.16232847
File: 25 KB, 640x480, images (14) (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if anyone hasnt noticed...the brainless retard is the only one that confronts me. Pure, open field, yelling loudly, running from a mile away, charging attack, weapon raised high the entire time, and yelling, in a straight line.

Everyone else hides, all those retarded PhDs......

>> No.16232848

Weapon? I've never even punched someone in the face!
How many have you killed? More than 0?!
Do you want a statue?
>all those retarded PhDs......
Broken clock syndrome is pretty great. Yup, I agree with this.

>> No.16232854
File: 171 KB, 1200x800, JJS_Dojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never even punched someone in the face!
Thats a problem, fix it.

>> No.16232860
File: 379 KB, 1200x1000, autism2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you want




>> No.16232866







>> No.16232871
File: 91 KB, 842x842, ouroboros of violence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Now that I think about it, I think I've punched myself in the face before.
So you really want is to know what it's like to punch others.
So revealing.
You like hurting things? It's cool to see things...react to stimulus.

>> No.16232876

You know all caps is considered poor form, right?
Man, I have a view of the garden from here while I smoke outside and this is paradise.
You've got a lot of rage in you for a higher being.
Interesting data.

>> No.16232893

>Do you want a statue?

>> No.16232897

>Do you want a statue?

>> No.16232914
File: 92 KB, 512x640, 20230617_210105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre just saying words and gaining "free energy" like a parasite.



>> No.16232918
File: 10 KB, 309x163, images - 2023-12-09T101020.106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah but hahahahaha.
Youre a failed degenerate LARPing on the internet.....

>Hahaha but I feel no shame...


Or humiliation if theyre a "Cultural Revoltionist".

>> No.16232921
File: 104 KB, 900x631, opium-den-china-1901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep genociding your mitochondria, bro.
You're the boss.
It's not like those who money launder and those who defraud are the parasites. It's hard work to launder money and defraud!
This is the 21st century, guys. What would have the Victorians thought of this?

>> No.16232925

My brainless perceiption was...well...a miracle.

Measure all sort of things from celestial volumes to distances and more.....not to mention the Geomtry.

You? Egoism. Selfish desire. Chaos for excitement. All especially when "co-deoendent", like you.....half of a whole because youre a broken person (DEMON) who refuses the medicine because this type of demon is Biological in origin, and conscious...more than hits host that is.


>> No.16232927

>Youre a failed degenerate LARPing on the internet.....
And...where is your statue so that I can make sure it's not vandalized with graffiti?
So...are (you) part of this (they)? I thought you were special.

>> No.16232938

My man, unless you provide documents, which are part of the fabric of civilization, you here are also part of the chaos. You understand? How can't you understand?
Show me what is yours on this Earth. Prove your supremacy. Is it a Purple Heart? Higher commendations?
You show me the paper which says you rule the world, and I'll believe it, because you would have shown me the proof.
So, just prove how awesome you are. I'm sure you have something to promote. We live in the age of promotion, after all.

>> No.16232951
File: 29 KB, 393x280, illustration-fat-man-who-sees-260nw-168714749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Why would I need to look at the mirror, haha, I know what I look like."









>Kathey Newman forget she wasnt a NeuroChemist.
Oh...youre just a thoughtless person stabbing at the unknown because "lol I dont a have soul you make learning hurt".

Sentinalese. Adamite.

God's failure.

>> No.16232959
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>My man,
Right off the bat, into his deluded sick, ego driven, emotional narrative....but youre demonically ill, so this is a NO GO.





"i ascended theiugh gross"
Rape people who are apathetic to it.

What he is all about and Demos-cracy is on tbe way in tve West with them jeet DEMANDING things now.

>> No.16232964

Revoltion is the shared feeling.

Its shared love.

And the stench keeps people away...

...been so lonely, for so long...

[eye catch]

>> No.16232976

>Suddenly a minority shit-people vote has a potential majority....if they can just half it once term...they could lock it in.

Demos is strength....just not your strength, but thanks for the votes lol...

>Russian socialites

Sad and sick, gun in its own mouth God, I have little interest in its Satanic creation or its warped visions of the future.

Nature itself is Satanic, thats why its in everyone.

Cheap and easy ions, its litesally Phsyics, you (clap clap clap) never learn.

Never learns....just clap clap clap ,(never change, just try again EXACTLY the same way, the RETARD WAY HURRRRRRR).

>> No.16232988

>Democracy is now "RETARD WAY HURRRRR" vs Me.
>50/50 as usual.

Then its not worth saving, as it Judged itself as not worth saving.

Saving it means eternal energy for life support (like an organelle). A dependent, like a child or wife, but as an adult male LARPing as a child.

>> No.16232989
File: 21 KB, 460x345, images (14) (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks God....next time ask for an adult.

>> No.16233052
File: 154 KB, 800x533, Freeze_branded_horse_at_St._John's_Parade,_May_12,_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shoot the horse because it's a money loss.
Otherwise, you needn't shoot the horse.
Horses are expensive.

>> No.16233762
File: 75 KB, 728x951, 5be7fe476c55f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it's a money loss
>not because he refuses to cooperate like an adult and is a "failed male"
He will choose anything other than the Truth.

The Truth will never serve his lies, which only serve his interests, thus the Truth is antithetical to his pleasure-seeking.

The very concept of someone having (+) plenty to give is beyond him...scarcity, poverty, mindSET.

He worships a false god. I at least can respect some warrior heathen of some kind, doesnt know shit but "strong beast like me argh argh".

>> No.16233775
File: 205 KB, 657x1000, A1yr44oyywL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a false god
When it becomes circular, self serving, it become false because it only exists in (You) and in others that "fell" into that Evolutionary void.

Easy to fall in...walking out of a black hole getting out.

>My body told me with feelings.
Or were you bought?
>Ive never felt this way before.
Because youve never done anything worth a damn in your entire life...now a few pennies are seen are riches beyond imagination.

Thats why even Prophets fall into these traps, its FEELS right. KNOWING better is the difference and how I tell my heart what is what, not the other way around.

Making me, by definition, Anti-Jesus (heart), as I am The Christ (brain), but I entered the brain FROM the heart, hence;

The way to the Father is through Jesus.

The other way around, Ego and Intellect first, Dawkins, leads to soulless NPCs pecking at their lifeline.

>> No.16233786

>it becomes circular
>pecking at their lifeline
A "Cultural Humanist" because he doesnt understand humans.

A "Cultural Evolutionary Biologist" because his underatanding of Evolution involves a circle-path via memetics, which trade-winds the Genetics.

"Human Theorist" is a better title, but he has had very little Applied training as he doesnt understand the Heart at all.

His thought process hasnt logically, with correct knowledge, predicted the outcomes of his beliefs, hence why he still charges ahead even tbough his heart is starting to pump the brakes.

>Rolls for "Straight Ahead Charging Attack".

Consciously he hasnt recognized his own signal, his own heart, yet...

>> No.16233796
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>hasnt recognized his own signal
Which when he does, so will those around him. His "coming home moment".

"Culturally Salvation." Cause the need to be saved in yourself then you "get" to be saved.

>> No.16233803
File: 14 KB, 165x252, images - 2022-11-06T174713.323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Culturally Salvation
Or is it Cultural Grace?

I might have to check the ancient scrolls, or some Rabis or something, to get to the bottom of accurately defining the incoherent Chaos of these Adamites.

>> No.16233805
File: 86 KB, 997x1240, 1673567226168514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he has Cultural Grace, I give Cultural Salvation.

This is retarded.

>> No.16233810
File: 846 KB, 244x234, 1640446755508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cultural Grace
Acts like an asshat.
>Cultural Salvation
Profanity laced shitpost with Love.